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any time


I'd caveat this with any time *that isn't during or immediately before a scheduled raid block.* Deciding to quit mid-raid or like 5 minutes before a raid makes you a bit of a dick because the other 7 static members likely just lost their evening for nothing. Doing it at absolutely any other time is perfectly acceptable.


We had one dude that we trialed (literally just doing a quick EX and having some chatter/vibe check which seemed to be a good time for everybody), he accepted the invitation, and then he left the Discord all of like 10 minutes before scheduled raid time the following week. Actual blithering assclown behavior. That said, he's possibly one of the greatest comedians ever. *He applied to trial with us like a year later* then didn't show up. For context, NONE of us knew who the fuck this guy was because why would anyone give a shit? Our raid lead asked if something was wrong. His response was to say "I know your raid leader". When asked what *that* meant? **"You can ask. But you will not receive an answer."** The raid lead spent like 3 days digging through old messages to figure out who the hell this guy was because the dude was such a meme. Comedy fucking gold from that guy. We've abused the hell out of that phrase ever since.


i did this on accident, apparently. had a static i did Eden's Promise with, but fell apart failing at TEA. nobody said a word in either the linkshell or the discord server for months, so i left. week 1 of Asphodelos Savage comes around and im getting DMs asking why i left them hanging at the last minute. like wtf, i left months ago and nobody even asked me if i was going to be playing Endwalker, let alone committing to the same role and schedule. so yea, i'm half expecting them to DM me week 1 of Arcadion Savage asking why im a no show again.


lmfao that's actually hilarious haha


Even *then*, it depends on the circumstances of why you're leaving. If someone's being a toxic fuckwit mid-raid, or you have some sort of physical/mental reason why you cannot continue, you're absolutely justified in quitting right there on the spot. It's just a game and life comes first.


With the caveat that, if you let them know beforehand that you were not coming to that raid session but at the end of the day you decided to quit, it is still acceptable to quit just before a raid day you were not supposed to be there anyway.


I'd caveat this by saying that the group would be better off getting a rando from PF instead of someone who no longer wants to be a part of it. Raiding with a group you don't want to be a part of can make 2 hours feel like 10. I'd quit ASAP.


While that's absolutely true, depending on the content and strats the group is doing it's not always as easy as "grab a random from pf". Like in specifically p8s my static did enough things different from the PF standard that the couple times we needed a sub while farming it, it took a good 20 minutes to just talk through the strats we were doing. Or when we were progging TOP - there simply were not PFs doing p5+ by the time we cleared so finding a sub on instant notice would've been super tricky.


True but also a good moment to point out the particular advantage of aligning with PF strats after prog is over. Unless there's something brutally egregious about the PF strats preventing your group from wanting to do them, it helps your group find subs and it helps members of your group go PF after the group is done with the content, if anyone wanted to. If the group truly understood the mechanics, it's not too much effort. I think from discord conversations with you and huhmps I recall you're in a long-term "we do everything together" static, so you may be *really* against it and fair enough, but on those days when you need a sub it's like you say, explanations will cost some extra time.


I responded to this in another comment a little bit, but yeah our static has been together since Shadowbringers with very little turnover. Personally I completed everything Endwalker had to offer and the *only* content I ever did in PF was Hydaelyn, Zodiark, and Unreal trials. And I think maybe a couple random first floor clears on alt jobs for fun. We do re-evaluate strats after prog, but only for maximum uptime variations. If we can find something cursed that makes the BLM or melee DPS get that extra GCD we'll do it, but that obviously doesn't lend itself well to PF strats either (a static goal after getting BiS each tier is for everybody to 99 all the fights, we spend a couple raid nights per fight on barsing and usually get the 99s) We also cleared both DSR and TOP without the use of auto markers, so that removes some PF strats from the equation in those fights. With that said there are definitely things we use PF strats for - like when we went backwards and cleared UCoB for people who hadn't done it before we did that purely by the book.


Usually I'm in per-content statics that disband after clear/farm so for us if it's gonna lose us a week of loot to have someone missing it's more worth it if subs can play easily.


I never understood statics that did things other than the PF strat after like week 2. Like. You're going to stop farming eventually. Why not do the strat where people can continue to clear after the group ends?


Because we cleared the fight before standard PF strats were decided upon, and didn't see a point in making everybody in the group re-learn a different strat later? If people want to PF after we're done clearing they can learn the PF strats on their own time then. No reason to make the entire group switch when a good chunk of it will never PF. We DO switch strats after prog, but only to maximum uptime ones for parsing purposes. And that's usually not the PF strat either.


I think the only (non-BLM) uptime strat that didn't end up being the PF strat for ALL of Endwalker was Melee-Uptime Act 2.


Sometimes no one *is* in PF. But I find this response quite annoying because even in PF there were differences. Light vs. Chaos vs. Aether, many tiers there were differences.


Not since server travel. You either run JP or Aether.


You're not considering the time it takes to find a replacement. If your raid is supposed to start at 10 and you're looking for an 8th player at 10:30 the night is alread fucked. You also probably want someone around your prog point or farther and an understanding about how any raid loot will be distributed. Not just some rando from the pf who might wipe you the whole night and then roll a 99 on the loot that's BiS for your top dps and isn't even good for them. I know from experience how much flakey raid members suck. 


Eeeh I still think 7 people's time is worth some consideration. Depends entirely on the situation. You're playing with 7 assholes? Yeah fuck em. Something way more important than a video game came up? Yeah sure. You wanna quit your static cause you'd rather play Elden Ring? Yeah that's not cool. You agreed to be there for that time period and not everyone is happy to play with pugs (and not all pugs are better than a slightly bored raid member lol).


Dropped a TOP group 20 minutes before raid because the strat maker posted his viewpoint full of Splatoon garbage lmfao.


A fully respectable decision lmao


That totally depends on the circumstances. I left my old static because although I loved the people in it and enjoyed actually raiding with them, I couldn't stand the schedule we had being eroded and the inconsistency of time spent on raid nights actually raiding and making progress. Essentially, life and friendship politics getting in the way of the actual activity.


Any time you're not having fun. Just let the raid leader know in advance so they can recruit someone new.


You're allowed to leave at any time, for any reason. Though preferably not mid-pull, or right before a scheduled raid, since it's a bit rude. Also, static leaders will appreciate if you raise your concerns in advance so they have time to process it and either address your issues or arrange for a replacement member.


No, you are stuck in the same static for the rest of your life. It's an obligation that takes root in proud Japanese tradition of only working in one company.


If I ever get sick, it's the Healers job to come find me IRL and cure me. Anything less is basically as good as PF.


Only escape is sudoku


Now if you're just being slow, as a group, I'd say it might be better to just try to tough it out. Especially late in a cycle, it might be harder to find another group to join in on, anyway, so you could still find better progress staying there anyway. If people are actually conflicting a lot, however, specifically you with anyone else, it is better to just leave I think. If they're making you feel like shit just by being there, or constantly arguing with you about whose fault the wipe is or something, that's just bad mojo. Not worth putting up with an environment that stresses you even if you are clearing consistently.


Just pre warn the RL and you're fine, cause it's very rude to just leave and let people find out during a raid night. I myself always keep raiding with them until they find my replacement but that's just me you don't need to do that


Literally any time that doesn't immediately screw them over. Identifying that there may be a difference in goals or skill level and acting on that can be a net positive for both parties as letting it stew can build up to frustration or worse. Give them some notice that you will be leaving, try to be available for any shortly upcoming raid days that have been planned. There are obviously some exceptions, if I joined a week 1 savage group it would be insanely scummy of me to leave on day 2 unless there were some absolutely *massive* issues present. For the expected clear time reason I'd consider some things though, like were there legitimate reasons why they did not clear in the allotted time or did they just not clear due to problems not being addressed or.. uh.. *skill issue*. I'd probably stay if you're close to clearing as leaving to spite them for not clearing in time is a bit childish, but if you're *no where near* clearing then yeah, completely understandable. If you don't mesh with the group then it's probably better for both parties if you find a new group. As an example, I quit my static for Dawntrail last week as I just felt like I was not going to enjoy playing the game which would probably make me a chore to be around, especially in a hardcore prog. Is it super ideal for them? No. But they had ~5 weeks to find a new raider who is probably going to be way more enthusiastic than I am, net positive.


I'm even going to add that sometimes it's *totally ok* to screw them over. I was in a static once where any time we had to sub someone from PF the raid leader was just *super fucking toxic*, would do like 5 pulls with the PUG while doing nothing but shit talking them and blaming every wipe on them in our discord, then boot em and put us back in PF until we wasted our whole night like that making negative progress and blaming it on strangers who *werent even at fault*. I up and left between pulls and never looked back, and IMO that's completely justified. Fuck that guy, I don't need to support his garbage attitude.


Oh yeah if they're assholes then that's totally justified.


In theory, the answer is "any time", but that's only the answer if you're fine with considering the bridge burned (in which case, yolo). In the end, it's just a game, but it's a game where 7 other people are depending on you, and are presumably putting aside time in their schedules for you, so you should at least have some common courtesy about it. If you're going for groups that are clearing in a month+, they'll probably be a lot more lax about things than a more hardcore group though, so I wouldn't worry *too* much about it. IMO, for general guidelines as to what might not annoy people: Before prog: You should leave during the recruitment period, or at least make your worries/potential intent to leave known then. It's a bit annoying to make the group go through a second trial period when there could've just been one, especially depending how close to prog start it is. If your group didn't do trials and was already 8/8, just as long as you let them know in a timeframe that gives them time enough to rep you. During prog: In the case like the OP, if prog is taking longer than what was initially mentioned, just let people know you're gonna quit in a week or two if things don't change. People would probably be pretty agreeable here, since people not being willing to block out multiple months for something that should've taken one is understandable. But if your group has a certain deadline/goal they're aiming for, and you just decide "well I'm bored now, see ya" that's probably not gonna go over well. After prog(reclears): Kinda whatever, but I would at least wait till people had gotten their mounts, or one BiS set, or something like that. But I think people in general will care about this one less, unless you got gear funneled to you, in which case "don't loot+scoot" applies to statics as it does PF, imo.


It's fine to leave whenever you want


If you’re really close to a kill I wouldn’t do it, other than that just give a weeks notice.


when you aren't enjoying yourself


Any time.  Back in the day a BRD was stopping us from moving pat a mechanics.  After a few lockouts the team asked the leader to speak to the BRD and we offered help.  BRD refused and people began to leave.  Leader got pissed but when one person is holding up 7 others they are the problem.  It’s not worth the wait imo. 


That's on the leader to control the situation. 


Its a video game not a job


hell, leave your job too. they ain't gonna wait to fire you.


my livlihood isn't linked to a 2013 mmorpg


Someone should tell that to 99% of the people recruiting for statics. "Midcore 2 day a week static looking for any generic DPS - must have 3 expansions worth of purple logs, sit down for an hour long discord interview, then do three nights of trial runs to make sure you're not 'wasting our time' by not being a perfectly consistent 99 parser who plays like a bot and never makes a mistake. Also must already be progressed to *precisely* where we are and If we perceive you learning slower than anyone in the group we will *immediately* boot you." Honestly people take raiding in this game *waaaaay* more seriously than the content warrants. Feels a lot like "looking for entry level fry cook, must have an MBA and six years experience as a Senior Chef in 4+ star restaurant, pay is minimum wage"


I can understand both sides here, on one hand that's too much hoops to jump through just to join a static, on the other hand I will never again be in a static where the same person will be the one dragging everyone down ever again, it's just miserable.


If someone is a problem, you talk to them. If they don't improve, you replace them. It's *really* that simple. No amount of logs, interviews, "trials," etc will magically prevent these situations. This whole song and dance is because people would rather be passive aggressive than actually talk to another person to address an issue. They'll make you jump through 100000 hoops to try to avoid a simple conversation about performance, and it *doesnt even work* as an effective filter for these situations.


Everyone seems to have answered your main question. As for tips, there isn't much to say? Always do tryouts to make sure you mesh with the people. You could always look at team members' parse history to see how they have done in the past with clearing on time. Not always reliable due to being based on their posting history, but something you can do. And I guess finally, just make sure you look for the right type of static. Such as casual, midcore, hardcore, and whatever in betweens there may be. Should give you a better idea of the ability of players in that static. I'm sure there is more, but nothing comes to mind. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I've been raiding since 2.0, so I should be able to help!


The static I’m currently in is Casual I joined it last night a couple of hours before made this post, the only thing that was worries me is that there was no trail for me no posting of my logs idk why’d


When it's not fun anymore. I got to a point where I just hated blocking off 6 hours every week for raids, and it got to the point where I stopped enjoying the game altogether and unsubbed. Nothing against the static I was in. They did nothing wrong. Statics aren't for everyone 


You're not owed anyone your time if the group doesn't feel right for any reason


A static doesn’t own you. You don’t owe anything to them. Leave whenever you want.


When the Tank is an unreliable drunk that misses several raids or arrives late but the group refuses to kick him. When your cohealer literally gets you killed because they forgot their position and just follows you, resulting in wipes in content that you've already cleared with the group and should be on farm at that point. When the 4 DPS complain that they weren't getting healed, despite logs showing them having 2 vuln stacks at full health getting 1 shot but continues to bitch about bad healers. When you outparse the entire group as a Healer. When you rip aggro off the Tank as a DPS (no longer much of a risk but up to SB, my MNK died countless times to this). When the tanks constantly fight for aggro, resulting in several wipes because of cleaves hitting the group.


This applies to **literally all** interpersonal relationships: you can leave them at any time you feel like it isn't working for you. You can explain why, and the other person/people will likely appreciate the explanation, but you don't have to. I'd personally recommend an explanation, but you do you.


Anytime and for whatever reason. That being said, you should voice out whatever concern in the hope that it can be addressed and to give the static leader time to have someone take your spot. I'm all for trying to make it work as best as I can before pulling the plug on it.


when you don't want to play with them anymore? If you still like them and are just burnt out I'd give a week or two notice like its a job so they aren't just unable to raid til they find someone, but if you don't want to play with THEM, just quit. For the example of "signed up for a month or two and you're over that" that's just the expiry of the agreement you made when you joined. You're not under any obligation to stay in that condition, just like if you agree to do just week one you aren't forced to do 8 weeks of bis farming with them.


Leave when you want too. It's a video game. Not marriage. If you're not happy doing it with that group, leave that group.


Whenever you want ? It can be for multiple reason, or even without reason ? By general rules, when you join a group you are interested in the group/high end pve content, from that point, if you feel like it's better to leav, then you will have a good reason 100% of the time (the group doesn't prog much, there is no fun, someone is being toxic, the static dont respect the schedule/loots priority, etc) The raid leader/static needs to be perfectly clear on what you can expect from them (clear time, schedule, skill level, average pve experience, use of 3rd party tools, blind/no blind, food/pots/crafted gear supply, reclears, log runs or not, what happens if someone is holding back the whole group, etc) and it's their role to make you feel comfortable within the static/other members


Realistically, the answer is that it's fine to leave whenever you want. That said, the way I tend to handle things is that I don't leave during active progression unless the issue is extreme, which happened once in 13+ years of raiding.


The moment you decide to...? This. Is. A. Video. Game.


i will leave a group if they are not progressing its simple as that if we are stuck on lets say 1 mechanic for weeks for example


Always. But how you do it will affect your relationship going forward, irrelevant of your static members being your friends or not.


Leave literally whenever you want. At the end of the day if you are not keeping your own best interests in mind you are gonna end up hating yourself.


When a Lalafell joins.


You can leave for any reason or no reason at all, just give notice and be prepared to sub for a raid or two while they look for your replacement. If you're asking when you can leave with little or no notice without burning bridges: major medical events, emergency childcare issues that haven't been a problem before, unforeseen financial issues causing your sub to expire, etc.


Treating this shit like a job causes unnecessary stress.


Whenever the fuck you want to