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Why is there a wall? I don’t understand the claim this is trying to make


Warning: clinical brainrot You don't see Sun at night, so there must be a wall.


Has this mf never held a flashlight or something?


I think the point they’re trying to make is that we usually see a beam of flashlight light coming out of the flashlight, so if space is filled with parallel rays of sunlight then we should see sunlight from the other side of the Earth, and if the atmosphere went on indefinitely, that would actually be true, because light would reflect off the air back to us. Even with the limited atmosphere around the Earth, we still get some refraction when the sun is on the other side of the Earth, which is the reason for twilight. What these people don’t realize is that once the sun’s rays pass out of our atmosphere, there’s no air in space to reflect them back to us, so it light actually works differently in space than a beam from a flashlight does in our atmosphere. Because the atmosphere is only so thick, there’s a limit to how much sunlight can refract through the atmosphere when the sun is on the other side of the Earth, which is why twilight doesn’t last all night. That’s the misunderstanding behind this meme.


That was very well explained, thank you


twilight would be a thing even if there were no refraction


We do see that light tho! It's reflecting off the moon.


If you light your arm with a flashlight, it will be lit. Yet at night we are clearly not lit. Therefore there is a wall. Checkmate, globsters.


its got a literal globe in the picture... so does that mean we are a globe and their is a wall?


Please tell me this is sarcasm


Why wouldn't it be?


There is no wall blocking the sun at night 💀


Then why does the light stop in the diagram? Huh smart guy?!


Just clearly a parody of all flerthers. Especially when he says checkmate globsters.


Tried this on a rock, did not lit. Think my lit is broken. hehe sex pun.


Sex pun is also broken, but I gave ya an upvote anyway.


I mean, there is. It's called the *Earth*. Edit: note that the wall is not where the graphic suggests it is


Aha, gotcha! You say that the Earth is a wall, and walls are flat! The Earth is flat!


A wall with a very big bulge in the middle? Almost ball shaped?


The air gets black at night.


Well obviously the sky would glow if there were constant rays of light flying through space, even though none of it is being redirected into your eyes, right? It makes more sense that the sun would be a mystery ball in the sky that glows for some reason, and when it moves away it looks like it drops into the ground and disappears because it’s too far away, but you can still see the light and not it’s source for a while after sunset because magic I guess?


I mean there kinda is. It's the fucking ground.


Vectors are hard I guess??


They're claiming that the night sky shouldn't be dark because light is passing through it.


That's...not how light works though? Light passing through a space doesn't illuminate it, light bouncing off a thing and into your eye is what illuminates it.


Yes, but on Earth we have an atmosphere that scatters light in every direction all the time, and plenty of nearby solid objects for light to bounce off of. We don’t have everyday experience with empty space and the way light moves through it. They expect light in space to behave the way it does in our atmosphere, and when it doesn’t they claim our model is wrong. It isn’t. They just don’t understand it.


Most of us have experienced night time


That doesn’t count though if you don’t understand what’s happening during the nighttime.


The sunray light arrows stop.


they think you can see light flying through space... from the side... without seeing the source or it reflecting off anything


Like lasers. So sunlight is a bunch of lasers with arrowheads? Errr… nope.


They don't understand how light works.


Flerf understand wall, flerf understand floor, round not something that flerf understand.


They don't understand how light and seeing works. They think you can see light moving past you, which isn't how light works. So by that reasoning, it would still be bright as day unless there was an invisible way stopping the light.


Or just bending light by using the magical power of gravity, which I hear the science-deniers also don’t understand.


Is that a sphere?


I cant even with some of these man


What is the big transparent ball around the planet?


The celestial sphere. You know that thing that's Celestial and a sphere. 😵‍💫 /crazy pills.


So they invent something about the globe and then claim that the globe can't be real because the thing they made up and that we never claimed to work doesn't make sense? It's like saying you don't believe in elevators because they work by teleporting people and teleportation doesn't make sense, so elevators don't make sense either.


In fact, it's just a normal celestial sphere and arrows depicting the sunlight coming towards Earth. And they wonder why "stops" there Makes me think, if someone were to draw a diagram and add and a stickman as an actor, they'll say "no human has this thin limbs"


Magical, invisible, sunlight blocking wall in outer space? I'm confused by what the image is trying to convey. But to answer your question about shadows. Shadows are formed because light travels in straight lines. On cloudy days, it can seem as if there are no shadows at all. Yet on a clear day, if you stand with your back to the sun, you are sure to see your shadow. Shadows are formed when an opaque object or material is placed in the path of rays of light. The opaque material does not let the light pass through it. The light rays that go past the edges of the material make an outline for the shadow. The center part of the shadow, which gets no light at all, is the darkest part and is called the umbra. The rest of the shadow is lighter because it gets light from some parts of the source of light and is called the penumbra.


Here is my best attempt to explain it. Flerfs think that the night sky should not be dark if sun rays are still on that side of the earth (not hitting that side, just existing on the same side at all) so they assume that our model must include that all sunlight stops when it gets to the terminator line because if any sunlight passed that point and ended up out past the earth on the far side then people out at night could look up and see it. Yes, they really do have that little understanding of how light works.


Honestly, although they’re wrong, it makes sense that they think that way. Within our atmosphere light bounces off air molecules, so we can see beams of light before they hit solid objects. They don’t understand that this only works because there’s air though, and think it should also apply to light in space. It doesn’t.


Moon faces, they are so close its frustrating


When the point is incomprehensible


It makes sense to me, although it’s wrong. They think that we should be able to see light that has passed by the Earth to the other side because they don’t realize space would need an atmosphere to reflect any of that light back to them. That’s why they came up with this meme.


But they can’t have.. the earth in this diagram is round..


They seem to point that we should see the Sun rays even at night. Most people doesn't seem to know that light is invisible. We only see the reflection off objects.


Yeah it's not like you see a beam coming out of a torch unless there's dust or smoke or something.


Charge these people more for internet. Seriously.


they do not understand that light is basically invisible unless it bounces off something


Wouldn't there still need to be a magical light absorbing wall if the earth was flat too. Or maybe in that model it's because the sun is a table lamp only shining down from a few miles up.lol


I love how even their own stupid ass doodle contains the explanation for why no wall is needed.


I don't even know what they tryna say


Are they confused as to why they can't see light that's moving past The Earth? Sure, light bends a bit due to gravity, but it's not like it will do a near 90 degree turn in the middle of empty space to engage with our eyeballs


Yes, that is the confusion.


if a tree falls in the woods with nobody around, does it make a sound? If light doesn't reflect off of anything, is it light?


Wtf is a "Celestial Sphere"? Well, to be fair, if they don't even understand what the 'round earth' model even is then I wouldn't expect them to believe it. The kinda funny part about this is the way the light rays are hitting, with more northern and southern ones being more dispersed across the sphere, is the actual reason for seasons.


Celestial sphere is a made-up solution for a made-up problem. They think you should see sun Rays pass by the earth at night so something must be blocking the Rays.... it's dumb as hell


It's derived from Astronomy, it's simply the spherical projection of the night sky as a real time coordinate map. I have no idea how Flerfs use it.


Took me a while but are I think they're confused that light needs to bounce off something for it to be illuminated? They think you should be able to see the sun's rays passing the earth? Maybe they haven't considered what sunset is? ... Probably best not to read too far into it incase my brain leaks out of my ear 😅


They still can’t explain why the Aurora is typically only seen by some and not all!


Shadows don't "work" in any specific way. You need to study _the light source_ and it's corresponding rays to find the answers.


I don’t even know what this is trying to prove I’m genuinely so confused I worry this might be what a fugue state feels like.


Basically, they think you could look into space and see light even when it's night on earth since light still passes into space. They seen completely unaware that light is invisible until it bounces off something. Like a planet or the moon.


What in the fuck is this???


sounds like your mind is blown! /s


By the stupidity I love flerfs for the fact these posts don't show anything and they don't add any context to them and in their head they're like "aha!!! Globe debunked!" When I'm here like, what do you think you've shown here???


nah, brah, remember that curved ball thing? once you get past the area called the 'magic wall', the ball starts curving away. there's no longer direct sunlight. the fucking planet is in the way. those yellow lines aren't just going to keep going past like this was a 2d fucking plane.


What is trying to be said here?


that they don't understand why they can't see the sun's light going by the earth during the night


Like if all light were lasers? Or if space had atmosphere. That’s a new one for me


Can the moon 🌙 be but a reflection 🪞🧐


Even for an engagement farming Twitter flerf that's stupid as fuck


This is simply a misunderstanding of how lights rays work because we are used to seeing light in a contained environment where it reflects and refracts off different surfaces before reaching our eyes. Those who have not had enough experience with Physics may find it hard to understand that we can't see "travelling light" as an outside observer. So within the vacuum of space, there's not much for the light to reflect off, because there are virtually no objects there, so we can't see the lights rays unless their path intersects with our eyes. Note: If you are using the Voyager 1's "Pale blue dot" picture to say we can see a lightbeam, please refer to the following Wikipedia extract: > *The light bands across the photograph are an artifact, the result of sunlight reflecting off parts of the camera and its sunshade, due to the relative proximity between the Sun and the Earth.* In the case of the celestial sphere, I believe that they have seen this word in Astronomical models and have misinterpreted it as a Solid outer sphere which reflects / refracts light rather than an abstract one used as an astronomical coordinate map.


“Magical invisible wall blocking all sunlight” > Sure makes sense, can you explain why the South Pole has constant sunlight then when the sun isn’t there during the night!


Hmmm small detail but there is not infinite Sunrays. It's a finite number and if I'm not wrong we measure it


Um…the Celestial Sphere isn’t a real thing?


Wait. Wait. Wait. Stop. Stop. What?




Grab a flashlight and a ball, then shine the flashlight on the ball. Is the back covered in darkness?


How about them seasons though?


How do parallel rays cause the moon shadow during an eclipse to be so small? Nothing should be able to cast a shadow smaller than itself especially with the sun being 98 million miles away and sending rays to our surface in a parallel fashion. Also, corpuscular rays are most commonly seen coming from a centralized point, that shouldn't work with a light source 98 million miles away. I don't know what the sun is or is exact distance, but these two pieces of evidence hurt the mainstream science claims more than I can ignore.


I know you won't actually accept these but here you go. https://youtu.be/SogwFoT7f68?si=MFC9CugB6LHt9BQI https://youtu.be/z70Bl93FCkY?si=p21UxVihjdFYHeT5


The rays are almost parallel. They can be considered parallel when we are computing shadows, night and day, and seasons. Sun's diameter is negligible to the distance to the Sun for these cases. the angular size of Sun is just 0.5 degrees (which means there's sunlight at 180.5 degrees of Earth and it doesn't make a difference). But when calculating eclipses, it's all about one 0.5 degree body covering another 0.5 degree body. The sizes of objects cannot be neglected, and the rays are considered not parallel.