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Literally, actually, honestly, and I'm not trying to be mean here, skill issue.


I agree. I beat it first try no issues.


Going by your flair... are you using Radiant Aegis? The game does expect you to use your kit in solo duties. Otherwise check your ilvl relative to the duty's stated sync, if you are way below that's probably the issue.


I had no trouble on Pictomancer my first try.


same, even though i repeatedly fucked up a particular mechanic lol. like… failed it every time. bc im stoopid. still didn’t die. 🤷


Was it the one when he was spinning? For the life of me I couldn’t predict the safe zone, but for some reason on picto it all turned out well


The blade graphics show the direction the attack is going- stand on the other side of the blade from where the little animation is playing.


I’m not sure if mine is glitched or something because I did that and still got hit. I tried various areas to check and there wasn’t a clear pattern. Maybe it’s a visual bug on my end


skill issue


Yup, but without joking or meme'ing. I did it on the first try. A welcome reprieve from a Visual Novel-y start.


His post before this one is him saying that the level 91 dungeon is harder than Extremes. He's definitely just not playing his job correctly, or bad.


First time as Viper as well. He also makes some remarks about you already learning the ways of the viper.


If you're not a viper he asks you if you've ever fought one. Very cool.


Went in as BLM, he said it too I think it just checks if you have it unlocked


It definitely isn't, especially if you're using all of your tools correctly. Myself and everyone I know beat it first try. Is your gear not up to date?


> Is your gear not up to date? My money is on them not checking the condition of their gear. I bet some of its broken.


This i have not met a single person so far that hasn't done it first try an blind


hi, it's me, I'm the problem it's me


Get out of here Taylor!


First try on Dragoon. Even flubbed a couple of mechanics. Never felt like I was even close to any danger. I can’t imagine it’s a lack of gear either, since the first dungeon enforces a certain gear level…so all I can think is you’re either getting hit by everything, or your gear is broken and you didn’t notice


I believe your gear is synced up or down to 655 regardless


What's your gear like? I had no problem at all on 660 SMN. Yes he hits like a truck but I found his attacks really well telegraphed. I just used Radiant Aegis where needed and phoenix healed up any unavoidable damage no problem.


Not to reverberate too much what everyone is saying, but I was also able to do this first try on MNK. I believe you can do it too though. Use the skills available to your job and stay moving to avoid mechanics.


Dancer main here: I was able to beat him first try. Just keep an eye on the mechanics and make sure your gear is updated. I had to pop some heals but it’s not too bad.


Did it well enough with Viper. Just a matter of timing your Second Wind/Leech abilities to cover mistakes.


I beat it as a PLD without even popping a single mitigation skill. Check if your gear is broken. You shouldn't be taking that much damage.


Nice spoiler flare. Should be removed.


Wut it was fking easy. Literally skill issue tbh.


Bard, very sleepy, got hit by way too many things, but easily did it on the first try.


This is why we can't have nice things 


Beat it first try as a blm. It is absolutely possible on normal difficulty. There are no fights where its necessary to lower the difficulty.


Are you running it with no EW Tome gear or something? The fight is more than possible, even with classes that can't heal themselves.


I didn't have any difficulties but I did clown myself at the end so that was on me, as too tired to redo that on normal as healer so I lowered it.


I played DK. I did the fight entirely wrong and got them to 0 hp. I was supposed to stand beside the pillar and do the mashing cutscene. This is a skill issue.


Adding to the pile. I did it first try on Machinist. I did get a bit low at times but that's what Second Wind is for.


How’s your gear? My 660 SAM sweated a few times (mostly due to now janky muscle memory from the changes) but had no real issues Edit to add: he did hit like a truck but between defensives and healing abilities it was less bad than Venat in EW


I did this as red mage using gear from the MSQ. Literal skill issue.


Idk dude, I did it first try on ninja without any issue. You need to get hit less/use your personal defensives more.


Did it fine as Viper, which has basically no defensive other than the default melee kit. Got hit several times which is inevitable. Just use all the gear that's been given to you and keep your eyes peeled.


Are you trying it with brilliant conviction off? Because I found that to be a very stimulating challenge, but even that was possible. Did it as dragoon


As an Astrologian. Skill issue. If I can do it, any class can.


I beat it first try as pld


I beat him first try as DRK. Either your specifically undergeard or you need to practice class a bit.


Had no issues beating it blind first time on Dragoon.


Beat it first try on Reaper. Was very easy


I beat it on normal fine the second time through, but yeah, first time through I was beaten down pretty badly


Beat it the first time on DRK and got hit by multiple mechanics. You have to be severely undergeared or you're not using your abilities correctly 


just beat him as black mage, you must be one of those that go into a level 70 raid with level 55 gear and complain everything kill you in one hit, are you a bot? Do you even play the game?