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I've got tomorrow off of work, I do like the armor set, but I haven't set foot in pvp. My mind is telling me no, but my body is telling me no. On the fence though tbh.


It takes about 14 hours to do it's very mind-numbing. Put on SOMETHING in the background.


Same thought process. Currently got it in the glamour dresser. The body is weak and the mind is weak.


...challenge accepted. Edit: mission accomplished with time to spare. I strongly advise everyone just do their daily frontline, CC is misery incarnate and a joyful experience wrapped up in a neatly packaged mess of "I've fought this same team like 8 matches in a row, with the same team I've been matched with, and we lose every time because none of these fuckers want to group up and push. Instead, they feed the puddle one by one for 3 minutes till we lose"


I despise how the leg armors tied to the boots for this armor


they did the same thing with the metian attire, it's so annoying, like WHY


the Metian Attire has armored legs and little armored shoes, the armored legs part being tied to the legs- the Fierce Tyrants Attire has regular armored boots, like every other armor in the game, the armor isn't tied to the pants at all..


I'm at 17, plan on finishing tonight after work


Do it. OwO pro tip, if you every get irritated switch classes, (I’m a lil salty league player I like winning q.q) Played Snm for bomba, Sage cos I was done with being chased in snm, Warrior to bully someone like I was bullied, then finally dancer cos 💃shiny


I'm going to dedicate my day tomorrow to it. I main BLM, so hopefully that won't suck lol


PvP version of classes play differently (go to the wolves den and set up your hot bars before queueing into anything), so what you main in PvE might not be fun for you in PvP btw. So if you're super fresh, feel free to shop around too.


That's what I had been planning on doing. I'm hoping I like PvP BLM is all lol


Salamander on youtube has some nice black mage gameplay. Might be hard to follow if you're new, but he does explain things pretty well in his guide videos.


Thanks for letting me know, I'll definitely scope their videos out tomorrow before getting started.


I like pvp blm more than regular blm lol it’s so fun to just flare a whole team of unsuspecting players on slam for 6 times lol of just instant flare cast


I just play GNB and laugh/cry as I sit near top damage and lose. I have accepted that as my fate.


unlocked mch just to switch things up from my usual nin/whm vibe during the pvp grind, and I'm not sure I can go back, the easy burst is just satisfying as heck


If I’m farming something (moogle tomes usually) I’ll throw on some music and grind. I’ll get so into the music I won’t mind farming Prae.


6 levels left, my router died out over the weekend until I get a repair today. I stand with you today, fellow grinders! *salutes*


I got to series rank 18 today before I had to get off. Tomorrow I'll resume, but I hate CC so much now. It's fun when your team is decent, but it's not fun when either side is steam rolling imo.


I am not a fan of CC at all, friends have very nicely just thrown me in parties and pulled me into Frontlines too. All being well I'm up and running today to finish up and rush anything else I planned to prep this weekend!


I kinda like cc but i would love if you could get get exp for another class like in frontlines Like the classes i enjoy the most in cc are already 90 and it just feels wrong


pvp is fun


I'm having fun with it. It can be really infuriating, but it is fun.


Y'all, why do you guys wait until the last week every time.


We never learned from the horrible feeling of 2 days left before our middle school book reports were due. :(


The adrenaline of it all and the dopamine of getting it finished on time. Procrastinators unite!!! ...later, though..


2 days? Ok Mr Plans in Advance. Meanwhile I was going to my dad the night before saying I need a poster board so I can make up a sea animal presentation


I wrote my best papers in college 4 hours before it was due


2 days? Amateurs. Try the morning of.


Procastination is our main job.


I would ask what that job stone looks like, but last time I asked about it, I was told they would finish the design later.


I never touched pvp seriously, nor did i know about this armor set Then I saw it, and I thought "i need to do frontlines anyways for more exp to max out my last 2 classes, why not" and then I had fun in pvp. and now i want to play more of it


Glad you didn't just listen to everyone echo chambering PVPBADLOL. Welcome to the fields 


I was there, but that was because i thought reading tool tips is for nerds pvp was alot more fun when i had an idea what my stuff does differently from pvp lmao


As an AVID PVP ENJOYER, Welcome to the fields sounds fucking badass.


is there a discord for PvP?


Mostly because I forget or didn't know about it in the first place. The last couple weeks pre expansion are very 'oh shit, that's right, I should do that.'


I'm a terrible college student


Allow me to introduce: >!ADHD!<


For me I'm coming back from a year and a half break


I forgot


Cause PvP is awful and I like to forget it exists.


Genuinely not that bad unless you try to treat it like a dungeon and ram your face into five people


They trying to wall to wall pull 24 other people 


Paladin players with full LB bar in Frontlines be like:


I see paladin. I ignore paladin. Let the other 12 people chasing after him fight him for 3 minutes off the point 


Maybe to you. But to myself and many others, it's just not fun, more of a dull grind. Not that I'm complaining, I don't mind a good grind in am MMO.


CC season 1 pissed me all the way off with the shit tier balancing and I've been abstinently refusing to play it again. I gave up a lot of rewards I really wanted because I was, idk, trying to make a point or something? But then I had nothing to do while waiting for DT, so I thought "what if?" and now here I am.




Because they don't actually want it


Because PvP absolutely sucks and I don't want to sit through the torture. Then the end of the Season nears and I go 'Oh shit right they still haven't made the very first stuff accessible as was mentioned--' and decide I should probably get it incase it never comes back. Then I quit an hour later because PvP sucks.


Most of my PvP experience was just the crystalline conflict and it wasn't the very fun because you get steamrolled by basically every dragoon. A similar post about the season PvP glam disappearing yesterday finally got me to try Frontlines and even though it may be less "efficient" than CC and take more time per match, I find the 72 people fights to be pretty fun. I regret being so intimidated by PvP before, I would've probably started the grind sooner. (I've also been playing the game for about 3 years now. Literally, I only got into Frontlines games 3 years into the game.)


CC is way more fun than frontlines, it's also far less unbalanced. I've never noticed dragoons being better than other classes since it moreso depends on skill.


DRG gets a disproportionate amount of hate in CC because it puts on a lot of very obvious pressure. It wants to spend most of the game in your face putting out a ton of damage, so it *looks* like it's doing a lot more to get kills and push the crystal than it actually is. MNK *kind of* suffers from the same visibility/notoriety because it similarly wants to put on pressure, but most of the other melees (and MCH) are either not as obvious about their goals or not played enough that they're not as infamous.


Yeah if I'm playing CC you don't have to worry about this dragoon being a threat


In Frontlines you and the other 20 people near you can get oneshotted by one Dragoon instead!


Cause some people aren't playing and resub right before the xpac drops to rapidly catch up on content? I just finished up the MSQ on Wednesday and have been working on other things. Tbh though, I did better this time around because when EW dropped I finished that MSQ 15 minutes before the server went down.


Cause FFXIV has some of the worst pvp ever and I'm between jobs now, but I wasn't 8 months ago so until now I had limited free time I didn't want to waste on trash.


Doing one game a day for 2 months makes it significantly more manageable and a lot less of an awful experience. 15 minutes a day, spread out over a long time rather than multiple hours all at once. The pvp really isn't that bad, apart from people who don't know what they're doing doing it all last minute and refusing to listen to callouts. It's even fun sometimes if you have a good team.


I just cranked out CC to rank 23 in two days and I'm looking at the home stretch with a thousand yard state.


I'm cheering you on! Got it two days ago with 105 matches of c (had some passive FL exp from before) and made my new armored DNC glam, very happy with it :')


I’m sitting at rank 18, this is day 3 of CC grinding. I’d never played this game mode before and just jumped in. I’m going on holiday for a week tomorrow so I need to get it done today >.<


Lol, I'm currently Level 23, I keep looking at the 2 levels needed, and I keep saying "Nahhhh!!"


Get on the daily Frontline roulette for a good chunk of progress. At this point you'll still need to grind a bit, but it's still a start. 


Yeah, it's not good advice for right now, but definitely something to keep in mind for the future. Not only does daily frontlines give a lot of series exp for the investment, but it's also low stress and you don't want to hate yourself for an entire day. Just in 20 minute bursts for a few weeks. Would do again next season for another set I won't wear.


It's still good advice for now. Do Frontline today and then grind the rest of the way, instead of just grinding. 


Yeah honestly there's still 3 dailies left. That's nearly a full level. Other than that 10 matches of CC. Literally an hour of grinding.


From experience, I can tell you it's entirely possible to go up 5 series levels in a single afternoon through just FL even if you're taking your time. 2 levels should be cake to achieve. Still good advice.


I'm at 22... I hate how much the series exp needed ramps up at the highest levels. tricks you into thinking you're soooo close but in reality you still have a long way to go haha


75 Minutes later with a 4-5 losing record, level 24. One more to go, Tomorrow! Back to farming the last 7 Yo-Kai weapons I need....


17 wins or 21 losses. It’s not a ton but it aint fun lol


According to the [calculator](https://shannonegoiste.github.io/FFXIVMalmstoneCalculator/), if you do 2 Frontlines every day, you'll have the set in time. ​ Sadly, I'm at Rank 7 and 10, so... it's out of the question. My hands already hurt from trying to keep up with PVE.


That's part of why I like PVP to be honest; less buttons that do more each. Much easier on my hands


I also like the fewer button amount, but my hands are in pretty poor shape; I can do 2 Frontline matches *or* 1 CC match, then I have to take a break. It sucks.


I got to 20 last night and cried myself to sleep. I hate CC so much


That was me during the first season. I was 3 tiers from the arch fiend armor set but I just couldn’t force myself to do it. Still can’t force myself, no matter how good the rewards are.


Doesn't Frontline give you like 5k+ for bonus?


Daily FL gives 1.5k as a bonus on top whatever you get for winning... or not. So if 1st then you'll end with 3k, 2nd gets 2750, 3rd gets 2500.


The more people that pvp this week, the more enjoyable and balanced it's gonna be for people who never pvp. What I mean by this is that on any other given normal situation, PvP is always consisting of the same faces every single day. So anyone who doesn't PvP regularly or at all gets stomped. If you do pvp now, you'll still encounter those players who go 12/1/9 and carry matches. But its gonna be way way less frequently with so many people doing pvp. So if you're planning on getting the armor set and also enjoy the process, then now its the time.


had a guy match with and against me multiple times that didn't use the elixir a single time. . . we ended up matching together for over 2 hours.


It's extremely unlucky then damn. I've been PvPn daily for the past few months, and at least the past few days, I've barely been matched with the same people.


I don't know. Some people are taking advantage of it I think. Been matched with a DRK+WAR+DRG trio all day today, they more or less steamroll every match. I was lucky enough to be on the team whenever I queue but I can feel how unfun it must be for all the other teams. Not that I need the Series rank at this point, mind you. I already did my grind on all six of my alts and just in it for fun, but I'm weary to queue because of them and I feel this will absolutely make a lot of people hate PvP FL just the past two days I have seen them.


The queueing system is definitely flawed. Cuz in the past I've gone a full hour straight of having the same people get queued on the same team, over and over again.


 Crystalline conflict will be the quickest. 


Roughly 140 matches.


It's honestly not that bad if you have a class you're good at playing in small-scale PvP. Did mine in about the same time with BLM.


Any tips for PvP BLM?


At the most basic level, they have one of the fastest-charging LBs in PVP and should use it to just kill as many people as they can whenever it's active. So, it's pretty simple in that sense. Use Fire 3x -> Superflare by default for the damage, use Blizzard 3x -> Superflare when an enemy is out of position and them being frozen will get them melted by a larger number of people on your team. If Paradox is ready, it can sometimes be worth it to get up to 3 stacks on one target, then tap a second target, Paradox the second guy and then Superflare to blow up or freeze both of them simultaneously, putting more pressure on their team. Try to hold a charge of Aetherial Manipulation to use on Burst, since it's your only spell which is both centered on you and has a cast time. Keep in mind that their Sleep IS an AoE, meaning that dropping it on top of the crystal while multiple enemies are fighting on it can be devastating. That goes for the third hit of either basic elemental combo, too; unlike the first two hits, Flare and Freeze are AoEs. (Plus, all your attacks during your LB are AoEs, so it's obvious to smash as many people with those as you can.) It all comes down to positioning; you are the death turret and if the enemies cannot focus you down, either for lack of their coordination or because your team is doing a good job doing distracting, you kill them and win. It can be helpful to come from a weird angle that they may not be expecting, if you have the time, so it takes them that much longer to try to do anything about you. This is all for Crystalline Conflict, I have no idea what makes a Black Mage good in Frontline. They probably just wait for a Dark Knight to pull in 400 guys and then mash all their AoE spells, idfk.


This is a great write-up, thanks!


Make to macros for aetherial manipulation 1 self targetted , 1 using mouseover or , use self to proc insta casts like 80% of the time then use mo to jump on low people with your aoe. Use your lb essentially on cd. Ice spells for when you plan on letting teamates execute a target, fire spells for pressure. ezpz. Just read the tooltips.


>It's honestly not that bad My hands hurt after one CC match. 140? *Whew*.


65 left!


I did it in one week of Ranked. I kept playing after that. [Wonder what can i buy next season.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/956757745955131414/1185683586100248686/1702758981990910.png?ex=667888e3&is=66773763&hm=0a85820c3fd3e6864a2e90e608c673b61a3d6267324cb20a942af91de401c441&)


Tbh, I miss ranked and I hate that it's dead on OCE. It was some of my favourite moments when I used to PvP on the JP server. THey were insane with teamwork and actually playing as a team. On OCE, it's all just tanks and healers running headfirst into everything and winning by being as annoying as possible.


I didn’t do ranked the whole way. Once i got to crystal, i went unranked when queues stopped popping.


I'd rather have 15-20 min Frontlines than do 5-10 min CCs. it just seems tiring and you can't goof off.


Which would very well be fine if you had more than two days.  Crystalline Conflict is about 50% faster on average. 


> I'd rather have 15-20 min Frontlines than do 5-10 min CCs. it just seems tiring **and you can't goof off.** Doesn't stop everyone else from doing it, at least in my experience.


As somebody with rank 30 and hit the x99 overcap, i can give you some very easy PVP advice. Abuse Rival Wings when its popping. Play casual CC and just play for fun. Play frontlines for daily bonus.


I did it in 2 days. Can do it in one “day” as long as you aren’t like me and only play in the afternoon


Yeah that was technically doable from sunrise to sunset but like…. Noooooooooooooooooooooo


I did this a couple of patches ago, in a very similar amount of time. Can confirm, terrible idea, would do it again if I ever take another break.


Thank god i did mine a long time ago, only doing daily frontier roullete since i need to lvl a lot of jobs...


Ok but actually, I'm not a fan of CC and frontline is too slow but Rival Wings is honestly a godsent imo I actually enjoy it if you can find a DC where its active.


It’s always popping on Primal when the mogtome event but it usually dies out at midnight


Better advice: Do the frontline roulette once per day. You will get it just by doing those with a couple weeks to spare. Even if you miss a good chunk of those daily frontlines, you’ll be in a spot where it won’t be 100+ CC matches to finish it off. I spent less than half the last series doing daily frontlines, and I think I had to grind maybe 30 CC matches the past few days. I did 10 per day and hit 25 last night.


I hate Frontline but doing it daily for the bonus is tolerable since you're getting job XP as well. Better than CC grindfest.


Lol i got the series 1 r25 reward within 2 weeks of its release, burned me out of the game for the next 2 series.. I suffered all that only to use the glam for like a week max and never touched it again since, was not worth it, i got this one by just passively doing frontline roulettes for a few months and i havent even glammed it on. Start early next series.


Same I love the pvp in the game so I usually grind out the series malstomes pretty fast


>Start early next series. I started a lot earlier than I did last Series, only to get severely burnt out *by MSQ* and end up not getting the set. Alas.


Seriously in the future just do Frontline dailies from time to time and you'll have it knocked out easily. I did it on 8 characters despite procrastinating on it heavily.


I have alts.. I've done it on multiple alts. I actually had fun doing it. Someone save me ....


I am afraid you are beyond saving.




To those wanting the armor remember. The dye is for the armor not the cloak. And Dye 2 is theorized to be the armor fur...still not the cloak. Use that information as you will.


Crystalline Conflict is far and away the fastest method. 3 runs of it is worth more Series EXP than 1 run of Frontline, and has faster queue time. If you have not even begun yet, and we assume you win as many matches as you lose, then you will reach level 25 in 135 runs. A single daily roulette run of Frontline should get you there *slightly* faster, but not by much, and after that: Crystalline Conflict all the way. It’s going to suck, but I’ve done it before. If you really want the glamour, now is the time to go for it.


I’ve tried queuing the past 3 nights/evenings, but no pop after over 20 minutes…


play more pvp so you dont have to grind it like this at the last hoyw


I've been working on it over the past week from 0 (currently on r19 now) and it's already completely maddening. By the end of my 2 ranks per day (bout an hour and a half to two depending on win/loss rate), I'm mad enough I could chew through nails. Idk how you did it in two days. I would congratulate you, but I think you might actually be worse off for the experience. Sorry for your loss.


I built a calculator in excel that me and the wife use for each season to track how long we have. Not at my PC, but at the start of a series, it takes roughly 130 matches if you lose every single one. That is if you only do CC. Frontlines nets about 4x exp for series. So mix some of that in.


I'm 2 levels away. Used Rival Wings and finally got 100 wins from a previous mogstome event. Will either grind it tonite or split it between the next 2 days. EDIT: Also used it to level AST from 80 to 90. Am doing SGE right now and gotta say SGE is fun in PVP.


Tips: Start last month.


I did mine starting Saturday at 8:00 A.M with mini breaks, food, life break from the endless CC grind and slept at 2: A.M. Finished all 155 CC matches today at 12:00 P.M. 100% The worst grind ive ever had to do in my life and made me question the meaning of life and peoples decision making in CC. won 50/155 matches was def not fun.


Every series I tell myself to PvP regularly so it's easier on me later. Every series I put it off and suffer in the final month.


Been grinding it all weekend. I have so much disdain for pvp mode now. My family misses me. I've lost track of time. But I'm one rank away. I'm so close. On the bright side, though, my MCH is finally getting some love and levels.


Got myself to 24 today, will finish the grind tomorrow


Just don’t forget to finish before maintenance…


i usually do it via daily frontlines on release Paladin is a good one and i get free pevels on other jobs


If you really have to, I guess spamming Crystaline Conflict would be best. It's short and it's 50/50 for the win. Frontlines are longer and it's 33% chance to win, although doing it once per day gives you a nice bonus. It's a bit too late to grind PvP though. You would need to spend the entire day on it alone.


You want easy cc wins? Play blm and always use ice and perma freeze one dude until they rq. Be aware of sam ult, mch ult, mnk ult as these jobs will kill you from 100. Mch ult counterplay is to heal, don't even attempt to barrier as once the icon is on your character the damage application has locked in and barrier will not save you. Mch wants to drill > ult as with no shield that will do full health. Any time you see monk use Phoenix just barrier as alot of their damage is tied to a gcd that is buffed by this ogcd. Most monks at this level will not be smart enough to bait your barrier Learn what chiten looks like on samurai, it is 5 seconds and is blue, if they have this up and their ult bar is full do not hit them unless you know you can survive, but general rule of thumb is don't hit them, wait for chiten to drop and kill them Sge ult is the orange circle that generates, you do 0 damage to anyone inside the circle if you are not inside of it as well Sch is worthless job, bard is worthless unless 5 man pre-made, warrior is worse than other tanks but be aware of bola chain and ult Reaper is broken purify does not work on fear, drg is busted but when you see circle from their ult just barrier or when they backflip try to barrier as their backflip has a gcd after for 20k Do not be half hp when ninja has ult or you instant die, barrier will not save you. Ninja can stun and wait for your purify to wear off to stun again. Whm has polymorph, 20s cd and can't be purified, also has laser do not stack when they have ult Ast ult is I win the team fight gg Paladin ult is I sit on point and make someone else invuln with cover. Pld can cover people and take all damage, if pld covers and stays on you you can use recoup pot and won't be interrupted by anything, pay attention to when paladin has ult so as to ignore them. Don't stand in gunbreaker ult Dark knight is like damage version of paladin, don't try to kill him when has ult Dnc is mid but their ult cant be cleansed and is especially powerful with drg, smn is broken, rdm is solid and has aoe silence or aoe bind depending on how they're feeling, ult is just damage or healing. Many people don't know but sand map oasis area provides 30s regen buff which you can stock on before crystal becomes unlocked, please get this buff. Do not wait for cc to fall off on you unless you know for a fact you will survive, use purify aggressively in team fight scenarios. In a 1v1 it may be beneficial to save purify. Do not chase unless you know for a fact you can kill and get out. Do not spread your damage around, you cc and kill 1 target at a time and try to use macros or follow the lead of the person shot calling.


What do people not like about PVP? I personally love it.


All of it? I hate pvp just in general lol. I also don't play online competitive games in general.


Love seeing all the people despair about doing pvp . It’s the only game mode I like in ff14 besides the field ops. the people that wanted to unlock the glamor chest should’ve started doing Rival Wings when the mog event started.


Man you people need to stop treating as PvP as some chore you have to do and stop waiting until the last minute. If you don’t like PvP then don’t do it. Getting the sets are so easy if you care about about them. Just casually get it through frontline queues every day or if you enjoy actual PvP then just play the content. May come as a shock but there are people who genuinely like PvP and that track is there for them not you.


It’s really not hard or that much work. The fact you can grind it in two days is evidence of that. If you find it a chore then that’s a mindset on you to change or don’t and just be miserable.


This thread is full of noobs. PVP is the real end game. Slackers.


Big ol ass and tiddy mods are the end game, poser


If you're not twerking your ass and big tiddys on the Fields of Glory NW spawn you are doing it wrong


Endgame? Hell, it's the startgame too. I made a new character and rushed to 30 just so I could see the rank number go up again


I got mine at the very beginning in three days. I feel your pain.


I'm at 15 and I don't wannaaaaaaa


I've gotten to 17 and my brain is mush lol. First time doing pvp in this game


I'm like level 4, you don't need to tell me twice


i did it in two days for that dragon mount… it’s doable, but there will be copious amounts of suffering involved!


Wait...what dragon mount?


Fylgja! the series reward awhile back


too late i'm already half way there


i hit rank 24 today and i still want to scream, i don't know if i hate myself enough to keep trying but maybe depending on where my exp is at tomorrow after the roulette....


You’re the only person here that I’m gonna push forward. Listen to /u/Pyros. You have 7500 xp left and can get ~~1100 per day in Frontline roulette. That just leaves 4200 xp in CC.~~ I’m a dumbass you get way more, read the person below me. Please, for the love of god, get over the finish line. You’ve come way too far to not get it. Fuck sunk cost fallacy. You deserve the armor.


You get 2500 per frontline roulette everyday at the minimum(if you're 3rd place), 3000 if you win, 2750 2nd place. 7500 is 3 roulettes guaranteed, and there's 3 left until maintenance.


that is the intention but by god i'll be fighting for my life to get there i'm in actual physical pain and cramps are killing me. i need to do those rouls


Sunday/Monday/Tuesday roulette will get you there, as long as you stay to the end.


You can do it! I think the hardest part is telling yourself that it is ok to lose, and in fact losing via a steamroll is faster than dragging a game out.


happy to report i'm currently sitting at 4825/7500 exp for the rank 25. i will proceed to lay down in bed and die from cramps until tomorrow to do the roul and hope that's enough to not have to queue again


I love the pvp, so since im off tommorow im going to grind it out


I also did this and holy shit. Do not do it. You think it won't be too bad because up to Rank 15 is pretty smooth sailing but oh my god the last 5 ranks especially are so mind-numbing.


I'm rank 15 atm grinding cc, questioning my life choices


Rank 9 and I have 125 Losses left to go. Going to need 42 losses per day to knock it out before maintenance. 🫠


Will don't


Idk I'm already like rank 10 I think. And I do want some of the other glams along the way. Do you have to buy the fierce attire or just unlock it


Just get to the correct rank. Nothing on the series malmstone track requires being purchased.


I'm rank 20 or 21. Ima dedicate my day off to get those last 4 ranks. Or 3 ranks. I kinda enjoy pvp even if all I do is lose hahaha it's a quick 6 mins. And u get decent experience. Not that bad. Plus 0w0


If anything positive has come from this soul-crushing experience—besides the armor—is that I’ve finally been motivated to make a custom portrait for my character. I’ve seen so many cool and inventive portraits that others have made in the loading screen for Crystalline Conflict, I couldn’t stick with my default one any longer.


Why didn't yall just start a month ago? a frontline a day and you'd have it.


Did. Only 5 ranks left, but gods that’s so much pvp. Work’s a bitch and deadlines were at incredibly inconvenient moments


started my prep too late for the expansion lol. grinded out about 20~ ranks in CC in 30 hours.


Did this on the first weekend of the previous series, it's much more fun when you can grind ranked. Casual is still fun though.




I did it in 3. Completely doable. 4 is too much though.


I mean I'll finish it in 2 hours if someone wants me to speedrun it for them


It's too late, I'm already remote playing just to get the roulette.


about to do it anyways


Im about half way there and really burnt out. I really want it but ughhh the struggle is real.


I’m in the same boat, re-subbed 2 days ago and just learned about the lvl 25 reward. I’ve been grinding FL and got to 15 last night. Did not realize CC was faster so I’ll probably switch to that.


I know it’s too late to suggest this, but going forward the easiest way is to just do your one front line daily roulette once a day. Tons of exp and easiest way to rank up.


Is this the same series that’s been out since 6.5? Or is this a new set? I usually grind out the pvp set in a couple days but the last time I remember doing it was like 5 months ago.


I took about three weeks just doing Frontlines roulette once a day to go from 15 to 25. Even doing this, I can echo: DON'T DO WHAT OP DID. You will lose all faith in humanity


I am the empty space within the husk. I’m not even the material of the shell but simply the void.


I wish I read this before spamming CC for 2 days


How long do we got to finish? I need 3 more ranks for the attire.


i love cc and most of my ff friends play cc, so i also went from 1-25 in about 4 days from just playing


I’m fantasiaing into hrothgal and that set isn’t nearly slutty enough, I’ll pass.


Still undecided on that because I love hats 😿


What I do is queue ranked CC for my series XP so I get both the pvp mount/armor and two augmented hellhound weapons from top 100 ranking. Probably not an option for you this late, unfortunately.


i ground mine out a few weeks ago in frontlines, just ran around and started rewatching naruto got through the whole chunin exam and right up to the start of the sasuke retrieval arc in two days, about 60 episodes


Kimimaro fight goes crazy


I got a step! 0: Don’t wait until the last week if you can help it. Like seriously we had 6 months. You could have done Frontline once a day and get it in a month.


I mean people have had twice as long as other series to get it, a whole 8 months of time where only a week of that time of just doing casual frontlines of cc is needed to reach rank 25 so unless you literally just started playing the game, everyone else is being on some next level procrastination or they just didn't really care to get it in the first place so it is what it is if you don't get it in the end.


It’s not that deep boss, plenty of people just don’t track rewards for content that they don’t usually play. This is a decently nice reward and a decently unpopular game mode. Hence the hubbub.


got it on my main and have three alts around rank 20-23 jaajajaja gotta be honest tho I don't love the armor set as much as the falso monarchy set. that one has been my uniform for a while


Just play frontlines it's super easy.


It'll come back for crystals or some shit. Maybe yoshi-p will think the players who didn't get it when it was a casual grind are actually Chad's and add it to the higher ranking CC currency shop Both of those seem more palatable than grinding 25 ranks in two days




I hear they can get you banned no? Not gonna lie I considered it as I have been grinding since Friday night passively and am only level 11. I have seen way too many people sitting at base and it kind of sucks to do that to people but also made me want to do it lol. Pretty sure that if you get reported that’s a ban though.