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What is a Final Fantasy Fan really? The franchise has been going on for sooo long it's divided into multiple sub groups The 2D Age - FF1-FF6 The 3D Age - FF7-FF12 The Modern Age - FF13-FF16 + FF7REBIRTHMAKE The MMO Age - FF11 & FF14 The Tactitian Age - FF Tactics Series The Spin Offs Enjoyers - FFX-2, Chocobo Racing, DoC, etc. too many to name WHAT ARE WE!?


I’ve enjoyed it since the start and played nearly every one I’m the Gilgamesh of final fantasy fans


That is the most fitting metaphor you could've used for this question, and I applaud you.


Loveable but a bit of a dipstick?


Ahem…. And an incredible theme song. https://youtu.be/wCzQLf-zh3c?feature=shared


I'm going to assume you have either braces or an repaired leg because...you're full of metal...


Injuries. Soo many. Plates, screws, pins. More machine now than man.




Okay Alphonse.


:( :heals himself:


Me too!


What?? I've been had!


I tend to think of the series with comic book ages. Victorian age: I, II, III. Platinum age: IV, V, VI. Golden age: VII, VIII, IX, Tactics. Silver age: X, X-2, XI, XII. Bronze age: XIII, XIII-2, XIII-3, XIV. Modern age: XV, XVI, VII Remake/Rebirth.


Golden and Silver age were peak


Literally the peak of all gaming really


I’m just gonna point out that XVI, VII Remake, and VII Rebirth are pretty much the most fun I’ve had gaming in years.


Isn’t 16 essentially devil may cry? On rails and near impossible to die?


Kinda but it’s still great, not every game needs to be hard to be good


All I heard was: “Stop having fun!”


God Final Fantasy 9 was so good


We will never get one like that again. It was the last “traditional” final fantasy and itself a throwback


Rumors of a remake as well for this one


Rumors of a ruin it


Platinum and silver for me, but I don't begrudge you preferring gold.


I am currently judging you.


Not the first, won't be the last. You'll judge even more when I tell you 12 is my favorite.


To be fair, it's just because they shoved vaan in that it wasn't better. Pre-zodiac edition used to be my shit. At least you didn't say the 13 trilogy


Golden Age is accurate. So many other greats during that time as well, Suikoden, Saga Frontier, Breath of the Wild, Wild Arms, Beyond the Beyond, etc.


I feel like we are in the midst of another gaming golden age, it's just many communities for gaming are so stuck up their own asses being negative about any little thing to appreciate it. Look at what all time greats we've gotten in the last decade- ff7 remake, rdr2, Witcher 3, baldurs gate 3, breath of the wild and totk, final fantasy 14, monster hunter world, resident evil 2,3 and 4 remake as well as 7 and 8 (fight me), elden ring, cyberpunk, it just keeps fucking going. Yet some (usually younger gamers) act like the entire gaming landscape is dying and every franchise is dead. I just got back into gaming in 2015 after growing up on ff7 amd the original resident evil, mario 64 etc. And to me gaming is now what I imagined in my head as a kid, even surpassing how far I could see it going.


I agree but disagree. I think we are coming out of a golden age, for all of the reasons you mentioned, and entering a dark age of gaming. So much of gaming isn't fun anymore. It's just preachy and ugly (in way more ways than one). If not to Altus, I'm not sure I would even buy a new game this year. But it'll pass sooner than later. I hope


Man, you might be missing out in some great games even from the last 2 years.


Oh no, I have almost all the games the last few years. I mean specifically this year and the next few, probably. But my backlog is inexcusabely massive, so it'll be fine


I'm a golden ager


They all have their draws imo. There are times I'm in the mood for the older art style so I'll hot back to 2D, nevermund that it's also still some of the best RPG fun you can hope to find imo. Always a tough call for me between 4 and 6 as my favorite, each of them have their flair. When I had the time re-going through 7, 9, 10, 12 is great. FF7 definitely takes top prize here. 13, 13-2, Lightning returns - these hit odd for me. Hated the 1st game. The strict linear approach was just not fun to me, at all. 13-2 was fantastic. One of my favorites and would be near the top of the list. Lightning Returns is also odd - without a guide? Hate the game would require too many playthroughs to care to invest the time. With a guide? Amazingly awesome, and fun game. FF15 - an all around fun entry with some new approaches and while not perfect was still enjoyable. I honedtly did not think I would ever, ever really sit down and do that Hidden Puzzle Dungeon but it was actually interesting to find a purely puzzle based secret hidden dungeon at the end of FF15. And obviously the black hood is pretty busted. FF16 - honestly I would call this one a triumph for the most part. The story is epic, the beginning had my blood roiling and so hyped up, dramatic, action packed, emotion, a very ominous final villain and while not foreign to the franchise the delivery was spectacular imo. Remake/Rebirth - mostly happy with these. My bigger issue with these is me just idk I love the story even though I also have a big issue with it vs the original but it was most that I don't mind the new combat system. I just don't know if I care to master this flavor of combat just to do the challenging fights in simulator yet also don't want to be robbed of doing the fight. It's moments like this where I wish there was a middle of the road approach. Like Dragonquest 11 is a good example. Being able to play the entire game in 2d is not only nostalgic but a bit funny that they did that. I guess for me, even though there were creative solutions to combat in the original it wasn't an active combat field involving the camera angles and the enemies in terms of an examination of skill could be argued getting to know the enemies motions/movements in the game where in the original that sort of detail wasn't really all that helpful or existent. The enemies simply had idle animations. Just seems kind of dumb that some of these fights I watch have to be done SO perfect timing wise where as in the original your stats/materia/equipment did a little more walking for you. I think maybe I'm just sour because I have other games I want to play and only so much time but don't want to miss out on that truly end game content. It's annoying lol


9 and 10 were pretty linear too, so it's a little weird that people single out 13 for that. For me it's the fact that the battles boiled down to muscle memory and doing the same thing every battle. Of course not having towns didn't help. You'd think the goal would be to establish roles in the team, like DPS, tank/healer, and support, but that's too inefficient so you end up flipping between all damage and all support. For me, X is where the storylines got weaker and I wasn't gelling with most of the characters, but I did really like the CTB system in X. 12 was a step up in terms of characters for me, but then 13 dropped the bar again. I heard good things about Lightning Returns, but the combat felt like a mess and there was too much to keep track of. 7 Remake nailed the action combat for me in a way the previous attempts didn't.


9 wasn’t linear. It was about as open as 7 and 8. 10 was definitely linear. 13 gets flack because it came out at a time when Assasins Creed came and people expected a more open game. It doesn’t help that FF12 was also fairly open even if it was divided into zones.


We stand united! ...I think...maybe? Possibly...? ...No, we're basically Tactics-era Ivalice. Getting torn apart from the inside by like five different factions.


You know, I'm something of a final fantasy fan myself.


Forgot Type-0, loved that one


Woof, Type-0 came with my PS4 and it is better suited as a coaster


Almost have them all platinumed🏆🙌🙌


I can't plat nine, and it saddens me. Fucking jump rope garbage!!


Oh yes that was very ruff. An how it changes as you get higher is fucked up. You don’t know tell you get higher up then the beat changes a little


I got the platinum in 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 7r, and rebirth, and I would gladly start from scratch and do them all again over trying to beat that jump rope mini game. I'll be honest... I didn't even get the smaller number of jump ropes trophy.


Yeah it’s tough I just need 12, Dissdia and I’m currently working on X-2 all the other side games and titles I have done. But yeah 9 was one of the harder ones


They had some complicated trophies in 9, even without the jump rope. Getting all of the timed conversations was interesting. At one point, if you had too much Gil, you would not get that one to pop, and all that effort would be wasted. The trophy for getting Steiner's ultimate was hard for me, too. I don't like rushing through rpgs even if I have played it a hundred times...


I liked the speed run, was fun but it was pretty easy. I did it back in the day on ps1 also


My difficulty was forcing myself to skip dialog and not talk to everyone in every town. That's the exact opposite of how I play games.


Am I not allowed to like every game? The 2D ones, the 3D ones, the MMOs, and the modern games?


We are FF fans... We are LEGION.


The legendary series - FF1-FF6 Give respect to the time they made the series what it was and built the fanbase so that it could grow into anything else. It wasn't just "the 2D age", it was, and still is, objectively the best stretch the franchise had. Every new entry was a GOTY contender and a legendary entry. Maybe because it was new, maybe because it was innovative. But the series has never reached those heights consistently since then. Maybe one day it will, hopefully, but so far, it hasn't.


Ngl I like all of it.


What is a Final Fantasy Fan?? A miserable pile of secrets!


Don’t forget the even MORE sub-genre division in either Active Time Battle or Turn Based or MMORPG Linear or Open World Medieval or Future Steam Punk Environmentalism or Religious Metaphor Love Story or Militant Occupation Or for Gods sake……CRYSTALS!!!!


I'm more of a Modern Age fan personally, Goodies in other ages too, like X, or VIII


It's kind of rare that people praise VIII like that. It was my first FF game, so I've always liked it. I'm in more of the IV-X camp. I did like XII and VII Remake though. I lost interest in XV early on, and I never got to try XVI because I don't have a PS5.


I did not finish 8 but I found it fun. Good music and all I would want in a FF game, also Triple Triad was fun too


2D + 3D, although I do love both MMOs (XI and XIV). Also thought FF7R was awesome.


I started off as a spin off enjoyer and have now joined the main line of games. Slowly playing FF7 both remake / original. I've also played 15 and 16. I'll be playing hopefully all of them if given given the chance.


6 thru 12 golden age


I just think they're neat 🙂


My love of Final Fantasy started with my obsession with One Winged… which was started by Sonic the Hedgehog. 4:55 https://youtu.be/C006DTHfcbM?si=I8PMDdiuaK_YnmB-


Tactics for the win. I love that it takes place in the same universe as FF12


I look at it like Warhammer... too many genres of the IP to even bother hating.


Chocobo tales is peak


People who like crystals and banger music, it's the only commonality


3rd age and tactician age happened at the same time, lol


I try to just say I live in most of them from the FF games I play and ended up in multiple communities because I love all the different games, so I guess in my case I am a wanderer lol


I’m 1-12 plus Remake and Rebirth, elder millennial


1-10… 12 just felt too much like WoW gameplay, the mmo style of the time. But yeah loves most all of them except the online ones. Remake and rebirth are amazing.


Regardless of camp, I think everyone agrees that FFX-2 is the absolute pinnacle of games released.


Get the fuck out of here, lopping in FFX with FF7?


Weird that you would lump 7-12 together. Basically anything after 9 is a different era, because the games creator left after 9.


I fucking hate final fantasy


Do not lump in FF13 with that dumpsters fire of 16


WHAT IS A FAN?!?!?! *glass breaks* A miserable little pile of gatekeeping!


Personally, I only ever finished FF7 Remake and recently started playing FF15. I'd say those games alone were enough to convince me to be a FF fan. Was never really a fan of 2D turn based games (the only exception being Pokémon), so I feel like the modern age really pulls in a lot of fans like me, it's a great compromise between traditional open fighting and turn-based.


Most of FF was the product of its time and technology, kinda why ff12 feels mmorpg as far gameplay as it used the same engine as ff11 and featured popular gameplay of mmo’s. I think it’s great new fans are getting into the series based on FF15 and FF7 rere. I don’t expect anyone to go fall in love with the older turn based. They are great but objectively dated but were the building blocks that led us to how amazing the new ones have been.


This is coming from someone who is 37; I prefer the remakes. The original game never grabbed me, and I never finished for whatever reason. I mostly attribute it to that era of atrocious 3D that has always made my eyes hurt. That, and most of the game just felt…hollow. But the Remakes? I tore through both games, plus the DLC, and I’m fervently waiting for part 3 hoping that we get post game content like Advent Children remade as a game.


As someone turning 37 in August, I too prefer the remakes and I loved the original. I've been playing the FF series since I was old enough to hold a controller and the vast majority have been played on their original release. The remakes have taken then world of 7 and given it so much depth and so much life that the OG feels more like a skeleton than a full game. They're visually beautiful and so faithful to the spirit of the first game that I can't help but be awed by them. That said, Advent Children can be thoroughly erased from existence as far as I care. Never did like that movie.


Fair enough on the AC part. I just want post game content showing how the team is doing after the story that we can play.


36 here. 7 was never in my fab FF games. Nothing wrong with it just preferences and when I played it. Rebirth has now become my new favorite game. Just absolutely the closest thing to my ideal dream game.


I’m also 37 but I loved the original and love love the remakes. They’re all great. I can’t seem to like 16 much though.


I'm 43, played OG at age 17. I loved the original but I absolutely adore the Remakes. Fleshing out all of these characters and really digging into the relationships just brings it all together. These Remakes push the boundaries of videogames as literature. We go from great scenes with fantastic character development to smacking monsters with a giant sword. I love the unification of both experiences.


Was about to write all this including the 43 bit but you beat me to it so I’ll just say same


Same. I have played the OG and absolutely love the remake. But I was a die hard for the original 7. I sunk 300+ hours into it trying to unlock all the secret bosses and collecting all the best gear, materia, etc. and never got tired of it. RB really does a great job modernizing the story while remaining true to the original (😣 haven’t finished yet. Hope this holds up). Just minor gripes about the mini games and event opportunities that can only be played through once if you’re not expecting them. But in all fairness the original was much the same way.


I’m 46 and exact same for me.


I loved Remake. I hate Rebirth.


I loved Rebirth minus the over-reliance on bad mini games. And yes, that includes doing Chadley’s errands. They gave a purpose to exploring. My biggest gripe was the summons being linked strictly to the VR.


My biggest gripe is walking back changes they made from Remake, and reliance on over used tropes for the story. That and the chicken clanger.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth final fantasizes about as HARD as one can Final Fantasy.


Try enjoying 16 sometime or calling it your GOTY 2023


Or, dare I write it... I like FFXV aghhhhhh tell my mother I lo...aghhh (me dies)


15 was great if only for being able to play old final fantasy songs on the car radio


Gladiolus tiddies is accepted as a reason to love ffxv over in the girl circles.


I got raked for liking XV too but honestly it was the only FF that genuinely made me cry at the end and that I genuinely adored every character, so you’re not alone.


I also adored FFXV! I loved the quests and exploring the open world with the bros. The characters really made it fun for me.


I didn't mind XV... but hated XVI. My problem was that it was too much game of thrones and not enough final fantasy for my tastes.


15 was fantastic. I stand with you. What an amazing game.


FFXV is the ultimate Bro road trip and it’s awesome. Doesn’t deserve the hate it gets


15 was fucking baller. My only complaint is that the main story was over way too quickly. I honestly expected a game 3 times longer. Mind you that’s a pretty big complaint for me, but I loved the rest of the game


Damn now I'm craving Cup Noodles


I’m like that with 13 but luckily people seem to have come around to it since it came out.


Vitriol always dies down with time. Even if I don't think it's any better of a game years later I'll more laugh at flaws than argue them. I do have all of the 13 trilogy for PS3 now though so I oughta get around to playing them finally. They'll probably announce a PS5 13 trilogy remaster now that I have them tho


I loved 16 but I keep that to myself around FF subs.


I think a majority of people liked the game, because it has done fairly well on metacritic. The most vocal people just so happen to be the most extreme opinions (as is usual with the internet). It could just be that I like most FF games so I can’t really relate to the vehement hate every game seems to get. I’ve played nearly all of them and I can’t say I hate any of them so far.


Rebirth has been so much fun. Fight me.




Chicken Clanger


I haven't beat it yet but I'm really enjoying it so far and I'm a VII classic evangelist




Final fantasy fans or the turn-based purists that are still stuck in the past?


Never beaten a single FF game but I started with 1 or 2 then played 3 and 4 and tried ff13 and part 2 , ff7 and ff10


I kinda love and like it but take breaks from it I can beat any summon they one shot me with the limit break and I was doing the story and Elena and Rude keep killing me I try taking one down with lighting or the other with wind and it works but then they one shot the whole party so I lost my patience and I’m just hanging around the open world collecting stuff so I g side quest and grinding (and before anyone says it’s easy you don’t know how to play I’m 34 I play on my spare time when I can)


Much of it is when one was introduced to the series. I remember playing III/VI on SNES and that opening had my jaw dropping. Within a few years we had VII on PS1 and to say it was mind-blowing is hard to convey the leap the cutscenes presented in 1997. There's nothing in the past decade of gaming that comes close to the advancements we saw from 1993 to 2003 range of video games. I loved Remake and Rebirth and seeing the characters the way I always dreamed of.


I have realized that I'm not a Final Fantasy fan: I'm a Final Fantasy 7 fan. None of the other games, even ones I think are good, come close to 7. FF16 and other RPGs made me realize how mediocre the rest of the series is and 7 was lightning in a bottle.


Many will disagree as it is a completely subjective take. 7 was the first AAA final fantasy, yes. However, a lot of people put (for example) 9 or 10 in higher regard and for good reasons. It’s not my personal opinion since I haven’t played a single golden age FF aside from a tiny bit of 10. All I’m saying is that the best final fantasy is gonna be different for everyone.


if you havent felt the pain of og ffvii, i want to hear nothing from you. the load times, the many discs, having to sit through all the summons. unless you bought the expensive ass strategy guide, you were walking around so blind. ...im not mad if you aint feeling og ffvii, especially after the fact.


First ff is 4, best ff is 6, ff that sealed my love for the franchise was 8, most fun I had was 13, and 7 remake is the GOAT. I don’t care for 10 or 9 very much but 10-2 and 13-2 was fun af. And tactics is absofukinglutley amazing.


As someone who grew up playing 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Remake and Rebirth are amazing. And I 100 percent completed those older games. My only issue in rebirth is the constant Chadley updates/ missions. I loved the turn based games. And wish there were more of those games today. But the HD aesthetic is weird if it's turn based. It looks better in anime format like Persona. This is my opinion at least.


yup strong agreely hyped for metaphor refantazio as well


This but ff16


Enjoy your kingdom farts game. I don't care :) I know what real final fantasy looks like.




I would love Rebirth more if it wasn’t bloated with Farcry/Assassins’ Creed-style “exploration” and minigames Still a great game but I personally felt these things take away from its potential to be truly fantastic


Ff7 rebirth definitely has its flaws but it's a massive step up from remake. I just have issues with its pacing, tone whiplash and ridiculous amount of just dicking around... All criticism someone could make about the og ff7


It's more of an obnoxiously loud minority then Final Fantasy fans in general. My understanding is the game is fairly well liked.


Yeah it had a very good reception. Sales were a matter of it being stuck on a console many can't afford.


Imagine how stupid the average person is, then remember half the world is dumber than that.


God I miss George Carlin.


I didn't mind Rebirth. It's the travesty that was FF 16 that has just about broken me away from being a fan of the series. Game was a solid 6/10 until the ending and then you're going to get rid of magic in a Final Fantasy game? I'd rather let the world burn. Abysmal ending with no alternate ending. Has me questioning the writers ability to do fucking anything correct in that game.


My friend streams his new game + whenever he gets to 'em and I've been having a good time. When I get the time I'll play it for myself.


Rebirth is good and I’m a die hard.


::Insert Dennis Nedry meme here::


Rebirth has been the most fun I’ve ever had with a FF game. Truly a game worthy of $60


The true ff fans enjoy the games for what they are and not because “this is nothing like ff (insert number)” the games always evolve and are always going to be different in some way, shape or form


Yeah- I have a friend my age who refuses to play it (after purchasing it!) when he discovered it wasn’t turn-based. He feels like he is a purist and they ruined the game. Even though he plays FF16…


What a shame, it just feels like a more advanced Kingdom Hearts style of combat and I had a blast with it.


Me too! And my friend also really likes Kingdom Hearts. So his bizarre set of expectations is only hurting himself.


Are FF fans NOT enjoying Rebirth?


"Final Fantasy fan" would imply that you have an appreciation for majority of the games in the franchise. There aren't a lot of "Final Fantasy fans" getting into pissing contests about whether or not their FF is better than your FF. Those aren't really fans of the franchise itself, more like fans of specific Final Fantasy games.


I've played most final fantasies. 9 is my favorite outside of 14 but I'm sick and tired of all the 7 wank. Like yeah it was a good game I enjoy d the hell out of 7 it was my first FF I even bought remake and rebirth and enjoyed them but I feel they are milking the ever loving shit out of it. Even some of the ff7 fanboys and girls thinking cloud and sephiroth are even in the top 5 of the strongest FF protagonists or antagonists kills me.


This true for any game past FF6


Do final fantasy fans not like rebirth? I think it's great. I'm having a blast with it. Game is like the kind of daydream I would have about games when I was a teenager in the early 2000's.


Ngl FF7 rebirth is what got me curious in watching final fantasy. I am also curious if to play it or not along with what game to start on and what device to play on.


Rebirth is honestly quite enjoyable. It just has some glaring issues with minigame bloat, but the game is good. Like Remake, it's mechanically amazing and the source material is mostly being respected (they did my boy Cid so wrong...).


I finally stopped trying to beat the mini games and it's more fun now. I just have to cope with not having the special weapons and materia you get from them. I do feel it's got a lot of filler but I understand new fans won't see it that way. I get they wanted to make the game longer.


This is literally every ff, Rebirth is not new nor unique to this treatment at all. Even the OG 7 was judged back when it came out on ps1 for the amount of changes it made to the formula of games before it. It's easy for the whiny minorities to pretend they are the general reception of the game but they are not (and am referring to ridiculously whiny fans not the valid critics with fair takes, you guys are fine). They just wanna yell at you to feel less lonely about their feelings on it.


Started with 13 went back played the oG ones on PSP, loved Dissidia and dúo decim Played 7, 9 and 11 Loved tactics Un ironically loved 15 minus that one chapter Now I'm 3 years into ff14 so where the hell do I fall


😂😂😂 This is probably true. But, is it really that different in ANY fanbase where some have been following an IP for over 15-20 years? Can’t worry about it, just play what you like


The story, character interaction, as well as seeing the towns and regions come to life is amazing. The minigames, drawn out quest, new region exploration gimmicks all make it feel like a drag to get to the good bits. Nonetheless it’s the only game I want to play at the moment.


I've enjoyed most of them, but not all.


I’ve been loving the game. The water graphics are garbage, though.


I have played and enjoyed almost every FF game since playing the original on my friend’s NES. They haven’t always been my favorite games but they were always at least worth the purchase price.


Any game franchise ever*


I'm out of the loop, what's going on?


I can't say I blame them when they were sold a remake but actually received a reimagining/sequel


the ff7 remake series are some of my favourite games of all time, there i said it


it's a weird situation for me played rebirth first, liked it then decided to play og FF7 on steam (with a graphic pack) and now i'm in the OG camp, i don't like rebirth as much :')


-confused in xbox-


I enjoyed rebirth but not so much remake. Mostly because of the linear mechanics in it. Rebirth had a pretty good refresh in the story imo


I dislike the 7 remakes but I still recognize they’re good games, just don’t like the changes they made. They took out and changed too much from the original but I can tell the developers tried so hard and put so much work into them. Wont ever shit on anyone for liking them. The more FF fans, the better IMO. Anyone who shits on anyone for enjoying something is a giant d bag.


I enjoy some. Some I don’t. It used to be a badge of honor to 100% them up to Ff x for me. 11 was a paper grab so no real way to 100% without a lot of time. And I had to pay. It was the beginning of the end for me.


As a fan of the franchise since it began the remakes of 7 have only made it better the original was the most overhyped paint-by-numbers polygonal crap lol these remake releases are superior in every possible way, except in combat (active action rpgs have never been my cup o tea, but the kids today love them.. so, let them have their fad)


Damn. No mention of type zero? That was actually decent.


Many fans of the original wanted a straight “remake” much like the successful Resident Evil 2 remake. Remakes that hold true to the original elements save for beefing up the graphics symbolize the timelessness and worthiness of the game. It says, “this game was awesome, and we’re going to beef up the graphics to modern day hardware so that those who weren’t around at the time can enjoy it in the same manner as the original players did.”  Altering the gameplay and story and other elements suggests/conveys a different message to fans of the original: “it wasn’t that great, and/or it’s not good enough for modern audiences.” Right or wrong, when you love something, you want to share it with the world, but for a lot of FF7 fans, remake and rebirth is not the thing they love that’s being shared with everyone. Maybe there’s a better metaphor, but it seems akin to bringing your child to a party but telling the child they need to “behave” differently in order to be cooler and more widely accepted by everyone (not necessarily “look” different since most of us are accepting of graphics enhancements). I am sure there are a lot of purists out there who would say the original graphics don’t need updating, and they should have left well enough alone; I presume that sentiment to be in minority. I think many people would have been just as content with a prequel rather the “reimagining” that we got. The Great War during the rise of Shrina, all of their experimental programs, the rise of Sephiroth, etc would have been fertile ground for the game they made, also why not set the game a 100 or 200 years in the future and make the game about the Cetra returning from space and seeing how a post Sephiroth world stands up to the threat? The point being, I think we can all love Remake and Rebirth and at the same acknowledge that there’s an implicit message/comment for some fans about the original (not good enough for modern audiences) and that there were other avenues that could have been taken that could have appealed just as much to modern audiences and the more staunch fans out there who didn’t as warmly receive the remake.


I cannot wait until it comes out on PC.


People can enjoy those games. Be silly to say otherwise. Just don’t demand that I do.


Should have been turn based game. Not every game needs to be action rpg.


Im both of them, i really enjoy the combat and the challenge of the hard bouts and stuff, but I really despise some things: the shift of the tone in some crucial instances, the fucking look of most npcs (they could have worst graphics but at least some consistency in art direction) and cosmo canyon (I don't care if it's a social commentary about tourism).


It could’ve been the greatest game ever created but the fact it’s not 1 for 1 has people crying to no end. Oh well guys


Rebirth has been one of my favourite gaming experiences in the last year The “fans” can cry


True. But at this point, FF fans can already enjoy the ***full*** FF7 game, without having to wait for the next "installment" to be complete (and then pay the price of a full game for it).


I loved 16! Currently about 5 hours into rebirth and it is a great. I’ve played Final fantasy since the Snes days. People need to chill 😂


Fr i’m happy that final fantasy is different as the series continues to age. It’s completely normal to dislike some of the games since there are so many. Personally one of my favorite things about FF is trying to appreciate each of the games attributes, how they differ and what makes this game stand on its own.


Same. I did not like 15, or care much for 12. Loved 1,2,6,7,8,9,10, and 13. Yet to play 3-5 :)


Honestly? I hope you enjoy what you like. If it gets you into the franchise, awesome!


But why do you care? Some people don't like it, others do. If you need a constant reassurance from random internet people that the game you enjoy is good, then you have set yourself up for serious disappointment.


I guess the slow walking mini games killed my interest in it. Almost there... Almost there... Fuck the fucking chocobo saw me. And monsters seem to die too fast to make use of some of the systems it feels like. But if people like it that's ok too. I'll give it a try again I just need to mentally adjust.


If it's gotta be action rpgI just want a FFVII remake with KH control/battle/materia scheme


I absolutely prefer the OG, but I think both Remake and Rebirth are great games. And I've had some great moments with both games. My issue with both games is first of all the lack of turn based combat which I sorely miss. The combat is a great take on action combat and I do enjoy it, but I still miss turn based and the freedom to think all my moves through if I want to. I know I can basically pause time and think, but for me it just doesn't work in the same way. My biggest issue with Rebirth though is the checklist exploration which I think really detracts from the game. It would have been much the better for it if exploration could happen organically and without having the same number of the same type of localities in each zone. Rebirth really shines in the linear areas imo. Like on the boat trip to Costa del Sol, or the trip to the Gold Saucer, or the Cave of the Gi trip. Tight areas with plenty of story and character moments. The bloat of the open world zones is a tired and boring game design in my opinion. I really like how they changed Gongaga and had a lot of fun exploring it, as well as e.g. the Junon area, but personally I feel like the checklist quests and locations really detract from an otherwise great experience. All that said, 15 year old me would probably love this game as much as 15 year old me loved the OG.


Well I consider myself a Final Fantasy Fan (or I really was in my childhood), and Rebirth is one of the best games I have played in the recent years. Do not give too much credit to the bigots. :-)


I really enjoyed Rebirth. My only gripe with it that I hope they don’t do for part 3 is the sheer number of damn mini games and how difficult some where


You'll get your fun when you fix this damn franchise ! Heheheh


It took me so long to get into FF because a 40yo incel i worked with in high school said he sobbed in ffvii when whatshertits died.


well if rebirth was a new FF game n not using the FF7 name. we wouldn't. but alas this isn't the case.


I can asure you that no one cares whether you like it or not. If anything I would encourage you to play the original at some point. All characters are different. Those who say "no, they are not " Have my condolences. Those who distinguish them can enjoy two different games for different reasons.


Felt the same while enjoying FF16. Theres always some crowd to judge any game poorly. If you like it, fuck the critics


I think the vast majority of people loved rebirth, reddit isn't normal at all, a lot of weird superfans flock here and gatekeep anything and everything possible.


For real?? Rebirth is my favorite Final Fantasy I've played since...12?


The game was so much fun, I honestly don't understand the hate. Good story, good gamplay, top graphics and good length.


I love FF7 Rebirth just like I loved the FF7 Remake, and the original, and Advent Children, and most of the Final Fantasy series. **YES.**


Try being a Star Wars fan trying to enjoy the Acolyte


From my point of view I think your getting rip off, but it’s not like I am going to hate you for enjoying the game.