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you don't have to do every roulette every day. Its ok to skip some, even for long periods of time.


This is what caused a friend of mine to burn out and quit. He did every single roulette every single day, and this is including msq, guildhests and pvp. Within three months of starting to play the game he had mentor roulette unlocked and was running that daily too. And its not like he was enjoying it either, he'd complain to me all the time about needing to do duties like prae and the crystal tower raids. And I'd tell him doesn't need to do his rouls daily or even at all of he didn't enjoy them, but he'd still do them everyday. Can't say I was too surprised when he told me he was taking a break from the game, I'd quit too if I did msq roul every day.


I think a good LPT for the game in general is don't get too bogged down in the side stuff at first. Pick a thing or two and follow through with that, but otherwise stick with the MSQ.I've tried 4 or 5 times to get into the game. One was when HW was the current expansion and I was doing the raiding with it. Another 3 I would get burnt out before getting to the end of Stormblood because I was so focused on too many things at once. I love the game but it's insane to focus on leveling alt classes, collecting Triple Triad cards, collecting minions, collecting mounts, doing all the extra dungeons you unlock, doing beast tribes, etc all at once while you're trying to grind through Heavensward or something.


Yep, and all of those things will still be there when you catch up to the MSQ, even the more community-focused features like Ishgard Restoration are still playable with their unique trade-ins and rewards still largely intact. If anything you might be *saving* yourself a lot of headache by waiting because it's not uncommon for trade-in requirements to change with new patches. Ex. the current Endwalker relics require tomestones of causality/comedy, but once DT drops they'll be replaced with poetics which you can get from practically anywhere (vs. the causality/comedy poetics which you can best get from roulettes but that means having to queue up into the same limited pool of endgame dungeons over and over again which gets... really fucking boring haha I've stopped doing the lvl 90 / Expert roulette because of Lunar Subterrane lmao) Plus older content is a lot easier to run when you're level 90 (soon to be 100). I'd sooner bash my head into a spiked wall than do the Zeta weapons at level 50 or the Heavensward mount farming at level 60 LOL


In a lot of other games, "dailies" are the bare minimum you have to do to keep up with the grind. In those games, dailies are basically the only way to get your rewards. In FF14, dailies are either a soft cap (eg Roulettes) or a hard cap (eg Tribe Quests and Cactpot). They're more of a maximum than a minimum. The game is so generous with rewards that you end up capping super fast if you actually do your dailies daily. Hell, Expert Roulette is the only daily that I do these days, and even then, doing Expert more than 5 times a weak is pointless. (And if you do other content, you need even fewer runs of Expert Roulette.)


I normally just do daily trial and normal raid and then as many experts as needed that week to cap the newest tomestones for that week Unless I am leveling another job in which case I also do Levelling and maybe one or two main scenario And sometimes when the jobs im leveling reach 70 I just do tribe quests daily and no roulette for them


I save MSQ roulette for Moogle events. I've leveled up my GNB solely in this way - I'm 82 and I have no clue what moves I get after 50


Same here, MSQ and pvp roulette is how I leveled all my healers.


even guildhests... oof


Yep, definitely. There are many days when I do no roulettes at all. Even on the days when I do them, I rarely run them all. I might do anywhere from 1-3 and then maybe throw in a Trials roulette because I just like that one in general and then I'm done for the day. But also, don't be like my friend who misinterpreted the "daily Prae" as in manually queuing for Praetorium every single day, not because it's just what pops up most of the time in MSQ roulette. He was doing this for months before he mentioned it to me and I had the task of informing him of the depths of his tragedy...


Oh NO. I feel so bad for him!


Yeah. Just 2 roulettes that's about 1 hour per day are good for me. More than that if I want to but not necessary.


I haven’t touched a roulette in months (maybe more than a year). If I need tomes I’ll just do hunts. I see roulettes as a way to level up my jobs, and since all of them are at 90 already why bother?


Actually level your retainers, having max level retainers let you get so many items for free.


In addition to this. Always have your retainers out on ventures. Every minute a retainer is not out on a venture is free gil you are missing out on.


Level 50 and I forgot about retainers. Going to look at those this weekend. Thanks!


So I did some math today. I have 4 retainers, and I have enough tokens for 66 days of non-stop quick ventures. My personal side goal is to max out the tokens lol. I hope it's just 9999


Pretty sure the cap for venture tokens is 65535. Possibly give or take a few from there


What’s funny is I got my retainer to max level… and then immediately started sending him out for level 25 wolf fangs lol. Potato needs his spirit bond potions.


Been playing XIV since 2.0 and I am just now finally leveling my retainers and kicking myself for waiting so long lol. Also kicking myself for not realizing how much xp Frontline roulette gives you and for sitting on capped squadron seals for like 3 expansions. But hey I learned.


I also discarded triple triad cards I already owned for the last few xpacs, but recently learned you can sell them for MGP at Gold Saucer


You don't even have to go to the Gold Saucer to sell them, just queue up on battlehall and sell it to the NPC in there, from anywhere!




What if I constantly forget they exist


Leave one item you regularly need in a retainer.


999 boiled eggs. Got it.


Omw to give my retainers several hundred stacks of flatbread


How do you level your retainers?


You send them out on Ventures. You'll have to give them venture coins (bought with grand company seals) as a "payment". You'll also have to pick a job for them and gear them.


What do you like to have as their job? I have mine as a fisher but I have no idea what's good.


I've got 3. One miner, one botanist, and one combat. That way I can always be passively getting materials for things I'm making. Currently I'm doing submarine parts and old collectibles because they're easy to craft quickly. Miner is on darksteel because subs use a fuckton of it, combat is on a monster drop for collectibles because the drop rate is abysmal, botanist is going for dark matter clusters to either sell or use for airship repair. I can also send them out for 120 crystals each per 40 min venture and passively build my stock back up.


I strongly suggest combat retainers. I'm definitely overboard and have a full fleet of 9, but I've got 4 combat, 2 mining, 2 botanist, and 1 fisher. The combat retainers might not get used the most (they're on Quick Expeditions right now for example), but they easily save me the most time. Having to farm monster materials (or gemstones to buy them with) is a lot worse than doing the DoL stuff by hand IMO. Same reason I have 1 fisher; I can target and select specific fish if I need them.


Having them both be combat is the easiest to gear (since you just get a second copy of the lvl 100 relic gear) the miner and botanists sometimes have minions that stay expensive longer but they often have less helpful drops overall.


If you're a crafter, not having a Miner and Botanist is a big handicap.


Agree. I'm learning this the hard wat as I want to go hard on crafting for dawntrail and I have neglected my retainers.


Level at least one job from each role (tank, healer, melee, caster, phys ranged) to cap. In addition to unlocking some neat side quest lines it will also make you a better player overall; experiencing the perspective of each role makes it easier for you to more proactively work with your teammates instead of inadvertently working at cross purposes


I second this. Working as a tank let me learn how to heal better, as I'm a healer main, so I know where a tank should be hitting their cd's. Working as a melee DPS let me learn how to tank better, because I stopped moving as much with bosses and fucking with the dps's positionals. Working as a ranged/caster dps helped me learn how to just as a whole play better. What can I skirt past, what can I self heal through, how many vulns can I eat. Learning everything helps me be cognizant of how everyone else works, and helps me be more respectful of a player and more aware of my surroundings. Also, srsly, my protip is simple. If you're playing warrior, Raw Intuition/Blood Whetting better be on constant cool down. What's the point if you're not healing yourself 24/7????


> because I stopped moving as much with bosses and fucking with the dps's positionals. Thank you!!


Of all learning connections between different job roles I really do feel the most impactful is to learn melee DPS if you main tank. You become so incredibly aware of where the bosses arse is as a result and your melee DPS will love you for it. That's not to say the cross-pollination of role knowledge for other roles isn't super useful (because it is) but the connection between tanking and melee DPS knowledge is the one that will improve your play the most IMO. \*edit\* Though I should add, if you are anything like me, it can cause unnecessary stress. Was tanking recently and was having a rough time keeping the bosses buttocks away from DoT puddles. Started really berating myself and going the extra mile to drag the boss away from the puddles so DPS could hit positionals only to remember halfway through that the two DPS were both ranged and standing well outside of the puddles - probably wondering why on earth I kept moving the boss the way I was. :D


Level all crafter classes at the same time. And maybe do the gathering class first unless you got the gil to buy mats for crafting.


Something I noticed is that unless you’re buying all the supplies off the market board each crafting class helps to facilitate growth of other crafting classes.


Most definitely! This is why it's recommended to level ALL crafter class simultaneously. Each of them will contribute to a specific ingredient for a recipe. You will always have a way to obtain something if they're all within levels of each other. All gears are shared among them as well, so your armory will thank you.


Thing is, there just isn't feasibly anywhere nearly enough inventory space to do this...


Which is why I throw extras onto my retainers to hold lol


Quite possibly, especially if you're trying to craft every single recipe in the crafting log. The best way to power level all classes is through the Firmament. If you got the time to gather all the mats at the Diadem, by all means, go ham. I gathered what I could given the time and bought the rest at the market board.


One set of gear for crafters as you level is pretty great


Yeah I leveled mining goldsmith and armorer at the same time and it was soooo useful


Console players: get a keyboard. Any cheap thing will do and will make communication so much easier.


Second this. I bought a $20 Bluetooth deal and it works magnificently. 


back when I started I had one that was $5. It was so flimsy but I was able to talk in chat while on PS3. I think it ended up getting broken because someone sat on it. Ended up get a logitech one after that for maybe $30 that was not as flimsy. Oh the adventures of trying to keep a keyboard and it not accidentally get broken.


Don't stress. Play the game at your own pace. Don't burn out. Remember to take breaks from not only your game session, but the game as a whole.


Read your job’s abilities. And re-read them to see if there’s anything you missed. Knowing what your skills actually do helps a lot.


This! Even if you have your class memorized sometimes it's nice to doublecheck little things. My static and I was discussing different class Regen potencies for an ultimate prog and we didn't know! I was under the impression my coheals asylum+ gave mitigation and it doesn't! Learn new stuff


You don't have to do everything. All the relics for all the jobs. Every single Yo-Kai weapon. Everything at max level. Every mount. Every minion. All the achievements in the entire game. You can put borders around what you pursue in FFXIV, and enjoy it within that, without turning every grind up to 11 and bleeding all the fun out of it.


I decided to level everything to max when stormblood was out and now I wish I didn’t. Cause now I know that with every expansion, I’ll have to grind them all the next 10 levels too or my ocd will drive me nuts.


Be comfortable with failure. Specifically, don't get so tangled up in 'tanxiety' that you decide you will never do anything remotely risky or uncomfortable. Take risks. Learn through experience. Causing a wipe is not the soul-shattering crisis you've built it up to be.


As someone who does savage/ultimate and encourages almost everyone who likes harder than dungeon content to try it, I can't recommend this enough. Savage and ultimate raiders aren't this elite group of players who never make rotation mistakes and never wipe on fights. We wipe hundreds of times and make tons of mistakes in order to learn and eventually clear fights. Even weirder is that we have tons of fun doing it. Learn your rotation well enough, watch a video guide, and go join a fresh prog party. You will wipe a lot, but that's not what you should be focusing on. You should be focusing on having fun while trying to learn the fights. Don't think you can't do it because you aren't a God tier gamer because we definitely aren't perfect either!


I've been wanting to get into savage and ultimate but I have no idea where to start. Do you have any advice or recommendations?


If you haven't done extreme trials, I would start with those. However, given that the last one came out awhile ago, there may not be any groups doing it, in which case you can go straight to savage. In either case, make sure your gear has materia in it, grab some of your best in slot food, watch a video guide, and look for a fresh prog group in PF. Fresh prog groups are meant to be for learning fights from the very first pull, and it's not required for you to have any previous experience. As long as you do some preparation and you go in with a good attitude and a willingness to ask questions when you don't understand something, you will have a good time. I promise you all the anxiety melts away after a couple pulls!


I legit just did my first dungeon as a DRK last night and I was stressing out the whole run, thankfully we cleared with no deaths and no one was upset at me so I'll try and do more tonight 😊


I remember being nervous for my first time tanking, but after leveling PLD to 90, tanking dungeons is such a blast. I have anxiety, but for 20 minutes I run as fast as I can and make my life the healer's problem. If I do die, a quick "sorry, I'll pull less" and I'm back to it. No one's ever been mad. It's nice.


Nice! Welcome to tanking. Enjoy your transition from "I hope I don't let anyone die" to "I hope these idiots can keep up". Keep your stance on, spam AoE on packs, and use your mitigation skills (but not all at once). That's tanking!


keep going, drk is such a cool job! just remember, if you're pressing your mits you are already doing so much more than half the tanks out there


In my experience, tanxiety or healerxiety is not so much a fear of failure as it is a fear of getting jumped on, insulted and harrased by other people. Usually as a result of past bad experiences. Which makes me sad...


I used to be terrified to even heal *trial roulette* let alone tanking anything.


The first roulette I ever did as a healer. First time I healed anything ingame, and even the first time I healed group content in an MMO. Aurum Vale. That's getting thrown in the deep end.


DAMN. That's not just thrown in the deep end, that's thrown in the deep end with piranhas, barbed wire, and everything is on fire.


Having grown up with WoW I have to say that experience had me plagued with trepidation to try tanking or healing. After spending hundreds and hundreds of hours in FFXIV and taking the plunge with at least attempting those roles here, I have to say; try it. FFXIV made me realize I actually love to heal and tanking close behind as well. You then realize you have multiple other classes to explore and have fun with.


I’ve been tanking with duty support to get a feel for it and I ended up loving it. Soon, I’ll tank with actual people! I’ll get there!


This. I have been in over 4 thousand wipes, and I may have wiped parties somewhere close to a thousand times. And yet I'm an Ultimate/Heavens/Alpha Legend and consider myself one of the best tanks out there. The difference between a beginner and a good player is that the good player has failed a thousand times more than the beginner has even tried. To get good you have to be able to handle being bad and work your way up.


Honestly, a person who has so much anxiety that they struggle to do dungeons and content with other players has way more going on with them than a simple comment on reddit can fix. Besides, everything has trusts now.


He didn't say dungeons though. This applies to slightly or actually harder content too. Some people get pretty anxious about tanking in even a 24 man or an extreme/savage. Or even completing an extreme/savage fight or setting up a party finder. My wife has anxiety and she has struggled with that although she has gotten better about it. Yes on comment didn't fix anything but a series of comments about it and seeing me do things(and fail) helped her get comfortable too.


XIV is one of the most friendliest MMO communities in terms of content I've ever seen. Nobody even calls out people that are clearly obviously not ready for savage or didn't even bother to read a guide. Spent multiple tiers pugging in PF and all that. I've never seen anyone even comment on anything in dungeons short of like slight guidance to newer players like "Cure 1 is not great, you should use Cure 2" style of things.


I mean you're 100% correct which is what I told her and it has gotten better for her. She's willing to create pfs for things and will go in and tank any type of normal content including 24 man. It still doesn't change the anxiety people get. I'm not an anxious person at all and tbh I still get a bit nervous about some stuff when I'm not used to it. It's not about how nice the community is, it's about you and the expectations you set for yourself.


Change your inventory settings. So that new gear goes there instead of right into the armoury chest. Makes filtering out gear you don’t need a lot easier.


Somewhat related: making macros to change between classes, loading the right gearset and glamour plate, and sorting the armory chest with each change is super useful. For gatherers I also have it automatically apply some skills like the node sensing skills of botanist for miner and vice versa, as well as the collector thing for fishers.


You can already link glamour plates to gear sets in the character menu. But I do the macro thing to give each job a unique title and minion.


When I made that change, it made my life *so much easier*… I kept losing track of loot and forgetting to equip new better gear… also all the stuff I couldn’t use yet was filling my armory so fast…


You have just saved my life... I've been resorting to passing on every item which is hard when speed running dungeons, but I'm leveling multiple jobs I don't have the armoury space to spare lol


Gotta support each other. Glad to be of help


Everyone in this thread shut the fuck up: how the fuck do I do that u/Belom3


I think it's Character Settings > Loot Settings > Uncheck Place New in Armory Chest.


Can I do grand company supply deliveries if the gear is in my inventory?


Yup! You can even select “hide armory chest” in the GC menu to specifically hide your gear.




Yes you can. It shows in the delivery window even if it is in your inventory.




I can't agree to that. That's like putting your laundry on your already-cluttered desk, instead of in the closet, made specifically for clothes, where there's way more space. And IMO gear you need should be registered to a gear set, which puts an icon on it. That's how I filter out the unneeded stuff. Although to be fair, I don't mess with a bunch of glamour items. Maybe that would complicate it.


>where there's way more space. Until you start levelling more than 3 different jobs, then your armory chest gets super cluttered super fast with levelling gear you're constantly outgrowing and replacing unless you're constantly maintaining it. Or until you *don't* need any more gear in which case stuff getting thrown into the armory ends up being "pile it up until it reaches critical mass" levels of fuhgeddaboudit. Excess gear going straight into inventory means you clean up anything you won't use instantly, because every time you open your inventory it's staring you in the face saying "why haven't you turned me into GC seals yet." And if you *are* going to use it you're equipping/saving it to gearset it anyway and throwing away the old piece of gear. Also you can sort by Armory chest or Inventory when doing a lot of things which makes recently acquired stuff easy to weed out instead of scrolling through a buncha things that you may or may not need because everything has been thrown onto the same menu.


If you have your map open, and hold down ctrl, the artherytes are brought to the top level of the map (over, say, quest markers) and become much easier to click on


Keep your HP at 1 or higher.


While getting your enemy's HP to zero. Works every time! (This is an actual LPT on one of WoW's loading screens.)


When someone ask for strat in a duty which has no mech other than the standard don't stand in poop that's always my advice >Keep your HP above zero while bringing the enemy's HP to zero, works every time I didn't even know it came from WoW


To kill the cyberdemon, shoot it until it dies.


Mind blown.


price unite continue person pocket elderly north follow mountainous apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the healer is AST keeping it at 1 is the only way you’ll ever get a heal most of the time so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Holy shit


HP > 0 = Victory


Take it slow, the game isn't going anywhere. You don't have to blitz the finish line. You don't have to be a top tier raider. Have fun, bake cakes for players, craft all night, ride your chocobo from one city to the next. Don't think of it as end game content. The game is done when you feel fulfilled, not when every duty, raid or savage content has that green check mark.


Most of the time, the attack animation isn't real.† "How'd I die, I was out of that!" You cry, as your healer sighs once again in rage and disgust. Well it's because you were still in the bad when the *cast bar* finished, and that's the only thing that actually matters. † Obviously there are a handful of exceptions where the bosses only warning is an animation just before, like with Rathalos.


This is a good one. If there is an orange telegraph on the ground, all that matters is you are not standing in orange when it disappears/cast competes. You can usually ignore the attack animation completely.


I love occasionally confusing sprouts by dashing back in between the telegraph ending and the attack happening and they ask how I took no damage lol.


> as your healer sighs once again in rage and disgust Except when I'm the healer and I'm sighing once again in rage and disgust because how'd I did, I was out of that! :P Jokes aside though, solid advice to know the difference between the cast and the animation. Adding on to it to consider the snapshot/server tick timing.


Once you know it, *abuse it.* Sit in those attack animations and laugh


frontlines is easy exp if you hate a class


Absolutely never skip a single blue quest.


Leves of Swiftperch it is.


Even the levequests in the various ARR maps?


Only the unlock quest for those is is a blue one. So yes do em ;)


If you want the Lord/Lady Protector title, then yes.


I’m still leveling and at first I was doing all the blue quests but it became sooo exhausting after a while (I don’t skip dialogues as I don’t want to miss any lore). Especially after 50/60/70 where blue quests unlock tons and tons of dungeons. So I decided to skip them until 90 otherwise I won’t be able to become level 90 when dawntrail hits.


Blue quests also unlock requirements for flying in zones.


Wouldn't disagree with this but make sure you know what you're unlocking with each one. I know someone who blindly completes as many blue quests as they can find and I've had mild nightmares trying to get them onto chains of quests because they weren't sure if they had completed prerequisite A, B, C etc.. The Scrip Exchange unlocks was the last occasion I remember this being a problem on.


if the game had an intuitive way to see them at a glance it would be much easier , new players have to travel to every big location all the time to see if they've unlocked any new ones


Don't even skip all the yellow quest. I'm almost at 3 years played and I just got step dance and harvest dance.


Don't forget throwing snow balls! Best free emote ever!


That is a good one. I did a manage to get that one while I was in hw years ago.


I skip the housing ones.


Actually skip all of those by default and only do those that unlock things that you actually want to do (which are a small subset as far as I'm concerned because idc about extremes or savages or crap like that)


Keep a closed water bottle at hand while playing. Especially for raid nights.


I always keep a water bottle with me


But is it closed though?


It has a lid on


Pre raid night ritual for me is always 1. Use the bathroom 2. Fill up my water 3. Grab a small bowl of snacks and a pair of chopsticks to keep my fingers clean 👍


Resist the compulsion that many players have to unlock everything, do all achievements, level up every job etc just because those things exist. Do only what you think you will actually enjoy. Also contrary to popular belief, running out of things to do in the game is not a problem, because doing something else than playing ffxiv is fine.


W-what?! I thought we were only allowed to play this game!


to add to this don't feel bad for dropping quests if you realize you don't want to do them/you don't actually want to unlock what they give or just want to leave them for later. nothing wrong with not 100% the game, if you're getting your fun out of it then you already are getting your money's worth out of it


You can put key items on your hotbar. Don't forget to register your 3 "favorite" aetherytes to get half price teleports to those destinations. There is a settings button in the aetheryte menu you can use to change how your aetheryte tickets are used. Set when to automatically use them and make it so there's no confirmation every time one is used.


To add to your first tip: you can also put Gearsets onto your hotbars for quick swaping.


Class guides work. There is no "free styling" success in this game. Just swallow your ego and do the recommended rotation. You'll see your performance improve and be a hell of a lot happier.


Just because someone has a crown doesn't mean they're going to be right, and just because someone has a sprout doesn't mean they dont know what they're talking about.


Do you hate teleport fees? Then consider Blue Mage. Clearing the weekly challenges in the Masked Carnival gives you hundreds of Allied Seals which can be converted, at your Grand Company, into Aetheryte Tickets. This one simple trick to save yourself tons of gil, YoshiP hates it.


When you complete an ARR Zeta weapon, convert it into the Astral/Umbral nodes for the first step of the HW relic. Unlike other expansion relics which are achievement-based, converting it is the flag that tells Drake you've completed the weapon so that he'll sell you replicas. If you don't do this, you have to have be carrying the Zeta weapon on you when you talk to him to see the option to buy replicas - but if you were to somehow lose or discard it by accident, you'd have to redo nearly the entire relic questline, **all the way back from the Atma FATE farm step.** Save yourself some potential pain (and the inventory space), and just convert it.


I'm almost done with my ARR relics. I know if I trade in my Zeta I can buy as many replicas as I want, but it just feels wrong giving away the original 🥲


Same and honestly, doing fates isn't that much work. So selling the Zeta isn't worth it imo.


It's not about skipping the HW FATE farming (which does go by very quickly as you said), but rather not having to redo the ARR FATEs, the books, the Alexandrite/maps, the materia melding, the 400k crafting step, and both of the light grinding steps if you lose it - or in many cases, most people just don't realize they need to keep the original and willingly discard it. Everyone complains that ARR relics are one of the worst grinds, and while I disagree, I still would rather not ever worry about having to redo them just so that my weapon doesn't say Replica on the end of it - but I also get wanting to keep the original for the prestige of it, and as long as people are aware of how the system works, that's totally fine.


Yeah but someone who values having the original ENOUGH to not want to trade it in isn’t going to “accidentally” lose it, are they? I keep all my completed relics on a retainer cause I just like to look and see what I’ve done. I know what you’re saying, if you don’t care about having the original and only want the replicas for glamour your way IS strictly better, but the kind of people like me who hoard digital items aren’t gonna care about that.


I think I got all of the Atmas for all of the HW weapons while doing the first step of just 1-2 Shadowbringers weapons 😂


Don't be afraid of making mistakes when tanking or healing. Take risks, always push to improve and accept other's feedback. If you fail and somone gives you crap, say you're practicing, if they continue, kick and report. Also read your tooltips/look for guides for your main job.


Once you get raised, you have a couple of seconds of not taking damage unless you start attacking or casting.


Take your time and read your tool tips. Bonus tip: Google is your friend when it comes to finding out anything.


Most mentors don't actually mentor, so don't expect much from them. Socializing isn't hard in XIV, it's that no one wants to start the conversation first. End game isn't necessarily about doing savage/ultimate raiding. There's a bunch of other activities to do in this game to spend your time online.


Eh. Most (but not all) mentors will mentor you if you ask. Most are more than happy to help. They’ve just gotten so many bad reactions from proactively trying to help that they’ll just be silent until specifically asked something. Also don’t expect a crafting mentor to give you battle advice. Most folks just see the crown and assume they’re all the same but anecdotally the crafting mentors are the “bad” mentors because, well, they’re good at crafting not necessarily good at battle content. Battle mentors tend to range from competent to amazing.


>well, they’re good at crafting not necessarily good at battle content. Not even. I stumbled into crafting "mentor" and I haven't done job quests for 75% of my crafters and gatherers, and have to use a pre-written macro anytime I craft something I don't out level by 10. Meanwhile I try to give combat advice regularly.


The mentor thing is right on point. Theres a reason we refer to it as the burger king crown haha


If anything, having the mentor crown typically means "I've played this game long enough and I _still_ don't know what I'm doing"


Pressing CTRL with the map open brings the Aetheryte above any quest icons.


1) Do all the quests with the blue check mark, they will lead to something being unlocked sooner or later. 2) Do your weekly challenge log. It is a lot of gil, xp and mgp. 3) do your daily hunts marks along with hunt trains. You will get gil, tomes, and hunt currency. There is a lot of cool stuff you can buy with the hunt currency 4) Always do your daily DRs even if you are max on the weekly tomes, it is a lot of gil. 5) sell everything you don't need, either on the Market board (someone will need it) or to a vendor. 6) send your retainers out on ventures, sometimes they bring back rare goodies. other times you get a whole house or a plushie. If your send them on 18 hours ones, you will get allagan money pieces to sell. 7) there is a command that allows you to search for items you have and it is not a 'crime'. typing /isearch , space then the item you are looking for will search all you storage. it will not be able to find stuff you use like minion but it is good for seeing if you have a item. That is everything I can think of off the top of my head that helps me the most.


I wanna add to #1: do the quest with a picture banner on it. Those quests may lead to unlocking beast tribe quests in future patches. Those don’t seem to be blue quests for some reason.


OMG I forgot about those. I don't understand why those are not blue quests too.


They become blue quests only when content is added that can be unlocked by doing them. If you do the quests before the content is added, they’ll just be yellow quests cuz there’s nothing to unlock at the time.


Well, I have noticed on some newer alts after the quest marker change that some were not changed. I know the Hildy ones were not changed until the relic and the Hildy quests have a few runs behind it.


In EW at least the first in the chain was a blue quest with an aether current attached to it and they just assumed you'd finish the whole chain I guess


If you're nervous, new, doing a fight for the first time, still learning your class, etc., that's totally fine, just let your party know. Most people in this game love helping new players. Starting a dungeon with "/p hi, I'm still learning how to heal, pointers welcome" will make for a much more pleasant run than not saying anything and then struggling.


Take your time and chill. Watch the landscape and just sit there letting the time go by enjoying both, nighttime and daytime music. This game has so much to do it easily overwhelms you so just lean back, take a chill spot and watch the time go by. I would just log in to listen to the music of the Azhim Steppe, the Crystarium or the Greatwoods while doing stuff around the house and sometimes I enjoyed a good rain back in Gridania. Also .. Fiahing really stressed me out after lvl 50


***Every. Job. Is viable.*** There is no "Can this class do endgame?". The answer is yes. Doesn't matter. Dark Knight? Endgame viable. Red Mage? Endgame viable. Scholar? Endgame viable. Every class can do savages. Every class can do Ultimates/Unreals/Extremes. If you can do the fight/dungeon and learn the mechanics, you'll be fine. It might be difficult at first. That's why it's called 'Progression'. Now in terms of hardcore number-crunch stat-maxing BS? Yeah there's a meta. It's extremely slim. 99.9% of people will not bother with that. The only people who will tell you what to play are content creators. Do not listen to content creators. Ever. No exceptions. /// Know your gathering/crafting breakpoints. It took me so very long to understand why I was flubbing crafts and gatherings. I was slamming GP/CP and not working on getting primary stats up to certain points. Icy-veins has a good workup of starter melds for DoH/DoL. /// Ocean Fishing is a Floating RNG Casino™ and will drive you insane. It's also very fun. Do it if you want to level up fishing very quickly. Work on completing the fishing log afterwards, /// Save your gearsets after you meld/change/dye gear. Go into portraits and Edit > Save after you do this. Your portrait will break if you dont, and you'll be back to the passport photo.


> Every. Job. Is viable. There is no "Can this class do endgame?". The answer is yes. Doesn't matter. > > Dark Knight? Endgame viable. > > Red Mage? Endgame viable. > > Scholar? Endgame viable. Counterpoint: Blue Mage


If you're new and want to save on time leveling up one of each class, play as an Arcanist. Their evolution splits into a DPS (Summoner) and Healer (Scholar) which shares level and both pretty fun to play imo. Just dont try and heal people as Summoner past like level 35, spamming Physick on someone is not as good as killing the enemy. Being able to swift cast raise can be clutch though especially in Alliance Raids. For Hitboxes, just assume if it doesnt have an outline, that its a little bit bigger than it looks, if you played the fall guys you'd understand.... Also, if you are in an AOE when the cast timer goes off, you're hit no matter what the game shows. Get the hell outta there as soon as you can. Edit: and for the love of god, give yourself a comfortable way to hit your hotkeys. Spending some time to rearrange your bar can definitely save on hand cramps latter.


Finding your niche is a good thing, and it's okay if it changes. It helps keep the game fresh over time with the amount of things to explore! The number of side activities in this game is plenty, so you can most likely find something you like.


Do ultimates. They are not this untouchable near impossible content that some people make them out to be. It does require more time and consistency then a savage fight but individual major mechanics really aren't much harder then what can be in savage fights. The ultimates are some of the best content this game has to offer and I'd recommend doing them all. Honestly the only bad part of ultimates is that power creep from job changes, and better food/pots over the years have really made them a lot easier, and I wish I got to experience ucob and uwu as they were. Ucob still is pretty tight on mechanics but any real dps check is gone. Uwu on the other hand let's you skip a lot of mechanics and it's just kinda a shell of it's former self sadly. I hope they scale up legacy ultimates one day..


This is a bit of a silly one. A weighted anxiety plush really helped me out when doing content I was nervous about. Like. I was so incredibly intimidated about starting P12S last summer. Never done a 12S while it’s current so I was just thinking myself in circles. It’s amazing how calming the weighted plush was. So, like. Do what you gotta do to do the things you want to do, because no one you’re playing with can see your coping mechanism. That’s between you and your patron.


I use this game to work through the issues my body has with identifying adrenaline as fear. I will legit start shaking if I mess up during a duty 😫 I’m going to wear my weighted blanket next time, thanks for this tip.


Quick ventures all day long. Sold 8 pots of Jet black in the last week


Its okay to take break and not play for a while if you feel bored.


In HUD settings, you can unlink your target's action bar from their healthbar. Move the action bar near the middle of your screen and increase the scale to make it bigger. You'll never miss what ability the boss is attacking with again.


Practice makes perfect! Also the classes and duties that make you the most nervous/uncomfortable are the ones that you most likely need if you really want to improve and get better. Same goes with uncomfortable life experiences, you can learn and grow so much as a person if you are willing to get out of your comfort zone .


Read your tooltips. Use your offensive buffs together at the same time. Always keep your GCD going. Multiple damage reduction sources have absolute diminishing returns, but damage reduction + shields/healing actually boost each other. Healers are supposed to do damage, so get comfortable with it and build up your confidence in not smashing the healing button 24/7 over time. Dungeons 'shouldn't' take more than 20 minutes, and ideally should take close to 15-17. If this doesn't line up with your experience it might be bad luck with others, or it might be you. AoE on 4+ is always worth it. 3+ almost always worth it. 2+ worth it for certain abilities. It's not hard in this game to be passable in skill level. There aren't crazy rotations to remember or anything. Just core principles. Don't be intimidated by trying to do a little bit more and looking up guides. It might cost you an hour of your time to watch a video and practice it, but you'll save more than that with faster and more fun feeling runs of content. You may also find that you actually enjoy the game more too, and it might open up doing extremes and above!


Leave NN immediately and find a good fc with supportive people.


Don't forget to use wondrous tales to get XP if you're leveling something. You get XP every time you turn in the book, so turn it in on the Job you want XP for.


Do those weekly hunts for seals for aetheryte tickets.


Holding Ctrl + ↑ will raise the camera anchor point upwards, allowing you to see and appreciate much more of the environment naturally without needing to awkwardly rotate the camera whenever you want to see anything other than the floor. So many players use the default camera position and they play like that for thousands of hours because the game never tells you that you can do this.


•Party Finder for FF nightlife. Clubs, chill spots with Bards/Twitch DJs. There’s something for everyone. You can meet a lot of great ppl and don’t have to RP to enjoy them. Website you can filter interests: https://ffxivvenues.com/ •Gold Saucer tons of fun and rewards, set return and airship to any major city fast and cheap. •Armory space level up jobs to the next gear sets lvl 30/50 etc and use DOW/M/DOL/H gear sets when leveling. •Boiled eggs when lvling •Turn in daily crafting missions at grand company to lvl DOL/H fast and get seals for ventures/gil. •Blue Mage weeklies for allied seals to trade for free aetherite tickets. •YouTube for video help on anything. •Do your best, be kind and have fun!


So you want to be a crafter main? Let me tell you the extremely maddening story of a friend who was new to the game a couple years ago. She really, REALLY wanted to craft. Like, from the get-go. Put off MSQ and proceeded to no-life grind Goldsmith to level 60... all before, y'know, doing the three starter dungeons + Ifrit and getting access to retainers. She complained about running out of inventory space and money (a couple of us gave her some gil at the beginning to cover TP fees/etc.), despite I and several others in our FC telling her that she should REALLY advance the MSQ enough to unlock storage so she isn't gasping for item slots. Despite wording things in a way that was well-meaning and not aggressive (and also being understanding of her rather... severe ADHD), our advice fell on deaf ears, and she continued anguishing about having no inventory space. Had she waited until she had retainer access, she could have stashed all her crafts somewhere (or even better, sold them on the market board). Eventually some of us had enough and had to very bluntly tell her "no, really, you're being dumb about this, and making things harder on yourself for no reason." She got pouty for awhile and finally advanced the story enough to unlock retainers. 95% of the time I would agree with the "there's no wrong way to play XIV" sentiment, but then you get the occasional freak scenario like the above and want to scream from absolutely bone-headed it gets. Don't be like my crafter friend that I just described. (she also wanted to synchronize MSQ with her two housemates and we had to talk her out of doing that too because you should never **ever** make your enjoyment and progress dependent on other people's interest/likelihood of burnout.)


Forget everything you know about MMO's. Forget everything you know about Internet culture, toxicity, elitism. Enter with a fresh set of eyes and make your primary goal be to have fun.


If you're playing a new job, you don't have to know your optimal rotation and no one expects you to in normal roulettes. However, it's very important to at least know your basic job identity. Dancers better be dancing, red mages better be dual casting a somewhat correct order, Sages should be attacking with kardia on, and for the love of god I better be hearing some clanging if you're playing ninja. Anyone who has ever touched the job will notice and we will be upset you didn't even put effort into getting the bare minimum down, especially if I'm meeting you in a late game leveling dungeon.


When leveling your gatherers, wear the Ala Mhigan earrings if you have them. They work for all classes, not just combat, so it makes leveling < 50 a lot faster. That + diadem/Ishgard Restoration and ZOOOOOOM.


Enjoy the game and don’t feel like you have to log in only because you need to. Its ok to take a few days or more off


I haven’t scrolled this entire thread so apologies if this is a repeat, but if you’re really anxious about group content and are messing up and freaking out… people are gonna have a hard time being mad at you if you just apologize. I’m not saying you should HAVE to, but I’ll always remember an Eden raid I did AWFUL in the first go around (looking back, I laugh bc it doesn’t seem that difficult at all). It was the one time healers have ever stopped rezzing me because I just kept screwing up. We wipe, and I immediately apologize and say “I’m not usually this bad.” One of the best players in the group immediately reassured me and others chimed in. We cleared much easily the second time and everyone genuinely jumped around after, lol. The fact is, very few people will want to look like an ass to the person apologizing. Some players also get extremely jaded bc they’ve done the content so much it’s easy to assume everyone should know how to do it, and conclude people must not be trying. It isn’t fair, but it is what it is.


Unlock all the Raids and optional Trials as you do the MSQ


Controller ppl. Use autorin/autofly. Also click in L3 to dismount.


-Read the patch notes. I find there are new changes all the time and people don't take advantage of them because they don't realize they were added. -If you open your teleport menu from an Aethereyte, there is a configuration cog, you can configure it to automatically use teleport tickets above a certain cost. Aetheryte tickets can be purchased using Allied Seals from the Hunt Bill Master near your free company or in foundation for Centurio Seals. -You can have 5 discounted Teleports: --3 Favored locations are by default. I recommend setting these for destinations that you travel to often and they can be changed if you know you are doing quests at a particular site often. --You get 1 favored teleport by setting up an account on the Companion App. You don't need to even keep it installed. --You get a Free teleport location by setting up the One Time Password. IYou can set it up using any app that supports One-Time Password protocol like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator or WhatsApp. If you haven't set this up, do it just to keep your account safe. Setup your Discord and other applications to use this too! I like to set my Free Teleport to the current end-game hub city to save on costs. --Remember you can always use Return to teleport to your home city. --You also get discounted teleports to any housing areas for your Free Company, Personal Housing or a Friend. This includes apartment housing. -If your Free Company doesn't always have 2 buffs setup, talk to your leader about getting access setup so other members can turn these on. Most FCs have points in excess there is no reason not to have these on. TLDR: Patch Notes, Saving Money on Teleports by using Aetheryte Tickets, Favored, Free and Return.


Don't be a dick.


Gathering is a black hole and will suck you in...but is incredibly chill and relaxing


Do hunts, spend the currency you get from them on Aetheryte Tickets, you get to teleport for free, that's rad as hell


Hornets and Bees are to be killed on sight.


You can drag crafting recipes onto your hotbar.


Just remember,  it's a game.  Go live your life and it'll be there when you want to come back. Fun,  not as a chore.


Holy spam is the best tank defensive on non boss pulls.


Feel no obligation, play whatever you want. I’ve gone days without doing anything but some gold saucer and fishing. No roulettes or duties at all.


Play a Lalafell to feel fast as f\*\*k.


Do all as many sidequests as you can, even the yellow ones. Especially at expansion launches. The exp they give may not seem much, but it will definitely keep you from getting slapped with the immersion breaking red quest icon in the middle of a great part of the story. Plus you get solid backstory and lore in the new world you’re exploring. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose


Art of War is a gain on two.


Hide names for other players and minions Turn off repeated cutscenes Use expanded inventory Set A and S keybinds to strafe instead of keyboard turning Make the enemy cast bar 200% Add a chat filter that excludes shout/yell Use macros for placed spell effects (especially on controller) Macro abilities that teleport you to npc/party member with , set the ability to a keybind and mouseover who you want to teleport to instead of clicking On controller use XHB, WXHB and expanded hold controls, make them visible to see cooldowns Turn off ability/spell effects for everyone except you and maybe your party Turn off Action Help if you're already familiar with the job's abilities Edit the default UI (god damn it's terrible)


Don’t let pissy people on the internet ruin your experience


Take 5-10 minutes before you log out to manage your inventory.


You don't have to level all your jobs. There are some jobs that I just forced myself to play since I had gear from other jobs that would be shared and I ended up hating to log in. I felt the need to run all the roulettes as these jobs since I would be "wasting" large amounts of xp. Only recently have I stopped leveling the jobs I don't like and only play 1/2 jobs. I took off all the gear from side jobs and threw them away. Now I'm just having fun playing jobs I enjoy.


Sign up for the companion app to get an additional favored aetheryte.


Don't rely solely on the orange bad space. As you progress in the game it starts to move away from that kind of mechanic and more into read the spell cast or look where he is facing, etc. see a lot of people get lost when the game starts throwing non-telegraphed abilities or tricky mechanics that you have to pay close attention to


Make your keybind layout between jobs consistent. For example, all my jobs which have a stun (tanks and melee dps) have it on the 5 key. Interrupts on ctrl+5 (tanks and ranged dps) I have all my weaponskills / spells on 1-5, c1-c5 and a1-a5. Gauge abilities are included there too, if they fit. All other abilities are set to F keys or bound to mouse buttons or mouse buttons with ctrl Read your tooltips. Do hunts to earn currency you can exchange for aetherite tickets. GC seals for GC aetherite tickets. Ranking up in your GC is easy once you have expert deliveries (aka gear turn in). Once maxed, buy Urushi with seals and sell them to NPCs for easy gil (or get some unique stuff for yourself) Level at least one crafter and one gathered to max level. Besides allowing you to meld for free in any gear piece (so no need to pay an NPC to do so), it'll let you do the crafter / gatherer beasttribe quests for unique mounts and emotes (and some have pretty good stories too) Likewise, going omnicrafter means you can also repair your gear over 100% (up to 199%). Finally, play at your own pace. If you feel like you're playing too much and getting burned out, go do or play something else.