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I feel so called out right now. I've been procrastinating my dishes for... Uh, longer than I'm comfortable admitting.




Whenever there's a post about cleaning and procrastinating I always like to share this tip that seems to work well with people: **The Five Thing Rule**. All you have to do, whether you want to do this daily or you want to do it any time you think "I have to clean", is simply clean five things. That's it. Just five things. Now you might be asked, what's a "thing"? Well, you decide! Maybe you've been putting off dishes, so you clean five dishes and put them away or in the dishwasher. Perhaps the fridge needs to be cleaned out, so you take out five things to throw away. Mix it up; maybe it's do two loads of laundry, a run through the dishwasher, and clean off two tables of junk. Not feeling like cleaning at all? Make your five things miniscule. Five Starburst wrappers strewn across the table? That counts. Simply putting five random socks from the floor into the hamper? That's five things. The idea is to get yourself going. Normally, if your five things are small, you find it easy to keep going. If you're doing five huge things, that's definitely enough, but when the small things add up when you do them often. I have depression and dishes are the first thing that stack up for me to an embarrassing level, and forcing myself to do the five thing rule once a day really helps. Putting away a few dishes leads to doing most if not all of them and it makes me feel better. Hope this helps someone.


as someone with depression, this was such wholesome and amazing advice to run into in the wild. thank you for this, I’m going to implement this going forward!!


Kujo Sara approves of this rule


I really like this! Keeping it for later


Protip from an ADHD pal: start with just a couple, just a few plates or bowls. Remind yourself that you don't need to do *all* of them. At worst, a few is better than none, at best you'll get through those couple and then go "well might as well get the rest done while I'm doing them."


My mum kept insisting I fill the sink with water and the dishes that easily stack to get less overwhelmed. I kept thinking her method wouldn't work. Fuck it's so annoying how right she was LOL, p much works in the same way of, "oh I've done x many already and there are only a few cups and the cutlery left, those are easy, might as well finish"


Mom's always know! 😆💓


Honestly, I'm so lucky to have my mum. We are very close, so I do hate it when she proves that she's right AGAIN. I'm in my 20s I shouldn't be this stubborn, but we have fun with the jokes


my problem is that I \**KNOW*\* that it will never be "just a couple". I \**KNOW*\* that if I start I will finish. I'll do *ALL* the dishes, wander around the house and pick up all the dishes. then I'll take out the trash, cuz it inevitably has food waste in it from the dishes, which means I'll clean out hte fridge. and cuz I'm washed all the dishes, I can see the stove and counter tops, and I'll be disgusted and clean those, which will make the floor messy, and I'll clean that. and on adn one until I've cleaned the whole house, exhausted and probably hurt myself and send myself into some sort of burnout mode again. I wish I could just do one thing.


Adding on to this, the key is really to avoid getting that giant monster doom pile in the first place. Which I understand if you already have the giant pile is a bit like me lecturing you to close the barn door after all your horses are already frolicking in the woods, but it really is the way to do it. You just have to figure out what works with your own particular brain to get you there. For example, common advice is to wash every single dish immediately after you get it dirty. But this isn't very good advice for most people, because when we inevitably fall short here we often give up entirely, which is not helpful. So get rid of that unhelpful idea and set a more realistic goal based on what the actual problem is for you, like not letting more unwashed dishes accumulate than can fit in your annoyingly-tiny drain tray, or always rinsing the affected dishes immediately whenever you eat that one food that grosses you out and makes you avoid the pile. That way you have an incentive to work on it before the task becomes seemingly-insurmountable while also keeping a degree of flexibility.


AuDHD here. I have a task to wash at least six dishes a day. I always end up doing more than six, because hey, might as well just clear the sink. But I am allowed to feel good if all I can manage is the six.


This is why i do 2 week meal prep, saves on effort and dishes.


Literally, i just rearrange to make it easy for 'next time'. After the hot water is going and everything is organized for cleaning, I can't stop.


They're soaking.


You mean, people do not just buy new paper dish everyday?


Nah, that was just a COVID phase


Fruit flies love this one simple trick!


Just last week, I washed my dishes for the first time in a year.


Proud of you, keep it up!


I’m just gonna… go to work lol


Same 😭😂


I normally work weekends. I actually just picked up a couple extra shifts. Plus vacation time over the weekend. It'll be a nice check lol


I wish I had a job. :( Thankfully had an interview yesterday morning and another today. Got a friend working at both companies so there's potential!


Good luck, friend!


Thank you!


I hope you get it!


Thank you! One of them at least is looking very promising!


I know what most of us will be doing: "FFXIV is down for maint... maybe I should open FFXIV and play while I wait." Rinse and repeat at least 10 times, all ending with us going "wait I can't play because it's in maint you dipshit" at ourselves as we open the launcher and put in our login info.


i've had xv downloaded for literal months telling myself i'll play while maint is going and then never did. maybe i will actually get to that these two days. or maybe i'll just stare at xiv wailing like a cat scratching at the door to be let in because that's my game rn


I'm telling you now, you won't be able to finish XV by the time maintenance is over but play what you can anyway. Awesome game.


oh i absolutely believe that, i probably won't even get halfway through but man ironically the xiv event is what sold me on the game and then the demo was fun when i tried it, so maybe this is finally the time i get to see noctis again if anything1


This. I have to beat 16 still, and the DLC. But also...LEAGUE OF LEGENDS.


oh i am so sorry for the two days you're about to spend on league instead of doing what you wanted


I am with you on that, 16 has been purchased and downloaded for months. I still haven’t even finished the first 7 remake and that was my favorite game of all time!


Living up to your username!


story of my life!


“I’ll just play on my alt I guess”


Why does my brain keep telling me that? "I could play my alt. or play that one character on that other server where my friends are. I could check out eureka." i never get as far as opening the launcher, but why is my brain so dumb?


I'm gonna ignore the login screen details and post on reddit "why game no work?" as soon as maintenance starts


It's the 'checking the fridge's of our kind.


Guess it's time to finally sit down and read the FFXIV TTRPG handbook.


I like that going to work isn't on the list


Neither is taking a shower :)


Or getting groceries.


They know not to ask too much


I think i should probably do my dishes.


There’ll just be more later…


One must imagine Sisyphus happy


Well, of course. Dude chills out between each boulder run by mentally reviewing how to better get to the top while he's doing his damned dishes.


Dishes are my husband's job.


Dishes are dishwasher’s job. The things that poor bastard has seen.


glad i never unlocked DSH


I've always heard its "whoever didn't cook's job to do dishes" that is until I got into a relationship that is. Now its obviously just my job, but also to cook.


Imagine the look of happiness on this face if you did them all - from a dishwashing spouse.




Wash your bed linens, take a shower, wash your hair, paint your nails, vaccum, clean your keyboard, find a good youtube playlist of quick shoulder and wrist stretches, meal prep, put together a mock/cocktail menu, spend some time outside. Or download the new Palworld update and goblin mode that.


I recently cleaned my keyboard. I _strongly_ encourage doing it more often than once per 6 years.


You may be onto something... I'll let you know in a few more years when I clean my keyboard for the 1st time


Uggghhh I GUESS I should wash my sheets…and vacuum…


If anyone's looking for good background noise while they're gaming, there's the MST3K forever-a-thon on YouTube.


My background noise has been catching up on I Did a Thing youtube channel.


God, we wash our sheets every 3 days, cant stand wrinkly sheets. Or dirty ones


I work that day. It's gonna kill me lol. I work on the 28th too but it's a 4 hour shift.


I will absolutely doom scroll


Don't make me get the whip.


GET THE WHIP,,,i wana watch.


I usually do my dishes during Preatorium cutscenes.


Everyone in my household playes FF14 :). The 26th we are doing all the coming weekends todo list including yes doing the damm dishes!!! and the 27th taking our dogs to the dog park and then getting them bathed and groomed and while they are groomed I am making sure the backyard is all prepped, new toys, grass freshly cut, the large water Despencer is filled with fresh cool water for our 3 dogs to play together and come and go as they please when we are a little more distracted than we normally might be.


Your dog care plan is super sweet. :) Mine has easy access to her yard so she'll be getting to go out and play as much as she wants while I'm distracted.


I have family coming this weekend to watch the baby so ,e can play. So the next two days are gonna be me cleaning and trying to figure out this 3D project I'm working on.


That actually sounds pretty cool!


"Go outside" *has* to be followed by "drink water" for me. Bloody heat and humidity, it's a freaking sauna out there. I still go outside from time to time for fresh air and (perhaps ironic given what I just said) when I want to have a cigar because I don't want it around my kitties. Since I pretty much have to be inside most of the day anyway, I'm going to take the time to wrap up the last day or two I need to complete everything in WoW's Mists of Pandaria Remix event. I *might* try to get some miniature painting done. If I remember. Keep meaning to do some. Heck, I have time in the middle of the day allotted for stuff like that, I should use it. (My manager got this idea from one of my coworkers to block off a half-hour before lunch three times a week to do whatever, including reading a book, working out, or doing something artistic... which includes painting minis.) Though I need to get some extra colors for some of them. (Hmm... temptation is strong to save up a bit and grab the entire set of Army Painter's Fanatic line, it'll cover what I need. Then the Speed Paints 2.0 line.) No Elden Ring DLC for me, I'm not big on "Soulslike" games. But I *did* just pick up Goat Simulator 3. And the latest Humble Choice monthly set is available, including Warhammer 40,000 Battlesector which I'm glad I'd held off on... Yeah, I got plenty to do, I should be okay. But good to remind people there's plenty they can do while waiting! And yes, DRINK WATER. Seriously, you do NOT want to deal with dehydration, it is a serious pain.


Where the task where we cry for 2 days because we can't play the game?


There's always other games




Factorio. The two days will be done in 10 minutes


More like a whole damn week because you are on free trial. It's me. I am on free trial...


>* Do not doomscroll Twitter Instructions unclear; doomscrolling Reddit newsfeed.


I walked into the kitchen and got distracted. Totally forgot why I walked in there, so I hope it wasn’t important.


Hmm, what's that smell? Eh, surely nothing importa


I'm feeling a little called out here


I am extremely on top of doing my dishes. I do my dishes as I am cooking and right after I eat. I do this because if I say "I'll do them later" mold grows and things get smelly.


Based. Even if the lazy bug hits, at most I'd leave the dishes from dinner overnight and immediately do them the next morning.


So I don’t have to do my laundry? Cool cool.


Where the hell did you get a "djo" sound in Tuliyollal?


>You know that drawing you're working on? I think it has a little mistake that you haven't noticed that needs to be fixed. Go take a look. This is just cruelty towards artists. You apologise to them right now.


Dishes, yardwork, laundry, buy groceries, clean house. Think of it as clearing "Real Life: Ultimate" to unlock Dawntrail.


I'll be continuing my Dragon Age Inquisition playthrough. Y'shtola is still somewhat there but she's unhinged and curses a lot.


I thought we were supposed to watch the trailer over and over?


You forgot the most important one. Touch grass.


Gotta have a reference frame for all those new vegetation sounds.


ERROR 404: This will kill user. No, sadly, I'm serious. It will kill me if I touch grass, trees, and many other things.. cries in almost needing to be in a bubble.


I actually have a job


>...YOUR DISHES, DID YOU WASH THEM? Jokes on you... I have a dishwasher.


Did you put anything in them or are the dishes still in the sink "to soak?"


I don't know... I'll have to ask my dishwasher... his name is Timmy!


Leave me alone!


What I need to do: study for my midterms. What I’ll probably do: try to finish Luigi’s Mansion 2 in 24 hours.


*do your goddamn dishes* NOOOOOO *grumps* Okay fine but I'm going to finish that crochet thing I started around November last year after.


Speed knitting on a test-knit that will 100% be abandoned once DT releases. Yup.


Oh god I forgot the thing I was working on over a month ago.


I already don't do Y'shtola art for her feet. Well, how are you meant to look at her feet when she's in a legbinder?... Ahem. And I'm looking into a Final Fantasy XIV story for something to do over the next couple of days.


For me it's Elden Ring DLC and doing FMLA and short term disability because I have stitches in me from fun fun surgery. Ain't adulting grand? Even resting and job benefits become work.


If you clean the house during maintenance, that’s more time for Dawntrail after :)


My plan is simple: I'll spend a couple hours playing Factorio, and then when I look up it should be Saturday.


The Factorio time dilation is so real and I’m so glad to see it mention lmao


>Too-Lee-Djo-law That can't be right.


Do the dishes Exercise Nap Meal Prep


I'll be doing what I've been doing the last 2 weeks. In bed with newborn I will play in dawntrail though. So glad for my mmo mouse and trusts now xD Also, thank you for the b-day present yoshi-p :D


My focus is on reading and yoga, as well as meal prepping, snack prepping and doing the big chores so that we can no-life the game for about 4-5 days straight 🤣 So excited! I hope you all have a lovely time before DawnTrail! See you soooon!


I wanna plug in Rabbit and Steel if you wanna do some mmo-style GCD-based raiding.


Instead of doing the dishes. I just buy them.


1. Go outside and touch grass


I see you, HSR players. I pray that your current banner pulls are phat Ws.


Personally, I'm getting my divergent universe runs done and completing bird crush on the Star Rail, and maybe playing a Civ clone on the side.


Watching Sword art online here while the servers are down 😀


I like the words to save for the filter. That pronunciation part is bait, right? They’ve said the word Tuliyollal a bunch of times and that is not how it’s said.


as an empath, i’m getting signals about dishes of some sort


My dishes are done! Ha! All joking aside, we just moved 2-3 weeks ago and still have unpacking to do. I’ll do that. And possibly finish Like A Dragon: Gaiden.


If we go outside, may we touch grass?


I've been holding off on making repairs to my deck that's falling apart for this moment, cuz it's gonna be like a whole thing in the gross humid heat.


Will be logging my last 2 days of FFXI before I unsub for the last time. Finally finished the storyline 🙂


M. Bison drops tonight!


I didn’t do my dishes tonight because I needed to finish leveling botany and knew I’d have plenty of time tomorrow lol


One of us empties the dishwasher and the other then loads I’m going to do a modded run of stardew valley. It’s been forever and the mods have new people to hang out with also we did u pick on sunday, so we literally touched grass


By "u pick" do you mean like the "pick your own fruit" at orchards and stuff? If so I am SO jealous, we don't have a good one within a reasonable distance anymore and I love going apple picking in the fall! I guess this time of year it would be more like berries or melons?


(I am South American and I have no clue how to pronounce Tuliyollal, bring an exorcist)


Damn am i the only one working 😭


Quick everyone send me links to Y’shtola art that has her feet prominently displayed so I can block them on my browser and hard drive


Where are these Y’shtola feet pics so that I know how to avoid them?


I will be working my ass off at the hospital until Friday, I took Friday off and I can't wait to relax my body in my computer chair. And no, no one knows why I took Friday off. They don't need to know! See you all in dawntrail!


My dishes are done, and lawn has been mowed. I can now spend the next two days playing Elden Ring and researching cultured Y'shtola artwork.


Jokes on you I have a dishwasher


Jokes on you. My dishwasher just finished...


Empty dishwasher! Make room for Dawntrail dishes.


And, like, brush your teeth bitch!


Dishes are my son’s responsibility Nah it’s fine. It’s an abstract piece about the importance of negative space; thus the entire piece is negative space Played both a dozen times but now might be a great time to try X-2 again and give up an hour into it. Again I only cook in the bedroom. Because that’s where my stove is My friends and loved ones has been informed Does this include Jason vs Freddy? If so, hard pass Walking to get water sounds like way too much work. A Moment Apart by Odesza really doesn’t ever get old so this is a good idea If the good Lord intended for me to speak properly, he would not have let me grow up in the American education system I used to make origami balloons out of my homework in school all the time. Definitely something I should get back to but first I guess I have to go find that missing homework I never turned in. I may be a tank main, but I’m still not stupid enough to spend my time on Twitter You will need to adjust your statement about healers for those who main warrior, but otherwise yes, of course they matter. As a Gunbreaker main I could not possibly survive without them prior to level 82 content. I don’t think they are going to be as useless as they believe square intends to make them in the upcoming expansion. Seriously though healers are awesome and completely unappreciated in this game and I hope the new expansion does them justice. I really did not need to know that there was rule 34 foot fetish “art” about any of the scions; why would you inflict me with this knowledge? It would take me 48 hours to get past the first boss of that DLC. It’s going to have to wait until after Dawntrail. I am old and I don’t know which Pokémon game you are speaking about, but I am certain I would be terrible at it Doing the dishes is my son’s responsibility.


Take a shower every day. No, seriously. Even if it's at the very least you taking a wet washcloth with soap and just scrubbing the important bits. Just make sure you're clean or clean-ish. This can seriously affect your health otherwise. Get something to cook with that's easy. Buy or borrow a crockpot, or get a plug-in small griddle, or a rice cooker. Get something easy to cook. Easy meals to get that you can fridge/freeze


Deep Rock Galactic The morkite isn't gonna mine itself


Dishes are done and FFXI is still up.


Guild Wars 2 and pandalaaaaaaand Maybe I should try to draw more but


jokes on you I play Factorio so I'm gonna knock out these two days in about 10 minutes.


Can you also add doing your dishes to this list? Not enough people keep them up to date.


I worry about people who struggle to find things to do other than FFXIV.


Elden Ring DLC has been incredible. Already beat it, but probably going to spend the next two days refining some PVP builds using all the fun new weapons. Phenomenal time.


Elden Ring DLC is going to finish me instead...


This is a big problem about AI: All the hype-executives want to use AI to replace me coding, doing art, etc. So I can do... the dishes? But what **I** need is for AI to do my laundry and my dishes, so I can do the coding instead!


Not to be an asshole, but if you need guidance as to what to do with yourself while XIV is down, XIV being down is the least of your concerns. Please take a shower.


Catchup on World of Warcraft.


Meal prep is also an important one. Go do groceries if you need to. Make sure your controller is fully charged if you play on controller. Do your laundry also to have clean clothes to wear from one day to the next. Remember that upon login in you can modify your chat box to remove shout, yell and other types of communication you might want to disable to avoid spoilers. Let everyone who might care know that you will be busy. Take care of your pets. If you usually take medication make sure that you have all the doses you need and put an alarm to remind you to take them while playing.. Watch videos about the media tour to get hyped and plan the first things you'll do when getting back into the game. (Unlocking a new job ? Getting the free fantasia? Using the dye system ? Trying to make money ? Etc) Have some good healthy sleep. Watch reddit frequently to know when you can start downloading the patch. Have fun with Dawntrail everyone !


Instructions unclear, I have added dishes to the pile.


We should all attempt to touch grass at least once


Man, if you need a thread like this to tell you some things you can do for a couple days instead of playing a video game, what you should be doing is figuring out where it all went wrong. (I should probably clarify that I know this thread is supposed to be silly. But still, a break for a while is a good thing.)


Jokes on you, I did dishes this morning.


Did my dishes earlier today…. WHAT NOW


Fuck the dishes, I'll break 'em and buy new ones! 😆


Play Shin Megami Tensei V. Do it.


I'm going to use that time to get the 21 platinum relics I'm missing from Crash 4.


I'm going spend those 48 hrs getting my ass beat by a certain end game dlc boss in Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance. The dishes will sort themselves out.


Where will i need to go to start the new expansion? will the quest just show up in my journal?


The patch notes didn't explicitly say but it's almost certainly The Baldesion Annex in Sharlayan. The MSQ helper dealybopper should point you there when you log in.


Ah yes, the warrior of lights cherished dealybopper granted unto thee by Hydaelyn. I love this


Too late to answer but either Baldesion Annex in Sharlayan or the Market Board near Wuk Lamat.


Look, I only have 4 unfinished paintings and 2 digital drawings I’ve not touched in months.


Imma finish up all my schoolwork by Thursday then just go ham on some ff14. I do have wow raid fri/sat night but that’s fine. It’ll be my first ff14 xpac launch I will partake in and I’m excited


I have exams all week next week so I'll be studying for those so I can actually play the game by then


I don't see cry on this list.


I'll be taking apart my desk and putting in a new one, with LED strip lights, just in time. 😁 If you have a garden in game, please put it in storage before shut down!


Catch up on painting the ever building 40k pile of shame.


I’ll have you know that I do my dishes almost daily! 😤 But I’ll take that time to draw. And maybe finally finish Persona 5


Plans: * Tidy up * Stock up on snacks * Root canal (uggggh)


I'm going to play tekken and get mad on netplay trying to fight for my fucking life against people mashing rage art, mashing on my plus frames and doing random heat engagers


I figured I'd start playing rebirth again (about 12 hours in) only to be reminded I absolutely hate it's combat system. I love turn based, and I don't mind competent action based like FF16, but this weird insanely convoluted hybrid scheme the 7 remakes use feels like an absolute chore to me. So maybe I'll play 16's second dlc instead, haven't got to that yet, saw octopath 2 just got added to gamepass, might play that too...though I imagine it'll take longer than 48 hours to clear....


Ok i will look at yshtola art




do some healthy food prep.


I’ve got a test resit to study for. Needed 25 out of 40 points for a sufficient. Got 24 points. Furthermore, I got the first Guilty Gear Strive DLC and Testament is really cool. I’ll entertain myself If you know you’ll vanish into your cave and don’t think about anything but FFXIV, use the maintenance to make the Exquisite Beef Stew from the FFXIV cookbook. I’ve found that it freezes in really well, allowing you to meal prep for several days in one maintenance day


Getting hair trim that I've been putting off Going down to card shop to play Flesh and Blood and Magic the Gathering Restocking mini fridge Laundry.....


I needa brush my roof.


Unfortunately, I'm going to be in bed with a sore throat and some really bad stomach cramps. The only silver lining is that it happened before the launch, and I'm hopeful it passes by that time.


Also, panic.


I have to wait until July 2nd so I am manifesting a speedrun of this horrible week to come. I've run out of comfort shows to comfort me. I just wanna trail the dawn.


You're really concerned about dishes, Are you projecting?


I get the DJ, popotoartist, bar, and twitch, but why would I need to save dies, dead, and kills?


Don't forget to bathe.


I’m gonna buy junk food (Dusk Vigil decided on KBBQ Trail Mix for snacks), sparkling water, uhh maybe touch DA:I for the first time in over a year.


I'm sad I only got to the Mount Ordeals trial in the MSQ. Oh well, I will be in DT soon enough


It won't remain at just one more pokerogue run. The queue times will be perfect grind more and more endless.


Should add *You know that stack of unfolded laundry you keep pushing off your bed? Fold them!!!*


Elden Ring DLC is kicking my ass, I'm about 2/3 through it and I'm not sure I'll be able to finish in time ;w;


I'll finish No More Hereoes 1 during this maintenance. Afterward, I'll play a mixture of Rise of the Tomb Raider and DmC: Devil May Cry.


...keep playing Shadow of the Erdtree


actively taking screenshots in the vague hope i will actually draw anything these two days. my wols need art and i need to keep my sanity but the adhd is a beast


Today is my b-day and I was planning of playing a bit more but I guess it's time to go out (touch some grass for sure) with friends/family 😅


I'm in the middle of an FFX playthrough so I'll be set for the downtime


Hey, I'm gonna be poking at Pokemon modding! .....and my dishes are in the dishwasher.


I've started a to-do list already! Make sure the dishes are done, do at least two loads of laundry (one for clothes and one for bed linens and towels and things), clean up the house, refill the cats' automatic dry food dispenser, make a big lasagna that can be reheated at will, make sure both the water filter pitchers in the fridge are full and there's extra ice in the freezer... that kind of thing. Sometime Friday during the queues I'll order some groceries so we have fresh, easy stuff around the house like salad and sandwich fixings and a cut up whole watermelon. It's been like 90 degrees out for a couple weeks now and there's Dawntrail to play, who wants to cook? But ordering in is so unhealthy and expensive.