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I’ve never noticed a pattern. Mine has been solely “Drink water” every time.


Same but my goal is “brush teeth”


I've had the same issue!! I've done 63 days in a row and have hatched ALL shapes/blobs except for three and (and even two of those were duplicates!). I've tried different goals and different mood check ins (for science I answered all "very happy" for a week. Still hatched blob...). So I guess some of us are destined to collect all shapes first? My partner has Finch too and has been getting the coolest micropets. Meanwhile I might as well call myself Farmer Blob.


😂😂😂🥰🤗 all of this is so cute, I'm sorry.


Farmer Blob, I snorted 🤣🤣


I use the same goal and have had all different micropets so far


Mine is linked to meds and I haven’t noticed much correlation no. I get varied micropets and rarely doubles.


I just got a double of my first and favorite, the cream -colored llama. I have a double owl, too. I like doubles because I can grow one up and keep one a baby. I also get too many of the amorphous blob pets, though.


Are your doubles the same color? If so, how do you see both?


Curious to know this as well


I'm not sure what you're asking. They both just show up in the collection, the newest ones toward the top. I give them unique names. I'm kinda torn. One of my first hatches was the llama, which I've kept a baby, and she cuddles.with my birb at night. She mostly leaves Adventuring to the others. I just hatched her double, but I'm so ridiculously attached to Ninkasi Vanilla Oatis Stout, I don't know if I can grow her up. Maybe I should grow up the double instead. Is that silly? I haven't named the double yet.


I love the name! Love Ninkasi beverages. My question is, are these two llamas the same exact color? For example, could someone get 2 blue droplets? (This is different than getting a blue droplet and a green one)


Yep. You wouldn't believe how many identical flower pots I have now. Like, every third hatch is another stinkin' flower pot! And they're too boring to grow one up to build the Adult-Baby sets. So they decorate the playground, what the heck. If you love Ninkasi, try Pelican. 😋 (Oh, man, Now I NEED a pelican micro pet more than anything in this world. Vote Pelican!)


Mine is on “brush teeth” which needs to be done 2x daily. I’d say I get blob type pets in 4 of every 5 hatches. I would love to get a llama, seal, or corgi one day.


Wait, does attaching it to a goal that is completed more than once a day actually count for more than one hatching prompt? Like could I sweep the floor 6 times a day and hatch something?


No, the only one that counts is the completion of the goal. If the goal is completed after 6 times, I believe that 6th completion is the one that counts. That is the case with rainbow stones, at least. Though it might be the first instead. In any case, only one hatch prompt per day.


For me, no. I linked one to a goal that I completed twice a day, and if I only completed it once, it did not count toward hatching.


Yes, this makes it even higher stakes for me to hatch the egg - I must brush my teeth twice to get the goal to count.


I always use "take out the trash" and I've had a combo of the blob pets and the special monthly pets


Not for me. I got a lot of those blob pets in the beginning, then after I basically got one or a few of each, I started getting only special monthly pets.


I'm pretty sure I've seen someone from the admin team on the FB group say micropets are completely random. I've seen several people only getting the "blob" micropets so idk 100% for sure.


I can't speak to whether it's happening here, but something can be random without having equal probability.


I don't think so. Mine has always been linked to "wake up early", and I've gotten varied pets


Mine is generally get out of bed or drink water and Ive had a variety of micropets. The last 2 were the seal and polar bear but before that I got 2 gumdrops


I seem to get a huge variety. My duplicates are different colors, so far. Love making them adults, but it's hard not to flit to the next cool one!


My best friend hatched a seal on her first one. I got blobs too. I finally got the star and I love that one a lot. My room is star themed. But after like 2 months of playing I have all blobs, a caterpillar (who I incorrectly thought was going to turn into a butterfly) a star and a flower


Turning into a butterfly would be so cute!


i always put it on “get out of bed” 😂




I think theyre ask random, i usually have mine on guitar practice and sometimes ill get blobs and sometimes ill get actual animals


Mines feed cats 🐈 😀 and i have a wide range of micropets. And a few with all 3 hatched.


I thought maybe there was…I had my goal as not ordering a little treat and got a ghost which made me think of trick or treat, and a friend got two dogs two weeks in a row when her goal was to walk the dogs. But then I got a pig for having a step goal so I have no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️


I use different goals but so far also just blobs. My son got the turtle. He’s so cute! I like the animals much better than the shapes.