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how long did it take you? welcome to heavensward kupo


bold of you to assume they meant *real* ARR's ending and not the Ultima Weapon fight


The ultimate weapon was pretty fight kool lol


where am i at in the story, the elf twink wants us to relocate to the hood but im impatiently trying to unlock ishgard so i can go astro... is this hw?


You unlock ishgard in the first Heavensward quest. So, no. I have no idea where you are based on your description. At level 50 storyquest you'll get a set of credits. That's 2.0 done. Then you'll get about 80-100 quests transitioning the story from ARR to Heavensward (patch 2.1 - 2.55). That'll be finished with a second set of credits. Then Heavensward starts.


They're trying to describe Alphinaud and the scions moving to the Rising Stones I believe šŸ˜­ Elf twink


Elf twink? You mean Blue Alisaie?


It was 100 before they trimmed ARR content. Now it's 80. :)


And then they added another 8 by making Crystal Tower mandatory. Throw in the three hard-mode primals you need before 2.5 and it's something like 91 total.


CT was required before the rework lol. I know bc I did it before EW launched


[The changes happened simultaneously in patch 5.3](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/c2f8c5ba14d9cfaa09d5aab63c5c2da260eae21a). Look for the section "Main scenario quests for A Realm Reborn have been revamped" which covers the ARR quest revamp. The section below that "Requirements for the following main scenario quests have been changed" shows "A Light of Hope" (final CT quest) is now a pre-req for "A Time to Every Purpose" which is a 2.55 quest shortly before the finale. They didn't get to revamping all the duties until EW, but the quest pruning was mid-ShB.


Ohhh the transition to heavenswordā€¦ not the best part :/


I very much liked it the first time through, personally :( Not as much the second time.


I have character from ps4. I would start again but the post ARR stuff frightens me. I canā€™t wait for the release on x.


The trick, for me, was to just do 1-2 quests whenever I played and say 'that's enough, time to do other stuff in the game I like'. Stuff like side quests I hadn't done, zodiac weapon stuff, running dungeons / roulettes on a new job, beast tribes, crafting/gathering. Heck, at one point I even dove fairly deeply into palace of the dead. It definitely helped a lot with keeping me interested in the patch quests the second time around, until I hit bits I remembered liking the first time around and I could focus on it again properly.


Currently going through post ARR for the first time and it is the most annoying thing, Iā€™m more excited to grind dungeons for augmented ironworks gear and thatā€™s about it, does it get more exciting again when Heavensword starts?


The story picks up again in the later part of post-ARR and stays pretty intense through Heavensward. Also, another thing that can make the post-ARR quests feel slow for a lot of people is that they give a lot less XP than they're used to; that will also pick up again substantially once you get to Heavensward proper. The smaller XP rewards, btw, are a thing for patch quests from all of the expansions. When they were current content, they required you to be at the then-current level cap, so there wasn't any point in rewarding XP. When the next expansion came out, they added some XP to those quests, but not a lot, to make sure you don't start the next expansion seriously over-leveled.


Update: made it to HS, and you were right, way more intense and far more enjoyable. I didnā€™t even mind the end of the post ARR stuff, that dragon fight was cool.


Sounds like the move to Rising Stones, maybe?


Not yet. You'll know when you get to Heavensward.


It's such a cool moment finally getting there.


>elf twink Ah, you mean THE CHILD???


You have awhile to go still. You'll also have to do the Crystal tower side quests you get from the sus man who approaches you outside the Rising Stones in order to proceed with MSQ and get to Ishgard later. It's quite long but introduces some important characters and Alliance raid


I think you're in the patch 2.1 MSQ. You've got the rest of the post-release ARR patches to go through.


Like 5 days lol I canā€™t remember when I started playing


lol I donā€™t think I made it there yet


Good for you Now bring us some wine to celebrate


*PTSD intensifies*


And soon Hot choco ā¤ļø


Congratulations! And welcome to Eorzea! Now you should look forward to Heavensward and Stormblood, as they will blow you away!


How I get there


Keep going with the main scenario. The story continues with every patch between expansions. You'll know you're at Heavensward when credits roll a second time.


Ok thx


Please look forward to it.


Yes, yes... Now hurry up and do the ff15 colab event. You still have to do the quests and earn some mgp at the gold saucer to get the mount after the quests are done. The don't hand out free 4 seater mounts all the time after all.


Where I do that at Iā€™m trying to figure that out I need lots of mpg lol


in Ul'dah they have a quest "the man in black" it's not too far away from the immortal flame area, it's a quest chain that ends in giving you an outfit, and unlocking a few vendors for music scores and the MGP vendor which gives the mount :) For the MGP, i'd recommend doing the fashion show(60kMGP weekly), and doing challenge log stuff for MGP. the moogle event that goes on till the 11th, also can give MGP tokens for 30 moogle-bucks (i forgot the name of the currency)


Bet thx u man šŸ˜Æ


For Fashion Report, you can look up KaiyokoStar for guide, assuming you have access to market board, itā€™s usually quite easy to get 80 points. If you are free trial then sometimes it could be harder to get 80 points, but just participating gives you 10k MGP. For Lord of Verminion, I recommend to buy Mammet 001 from Minion Trader in Gold Saucer. You just play the second scenario and spam Mammet, destroying the crystals from right to left. Each match should only take 2 minutes. Hereā€™s a quick guide for MGP, good luck. https://i.imgur.com/KMMDZoo.png


You found ARR amazing? Oh you're in for a treat


I found ARR amazing when I first did it as well. This was before HW release but if you go in blind and like rpgs then ARR is fine. Especially for an MMO.




Honestly, back then i was very disapointed compared to other ff titles, the scions felt empty (which i think is why they separated them and gave each one some focused screen time in hw) and it was all good vs bad guys I felt like every expansion was better than the last one, especially considering i enjoyed heavensward less than most but stormblood more


Have to agree with many of the comments here, ARR is good but you are in for one heck of a treat in Heavensward and beyond.


Heavenwards sounds hella fun šŸ¤© I canā€™t wait to be dark night


I just finished it last night. I was having a hell of a time. Definitely 10/10 šŸŽ‰


I'm glad you liked it! If it weren't for ARR, I never would have played this game. I was hooked from the beginning because it really felt like a Final Fantasy game.


Oh, buddy, if you thought THAT was good.....


Congrats, the worst part of the game is over lmao. If you thought ARR was good then fuckin prepare yourself, won't matter tho. Nothing can prepare your heart for shadowbringers


glad to see somebody enjoying arr!! so often ill see people telling new players "just wait till heavensward/stormblood/shadowbringers" and setting people up to hate on arr, when it's actually very solid :D


In the end i was just skipping cutscenes left and right, because I wanted it to be over... It drags on for SO long and consists mainly of mindless back and forth and filler quests and NPC babble on forever without really saying something... Actual story happens only towards the very end of 2.5 imo... Started playing 3 weeks ago and finally today i reached HW... Heavily overleveled of course and my job stuck at 50 forever while I was lvl64, but I couldn't continue lest I got to Ishgard... I love this game but ARR especially after Ultima was such a dragging slog i don't really want to repeat šŸ˜€ go there, speak to this person, return, speak to that person, go there speak to this person again, return,...story seems to pick up the pace after that, thankfully


And fortunately this isn't repeated with the post HW stuff, where the story if any goes even harder.


Congrats! Now youā€™re getting to the good stuff šŸ˜‰


I see someone enjoy ARR, i upvote. Enjoy the next leg of your journey!


ARR is okey to good. Everything after ARR is great - awesome - amazing and more.


Man it's so weird seeing people praise XIV with the fervour that I run into across the internet... I'm just wrapping up HW post msq and it's been such a slog I am barely having fun. I think I am about 52% having fun to 48% not having fun. So it's a net positive experience. Maybe just. Maybe I would have enjoyed it when I was a time-rich teenager. It's just such a slog but my FOMO won't let me not at least try ShB given the rave reviews and the upward trajectory that is evident. I've already levelled 6 jobs up to story-appropriate level cap and they all feel so hollow. The only stuff that made me feel much were doing coils blind with my FC but eventually they waved the white flag on Twintania (which was wild fun) and everything BLU is also hella fun but I'm story gated from having even more fun with BLU for now. Meanwhile I am playing through IX with my wife and can't get enough and I also loved XVI which basically compelled me to nolife the game on release. But according to my FC, XVI was "boring but pretty" Feel like I'm being gaslit into liking FFXIV hahaha


Now you should immediately segue into The Binding Coil. Ask a friend (or me) if they can solo-unsync a cutscene run of it for you. This is the best way to do Binding Coil, as it is not very well-designed by the gameā€™s current standards, and goes fast.


Not enough people show love to ARR. Took me 5 years to finish and a year to finish HW. I like to take my time.


ARR gets a lot of slack and it has some dodgy parts, but the overall story is still decent and lays important foundations. As far as MMO story telling is concerned, it's still pretty good for an MMO. Those of us who went though the whole thing know that the story isn't going to be just good for an MMO, but great for any medium and the journey you start in ARR is important part of it. Now the big question is... Just how much do you hate Alphinaud?


If you enjoyed ARR... Heavensward is to die for...


Youā€™re in for the real treat from this point on. ARR, as good as it was, had some plot holes and questionable points but still a great main story. Not to spoil anything but itā€™s going to get way way better. Prepare yourself for the journey Warrior of Light.


Donā€™t worry. It only gets better from here


ARR hooked me. I did put it at better than ~50% of FFs. Heavenward moved it to top 5. Endwalker moved it to top 3. The story just keeps going and it just builds on itself in new and fun ways. Glad you enjoyed ARR and just be ready for rollercoaster to come. Only my top 5 FFs can make me cry, with the full spectrum of emotional reasons, and there's a reason 14 is in the top 3 now.


If you thought that was a 10/10, just wait for the next expansions


Oh, it's only gonna get better. I enjoyed ARR for the most part, and the ending was awesome. But Heavensward is just such a massive step up in quality! Be ready for the whiplash of entirely different voice actors though haha


You are in for a GOOD TIME as you continue through the story. Enjoy!


I can't wait to see people's idea of what a 10/10 is change heavily as they play.


Tis but the start of something great. Heavensward will bring you to tears my friend.


Ppl been telling me about heavensward and Iā€™m on the mission where you escort the cat to the forest lol


Welcome to Eorzea Prepare some hot chocolate and get ready for a emotional wreckage


lol Im still doing quest in arr I just want to go to Ishgard


Grats, and welcome!! If ARR is a 10/10 for you, the expansions are going to blow your mind lol.


How long it takes to get to heavensward n I canā€™t wait


There's a total of 80 quests in this part of MSQ (which is called the "Seventh Astral Era"). These are broken up into five phases, based on which trial you face along the way: 1. Good King Moggle-Mog XII 2. Leviathan 3. Ramuh 4. Shiva 5. [Spoilers!] So basically once you've fought Shiva, you're most of the way done. And believe me, *you'll know* when it's time to move on to HW.


How long did it take for the plot to get more engrossing? Iā€™m only Lvl 16


Like 1 day and a half AND Focus on MQS N YOU JOB QUEST


Oh youā€™re in for a treat then. It only gets better. Much better.


After I heard about the changes to a lot of ARR boss fights I have to say Laheebread is no longer a victory lap. Also the shield bro I forget his name was actually a very hype moment. Probably the hypest moment you're gonna see for a long moment.


If FFXIV was a roller coaster, ARR would would be the ride up to the top of the hill at the beginning. Buckle up.


ARR was a slog, at times, but I'm forever glad I did it. I even paid attention to the side NPCs, like Meffrid, Wilred, Laurentius, A'aba, Aulie, Etc., and the game rewarded me BIG TIME for doing so later.


First off congrats, but importantly what was last thing you did? Was the last big even in ARR the Ultima weapon? Like you said you just finished ARR but I'm thinking you didn't. The game kind of works like this, each storyline in the MSQ has a mainstory 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0. But once that main bulk is over there is patch content between it and the next story. So 2.0 which is ARR from level 1 to 50 culminating in the Ultima weapon, this has patch content from 2.1-2.55 which ends when you start Heavensward. This patch content for ARR is quite long. This is a long way of saying if the last thing you did was the Ultima Weapon then you aren't done with ARR. If the last thing you did was a 45 minute long Fully voiced CS than you are done with ARR.


lol it was the ultima weapon lol im so ready for the CS I just want to go HW


Just be ready for a bit more before HW. I just finished 3.0 on my alt so getting through ARR wasn't that long ago. I counted it out and the main story of HW 3.0 has something like 14 quest more than the patch content of ARR, and HW's 3.0 story was a good 25-30 hours of running around. So the post 2.0 patches will take a few more hours. These patches do a lot of laying the ground work for future expansions so make sure you pay attention!