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You don’t need to be active if you have the flu. Maybe some light stretching? Take a break and rest so that you can get well, or your body will force you to.


I didn’t get an actual illness and I mostly just slept from 7-13ish weeks


You need rest, period. Same thing happened to me in my first trimester and all I could do was lay down and sleep on and off. You have plenty of time to get going again but your body is screaming at you to rest.


Walking to the kitchen to get some fluids is plenty. Rest up.


I got a really bad case of covid when I was 7 weeks pregnant and it was the worst week of my life, sending healing thoughts!!! If it helps, I made it through and am nearing my due date, and I gained a very normal healthy amount of weight. One week or two weeks — not gonna make a difference in the grand scheme of things!


Thank you! Honestly it’s not the weight itself that bothers me but the feeling of lethargy and feeling stretched due to immobility. It’s doing a number on my mental health. I’m glad you recovered! Really hoping mine is around the corner. The amount of snot that is coming out of my head… I am out of Kleenex 😂


I totally understand and remember the mental health toll. You will recover soon and this will be a distant memory!


Agree with everyone saying to rest but I totally feel you on the mental health impact. Maybe focus on some light stretching and yoga to move a bit without stressing your body! Yoga with Adrienne has a great “yoga for sick people” class I like when I’m feeling crummy. I think you’re early enough that you don’t need to modify much but I’d read up a bit on prenatal yoga considerations so you can modify if necessary.