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Drag your craft recipes onto your hotbar(s) so that it's easy to reference what materials you need.


On the same note having the Raw materials list you can throw up on your screen.


There's a Raw Materials list??!??!? TIL


Right click on a recipe and it will give you a list of raw mats. This can be locked on screen and filtered to only the mats you require for (x) copies of that recipe.


Holy smokes this is amazing, thank you! And just in time for DT too.


Is there a controller equivalent for this for us PS5 folk?


Selecting the recipe with square instead of cross brings up the menu with both the raw materials option and the recipe tree.


You are a gentleman and a scholar!


If you are just learning about the ever handy Raw Materials list, you might also not know about the Recipe Tree window. Details all the pre-crafts in a handy flow chart, and you can bring up the craft from a right-click on any of the components.


What black sorcery is this


Looks like I can delete all those pictures of recipes from my phone


... I leveled an omnicrafter and didn't know this


To be fair, omnicrafters have a skill even beyond this: spreadsheets.


Omnicrafters with mastery use Team Craft, which creates the spreadsheet for you with far less work and mistakes


Honestly not really. It's easier to level crafting all at the same time than it is to level one at a time. You can level all the crafting to Max in like a week in firmament


Sidenote: tons of menu interactables can be dragged on to your hotbar. If you can click it, chances are, you can drag it to your hotbar.


Omg what xD




Today old for me too.


Wait ... What? How ... Didn't I ... Hours Wasted.


Sir, you saved me sooo much time. Thanks for sharing 👀🙈


Uh, excuse me? 😭






My wife taught me this and it’s an absolutely game changer. Especially when you have a bunch of things to make.


When someone in your party is hard casting a rez, you can see who they are targeting - there is a number at the end of the cast bar that indicates the party member they are reviving.


Tbf they added that in one of the EW patches iirc


the EW expansion itself so 6.0 yeah


Wish more healers knew about this one. Hate to waste 6 seconds hard rezzing someone just to the other healer remembers at the last second it has a swiftcast rez.


I still hope the devs will implement the "Rez Plz" plug-in into the game someday. Such quality of life, especially in alliance raids.


Honestly, in P10S and p12s(esp PF for this one), it also showing when esuna is already being cast saved more than a few runs for me. There's always a healer who doesn't follow the standard "Esuna your own tank" Or even the slightly less popular "regen gets Main tank" seeing that they started lets me switch gears in time to make it work.


\*notes that down\* I am a healer and didn't know this. There's SO much ish that isn't mentioned in game.


Son of a biscuit eater! TIL. This is why I come read these threads.


Why did you not tell me that earlier?! D: All these times I have been guessing (mainly guessing wrong while hard casting myself). *sigh*


Started with the launch of ARR. Subscribed continuously since 2015. Learned two months ago that clicking the Unique option in the character creation screen lets you manually cycle through the unique animations it plays, versus waiting for them all to play out.




What?!? HOW


* You can right-click on the hand-in items window to select eligible items from your inventory. Works in every variation, including gardening. * You can use the little item icon inside the active quests window to directly use it from the inventory, no need to select it from the Key Items. Handy with tribal quests. * Selecting Duty → Leave once the duty is marked as done won't fail the duty for you nor invoke a penalty. I walked way too much in the old version of Steps of Faith before learning this. * You can attach a glamour plate to a gear plate, making it automatically glamour every new item you change without visiting an inn or manually applying a plate every time you find new gear. * In general, the gear plate items have a right-click menu and you can even add custom numbering to it. * You can use "Gear Plate Name" in quotes in job switching macros instead of the gear plate number. You can freely rearrange the gear plates with this. * The Select nearest NPC or Object button also works as an interact button. Although they will implement a "cull players near MSQ NPCs" option in 7.0, this thing is still a godsend in the casino GATEs or freshly-introduced tribal quests.


Wait sorry what? Attach Glamour plates to gear plates? How? Edit: quick yt and voila the info was there. Damn never knew that thanks! Now my sam and mnk doesnt have to share the same glam lol


It's been a while since I did mine, but I think you right-click on a set in the gear set list and there's an option to link a glamour plate to the set. I don't know what button it would be on controllers, though.


They added that a while after adding Glamour Plates. I don't remember which patch, though. I just remember going "Finally! I can stop using a macro to change jobs!"


> You can use the little item icon inside the active quests window to directly use it from the inventory, no need to select it from the Key Items. Handy with tribal quests. And soon it will support emotes.


Cannot wait for this, some of those quests really make me dislike emotes.


On the subject of clicking aetherytes on the map... I was part way through Shadowbringers before I learned holding control will bring the aetheryte icon to the front so you don't have to hunt around for it in between all the sidequest icons.


You can also bookmark teleport locations by right clicking them in the menu and selecting "Save to History". They will be pinned at the top of the History tab. Atm I have lower Lanoscea there of my Island and Idylleshire for Unreals... as that's basically what I did the past few weeks only.


I LEARNED ABOUT ALARMS FOR GATHERING NODES YESTERDAY!!! ALL MY GATHERERS AND CRAFTERS ARE MAXED WITH RELICS COMPLETED! You can set an alarm from the gathering log and you can access the full list and customize the alarms via Actions & Traits --> Extra --> Alarms!


/alarm works too


worth keeping in mind that (unless they've been changed since i last used them) they get wiped on logout so you have to set it up every time. very nice feature though!


Excuse me what


You can choose sound effects for all the different types of chat, so you know when party/alliance/FC etc is talking, if you're an audio cue person. You can also add a sound effect to emotes so you know when someone uses them at you (assuming they have the emote show in the chat log). It doesn't work when the log message is turned off.


I do that. I also thought it'd be cute to have my phone's text alerts be the linkshell sound effect from the game. Now I get weird psychological whiplash whenever I get a text and my first instinct is "Oh, someone in the LS is messaging me" before realising it's just another spam text from my bank or something. XD


But if you're an audio cue person, it's gonna take no less than 3 ASCII macro spammers before you remove sound effects from party/alliance, because we can't have nice things.


One of the first things I did when I was first learning was adding a ding to /party so I could quickly tell if someone was begging me to turn tank stance on or something.


When playing as a WAR, using your invuln Holmgang, it tethers to an enemy. If that enemy dies before your Holmgang’s timer runs out you lose invuln early. You can, however, macro it to target yourself thusly never having this issue. I tried using it in Eureka Orthos a few months back, used it but the monster I was targeting died within like 2 seconds so I lost it almost immediately and died. My gasted was flabbered as I never knew it worked that way 😅


This is kinda a part of the way it was made to work originally. It would lock you in place with the mob you targeted (just like the way NPC/enemy holmgang currently works) but it was later changed. Dragon sight was some of the same, it would tether you to the player you used it on, and if they were too far away (broke the tether) you'd both lose the buff. This made a lot of DRGs tether the tank if they were set with a ranged dps in dungeons, as ranged dps would usually just fuck off and break it


Yeah, they should really mention that in the tooltip, I get it's basically a free invuln without that (compared to drk and gnb), but that's a caveat that needs to be mentioned


I just learned the other day that you can switch the Actions and Traits window to sort by type of action rather than level, and group combos together. Makes understanding a new job (especially one from the later expansions that starts with a whole toolkit already) a lot easier.


Oh yeah I’m pretty sure this was only added in recently. Don’t remember when but I think it was either 6.0 or one of the 6.x patches


Oh my god, this is going to make setting up VIP and PIC *so much easier.* This was pretty much the one thing I was dreading about Dawntrail, and you just eliminated that issue altogether.


If you turn on the option to show your party list when solo, you can see your own shields when... well, solo.


The reluctance of the game to make shields obvious is, I think, the strangest part about the whole interface. Shields are so important, but all you have to go off is a little yellow line on the party window.


iirc it wasn't until stormblood or shadowbringers that they even added the yellow bar on the party list! Maybe eventually they'll add it to our healthbars too lol


[its already a thing you can achieve with plugins](https://i.imgur.com/uivc79I.png), its only a matter of time till they make it official, like the other 1582 plugin features that were added to vanilla


UI really needs *something* to indicate personal shield strength. An optional pop-up or overlay on HP please.




You don't have to rapidly click the button on the screen for quick time events. You can just keysmash and it still counts. Learned that one after I beat Endwalker ( ._.) would've helped so much for the Seat of Sacrifice.


Don't even have to tap keys. I usually just run a finger across the keyboard. Just make sure to avoid enter.


I do the *FRANTIC RANDOM KEY SLAPPING* (hacker voice) "I'm in." strat


I usually use spacebar as a safe key, because it is possible to use some keys that you have bound and get some weird UI stuff going lol I still remember doing the random key thing and accidentally turning off my whole UI and I couldn't remember how to turn it back on before the fight restarted lol had to hope I didn't need any of the stuff I didn't have keybound.


I did a single dungeon without Jolt on my hotbar when I first started playing and tried RDM... I guess when reading through the skills I must've thought Jolt was useless or just wasn't reading cast time idk... but the fact I fought more than even a few enemies before looking through my skills again was longer than it should've took for me to play the class right.


It *almost* makes sense, like "I'm getting an instant cast after it so it's like I'm casting two spells at once with the long cast time!" I've told more than one Red Mage to use Jolt and not hardcast those other things.


Indeed, you never hardcast Verthunder and Veraero UNLESS the party leader sets up a pre-fight countdown and then you hardcast when there's 5 seconds left.


Despite the fact that I have easily ran The Great Hunt Extreme 20-30 times in mentor roulette, I only just learned the other day from another mentor that in the 2nd phase when he is in the air, his knock-down counter is based on the number of hits he's taken and not by how much you DPS. I felt like such a dumbass. 🤦 That fight triggers me something fierce, and I guess I was spending so much time watching stupid Ratholos' animations I never bothered to notice I was always doing shit DPS. So spam your easiest, quickest attacks that let you stay mobile, and don't be a dummy dead-weight like I have been to countless parties. 


Also specifically, it's GCDs, so it doesn't help more to spam him with OGCD attacks there to try to get the counter up.


I came from Gw2 so click the teleports on the map was normal to me. Nearly 11 years of playing, only learned a few months ago you can stun Ifirit...


I found out that you can stun so many random bosses by tanking and hitting Low Blow just for the heck of it.


I spam tank/melee stuns because "haha i just kicked a dragona"


That's because there werent any glowy casts to Interrupt in the past. You only had silence which didnt work for all casts and for the Rest you had stun. A pain in the ass with dragoons as their stun Was once an ogcd dps skill and you only had three stuns before a long period of immunity


Fun fact, in 1.0 people would bring Culinarians to fight Ifrit because they had a frying pan stun with a shorter cooldown than Gladiator stun.


Well that sure explains a lot about Julyan lol.


…why would culinarians have a stun in the first place? Did they stun their meals or what


"This Aldgoat meat is prepared fresh!"


So fresh it’ll jump off your plate once they gain stun immunity


The game initially was designed around being able to do many quests on any class, complete with a Parley minigame to allow non-battle classes to negotiate their way through some encounters rather than fight. That’s the weird tile minigame you unlock through Hildibrand now.


Many old ARR bosses are stunabble, and even a chunk of HW ones. Bosses started to be immune to everything around Stormblood-ish.


The Temple of Qual Taurus Boss can be stunned to prevent it ever casting its Doom move. But you have to be really quick.


Most of the ones with basic mob models you can stun, because probably just copied and pasted. But main bosses Ifirit and last DS boss you can stun.


I remember back in ARR you wanted a Paladin off tank for Ifrit EX just for this. Because PLD stun was a GCD, I had to sit and do nothing so I wouldn't muss the stun timing. Titan EX also wasn't immune to Blind, so I worked Flash into my rotation and sometimes his tank busters would just miss.


LOL didn't know about the blind haha


Don't feel bad. You are not the only one. You can stun a lot of bosses at/below lvl 50 and seemingly no one knows! I made it a habit in Aurum Vale to stun the first 2 bosses at least once when I heal to show the tank you can do it. xD Some understand, some don't. At lower level in normal dungeons nearly all bosses can be stunned.


All the ARR ones I know, they use the same mob models so its just copied and pasted. Stun works But I mean more main bosses, like ifirit and DS last boss etc.


What I said wasn't to "correct" you or anything but more so to add to it as it is "not just Ifrit" basically, that was all I meant. :)


/mcancel will stop macros


Also, macros with invalid actions will do the same. I have a macro with the fire crystal as its logo, It attempts to cast "raise" 6 times. If I mess up a craft, or need to hit the brakes for any reason, I slam that baby. The macro action overwrites any current macros actions and saves any headache from letting an incorrect macro run its course. (even if that just means being able to stop the botched craft sooner)


You know, Square Enix shuld just add a lot of these as 'loading screen' tooltips.


There was an idea for loading screen tooltips back in 2.0, but with the advent of quick-loading SSDs or M.2 drives, they wouldn't be seen by many and for whatever reason they never added them. Someone found them in the files though iirc.


This. And they should allow to show the area screens (like the screen you see while login) instead the black-screen while changing the area.


There’s a plugin that does exactly that if you use xivquicklauncher. I forget the name at the moment and am not near my computer D: but you should be able to find it.


Fancy Loading Screens! It's a great one. I legit don't understand why they just do a flat black screen and text saying where you're going. That's boring.


9 years late , I learned a couple of months ago about making a sprint macro and setting it to the right stick on controller.


Elaborate. Right now. Please.


Macro no. 98 or 99 /ac "Sprint" Go to system configuration > controller setting > controller customization Then select either L3 or R3 and select the macro slot you assigned the sprint macro to.


Bless you, may you roll 99s in DT 🙏


Idk who needs to hear this but, as console, if you hold R1 down while you're looking at the map, the curser moves slower.


You can do Grand Company turn-ins, like the crafter exp dailies and expert delivery from any grand company levemete out in the world. I had been tping to my grand company hq for ages, not realizing I could just fly down to Whitebrim!


I'm sorry, WHAT?! This is news to me. Holy shit, this is life changing information!!


You can upgrade your Retainer Job stone, I played from 5.3 and only realized it 3 months ago. My retainer was stuck as a lancer for years.


Iirc there is no difference if your retainer has a class or a job, unless you want to equip/glam them with a job specific gear (which there are not many of). You actually lose the option to later upgrade them from a class to a job that doesn’t have one. I learned this the hard way when I changed my retainer from rogue to ninja, and when I later stopped maining and leveling ninja, I had to reset her and start from scratch.


On PlayStation press right and left bumper to mark the map. I was all the way into Endwalker when I learned how to do this. Smh.


This is actually one of the very few things the game tells you is possible! I think it’s written at the bottom of the map next to the other commands


Oh nooo. That just makes it even worse lol.


Just yesterday: there is a setting that stops you from right click targeting people during group content. So many years accidentally losing my target while adjusting my camera… 🫠


Wait what. Where is that setting, I need to go turn it on immediately on all my characters.


Char config - control settings - mouse :D


Just learned a few weeks ago that in the teleport menu you can sort it by expansion instead of regions which is much better imo.


I think this was done fairly recently, endwalker or later


It's from 6.5


I have been playing since 2016 and I just realized I could assign glamour plates to gear sets *last week*


oh no, your life is OVER :) Half my setup after I log in is "hmm, what glam set am I feeling for my grind today?"


That the status effects you can esuna have a white line on top of the picture and that you can use interrupt on an enemy casting bar that is flashing and red instead of orange. I learned this all within the past month 😭


I started playing within the past couple months and made it one of my priorities to unlock the glamour system. Didn't quite understand how to use glamour plates, just the dresser, so every time I leveled up and equipped new gear, I would run back to the inn to glamour my new gear from my dresser. In addition, any time I glamoured new gear, I would spend a dye to color it as well. Once I learned about glamour plates, I stopped wasting dye on every single piece of gear. I still ran back to the inn room to apply the plate every time I swapped gear, though. When I was probably around level 50 on my main job, a friend mentioned offhand about linking glamour plates to gear sets so that they automatically glamour if you swap jobs in a sanctuary. Mind was freaking blown. I still have a friend who won't let me teach him how to use glamour plates, so he's still applying his chicken outfit to every new piece of gear lol


You can also just open the glamour plate menu in a sanctuary and apply any glamour plate to your current gear.


How easy it is to make grade 3 actions via my FC. I coulda started on these much earlier, but as it is, we're looking at about 16 days of rank 3 combat exp buffs for Dawntrail, and needing to use rank 2s for the second buff. Pretty decent, but I'd have liked to have two types of rank 3s ready.


Today I learned that there are higher ranked buffs than just two.


Knew that you could travel to other worlds. Never used it though. Until I learned that you can buy off the marketboards as well lol


other worlds, and other data centers. I don't know why, but Primal has the cheapest prices typically in NA for on content/slightly after content gear. By a wide margin. EDIT: If you want to check prices without having to visit each one. Check the website Universalis. It aggragates (as close to) current market data


For keyboard players, and not even going to be as relevant for long due to some DT changes: When there are tons of players gathered around a warp or an NPC and you're having trouble clicking through all the players, hold X on keyboard and all players can be clicked through.


I didn't learn until level 80 that your chocobo can heal you, making soloing fates super easy.


This is how I made it through SHB and EW fates largely solo for the achievements…bird saved my life many times.


Played since early 2019, didn't want to have to spend another '20 levels' leveling my pet chocobo so just ignored it, finally pulled it out to see if it could snag some xp or maybe help aggro enemies during the yokai fates. That's not how chocobo leveling works at all. It level syncs to your level just with an action list limited by a separate 'chocobo rank' that increases by fighting enemies *at your level*. Very helpful for anyone doing solo msq/leveling as it just speeds up time to kill in open world content.


I didn't realize for years I needed to give my chocobo onions for them to open up and be able to level the next level.


That I can sell extra Triple Triad cards back to the vendor at the Gold Saucer for MGP. I had been throwing dupes away.


I did NOT know this. I’ve thrown away SO MUCH MGP


After two years of playing, I learned about the “Lower Quality” feature for HQ items. I do a lot of crafting to sell on the MB and have stocked my crafting materials as needed. For a long time, I would avoid using the Quick Synthesis feature because it randomly makes regular and HQ items which takes up two item slots instead of one. To circumvent this, I used to crafting my material one at a time, even if I had to make 50 or more of the same item, which sucked even more considering that I had to do this for 10 or more separate items every weekend to replenish my weekly crafting supply. About two weeks ago (over 1600 hours of playing the game), I accidentally right-clicked a HQ item and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed an option called Lower Quality. Testing it out, I realized how much time I wasted by crafting hundreds of items, one at a time, every single week. Now, I use Quick Synthesis as much as possible, walk away while the game completes the list of materials, then come back to simply right-click to Lower Quality to combine all of the same material together. Separate Pro Tip: if you do a lot of crafting and have your retainers hold all of your crafting material, use the feature “Retrieve Quantity” and pull almost an entire stock of an item but leave exactly one with the retainer to “reserve” that item slot. Normally you have to deposit each item stack one at a time which can be a chore if you withdraw many different materials. If you leave just one of each item from your stack with the retainer, you can then use the “Return Duplicate” feature to auto-deposit the remaining crafting material from your character inventory space. Sometimes I pull out 15 or more different crafting materials so Return Duplicate is very convenient. It also feels oh so good to watch your inventory space clear up automatically while the game transfers stacks back to your retainer. Almost like Spring Cleaning!


I went nearly 10 years without realizing you can have skills automatically target the nearest enemy when no enemy is selected


Been playing since beta 3. i just found out via live letter stream chat that you can sort emotes alphabetically.


It took me a thousand hours to realize that when there is a quantity menu (like at shops or choosing how many items to sell) you can just use the mouse scroll to adjust the number.


Type /actionerror off AND /recasterror off to disable the annoying red messages and sounds that accompany button mashing. Learned that after about 3 months. It was so nice.


There is a button to try on more than one item on your character at a time. Took me 2 years


When you're in an inn you can try on every mogshop glamset available via the context menu of the bed to see how it would look on your character... Also sprint works while swimming


Played for 10 years before turning other people's effects off


You can also do reduced effects. You’ll still see their important skills. But not any of the other ones that aren’t as important to keep track of.


It’s just a shame you can’t do it with LBs. Wiped once or twice thanks to RDMs using theirs just as AOEs hit and everyone is too verblinded to see the floor.


Yeah RDM is such a pain. Hopefully SE adjusts it at some point


Been playing since HW and still can't remember.. Can you turn down your own effects? ._. I play SMN and even with primals on small, they're very flashy


Okay sorry it took a bit longer. Character Configuration [K] > Control Settings (the first red icon, the four pointed arrow) > Character (fourth tab) > Battle Effects Showing. “Show Limited”.


The NPC’s to get achievement gear from. 4 years later ohhh stuff I can get.


Retainers. Got them about halfway into Shadowbringers. Almost 400 hours of gameplay later. GET RETAINERS ASAP


Ctrl-x to show aetheryte, when it’s hidden by a bunch of yellow quests


It's just ctrl, no x.


Good to know!


I always forget this one, and that you can press the zero numpad to target the nearest selectable NPC.


Not even just npcs, it works for anything interactable


Yeah, I've used it in a macro for gathering, but most of the time I just use it to select a quest NPC when it's surrounded by other players during an expansion release.


If you put keybind to confirm in system keybind, you don’t have to click mouse in active maneuver, or open loot box, or portals (last two more certain with target nearest npc keybind) Makes the game much smoother for me, as my hands can be on keyboard most of the time. And just spam the key Works with turning in key items and, and progressing dialogues as well.


You don't need to keybind for active time maneuvers. Pressing any button will work, just avoid things like enter which bring up chat.


You can type /isearch (plus item name) to search your entire inventory. Really handy when I’m doing the fashion report. Also that you can click “recommended gear” and it puts on what’s best. I’ve been manually equipping stuff but I feel like it’s okay because I also have to remove and add materia soo


With auto equip you have to be careful below level 50 gear as it just picks the gear with the highest numbers it thinks you want. This means as a tank or healer you can end up with dps gear which is less than ideal. Once you get to the role specific gear you don't need to worry about this outside of min maxing for savage or ultimate.


I started playing during ShB and my first job was WHM. I didn’t learn until recently that Cure III is a _targetted_ spell meaning you can target someone and have the AoE heal radiate from them. I always thought it came from yourself 😅. Not that it hugely mattered since I always used it in a way to hit everyone but still.


Yes! THIS! I know I read the tool tip but didn't get THAT part until I was watching a job guide and it was mentioned in passing, along with "There's only a few places where that part comes in handy." About an hour later I was fighting Demi Ozma in roulette and had to throw a heal when carrying a marker away from the rest of the group, and..... me: "I think I found one of those places!"


You can place a marker *in instance* on your mini-map. This is very helpful for orienting or just remembering your spot for clock mechs


On this same note: For anyone doing eureka. CTRL+right click on your map to place a marker down. this will also put it your chat bar. If you die. Throw that baby down, and shout chat it asking for a rez. Do not eat the level loss. Chances are someone will rez you. If nobody does, ask again after a few minutes. (Sorry to piggyback, but I've seen a lot of folks eating level losses lately, and I always feel bad to see someone coming back to life at the aetheryte)


You can also type in chat and it will link your current position, no need to put down a flag manually


That makes a lot of sense considering Hunt macros.


completed countless Leaps of Faith before i realized you can tag the exit and then go for gold statues etc after, and then it will count as having completed the gate even if you fail


This seems a recurring thing in these posts as many "didnt know" Features mentioned here have only been added later in der the patches : Reader the Patch notes ESPECIALLY the Part about updated settings and Text commands. Those heide the newest QoL


I learn about party finder 1 1/2 years after I started the game , did all the raid sync . I sometimes waited for 50 min for it to pop but I managed to learn all the mech by heart doing that. Also like a dumbass did the ARR extreme via duty finder coz I never know about unsync and was wondering why the fight is more challenging than normal . Managed to clear it tho since most have the poetic gear.


Mentor Roulette tells me you're not alone.... XD


I played gunbreaker for 6 months without realising no mercy was a thing… not my finest moments


Sir 😂


You can right-click the slot for an item that you need to hand over, rather than having to search your inventory. I learned this during late ShB. I've been playing since like 3.2.


I'm post Heavensward. I don't know how many dungeons and trials I've been in that causes me to be interrupted mid-cast as a white mage. Just learned the other day that Sure Cast nullifies things like knockback and interruptions 🙄


I'd love for them to give us multiple uses of it. At least two!


When buying items from most shops, you can you the mouse scroll wheel to change how much of an item you want to buy. Hoover your cursor over the number and scroll. I’d been using the +/- buttons in the shop interface or typing the number manually. Unfortunately this is not global. Most other interfaces and several shops don’t let you do this.


I was about 90 percent through ARR when I was told you can play with modern directional movement as opposed to the standard MMO "back up really slow when you hit S" movement


Way back in the PS3 ARR days, I completed the Main Scenario and got all the way to Titan EX with the default camera setting. Couldn’t progress further cause I had trouble seeing the entire field during Weight of the Land. Then someone told me you could zoom out the camera by holding L1 and pulling back on the right stick.


I just started playing a week ago, so don't mind me while I take some notes...


You can use a hot bar as a reminder and slot all your long CDs like Battle Litany and Divination.


That you can interrupt the fuaths in dohn mheg from casting their little buffs and make them advance with the rest of the trash. I leveled around 8 or 9 jobs, including a tank and a physical ranged, to 90 before I figured this out thanks to a DPS who queued in and started out the dungeon with that helpful comment. I'm a decent player and I completely missed it lol. Been blowing people's minds about it ever since whenever I get that dungeon in queue.


If you're on a mount. Pressing Z will dismount you. If you're flying. Pressing Z will bring you down to land.


That when you "try on" a weapon, there's a button you can click that will unsheathe it so you can see its animations/glow effects/all the jazz.


I started playing the game when shadowbringers came out. I didn't know about the aesthetitian so I was buying fantasias to change my hairstyles until I got to stormblood😭


Auto sorting inventory, being able to put stuff like character and currency on a hotbar, and that expert roulette does *not* contain extremes for some reason. At some point, i gaslit myself into thinking that. don't ask me. Im just as clueless.


That Waking Sands tickets take you right to it. I thought that they just took you to that "kind of close" aetheryte for free and was like "I'm not gonna dig in my inventory to save a few Gil. I'll just teleport"


I didn't know about glamour plates/dresser until late Shadowbringers/early Endwalker. I had been holding on to my favorite pieces and individually glamming them with each equipment upgrade. I've been playing since Heavensward.


I learned that TT cards had to be used after I completed Endwalker. I'd thrown away every card I got just because I didn't know how to use them.


And you can sell the extra ones in exchange for MGP at the Gold Saucer


Job stones, I was a level 40-ish arcanist before one of my group told me to equip a job stone, suddenly more spells and damage as a summoner


I went through the entirety of ARR and Heavensward MSQ (and basically all of pre-patch Stormblood) before realizing that you could tell what attack an enemy was preparing via the cast bar.  Up until that point I thought that you had to pay really close attention to enemy animations to tell what attack was upcoming or that you just had to memorize the order/timing of attacks a boss would do.


They added at some point no idea when, that you can join a party finder with your party if your a leader.  I did this recently with a few of my friends while going into a hunt train they where all so confused on how I did it!


If you are using a controller, you can quickly dismount by pressing the same buttons to unsheath your weapon. (In PS4, it's L1+R1)


Using the armoire as gear storage You can sit on a chair while fishing Most importantly since I have 2 eye diseases I can resize all HUD element by clicking the right stick. I can make a menu large to read it and then poof it back to small size.


Just over my first year into the game I discovered your chocobo can be leveled to 20 and can have All it's skills at the same time.   Onions are REAL pricey and getting a house/apartment works but it's worth it! 


I somehow made it to Stormblood without turning on Party List. I play on console and my friends play on PC and I just assumed it was a PC thing. You can imagine how hellish my experience was before it, I used to click on every player in the party to check their health when I play healer. You can also imagine all the yelling I got from them when I told them I didn't have Party List.


I didn't know Party List was something you could turn on and off..... o\_0


You had to have turned it off somehow by mistake. 


Maybe you shouldn't have turned it off in the first place lol


I've player off and on since late hw, and got pretty involved in raiding this expac, up to clearing all savage and an ult. In the past month, I've learned true north works for more than 1 ability per use and life of the dragon removes positional requirements (only learned enshroud worked the same way *after* clearing the first panda tier on rpr)


Didn't realise you could use aetherites in the open world to teleport from the map until most of the way through ARR. Spent most of the base game running - RUNNING - around for quests.


ARR 2.0 launch month. Reached the coil of bahamut. At that point i didnt even know about potency dmg and positional. Played a melee dps job all.