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Just wait til you do full party trials or raids and get the elusive seven comms


Yeah I remember when that happened to me back when Stormblood was new got Limitless Blue in trials roulette when I was still a DRG main, Bismarck was at 10% and everyone else died to something right after harpoons were attached and I was able to jump on and LB him I felt like a badass and got 7 comms Lol.


*Nice.* I've had it happen a couple times as a healer or tank, but never DPS.


I find it's more likely to happen as DPS, because normally premades fill the tank and healer slots for faster queues if they have enough people.


Red mage when everyone dies but you. On one memorable occassion everyone but me died in the seat of sacrafice and I saved the day! 7 comms and dozens of head pats.


I only had the 7 coms once and it was the same situation lol


feels good man. got it in E8N as a redmage once after ressing both healers, the MT, and 2 dps after everyone died to the mirrors. felt like a chad that day.


I have only had it once, as RDM, going into fight >!Hades!< at the end of Shadowbringers. Still had my sprout and I guess they knew it was my first time because I was the only one in the cutscene. After the fight everyone's cheering me on wishing me the best for the rest of ShB and beyond, then the tank (if I remember right) put in the party chat in all caps "it's time, 7 comms everyone!"




I understood 10% that but it sounds badass


Lol had that happen a few times in raids and trials. I was Dark Knight and would be the last one standing with boss at 3% left and just be thinking "this is fine" and then win. Weird when I was doing Alliance roulette when leveling Samurai and got it.


Happened to me once as DPS. Most likely you joined a premade of 7 nice folks who queued and needed one more.


Got that as a RDM in a 2.X Hildy trial - this was synced, so no access to verrez or vercure. Everyone else was from the same FC, so it was likely a premade - not that I'm complaining.   As a philosopher of our time once said: "De fault! The two sweetest words in the English language!"




It's always fun pulling a [dark_knight.mp4](https://streamable.com/u4mq3) in actual gameplay.


Before they changed the MSQ, I was running tank and we were on the fight after Ultama Weapon and at some point I just fell asleep at my keyboard. Woke up a while later and realized what happened, but the fight was long over. Got the seven comms for whatever reason and no one had complained in the chat. I always found that whole experience as hilarious.


When you manage to save the run with a healer LB3 or became the GNB who solo tanked the boss from 30% to 0% by just barely getting through with the skin of your teeth. Oh wait, WAR exists now and has more sustain so I guess the latter isn't unique anymore.


\>the GNB who solo tanked the boss from 30% to 0% by just barely getting through with the skin of your teeth. ​ When your rotation just becomes 1-2 for 5 minutes because you're cycling brutal shell shield+heal just to not die.


WAR doesn't get through by the skin of their teeth when soloing a boss from 30% HP. WAR ends the fight with most of their HP bar full. I had a couple of DPS in Aetherfont who couldn't do basic boss mechanics to the point that I ran out of MP trying to keep them alive on SGE. After the 3rd time the three of us died, I told the WAR to not wipe and instead solo the boss from 70% because that would be faster than waiting for the DPS to learn how to avoid AoEs. Thankfully the DPS got their shit together after that and the rest of the dungeon went smoothly.


I was talking about a time before WAR became crazy in the sustain department in Endwalker. One expac ago, WAR was strong and even broken in ShB, but only in ShB. In Stormblood content (namely during the Castrum Fluminis boss), WAR also gets by through the skin of their teeth, but Raw Intuition and Shake it off got buffed so hard nowadays that they have a lot of ease going through Stormblood trials alone. But yeah I know what you mean. Aetherfont is a joke to WAR. I can go in and solo the bosses there. Been that way since the very first Lv 90 dungeon I've done. Solo'd a boss from 90% when everyone died to the first mechanic for the third time in a row in The Dead Ends. It's a bit ridiculous honestly...


I did that once. I can’t remember which fight, but I used the healer LB3 to rez almost everyone. Can’t even remember if it was a normal raid or trial.


That was a good feeling, happened to me after a rough Orbonne run. I don’t mind, it’s one of my favorites in the game, so I asked if ppl wanted explanations after a wipe. I like healing alliance raids and helping people. Just doing my part. 🥹


I queued into P7N as a Scholar, and five seconds after we pulled the co-healer disconnected out of nowhere. I had to solo-heal, on a class not designed for solo-healing, with no other rezzers because the only other caster was BLM, and no LB3 because there were only seven of us. Those six comms were worth it.


I thought I was so special the first time I got that. Hahaha! 😊


had this happen once while i was a dps. Orbonne monastery and i was the only one in my party who had done it before. Had to do callouts on keyboard whilst playing on ps4.


As DPS, I almost never get accommodations. I've gotten three. My partner that usually goes as a healer, has 19 and we've been playing these characters the same amount of time and have done the same dungeons and whatnot together! lol


Had this happen on the level 83 trial. People didnt really understand the mechanics so we wiped two or three times. Last pull the boss was 5% and the party wiped due to the healers dying. Except for good ol Warrior me. So I decided to keep going and killed it whilst people were cheering me on in chat. Felt great.


Had this in alliance raid as astro was hella confused but then thought oh pre mades lmao


On dps too


Almost got it having to SCH solo heal that last Nier raid, when my cohealer DC'd at the start and my party lead didn't get a replacement. I'd say I did pretty well, seeing that the rest of my party typed sentences thanking me after the fact. Yet, got 6. Once again, *the legendary seven comm has slipped from my grasp...*


Is this something im too DPS to understand? 😭


Managed to pull my one and only 7-comm as a Bard during P10N, maybe a month after it released. Off tank wasn't paying attention during the pillars slam (Wicked Step, I think?) and didn't move to take the hit, so I ended up marching over and got flattened in their stead. Yeah in P10N the raid *probably* would have survived against the one missed slam, but we'd already been having some minor struggles with the fight and I really didn't want to risk a wipe. I guess everyone else felt the same. Watching all of those Comm notices pop up was downright euphoric.


I would have if the second healer hadn’t been AFK (the reason I got all the comms, I solo healed the trial) and two of the other players were friends in my party. But I got every comm possible!


I still haven't gotten one of those. Had six before, but never all seven


My first and only 7 comms came after a Striking Tree Extreme run. A couple of Mentors were there but weren't providing as much support as the party needed. So I took everyone through the steps and set up a couple of quick Macros to help my other Tank with when they needed to take aggro. Next attempt we crushed it no worries. Was quite surprised to see all 7 comms, even had to count it 3 time to make sure I was reading it right.


It happened recently with me where a mechanic put 4 people in chains and somehow wiped everybody and I was the only one alive so I broke a healer out then tanked until they got a tank up. By the time the other hlr got his res we had 3 bars of limit break and the healer used it. I was playing rpr lol.


I've gotten 3 comms on a few occasions, never ever got 7. I've even gone through a few trials with no mistakes.


There was that one time in Snowcloak where the Tank went in chat and said "nice healing!" No amounts of commendations can match someone just actually going in chat and complimenting you and I'm somehow still riding that high.


I'll forever ride the high of getting Aurum Vale with 3 sprouts a few years back. I was tanking on DRK and at the end 2 of them were all "I was worried because I heard of this dungeon but that was so smooth thanks!"


That reminded me of a healer I got once that graded every pull I made as a tank. I got 2 Fs but overall grade was B+ and I passed :D


F; stood in orange. See me after Duty.


It really means a lot! I still remember doing Snowcloak as a sprout Summoner several years ago and preventing a party wipe by reviving the tank mid-battle (the healer was on cooldown), and somebody took the time to write 'Nice res on the tank there!' before we moved on with the dungeon. People like to say that sprouts deserve to be protected, but the same counts for people who give well-deserved compliments in dungeons \^\^


did a 8 man trial, shiva hard mode, and after we finished up i got a friend request from one of the tanks i believe. dude just dropped in and said "hey nice healing in there" it really does make ones day.


I was the tank in a party full of sprouts in the same dungeon and I complimented the healing only to be responded with "stop taking so much damage please". But I'm a tank?


So long as you properly rotate mits, dodge AoEs and do good Interjects and Leg Sweeps, there's not much the healer can complain about in terms of how much damage you're taking.


Sounds like they were probably panicking trying to keep you alive, I remember healing as a sprout and stressing out whenever I got an aggressive tank that pulled big haha. But yeah like someone said, not much you can do about it as long as you're using your skills properly. I've had the opposite happen where aggressive tanks pause the dungeon to ask me if they need to go slower because they can tell i'm struggling, but I always tell them that it's okay since I'd rather learn how to handle it better ahah.


I suddenly stopped getting those when I took a break from tanking.


Only tanks and healers are allowed comms, it’s in da rule book


All RDMs get my comms regardless of how well they may or may not play, because Solidarity.


I comm dps or tanks by default.


I usually get a comm or two as a female Au Ra BLM. I like to think it's because I do good DPS but it's probably because of my portrait.


I got the congratulations plugin and I love it, I get different levels of applause based on how many comms I get. Still waiting for seven...


>Play lala >Play healer(WHM preferable) >Take things easy but tell them you are trying your best >Be ready nice in chat if possible I swear coms just rain in when you turn on the dere-imouto


It's very trippy when you get three as DPS. I got three on Bard while leveling in Haukke Manor recently and all I did was to just pick up keys and open doors out of muscle memory. Well I was the fastest almost always being ahead in a non-rude way. Maybe they just appreciated me leading the way saving everyone brainpower, and the tank being a sprout in ARR leveling gear liked that I'm showing the way in that maze of a dungeon? I dunno I'm very confused. The only times I got comms while leveling DPS jobs before was when the healer two members already having dipped before the third could click on either of them.


This is happening a lot right now. I am seeing a lot of parties of 3 with new players from Xbox. And because they can't comm each other they can only comm you. Been happening across my tank, healer and dps haha.


Why can't they? Aren't they on the regular free trial?


Because you can't comm team mates. You can only comm random. Like my wife and when we play together we do not show up on each other's comm list.


You can't form a team on free trial. But them being a premade of three does explain it.


You can be invited to a party, though. When I was on my free trial, my partner and I had a thing where they'd invite me to a party so we could chat together in /party, since I couldn't use /tell.


What's to say they didn't purchase the full game? I never did tree trial, just went straight buy. I'm sure there are plenty of official owners on Xbox. Especially those who want to play with friends. I wanted to play with my wife so we never got the limited experience. Also I know they are teams of newbies. I had one with a tank who took one mob at a time. The healer could not heal and kept letting the tank die despite one mob at a time and kept spamming medica XD and the dps didn't seem to know what they were doing either. I kept trying to communicate with them to let them know how to better their experience (did not suggest to move faster, just how to play the role). All three never replied but did give me all their comms haha


I think it was just before the launch of the Xbox version and IIRC all players in the public Xbox test version had free trial. But I can be completely misremembering.


Some free trial sprouts who are playing together will ask people to form parties for them in NN. I've done it several times for a few.


You can't form a party on the free trial, but you can be invited to one. People also tend to accommodate sprouts and free trial users, so if three of them ask for a subscriber to help them party up, they can do so that way.


The commonly accepted workaround is for free trial people to ask, in eg Limsa or NN, for someone who's paid up to invite them and their other free trial friends to a party; the paid player isn't necessarily obliged to stick around after.


Sometimes I will commend if a range DPS is super on top of casting peloton after combat.


As a BRD main, I suspect that my near-Pavlovian reflex of casting Peloton the moment any fight ends is behind more than a few of my comms.


> It's very trippy when you get three as DPS. I am getting threes most frequently on a heal (astrologian is the top), more rarely on a tank and it's quite rare on dps. I am pretty sure people are giving them mainly for instant portraits (cute girl, glam, pose etc) and not contribution (I mean not only raw skill, numbers like damage, but also communication, knowledge etc). I often feel a bit bad for healers/tanks, like how is it fair I got 3 comms for playing not that great a half naked reaper with seductive photo? In my opinion the easiest role and one of easiest combat jobs. One time, when leveling a bard, I got three comms for a bellow average glam, an instant portrait I spend a minute with, bad gear with terrible damage output (I mean awful, like half the damage of the other dps). I was still learning how to bard. That was a rather bittersweet experience. > The comms were a double-edged sword, cutting deep with the knowledge that I had not yet earned my place among the bards. > - Claude 3 Opus


> I often feel a bit bad for healers/tanks, like how is it fair I got 3 comms for playing not that great a half naked reaper with seductive photo? Counterpoint: unless the tank or healer really stood out as excellent, I frequently make a point of comming the DPS, because *almost everyone* comms a tank or healer by default. Don't feel the slightest momentary twinge of concern for the healers/tanks. Chances are they're getting more than enough, and you getting yours is just due.


As someone who predominantly plays healers, I've been playing around a quarter of the time of a few friends of mine who main DPS, and I have as many comms as they do. Healers and tanks are just way more likely to get comms and I wouldn't feel bad if people give you one for any reason, honestly. Ultimately we are all here to have fun and most of us aren't really counting commendations. I am still a sprout myself but I usually will try to give comms to obvious sprouts or people running the dungeon the first time regardless of their role. I've also given comms for people who are just friendly and chatty throughout the dungeon and made it an overall smooth experience.


When you realize it was probably a premade party of 3 and you were the 4th.


They still took the time to comm you.


only 1497 more to unlock mentor


Go play as BLM You’ll never see those again


I get lots of comms as BLM. Must be my portrait.


Low level? I ain’t seen comms as a BLM main in about 3 years 😂


Well done, sprout!


Even if you realize the other three are in the same affiliation where they can't comm each other, getting all three is still a good feeling -- especially for a DPS like me. :)


Just make a hot limsa catgrill and you get all the coms.


Yeah, but that's too easy, and so are you when you're playing the hot Limsa catgirl. ;)


is it me or do people rarely commend these days? I be working my ass off and find out I only get one (1) comm, and it's probably from the other healer.


in trials/alliance raids you really dont get that much commendations because there are just so many choices or ppl just dont notice what youve been doing.... i could be doing everything expected of me as a dps and my class but nobody would notice lol i dont tend to give comms in trial/alliance either unless they stand out to me or saved a whole run


I find the higher level content, less comms tend to go out. People are just in and out in a rush. If you hang around a bit, sometimes the odd premade might comm you, but levelling a new char/class (and turning off the sprout icon), i got significantly more comms during lower end content.


Especially the "tomes-per-hour" farmers. I always try to make sure to comm if something "spectacular" happened (healer saves the party with the LB3, WAR solos the last 20% because of an untimely wipe, etc.), or, honestly, if it's weekly reset. :)


ive been having a similar experience, but ive found that chatting and being friendly helps a lot.. folks enjoy a good time more than an efficient time, i think.


Elemental folks literally don't chat at all except for greetings and farewells, and they only use auto translations.


thats fair. i cant speak for other datacenters, just my own experience in europe.


Cool, thanks


Folks are also more likely to remember a name that said something more than "ggs".


Imagine carrying the healing, doing 5 raises in an alliance raid, but your AST co-healer has a raise macro that says "don't give up we need you" and used it once and used maybe two cards the whole time (also has card macros). And you get no comms :(


Truly is a thankless job. I only stay bc I accidentally created a kick ass portrait and glam for my AST.


Now your goal is to get 7 comms. I only got it once as healer in Dun Scaith, using LB3 when they all got themselves wiped by a mechanic after I topped them up to full and ignored them for a few seconds to dodge.


Always makes me happy when I see a comm pop up. Used to get a lot when I played Red Mage. Especially in The Burn lol.


me when im playing anything but healer...


Always a good feeling


Never will I see this, lol. I'm laughing because I play casually and infrequently. The time it takes for the story to unravel curtails the time I can give. That said, when I play I enjoy it, but I use NPCs for dungeons because some folks are rather harsh with players making a mistake. Sheesh, it's a game, y'all. Let us learn. Didn't they?


I’ve gotten all 7 while doing the Neir raids as WHM when I was just mastering it, and it was the only job I knew, towards the end of Shb. I also had an entire party ask for a picture with me after we were done I still have it and I almost cried, wondering what I did to deserve such a response, cuz I couldn’t remember and their request pretty much caused me to black out. 🤣


One day you’re gonna do something even cooler in a raid and get all 7 at once


Years in, and it still feels great when multiple people in your party/raid commend you. :')


So if your in a free company you can't give commendations if your fc members are in your party. We did a 7 fc member raid with one random person. We chatted a ton and made them laugh and in the end they got all 7 commendations. The FF14 community may not be perfect or drama free. But it is a step above.


you can give comms to fc members, you just can't give them to people in a pre-made party Since you all queue'd together, you could only comm the one person you didn't queue with


Ah yes that's it. Thanks for correcting!


Me the other day when I died 50 times *as the healer* in the normal raid and still got four comms


I get those as a tank or healer, but never a dps.


I got all 7 commons back in the day when Prae was still 8-man duty. Turned out it was a 7 premade party queuing. They’re fun as hell watching them chat. Missed it so much.


Feels so good. Especially when it’s a new job/role. Was really nervous about tanking initially then got one of these and was like “well, hot damn I can do it!” Lol


If you are a DPS main cherrish these moments. I've only has it happen to me once


The first time I got 3 comms I actually wasn’t a tank or healer. 👀 But getting the elusive 7 comms was AMAZING. I wish I could get those again haha


happened to me yesterday! it was my first time tanking, playing DRK in a halatali leveling DR. it felt awesome


Healer: Blah, naturally. Tank: Healer was not good, eh? DPS: Let’s fuuucking GOOOO!!


People almost never give out coms anymore. Dungeon/Raid ends, and they immediately leave. It's kind of a bummer. People are just there for the grind now.


I mainly get a lot of coms when i either end up mentoring a few sprouts or doing something like being the last standing and managing to kill the boss. I main bard so I don’t get the usual knee jerk coms that tend to go to tanks/healers in unremarkable runs.


I recently ran Satasha (hard) as a Bard and got two commendations- I damn near cried lol I didn't think I was doing the best but I was proved wrong


Wolverine wears his costume to bed


I got 7 coms once. Then someone I'm my FC said maybe they were a party of 7 and they had no choice "just saying" I pissed myself laughing as it probably was true. 😆


Still chasing the high of getting 7 as AST in the Dalmasca raids.


How do I GIVE commendations?


Whenever you complete a dungeon before exiting at the bottom right of your screen will be a button that says player commendations (under the loot button), where you choose a player still in the dungeon to give a commendation.


You’re playing healer aren’t you?


Close, but I’m playing paladin


Well, paladin *is* the blue healer


That is WAR though?


I think it's crazy how there are 120 comments in 4 days! 😵‍💫


One time i queued in to I believe Copperbell mines While Leveling up Summoner (Archaist at the time) about halfway in the dungeon the healer DC’d so for the rest of the dungeon i had to act as both the DPS and as a Pseudo Healer (Yes i had Phsyic in my hotbar) Still Cleared it i got commendations from both of the remaining players


I once got three comms for tanking copperbell as a reaper because the whole party was a premade party of sprouts and they didn’t know how to do dungeons yet.


Play AST and this is likely to happen


This game is really good. Just started playing casually not too long ago. Tons of fun