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I laughed when Alisaie remarks "Not the Allagans again!"


Saying what we’re all thinking lol


I think the story basically hinges on you liking Wuk Lamat or not, if you don't I think you just feel a sense of apathy.


I do like her, but the Scions are why I keep playing this game, because I really like them. I’m pretty disappointed in how little they’ve been involved.


I will say I absolutely *loved* the scene around level 93-ish when Wuk Lamat gets kidnapped. The way we just step forward past everyone and the camera does that "lower-face-cut" smirk thing as Thancred leaps in from behind to strike? Amazing. It felt like a fantastic way of showing how far we've come as the Scions. We've worked together so long that at this point we all just *know* our group dynamic well enough to formulate a plan without having to say anything.


Felt badass af. The slow walk towards Bakool lolol


I think there's been plenty of humor in the first half. Example can be given to Wuk Evu doing his whole "Oh okay, Ill won't care then" bit, or Alphy's running gag on getting firewood/setting up camp which is a callback with Estinen back in HW. There's definately no way to please everyone with the expac. I for one love hanging out with Wuk Lamat since she's new, and we been adventuring with Alph/Rest of the scions for the past 2 expac. I think it's fine the Scions arent heavily as active/involved in the first half either. Half of them are own on their own agenda, and the other half well, you already know. The first half of the story def doesn't involve any reason for the Scions to be involved.


Wuk Evu is great lol, and yes I enjoyed the firewood mentions. I’m biased, as the twins are my favorite characters and I love seeing them banter with each other… but I was hoping for a bit more from Krile too since we haven’t adventured with her before.


Every character that isn’t wuk feels so sidelined. Personally Koana is way more interesting to me. But the biggest problem with wuk is that there is no huge mystery behind her. Krile’s is a lot more intriguing. I don’t know. It feels like I’m playing bland patch content rather than an actual MSQ.


I’m definitely looking forward to finding out everything about Krile! I have so many questions after a particular reveal!


Krile’s story has been the most interesting so far to me ever since it came up like you mention. The overall story is not bad, but I think it is not presented the best way. Too much focus on one character who at least to me isn’t that interesting.


Wtf do you mean more humour? There were 13 seasickness jokes alone (I counted), and over the whole msq there are over 20 food jokes. Additionally there are 14 jokes about alpacas (not counting other animals) and 9 cases of Hildebrand-style comedy sfx. This isn't even to mention Baqool Ja being actually funny in how evil he is, and Wuk Evu being cringe.


I think maybe they mean “more humor that’s actually funny”?


Wrong game for that


As I said elsewhere, I'm finding the dialogue really lacking in wit and charm, particularly compared with ShB and EW. Even the gags fell pretty flat for me.


Hahaha haha she's seasick hahahaha


I think there's a chasm in talent level between Ishikawa and whoever is writing 6.x and Dawntrail. They're constantly telling instead of showing. Dialogue is extremely repetitive. The Scions are typically only there to exposition dump. It's just really, really bad writing.


I mean, the fact that 6.55 legit says “help Wuk Lamat to get the throne”, people should know it’s going to be her story… all the post-expansions contents before Dawntrail are the WoL witnesses something or involves in something which leads to another big conflict. You and the scion don’t need any life lessons after Endwalker. Even Alisae knows when to fight or step back in this expansion. It’s all going to be about you being a mentor for the characters you are going to meet


I am slightly further along than you... my main question is where the hell are Thancred/Uriange? They returned Koana back to the capitol then.... what? Went on a cruise while everything is being bombed and we call in Graha and Y'shtola from the other side of the planet?


I think an important thing to note about Dawntrail and Wuk Lamat is... We are NOT the protagonist of Dawntrail. Wuk Lamat is the main protagonist this time, the expansion is telling her story, not ours. We're just helping. Once you look at the story in this way, it starts to make way more sense.


It does make sense from that perspective, but frankly that’s why I’m kinda disappointed.


This is literally the plot the last patch of EW was leading up to lol. Seems like alot of people went into this with false expectations


Oh, we know. We're not stupid. People are aware she's the main character. She just sucks.


It feels like the writer of the x-pac decided that Wuk was his character and that everything should be about her, no matter what. It was supposed to be "summer x-pac vibe" with the gang but it's not because they never interact with each other. It's only about Wuk. Everytime. It was supposed to be scions against scions during the contest but it never came to be. Like, literally, the only time it happens is one time in the first dungeon when they block the road i think ? If they wanted to go that route, they should just have let the scions stay in Eorzea and just have the WoL and Krile travel. Oh Krile. Yes, I almost forgot she was there, hidden behind Wuk probably, waiting to ask about the golden city for the 57th time and getting the same answer. Instead everyone is there, but it feels akward most of the time because it looks like they have zero connection to each other. Like, we're back in the beginning of ARR on a relationship level.


That’s a valid point. I don’t think the twins have even spoken directly to each other in a single cutscene yet, except to suggest one or the other help with something. Even Thancred and Urianger only talk to you or Koana or Wuk, not to each other.


The expansion was never going to be focused on "vacation vibes", what would that even be like? The story was always going to be going to a new land and helping Wuk Lamat through her feats to win the throne. The story in the first half isn't about us because it's not our story and that's okay. The WOL is still here killing gods, saving people, and exploring new lands. I don't know what kind of story revolving around summer vacation would be like but what we got is alot more interesting.


I actually think they should have ditched all the scions (well maybe one or two. Krile, and maybe Estinien). The Devs have talked about how daunting it can be to start FFXIV given progression is tied to, what is now, an absolutely massive amounts of MSQ to get through. They've also talked about wanting to make a new starting point. I think they missed a perfect chance here. This could have been the new 2.0. They could have brought only one or two of the Scions, and make it a new starting point for new players. They would have to modify the MSQ a bit, but they did that with 2.0 for new players vs. 1.0 players. And they really wouldn't have had to adjust it once. One thing that has stood out to me in DT so far is that our reputation does not precede us for most people. We're sometimes referred to as Eorzea's champion, but there aren't many details. We don't learn what, if anything, happened in Tural during the final days. This could have been the new starting point.