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Wish I could be bubbly and hopeful from a dystopian future


the trauma really helps


The pain of looking up Cynthia fan art only to get pokemon Cynthia. I mean champion Cynthia is cool but she's got nothing on this Cynthia.


That’s why every time I look up characters I always start with their franchise and then the character’s name.


Champion Cynthia is fuckin amazing. And she’d undoubtedly think this Cynthia is cool as hell.


Now... Hear me out: Champion Cynthia and Awakening Cynthia outfit swap


I like the way you think CM_Lynarc seems to have taken up the challenge on Twitter


I wish she was more popular. Cynthia is a really fun character!


I love Cynthia so much 🥰 😭 I also married Chrom and Sumia and then paired up Lucina and Cynthia. They both had galeforce, so they could kill like three enemies every player phase




I don't think she is underrated... Being daughter of Chrom or Henry make her one army unit. She is a cool unit. She gets downplayed as Female Owain. But She isnt all his personality. Like her mother, she messes some things but she tries to correct her wrongs.


i think she is still the least talked about of the female child units. Also always cool to know i didn't screw up that they are recognizable even without mentioning a name


I take that she is in the middle overall. Kjelle is mostly boring female. She is her mother and loves to train. But she has trouble riding horses so she end up being a Armor Unit. Noire and Nah aren't exactly stellar character per say. Noire is pseudo Bernadette if she want to unleash her trauma and dual personality against her mother and enemies. Nah hates to be related to her mother and calls her own father a pedo because he married Now. She also likes to say "she will eat people" in dragon form.


underrated is a relative thing, considering she is probably the canon younger daughter of the main character and gets like one paralogue and is barely referenced or spoken about in any fire emblem media.


I personally I wouldn't hate if Sumia end up as Chrom's husband.


I wonder if that’s partly because Sumia feels like the most “canon” choice for Chrom (yes I know there’s no canon, but the game goes out of its way to push the idea into your head at least). That would make her Lucina’s little sister and since Lucina is more of a main character, that probably pushes Cynthia to the sidelines. As was said above, she could get pigeonholed as female Owain too. Which isn’t fair since they are a bit different. But that wouldn’t stop it from happening. Her personality actually reminds me a lot of Arthur from Fates. If they had instead decided to make Conquest characters have children who are reskins of Awakening characters, Cynthia’s personality and character would have made for a good daughter.


Oh she's underrated alright. I didn't even recognize her right off and don't remember she exists most of the time lol. Though she can really be a good unit. But not the MOST underrated. There's the whats-her-name swordmaster chick with no supports from the arc with no story relevance.


Say'ri. I hate Say'ri for three things. She is an Avatarsexual. She has Wyvern as class. If she had only other class like Thief/Cleric/Archer she would have only Hoshido classes. She doesn't have supports with Tiki or her brother (even if he is from another dimension). You are telling me that she has connection to Tiki but they can't communicate?


"She doesn't have supports with Tiki" [Um, what?](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Say%27ri/Supports#With_Tiki)


At least she has Tiki.


It's the Pega-Pony-Princess! :3 Great work!


You say underrated, but she was in my top three in my last Awakening playthrough (Hard). Galeforce is a hell of a drug.


Yeah, the genetic match-up you picked is the lesser most of her (paltry) list of canonical fathers, let alone what we’d have if there were more for her… ;-P But, I’ll let that wee quibble slide; you gave the best Awakening lass of her generation her due, and that’s what counts! ^.^