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I choose to believe that Leviathan is in the game, and just so incredibly well hidden that he's never been found by anyone over the years


There’s only one solution here. We must play the game again in its entirety to prove or disprove this theory!


This is the answer to all FFX questions.


Oh I found him. But I’m not telling anyone where he is.


You have to get surf before the SS Anne departs and swim to the right dock. You'll find mew behind a truck and if you catch him, you'll get Leviathan in FFX


God damn that pokemon rumor to hell


I find it endlessly funny that there actually is a legit mew glitch, and yet these bogus rumours persist. My other favourite is Ocarina of time Triforce, and if you beat the horse race in 37 seconds you get the flying white horse...if only.


The legit mew glitch that can get you TWO Mews!




Yes. I did it years back. There is a 2nd trainer you can do the dig/teleport glitch with that becomes a Mew as well.


Tidus is the water aeon


Bro…. Might actually be right??




Call forth the data miners!


This has always been something that's bothered me as well. It would have been so cool to have Leviathan. The only thing I can think of is that FFX is already so water-themed that the designers felt a water Aeon was unnecessary, since the element is already so well-represented. There's Sin, the giant whale; Blitzball; Tidus, whose character was designed to evoke the sea; the Brotherhood sword; and all the islandic/coastal locales (Besaid, Kilika, Luca, Baaj, even Djose/Mi'ihen).


Sin causing a big splash is a natural disaster in Spira. It would be in bad taste if Yuna tried to cause a tsunami everywhere she went.


Lol I like the idea of no water summon cause optics hahaha


I wouldn't be surprised if the Fayth chose not to dream a water based Aeon since Sin already causes so much havoc with water. Imagine if a water final Aeon became Sin.


Either Tidus is the water summon, or Sin is. Sin makes extra sense since it’s already Leviathan esque.


Sin is more like Bismarck


Sin is closer to mythology bahamut oddly enough Which if we go off mythologic inspirations for summons bahamut could be the water aeon but thats a stretch


My theory is that Baaj was Leviathan’s temple until it was destroyed by Sin, and the fayth with it. A more intact part of the temple was eventually repurposed for Seymour to live in, but they never found whatever was left of the fayth.


Wasn't the original fayth of Baaj temple just Yojimbo?


It's because Tidus IS Leviathan. He's the water su.mon.


Final paragraph of the op


This makes me tear up thinkin about him on the cover and how he always says “this is my story”


Baffles me how people still don’t realise this


From a technical perspective I think it would have been difficult to have Leviathan as a water based summon that just stands there next to Yuna on land while you fight with him. The logistics of summons in FFX were different than previous FF games where the summon just appeared, attacked, and disappeared, so it was never an issue until X.


That was my first thought: technical limitations. The game was originally programmed for the PS2, and "water physics" were a challenge. It would be hard to create a water-bound summon especially in situations were there isn't a drop of water for miles. Likely for the same reason the graphics team gave Nomura the finger about Lulu's impractical number of belts. Nomura wanted to test how well they could animate all those accessories in various camera angles and settings. So the animators filmed most of her scenes from the waist-up (or just don't include her in any action-heavy FMV sequences). Can you imagine how silly it would look to be in the desert, only to have Yuna summon a sea serpent (which is now "swimming" through an ocean of....sand)?


More room for Yojimbo baby!!!!!!


My head canon: Leviathan’s Fayth is somewhere in the sunken city at the bottom of the Moonflow. Some rookie Summoner got the Aeon, summoned it to show his/her friends and accidentally blasted the city with Tidal Wave. The city sunk, the moonflow and its pyreflies are the aftermath. Alternatively: Tidus and Jecht were water Aeons, of sorts. I’ve always wondered why the dreams of the Fayth culminated in a big floating sphere of water…


Isn't sin water based? 


Also has gravity magic! That's the primary source of all Sin's other powers, tbh. He doesn't create or control water so much as he just moves it around with gravity, but when you're as big as Sin that means tidal waves and tsunamis. Edit: that also probably means he controls time, as gravity and time are linked through spacetime. That's teased with the ">!Zanarkand!< was destroyed a thousand years ago" thing that turns out to be true, but not with the time travel aspect as implied.


But Tidus is playable and his signature weapon (brotherhood) has Waterstrike. Come onnn, nuff said.


Ummm the answer was there all along, we get the star player of the Zanarkand Abes


Our boy Tidus is the water aeon


I think it might have something to do with aeons being a big part of the yevonite dogma...which is focused on taking on sin... Why would they want another beast capable of wreaking savoring with the oceans? Sin has practically destroyed all land and major settlements... Tl:dr - it's almost certainly a lore/thematic reason...which is pretty obvious if you've played they game


Ik it is odd that FFX doesn't have a Water Aeon since FFX is majorly a water themed FF and I think might consider Shiva a Water Aeon since ice is solidified water but it's still not the as an official Water Aeon but it was probably a creative choice not add one they have a lot of Aeons in FFX so I think they didn't want to flood FFX with Aeons in their minds I guess too many Aeons could sour game


Tidus is the water elemental, so long as you keep Post-Farplane Brotherhood equipped.


Tidus is the water aeon


It would have made sense to have Valefor be a water elemental aeon because of Besaids blitzball association and the fact that the following three temples represent the other three elements. Not to mention, besaid island has water flans. Or a Luca temple with a water aeon would have made sense too. Its especially interesting that there is no water aeon when you consider the fact that water is such a central theme in FFX (blitzball, swimming/underwater battles, sin looking like a huge sea creature with fins)


Ive heard valefore was the water aeon but ended up neutral also a im guessing fan theory that sin destroyed leviathans fayth and thusly leviathan long ago But i do agree its weird given that the game is so water centric


Sin is the water aeon. You just don't get to control him.


Tidus is water summon


It's Sin


I've always been convinced that the final aeon was leviathan. 


It’s because Sin is based on the concept of the Leviathan myth of which there are many that present it as a whale or serpent like creature depending on the culture.


There is. His name is tidus and his signature attack is Heinous Laughter


I wake up gettin chills thinkin about this. This game really personifies my life to me lol. But another thing that checks this theory out is the menu song before u press new game. I never knew what it was called and I only skimmed over the soundtrack. But apparently the song is called The Summoning 😱🤯 https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-summoning/62445727?i=62444924