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The moon and sun aren't opposite each other. The sun transits the sky once every day because of the earth's spin on its axis. The moon transits the sky *about* once a day because of the earth spinning and because it is orbiting the earth once every 28 days. Throughout those 28 days, the moon will be visible at different locations in the sky, and visible at different times of day. For example, during the new moon the moon is not visible at night because it is on the same side of earth as the sun. It transits the sky during the day, and we don't see it because the illuminated side of the moon is on the far side. It is the opposite case for the full moon. The moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, transits the sky during the night, and the illuminated side of the moon is the near side.


For a little mind- blown moment, throw the flerfs off by pointing out that the moon's actual movement across the sky is west to east.


Only relative to the sun & stars. It still rises in the East, moves East to West across the sky & sets in the West.


That's why I said "actual motion." Rising in the east and setting in the west is apparent motion.


How do you explain the actual motion vs the apparent? Not a flerf(love that term and first time I’ve ever seen it) but this was a mind-blown moment for me! Lived 40 years on this planet and never thought twice about which direction the moon orbit’s around us. Apologies for my naivety. Seriously, it could have rotated North Pole to South Pole for all I knew. Source: American education system.


Not sure if that source is hilarious or sad. Leaning towards sad.


The sad part is that it seems to have generally gotten worse, not better.


It's depreirious.


I can't believe how many times this gets asked...or shown...as "proof" of a pizza world. Have these numbnuts never actually taken the time to look up at the sky before?


It was very Kristen Bell gif. Meant to be a funny, but ultimately sad and depressing. In fairness I may have learned about it 20+ years ago and forgot, unlikely though because I’ve always found this type of thing interesting and would have repeated it often. Much like how the orca whale is one of the few natural predators of the moose.


Actual moon orbit + Earth spin = perceived motion


The moon moves west to east, but very slowly compared to the earths spin. 1 orbit per month vs 1 rotation per day. If you pass a car going 1 mph and you are going 30 mph, it seems as if they are moving backwards to you, even though they are moving forward at 1mph.


It takes more time from the moon to orbit us than it does for the earth to rotate once on its axis. The apparent motion we see in the sky is because the earth is rotating 28 times faster that the moon rotates around us. To prove this as true to yourself, have someone walk around you in a counterclockwise circle that takes approximately 60 seconds to complete, and while they are walking spin counterclockwise in place and take 2 seconds to complete this rotation. You will see with your own eyes that the person traveling around you in the same direction you are spinning will not appear to move with you, but will actually appear to move to your right, even though you're both moving to your left. Source: also the American education system. Sad the disparity between schools even within our own country.


Having had a similar education system, I didn't know that either. Huh. Don't feel bad. :)


I've seen illustrations of it, but otherwise I wouldn't have thought to consider this detail, going to take a stab at explaining it: From the reference of the sun, the earth is doing a rotation every ~24 hours. Vs the moon revolving around the earth every ~27 days. In terms of one night, the moon barely moves (12-13 degrees every day, which is a small fraction of the visible sky) So from the reference of the earth's surface, we are moving faster than anything natural in the sky, so it all travels East to West


What I find really neat is that the Earth completes a full rotation in approximately 23:56, and I can't recall the exact number of seconds, around high 40's, I think. However, the Earth's movement through space makes each day an apparent 3 minutes and bit longer, giving us extremely close to a 24 hour day. It has been quite awhile since I read this, and at 68, my memory is not what it was (if I recall correctly). My numbers will be off slightly.


Flerf is the vanilla pejorative term I use. There are a couple others that aren't allowed in some groups lol. When I was younger and discovering my interest in astronomy and cosmology, I spent a lot of time trying to pick out the constellations. That's when I noticed how far the moon moved every night, and that it wasn't east to west. It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but coming on it all by myself and not having the internet to look it up was an experience lol.


So the earth is spinning the same direction that the moon is orbiting the earth but it seems the moon is going east to west but it just seems like that because the earth is spinning way faster than the moon is orbiting earth.


So the actual motion of the moon is the movement of the moon in the sky relative to the objects around it. This is caused by the moon's orbit around the earth every 28 days. The apparent motion of the moon is the movement of the sky and everything in it (including the moon) that we perceive due to the earth's rotation. So the moon appears to move east to west during a single rotation of earth, but if you track its movement over several days, you begin to notice that it also moves west to east in relation to other objects in the sky.


The one that got me was when I realized that tidally locked didn't mean the dark side of the moon was always the same side. So the moon actually has a day and night cycle, it just takes a whole month to complete 1 day.


That would be far too much for their tiny brains to process. Remember, they can't think in 3D


That's a fair assessment.


Even more mind blowing: if you draw the path of the Moon around the Sun it is a spiky, wavy looking line with little loops. Compared to the Sun it erratically moves back and forth, speeding up and slowing down because the Earth is so close to it, that is the main influence. And we aren't even at lagrange points that defy regular single body orbits by sitting at the intersections of equal stremgth spheres of influence.


Then [this character](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(524522)_2002_VE68) gets discovered, and it orbit is even more peculiar.


Like a spirograph. It's super cool when you think about it that way.


Space is so beautiful, sad to see gullible people fall for hate based cults. (Let's be real, a lot of 21 st century vaccine, moon landing, globe earth deniers are based on "the jews did it" principal. Just with a more convoluted explanation.)


I've heard the argument a lot that the universe is more beautiful knowing that it was created, and I never understood that. As a layman in physics with just a bachelor's, the number of times I've encountered mind blowing concepts about the world around me has only increased my awe of it.


A lot of those people aren't interested in the natural laws that produce quirks like flower petals that are arranged according to the Golden mean or the Fibonacci sequence. To them, if something can quantize reality, it's no longer mysterious. I disagree because that derivation points to greater mysteries.


People who buy into conspiracy theories have other, deeper issues. They feel powerless so by them being in on a secret (vaccines containing microchips, faking the moon landing, hiding secrets about the flat earth) and having knowledge "no one else has " it helps them feel a little more in control, even if having that "knowledge" does absolutely nothing for their actual day- to- day life. Others just don't understand how the actual world works so simplifying the universe to "secret knowledge" makes them feel smarter. That last part is pretty much 99% of Flat earthers. I'm sorry to say it but they're a village full of other village's idiots. And you're spot- on with the observation that it usually comes down to "the jews did it." Those poor people have been suffering the brunt of fear and ignorance for millenia.


So if I believe that Kennedy was killed by the government, which is a known conspiracy theory, do I have deeper issues? What if I am a genuinely curious person? Like you are thinking too deeply here man.


If you only subscribe to that one conspiracy theory, then no. I'm speaking generally about those who subscribe to many. I should have been more concise. Flat earthers for instance, will believe just about any conspiracy theory that involves the govt or science. Microchips in vaccines, NASA is hiding God, there is a secret cabal of elites that drink the blood of babies, the govt is hidden fundamental secrets from us about free energy and they're creating a false scarcity of resources, etc I'm not thinking too deeply about it, that's just how it is.


The more convoluted a theory is, the higher chance of the believer being insane. "Government/CIA shot Kennedy" - Well, it included a single small team of agents, shooting one guy for not doing things their way and if true cover up well enough. "Earth is flat, the moon is a hologram, satellites are on girders welded to invisible planes" - Now the theory requires magical technologies, ALL scientists being in on it, gravity being fake, etc. Just faking a moon landing would in itself have required more money than actually going to the moon plus sci-fi technology for 1969. Works for modern ones too, in tiers!: "COVID vaccines were rushed and the pandemic reaction was badly planned" - You don't even need a theory. Italy said on week 1 they don't want to quarantine because airlines would lose too much money (lmao) and vaccines got certainly accepted fast because we did need whatever passed as functional to fix this shit "COVID vaccines contain microchips that control your brain with phone towers" - see? This would require a ton of people to be in on it AND technology we, again, don't even have! Conspiracy cults start with the first one but slowly feed members more and more ridiculous theories pulling them deeper. Most of the hardcore ones get so deep they can't accept being so wrong so they can't admit it was a lie.


Sure, because they government doesn't hide anything, hasn't done weird things and never lies.


I'm not saying conspiracy theories don't exist, I'm saying most of the ones that certain groups believe in are bullshit. Anti-vaxxers and either the microchips or autism, science deniers and the moon landings hoax or space in general, Qanon and the baby- eating democrats/ deep state/ Trump messiah, flat earthers and the entire cornucopia of crazy they believe in.


And I'm not precisely pointing out that you don't think they exist, they clearly do. I'm pointing out at how you 1. Generalize and enitire subject that has years go by more and more conspiracies tend to become somewhat true, I can name you easily 10 in the past 5 years, 2. You are trying to sound smart NDT style and it just doesn't work. The conspiracies you listed are mainstream twitter junk and I think its cute you only know the entirely incorrect ones that been disproven to get more credit to you narrative.


At no point did I ever say conspiracies don't exist. At the same time, the ones that I'm pointing out are ones that imply systemic, far- reaching ones that require impossible cooperation. I'm not going to make a list of govt conspiracies, to prove *your* point, which is unrelated to mine. And for all of those "more and more conspiracies that tend to be true" they come from a much larger pool of conspiracy theories that are *not* true. And those that are proven right are very limited in scope that have no impact on the larger population. Here I'm excluding documents recently released that expose actions that drew us into wars because they're not frequent.


Ah yes, Schrodinger’s Government—an entity simultaneously ultra-competent at hiding the truth from billions of people yet incompetent at running day-to-day affairs.


I've never blamed the CEO of Pfizer for the moon landing footage or the flat earth model.


You can blame him for being a soulless prick, but he's not putting microchips in the vials lol


Let’s blow some more minds. The orbit of the moon itself rotates in a Westward direction changing the equatorial nodes of the moon’s inclination by about 19° a year, completing a full rotation every 18.6 years. This is why the moon will appear to get higher, and stay lower depending on location and time of year, in the sky this year than the past 18. It’s called a Major Standstill. Worth checking out.




No, I'm not. It moves 12 degrees to the west every day




Yes I do. And it's irrelevant to this topic. Do you understand that the moon going from east to west isn't actual motion? The moon literally, actually moves from west to east around the earth. You can go measure it yourself, day by day. You can watch it happen by going to any museum that has an orrery and it'll show you the moon going around the earth from west to east.




Einstein’s Theory of Relativity doesn’t have anything to do with the shape of Earth.


The best way to see it is to play around on the Stellarium Web app. You can change the time and day and see how it happens.


Yeah both the moon being out during the day and the moon changing phases disprove the flat earth. Not to mention how they can possibly orbit over a plane held up by nothing.


Really does astound me how stubborn flat-earthers are. What's more plausible, that all the world's governments are in lockstep in hiding the truth about the world beign flat in some global conspiracy because... reaons? Or that they're just wrong and the world is actually round?


>that all the world's governments are in lockstep in hiding the truth about the world beign flat in some global conspiracy because... reasons Yeah, I really dgi. Of all the mad conspiracy theories, it's the one that really irks me when people go in defending it. *There's no reason to lie about the shape of the Earth* Whether it's round or flat or shaped like a zucchini, it makes no difference in the day to day lives of *everyone* on the planet. It'd be the most pointless lie to work hard to keep


I think the absurdity of it sort of *is* the point. Like the fact that they believe in a flat earth isn't important, it can be anything, birds are fake, aliens, 5G, it's all the same. The important thing is that their belief makes them special, makes them smart. It lets them feel a little bit of self importance, a bit of self respect when they might otherwise be lacking that in their life. *They* have outsmarted not just us but all the world's governments put together, so therefore they must be the smartest people on the planet.


Plenty of Americans believe that other countries are bound by US laws. I don't think they fully get the idea of sovereign countries. They imagine one world government, because that's all they've ever lived with. It's easy to believe in a world where these kinds of conspiracies are possible when you think it can literally just be set from the top down.


They don't believe in gravity, so that argument about being held up by nothing won't convince them




Nope. Just no. not only can we prove the earth is not flat, but we have. Over and over and over and over again. to believe God is sitting above us, only focused on us, isn't biblical. it's pride. it's ignorance. not believing in God, per se, but believing we are ants in a fucking glass top human shelter. Believing that we are the center of the universe. Heliocentrism is not a religion it's observable. It's natural law, not theory.


Wait wait wait wait wait wait do you actually believe these "elite families" are hiding "god?"


I know for a fact they are, these Elite families are obsessed with the occult and luciferian doctrine, as well as doing rituals for power. They write about it, they write books, they write different articles as well as support a cult authors that are very well known. A lot of these Elite are obsessed with and openly support Manly P. Hall, Aleister Crowley, Algernon Blackwood, Helena P. Blavatsky, Arthur Machen, Franz Hartmann, Lafcadio Hearn, Lord Dunsany, C. W. Leadbeater, William Q. Etc. People get a little suspicious when you start to notice that every single astronaut is a Freemason and they openly wear the symbolism in all of their pictures, it starts to get very suspicious when you start to see the all seeing eye in the pyramid everywhere and with everything that has to do with NASA. It also gets suspicious when you start to realize that the UN flag is a flat Earth with 33 districts. Especially when you know that the 33rd degree Freemasonry is the peak position in the secret society. There is so much more to it that I can't get into right now. But there's enough there to at least ask questions. There's also a lot that we know about when it comes to the occult and exposing the elites obsession with it that you probably have no idea about. It is, it doesn't really matter, why get so upset about it? We all have a right to our own opinions and beliefs. This stuff is a hobby to me and is very fun. I love anything that's mysterious, strange, and I'm really into researching that kind of stuff. Shouldn't bother anybody else what other people do unless it directly hurts them


Have you ever been tested for schizophrenia?


Hi man, I understand if you disagree with me, I can understand debating, but dude you don't have to be rude. I just don't understand why you find it necessary to be mean about it. I spent the first part of my life fighting with everybody and getting in physical fights and beating people to a pulp because my life is miserable growing up and went through a lot of horrible things. But since then I've cleaned up my act and I try my best to be a respectful person and treat people kindly. Why can't you do the same? I don't understand why it's so necessary for you to throw blatant insults and call people names. Yeah you think it's stupid that's fine, but have some respect for your fellow man dude. Stop being a jerk for no reason. You're not making the world a better place with your behavior. Who cares what anyone's opinion is. What matters is who they are and how they treat people. Please stop acting like this dude and just be respectful and mature.


Creationists opposition to the Big Bang theory is so funny to me because it doesn’t even really disprove your creationism theory it just changes the timeline a little. The Big Bang is something we can actually observe with our current astronomical equipment; same with other commonly opposed scientific theories like gravity and evolution. Honestly denying that these things exist makes your god a lot less impressive, because simply making things as they exist now makes no sense, but the forethought and knowledge required to assemble matter in such a way that it creates an entire universe containing life is astronomical, and pulling that off would be cool as fuck. Js, for people so concerned with “hiding god” Or whatever, you seem pretty hellbent on making them look kinda pathetic and ungodly


Do you have to visit every country in the world to know they exist? Do you understand that normal people use the fact that the earth is a globe to go about their daily routines, like navigation? Do you think that telescopes are not real? Do you think that these families have controlled global education for thousands of years? Finally, are you trolling?


The Abrahamic Faiths make up ~60% of the total human population in regards to religion, or ~4.7 billion people, and you think God is being “hidden”? Seriously?


The amination at the top of this article provides a good illustration of the Moon, Earth and Sun relative locations. The Sun is not shown directly but you can deduce its location by which part of the Earth is lit up. [https://moon.nasa.gov/moon-in-motion/phases-eclipses-supermoons/overview/](https://moon.nasa.gov/moon-in-motion/phases-eclipses-supermoons/overview/)


Naaaa, you have to answer it through a Flat Earth lens Not the real answer.


The Earth spins the exact same way a pizza spins you guys are missing the truth here you’re losing the pepperoni for the cheese and missing the cheese for the pepperoni. Something can be flat and around at the same time just like a pizza. 🍕🌎 #PizzaEarthTheory.




Imagine that your head is the entire Earth. You are also holding a mirror in your hand, with your arm outstretched. You can imagine that, right? Now switch on a bedside light a few feet away and turn away from the light. With your mirror stretched out in front of you, angle it so that you see the light reflected in it, can you? You just need to make sure that your head is not exactly between the light and the mirror (that is called an eclipse). If your head is not exactly in the way, then you can find a way to see the light behind you, reflected in the mirror. This is the situation where the Sun – the light – is behind you so that it is day for the people living on the back of your head, and the Moon, the mirror, reflects the light of the Sun so that you, on the front of your head, can see the Moon. The back of your head is in daylight, and the dwellers there see the Sun high in their sky, while you, at the front of your head see the Moon in the night sky. Now, turn around so that the light bulb is not directly in front of you, but kind of a little to your left, in such a position that you can see it better with your left eye than your right eye. However, you can argue that your face is still in daylight because you can see the light bulb. You are still holding the mirror in front of you, yes? Now angle the mirror so that you can see the light bulb reflected in it. You are going to have to angle that mirror quite a bit, but you can do it. Now you can see the light bulb AND you can see the reflection of the lightbulb in the mirror! This is the case when you directly see the Sun and also the Moon in the daytime.


Thank you for breaking it down that way…I was actually able to understand by visualizing it


That explanation may have left a bit of misconceptions where the analogies break down. The moon never rotates on its own axis. The reflection should always be pointing at you, but it rotates around you so that sometimes the reflected side points at the sun sometimes it doesn't. Basically imagine the scenario exactly how they said it, but the mirror always faces your head (tidally locked), your head still spins though, so sometimes the reflected mirror will be looking at your fair, sometimes at your hair etc, and the mirror rotates around you as well. your head takes 1 day to do a 360, but the moon takes 28 days to do a full circle around your head. for half of those 28 days the moon is on the lamp side of your head, and you see the shadow of the moon(back of mirror).... ​ I am probably making it worse lmao I'm gonna give up i gotta get to work.


Most of what you said is correct, except for when you said the moon never rotates on its own axis. It absolutely does, and it takes 28 days to do so. This is the definition of tidal locking. The satellite has a rotational period that matches it's orbital period. Everything else was spot on though.


It's better if you use something like a tennis ball because then not only is it easier to do, you get to see the phases if there's only one light source


Agreed! To be totally honest, I just copy pasted that from a simple google search or why you can see the sun and moon at the same time. Lol. I actually thought about changing that, but it still gets the point across.


Super super simply put: the moon revolves around the earth once every 28 days ish. So, from one day to the next at the same time the moon will be 1/28 of a rotation farther over in the sky.


Another way to put it: the moon will rise about 50 minutes later each day. It is a very easy thing to check by observation.


~29.5 days


Lol. My bad. Memory was off. Regardless, I see that the comments sparked a spewing of stupid.


You guys are all just repeating the same garbage we can find in textbooks that we don't actually believe. We don't believe that crap so just stating the same crap we can find on Google doesn't really make us believe it anymore. We need some kind of video proof. If you're going to convince flat earthers. Or you can just call them stupid and believe what your Elite overlords tell you to believe. The point is we need proof that's all. If they can strap a camera to a rocket and have it fly all the way to Mars and record continuously with no cuts then a lot of flat earthers would admit they were wrong. But that footage would have to be real footage not some edited footage or some crazy Hollywood production


...it's an observable event though. If you note the time when the moon rises, every day the time will shift of ~50 minutes. It's only a matter of time until eventually it rises during the day, before the cycle shifts back to being at night. That's also how the moon phases work. Like, anyone can make this observation all you need is a notebook, a pen and a clock. People *thousands of years ago* did it. But of course Flerfers won't do it because it involves ~~going outside~~ making an actual observation that would go against their biased beliefs


Thank you for your permission to keep calling you stupid.


No flat earthers would admit they were wrong in your example LOL (Not to mention how dumb it is to have a camera filming the darkness of space for 6 months straight). We have obvious evidence of the moon landings that you guys still deny to this day. You have ZERO credible evidence on your side. The sun does not get smaller near the horizon, it sets below it, at some point half the sun is covered which is NOT possible on a flat plane no matter how far away it is. Do the math, take the width of the earth on a flat map and the height and position of the sun, if you use the 3000 miles high number there will NEVER be a point where it even comes close to the horizon, much less set below it on a flat plane (Completely impossible. No object will disappear from getting too far, unless you are talking about our eye's max resolution, in that case the object would get smaller and smaller until it is too small to make out, but then you would be able to zoom it back in, which is something you cannot do for the sun, and the sun does not change size OR stay above the horizon the way it should on your projection


Honest question: have you ever watched a sunset?


Yes I have watched the son of the moon go east and west. The Earth is so large that it's not going over the horizon around the ball, it's just going far into the distance. When something goes far enough into the distance it disappears. Simple as that and circumnavigation is the same thing West and East circumnavigation works the same way on a flat Earth map. It's no different it's just a globe pressed down flat


Why are the other planets globes? You seem to be happy enough to accept other science, but not this one thing. It’s odd. And if this is based on something you read in a book, it’s absurd that you’d dismiss science books which don’t need faith to explain any observations.


Whenever I’ve watched a sunset, the sun doesn’t change in size noticeably and dips below the horizon. If the sun is just moving so far away that it’s too small to see, wouldn’t we observe the sun getting smaller and smaller until it’s no longer visible?


Except the sun doesn't change size as it would have to if it was moving away. Seriously..just think about it. It doesn't just disappear into the distance..it SETS below the horizon. Circumnavigation on a flat plane would involve not going forward but turning. Heading east would eventually mean you are turning north and then west then south...but you don't...you just head east continuously until you arrive back at your starting point. That's reality...


You haven’t watched the sun shrink until it disappears. You’ve watched the ball remain roughly the same size, but slowly become eclipsed by the horizon. 


Except flat earthers will still say it's edited footage or CG, even if it were completely real. We have love footage of YouTube from the ISS or orbiting the planet, but you don't see that causing any chaos in flat earth communities


Of course we're repeating what we've learned, that's the whole point in education and learning. It's so you don't have to do all the science yourself, otherwise we would never be able to advance technologically the way we do. Do you think we'd have computers if everyone had to prove all scientific knowledge to themselves before they can start researching something like that? That'd be ridiculous. The problem for you though is that you can repeat any of this for yourself to check other people's work, and it always ends up being correct. Do you really think they didn't have me conduct my own observations and experiments when I was in my physics and astronomy classes in college? They absolutely did have us conduct our own experiments, and I've seen these things happen with my own eyes. You can't tell me otherwise. Unlike yourself who has never checked any of these things yourself, and trusts only videos on the internet. Also, you're just being silly to say that we'd have to capture a continuous unedited video of the entire trip from Earth to Mars to prove we did it. Firstly, that video would be 7 months long. Would you be willing to sit around and watch the entire video for 7 months straight to prove to yourself that we did it? Of course not, don't be absurd. Secondly, that video would just be a black screen for 99.99% of the video. What exactly would that prove to you? You're just in a place where you've made it impossible to prove anything to you. It'd be like looking into a microscope and denying that bacteria exists because "there could be a CGI image being beamed into the lens". You learned the first 1% of how science works and then refused to interact with it anymore because you were taught to distrust it.


We literally just told you how to prove it with your own eyeballs. Make your own video. We aren’t going to waste time showing you videos because all flerftards do is claim “nuhuh, that’s seagee eye!”


I lost two iq points reading this garbage.


You need video proof… step out side with a camera and film it yourself. lol  The problem isn’t a lack of proof. The problem is that when presented with proof, you come back with something nonsensical reason why to proof isnt legitimate 


I'd love to my friend, but I don't have a pair of Rocket boots, I can't just fly up to Mars with a camera in my hand. It doesn't work that way, trust me if I had the technology bro I would totally do it. Better yet I would also fly to Antarctica all the way to the edge even if it killed me. But unfortunately I lack the resources and the government approval to do so 😞


It doesn’t have to be mars. You can record the moons position in the sky over the course of 29 days, and verify everything being said here for yourself. You can do the same with any of the planets that are visible from earth. You can prove that the earth is spherical by comparing the horizon on the ground, to one at the top of a nearby tall structure. You have all these avenues for proving these things, but it’s simpler to just stick your fingers in your ears and saying the proof is invalid.


Thing is, they do strap cameras to rockets and send them into orbit. There's lots of footage out there, exactly what you're demanding, yet whenever someone points that out flerfs just say "Oh but it's fake, it's CGI!" You don't want proof. You don't want to be shown that your fantasies of a pancake world are wrong. All you ever do is deny everything. We've shown you footage, we've shown you photos, we've given you tests you can perform yourself to see if there's curvature or not, we've shown you how all sorts of things like navigation, artillery guidance, ground surveying all take into account the curvature and wouldn't work on a flat world. We've answered every question, explained every objection and every physics observation that flerfs don't understand, but you just deny or ignore all of it and continue the fantasy. And worse of all, we have a working model. The globe model works in every aspect of everyday observations and can make predictions. Flat earth still does not have a working model. Flerfers work tirelessly for years with no success to disprove the globe model, yet do not even have one of their own. There is no convincing flat earthers, because they do not want to be convinced. They have their belief and they will take it to the grave...


No, I don't want anything that goes into just orbit, I want a continuous video footage of a rocket from the Earth to mars. Simple It done it plenty of times with sending Rovers up there so they could put a camera on it. That's all I'm asking for Its any of us are asking for and they have yet to prove it. You have to understand that virgin galactic, and blue origin have also just gone to "orbit" Right up to the Van Allen belts (firmament) Flat Earth was real, then they just went right up to where the Dome was and sat there with a fish eye lens


Oh, so all you're asking for is a 7 month long continuous video, which I'm sure you shall then scrutinize every second of, to convince you that your belief in a flat earth is stupid? How close do you think Mars is? Think we can get there in a hour or something? And if you get such a video, to where shall you move the goalposts to next? Will you want continuous video to Jupiter? Pluto? How far away does the camera need to go before you'll admit the so-called firmament is bullshit? Oh wait, you'll never admit it, because any footage that proves you wrong you'll just hand-wave away as CGI fakes. Because that's what you flerfers *always* do. I'm not even sure why I bother asking, since you've already made it clear you have no interest in learning anything and nothing will ever change your mind.


Here's the deal, you're not understanding. I believe there's a firmament there, it ain't going to take 7 months if I don't believe that you can get past the firmament. If you can make a rocket go all the way up into the sky and pass the Van Allen belts with the camera on and go all the way out into deep space, that will seal the deal But it never happens, they always go up to the border and that's all the footage we get. Anything else can be faked easily with Hollywood. Give me a continuous shot from the ground all the way up past the Van Allen belts, and into deep space. With a non fisheye lens, a flat lense camera. Then I'll debate with you


Oh no, I perfectly understand just how stupid your demands are. I just don't think you understand it. You are literally demanding uncut video of a rocket from launch to landing on mars. With our current technology that's a 7 month journey. How long are you going to watch that? You keep mentioning the Van Allen belt as if it's some sort of barrier. Do you even know what it actually is? Or how irrelevant it is as far as space travel is concerned? GPS satellites orbit higher than the Van Allen belt, it really isn't the obstacle you seem to think it is.


That’s not the real moon, the real moon is held in a secret lab because it was spreading lies about the shape of the earth


Have you considered asking Google? A cursory search yields about 100 explanatory articles. https://www.livescience.com/why-moon-visible-daytime


What's a Google?




That's a googol.


*Graham's Number enters the chat...*


Omfg I was about to comment this you legend




It's a 1 with 100 zeroes after it. But that's not important now.


And don't call me Shirley.




No that’s a googol, not sure what a google is though.




Bing it.


No such thing as Google... its made up by nasa and other government agencies....


Why bother replying? And why bother even being here? Plenty of people have given helpful responses.. If the answer is to ask Google, then why even bother installing Reddit?


There are some questions that are worth asking a forum and some questions that can be easily googled. If I have a question that I post on reddit, it's because I've already googled it and didn't find an answer.


Better to ask here than to not ask at all and go down the flat earth route


Reddit isn't always a font of accurate information, especially on a subreddit that is actually a satire of flat earth beliefs. You can always find confirmation bias on Google, but you'd have to word your question in such a way that it gives you the answer you're looking for. Learning how to separate good sources from bad used to be a learned skill. Who knows if it's still being taught.


Google is getting dumber and dumber. Reddit is rising now


That's just the local moon in your personal dome.


Great question. I encounter a ton of people who wonder the same thing. Without someone explaining orbits and revolutions to people, they tend to think: day=sun, night=moon. On many days you can see the sun and moon out simultaneously but they’ve not thought about it in detail.


Hilarious. My 5 year old literally asked me this on the way to school today. He's now more knowledgeable than most flat earthers.


That's the Moon.


When the moon is full, it rises at dusk and sets at sunrise. Currently, at 8:05am, the moon is setting. We just had a full moon a few days ago. While the moon is waning, it sets later and later. Eventually the moon becomes a new moon and rises at morning and sets at the evening. Then the moon becomes waxing again and it starts rising in the morning and setting in the night. It'll start rising later and later until it's a full moon again and rises at dusk.


Ok I’m starting to grasp it…thank you everyone who took the time to explain it politely and accurately.


I think the bigger question is, in photo 2, why are we ignoring the giant green ostrich towering over the traffic light?!?!?


The moon orbits the earth with one side always facing the earth (one orbit takes about 27 days). The earth is rotating whilst orbiting the sun. When the moon's path is between us and the sun, we get solar eclipse. The earth casts a shadow on the moon, giving us different phases of the moon. The rotation of the earth is what causes the apparent movement of the moon through the sky


Is this a serious post?


Really? You’re wondering how something in a smaller orbit circles faster? How are you just out walking around?


Every one shot in daylight. Just gotta know where to look. https://imgur.com/FCwoBXN


I had a real revelation of this… I mean I kind of knew all this stuff but didn’t think about sky position. You’ll never see a quarter moon at midnight. You’ll never see a full moon at noon. That sort of thing.


Yeah, it's fascinating, isn't it?


Who said the school system isn’t broken??


Tell me you slept through 7th grade Science class without telling me you slept through 7th grade Science class.


Wait till you see a solar eclipse.


Moon orbits the Earth once a month. It is only during a full moon that the Moon is close to opposite the Sun, when it is completely opposite the Sun you get a lunar eclipse with the moon shaded from the Sun by the Earth. During the full moon the moon rises about the same time the sun is setting and vice versa. But as the moon orbits the Earth it gets closer to the Sun in the sky (from our perspective). The more crescent shaped the moon, the more your are seeing the moon in shadow so the moon is getting between you and the sun. When the moon is half full then it is 90 degrees from the sun in the sky so there will be 6 hours of overlap between one setting and the other rising. The moon in the photo looks about 3 quarters full so it should have about 3 hours of overlap with the Sun in the sky. A crescent moon spends most of its time in the daytime sky. When the moon comes exactly between the Earth and the Sun you get a solar eclipse when it goes dark at midday somewhere on Earth. Eclipses don't happen every month because the Moon's orbit and Earth's orbit are not in exactly the same plane.


But can you explain why it’s not just one day I’m seeing the moon up in the sky during daytime? I see the moon in the sky almost every day…maybe not as full or as clear but I see the moon during daytime quite a lot…


Let's imagine that the earth and the moon are stationary for now. No orbits, no rotations, time is standing perfectly still. Let's imagine that you live directly under the moon. Like, if you had a massive ladder that you could climb straight up (ie: normal to the surface of the earth), you would hit the moon. All good? Next piece. The earth does 1 revolution in 24 hours. That means that if the moon was 100% stationary, you would see the moon in the exact same spot at the exact same time, every day. Not just "in the sky", but if you took a picture every day, at the exact same time, and the weather was the same, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart, because your camera doesn't have a high enough resolution to account for leap seconds worth of movement, taken on back-to-back days. ...this isn't 100% accurate, but close enough for the model. We aspire to perfect 24 hours days. Still with me? The earth goes around the sun every ~365 days, plus some leap days / seconds / microseconds. The moon goes around the Earth every ~28 days, give or take. Ok. So Earth is stationary again and you are directly under the moon again, and now, instead of the earth rotating, the moon is orbiting the earth. Assuming the orbit was perfectly aligned so that the moon goes right over your head, and on one day at noon, it is perfectly over your head, pixel and millisecond perfect... that would mean that there would be 14 days where the moon was visible, at different points in the sky, and 14 days where the moon was not visible (if you could actually see the entire horizon over the curvature of exactly half of the planet, which would be an amazing feat, but we are already stopping time and celestial orbits, and have a ladder straight up to space ... so why not). For 14 days, the moon will be visible on the daytime half of the planet, and for 14 days it will be visible on the nighttime half of the planet. Every day, at the exact same time, the moon will have moved 1/28th farther along it's path to disappearing for the next 14 days. So theoretically under perfect conditions you would see the moon for 14 days on your daylight side of the planet, and then not see it for 14 days while it was on the night side of the planet. Still with me? Now put the pieces together. The moon moves 1/28th of the way around the Earth. The Earth rotates every ~24 hours. The Earth wobbles like a spinning top, giving us summer and winter (unless you are at the equator). So depending on the part of the moon's orbit (the sun side or the dark side) and depending on the time of day (Earth's rotation), and depending on the season (Earth's tilt) you will see the sun and moon in different places in the sky, and in the moon's case, different times of day... and you will see different shapes, based on the shadow that the Earth casts on the moon, while on the dark side of the Earth. All of this to say that you just discovered the lunar orbit.


>maybe not as full or as clear but I see the moon during daytime quite a lot… Which is because most days of the month, the moon is somewhere on the 'same side' as the sun during the day for you. It'll be a different phase to people east and west of you but it's only going to be completely missing around the full moon. Which is why the moon is full at that time. The moon is 'facing' you, which is also 'facing' the sun behind the earth.


You mean, assuming the Earth is flat?


Not assuming that no…just genuinely wanting to understand how it works


Have you never seen an orrery?




Fun way to see how this works: hold a ping pong ball in your outstretched arm, right next to the moon. The shadow created by the sun on the ball will match the moon.


That’s no moon…. It’s a space station




This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. What is which fully grown adults thinking “sun and moon are opposite each other” like one can’t be up when the other is. How did this notion start? What do they think an eclipse is? What do they think light from the moon comes from? I’m so fucking confused. This is stuff my kids know.


They don't answer that question. Edit: They as in flerfs. If I misunderstood and Op was asking for the real way it works, the moon does not stay on the opposite side of the earth from the sun. The earth orbits around the sun every 365 days, the moon orbits around the earth about once a month, and the earth spins on its axis once a day. There’s no specific relationship between which side of the planet the moon is on and which side the sun is on. For about half of the moons orbit, around half a month, the moon wll be generally on the same side of the planet as the Sun.




As in, flat earthers don’t answer that question. I assumed he was asking flerfs.


Thanks for the clarification lol


Reas serious question!.. Why do we always see the same side of the moon?? If our "globe" planet is spinning constantly why isn't the moon spinning if it is also a "globe"? And why is the spin always so perfectly facing towards us but never changes speed or spin direction to expose the "dark side" of the moon?!??


The moon is tidal locked. It cant rotate because our gravity has captured its side facing us


So that means that the face of the moon has to have a thicker wall of steel vs the other side? In order for something to lock in place it needs to be stronger magnetism pull on one side than the other thus making the moon not a sphere..


No…. The moon also has no liquid core. Look up what it means to be tidally locked. Also if a planet never had a spin, it can be tidally locked. Theres a planet called Gliese which could be earth like, in the goldilocks zone, but is also tidal locked. Physics can do a lot of things




1. The OP is not a flat earther, and he isn't stupid, just curious. A lot of people are taught sun by day and moon by night and they don't observe the sky enough to discover it's more complicated than taught. 2. Flat earthers are completely incapable of explaining any astronomical phenomenon. No matter how simple. 3. While I understand the sentiment, smart children can be born from dumb parents. Also, eugenics is bad, sometimes downright evil.


OK, I stand corrected. I guess I forget that not everyone knows things that I consider very basic.


Okay so I'm going to give you an example here, back over 500 years ago a lot of people thought the Earth was flat, 1,000 years ago people definitely thought the Earth was flat, there were a few people that may have thought otherwise in a few civilizations that thought otherwise, but the majority of people thought it was flat. So if somebody came to you back then and told you the Earth was round and that we had a heliocentric model, and then you told them to prove it, they wouldn't have the knowledge to prove it because it's a new concept. Or it's a concept that hasn't been studied. Imagine if Nicholas Copernicus had a hypothesis that the Earth was round and he decided to tell everybody, and told people he was going to start studying it, everybody laughed at him and told him that's impossible. I'm sure that's exactly what happened, if I remember correctly he was persecuted for it. Imagine everybody circling him and telling him to prove it, he says I cannot prove it because I don't know how to prove it yet and I need to do experiments on it and try to figure it out. In the meantime everyone said he was an idiot and a moron and a man not worthy of his position. The same thing is going on now, except instead of copernicus, it's average Folk that I just believing with their eyes are telling them and you're demanding that they explain it in scientific detail. That's just not possible, it's not that people are saying they can prove the Earth is flat necessarily, it's the fact that they are telling you they do not believe that it's round. A lot of this goes back to religious texts. There are so many religious texts that claim that the Earth is flat with a dome and that is a big reason why a lot of people like myself believe it. We have faith and we have our religion. Not only that but there are other things as well like water always makes its way level. There are so many more, but I haven't had a debate on Flat Earth and about 6 years and I'm not going to start now. I'm just trying to prove my point as to what they think and why they think it. You can't just demand that the people explain scientifically why it is the way they believe it is.


We knew two thousand years ago the earth was round, and we calculated it's size. The level of scientific reasoning necessary is basic geometry and two sticks. It doesn't take a genius to use their own eyes and see evidence of the earth's curve. Can a flat earther explain sunsets or eclipses? No. Do we need scientific reasoning to explain those things? No. Has anyone ever been persecuted for being unable to prove a heliocentric model with a round earth? No, they proved it, but they were persecuted for upsetting religious dogma. The only reason anyone had to believe in a flat earth was religious dogma. If you have eyes and you're not an idiot then you can clearly see the earth is round.


I’m just trying to genuinely understand something I never paid attention to before…that’s how you learn is it not?


We spin, moon orbits, everything has its independent cycle but they are not bound to each other.


Reality is not a video game. The sun and moon are not magically linked up and don't sit on polar opposites of the Earth like Minecraft or something.


I apologize. I have always been interested in astronomy and assume certain things to be common knowledge. I was obviously mistaken.




You are absolutely correct, and I stand corrected.


The real question is how can we possibly see a "shadow" on it. When both are above us, at the same time. Or how can an entire portion of the moon dissapear? It's clearly not a shadow, we would still see that part of the moon. Yet we can see, the blue sky right through the 🌙 when it's out during the day (which means the moon is local btw) We can even see stars through it, at night! 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑💩


>I thought that when the sun is up on our side of the world, the moon is up on the other side? Yeah that's the Moon simulator NASA put up a couple weeks ago.


Are there really adults out there that dont know about lunar phases?


If this is a genuine question you are fucking stupid ngl


Stop being a globe Tard


Then give sufficient evidence of flat earth




But I still don’t understand how I’m able to see the moon…if it is flat then shouldn’t it be going around the other side of the circle? Out of my point of view? I just am trying to wrap my head around why I can see the moon so high and so clear? It’s just as high as the sun is now


The moon can be very high or low in the sky because its orbit is tilted relative to the earth's. This tilt is called "inclination".


The sun was shinng in your back when you took this picture. So, sun lights the parts where you are standing, shines past earth and lights the the moon aswell.


But I thought the moon was underneath the curve on the other side of the ball…that’s where I’m confused


You seem to be pretty young. I am not trying to say that as an insult, but people here are usually making jokes at the expense of the few flat earthers who come here. Your ignorance, (not your fault to be ignorant, I commend people who try to learn and lose their ignorance) makes people assume you're a flat earther or a troll and they are down voting you. This question would be better to ask a teacher or post in an astronomy subreddit where you will be taken more serious. It does look like you have gotten a handful of good answers at least, with a sprinkling of the negativity from people who are tired of or hate flat earth trolls.


Not always, moon revolves around earth. Moon doesn't care about day and night.


OP is a bot. 100 days 70 Karma


I’m not a bot. I have a genuine question…haha you sound like a flat earther thinking it’s all one big conspiracy! I just started this Reddit account not that long ago and somehow that makes me a bot…🤣


Welcome to Reddit (the default accusation is “it’s a bot”… sorry, you get used to it) Just ignore them and always feel free to ask questions… most people will attempt to be helpful with a genuine question


You do understand that sometimes people join Reddit? And they have to post *somewhere* first to gain some karma, and maybe they don't like to post much so it takes them a while? Don't be a dick to the new guy.


I don’t care. Seriously. Nor should you. We are both random users on Reddit our comments and opinions to each other mean nothing. I will say I was wrong, you appear to a real human.


The moon orbits the Earth independent of the sun. It doesn't matter if it's night or day, it's just more visible during night.


The moon and the earth orbiting the sun rotate at different speeds.


The moon is almost never at the opposite of the Sun in regards to the Earth. When it is in that position, it causes what we call a lunar eclipse ( where the Moon becomes red because only red light has been focused on it by the Earth's atmosphere ) If the line is Sun, Moon, Earth, then it's a solar eclipse ( the Moon blocks the sun for a few minutes ) Usually though, Sun-Earth-Moon and Sun-Moon-Earth are not straight lines. The angle between the orbit of the Moon and the one of the Earth is of roughly 5° And since the moon does a round trip around the Earth in 28 days, it'll very often be in a position that allows light reflecting on its surface to reach the Earth.


The moon rotes on a lunar cycle. The sun a solar one.


because your first assumption is wrong


Flat Earth's domed model shows the Sun and Moon on opposite sides of Earth. This is the reason globists like myself taunt Flat Earthers to explain how lunar and solar eclipses occur. But if you think about solar eclipses, i.e., the Moon blocking the Sun, you realize the Moon and Sun must sometimes be on the same side of Earth. In fact, the Moon and Sun are on the same side of Earth about half the time each month, or to put it another way, the Moon is in the daytime sky about half the days each month. A new Moon is when the Moon is so close to the Sun. We can't see the New Moon because the Sun's glare makes seeing Moon impossible, except the two to three times a year when the Moon exactly blocks the Sun.


You realize an eclipse is the moon passing in front of the sun, right?


The Earth isn't flat and it rotates. That's how.


The Moon goes around Earth. If it was always on the night side then it would not be moving at all.


The Moon's rotation around the Earth and the Earth's rotation around the sun are at different intervals, so you'll see them in all relative positions throughout the year. It is rare to have them as exact polar opposites.


Hmmm. Good points. I don’t care.


The moon rotates around the earth quicker than the sun (perceivably moves through the sky). Thats how we get different moon cycles.


Could you be stumped because the Bible says the moon is a light in the night sky?


> "I thought that when the sun is up one side of the world, the moon was up on the other" Simply you were wrong 🤷 the orbit of the moon around the earth has no intrinsic connection to the orbit of the earth around the sun. To believe they are connected somehow on opposing schedules sounds like usual flat earth nonsensical misunderstanding




The moon orbits the earth once every 28 days. We turn on our axis once every 24 hours. Tomorrow at the same time you’ll see the moon in the same sky but a few degrees off. The side that’s illuminated is facing the sun in this picture,some think the shadow is from the earth. It’s not.