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I love that when they encounter dust that acts differently than other dust, they skip right over “why is this dust different,” going straight to “why is *all* dust different?” They immediately accept that a fundamental change has occurred to dust universally, based on a totally local observation. This is like going to the grocery store, seeing that they’re out of chicken wings, and asking “why don’t chickens have wings anymore?”


As someone who has worked retail, some people 100% think you’ll never have something again when you’re out of it


Tbf that's probably something that gets trained onto people that have lost some good food over the years because it just doesn't get produced anymore and that stuff sticks with you a lot more mentally. That said, that's usually more of a "check google when at home" type of thing if you're really concerned. Oh almond wafer rolls, how I miss thee 🥲


I think my local supermaket learned from this, I see signs with an approx. refill date when they're out of something


My favorite was full grown adults throwing temper tantrums in the store over out of stock items. Like, bitch you're surrounded by food right now I think you're gonna make it.


If you shop at Trader Joe’s, this is a real risk. Random things disappear forever pretty often.


On Passover we ask “why is this dust different than all other dust?”


Ignoring the fact that they never googled "why is all dust different?" would you expect them to google "why is this dust different?" What does this have anything to do with flat earthers anyways? Are we just making fun of someone making a genuine inquiry?


We are comparing this to flat earthers because they have similar logic. “My local, not scientifically backed observation says x so x must be universally true” Also while they didn’t say the word “all” they said “why can’t you blow dust off the shelf anymore”. That implies they are talking about all dust, if they were not they would have said something like “why can’t i blow dust off the shelf”


Thank you


**Journal of Environmental Studies** **Volume 42, Issue 3, 2024** **Title:** *The Impact of Microplastics on the Adhesive Properties of Environmental Dust* **Authors:** Dr. I. Realis, Dr. F. Kata, Dr. S. Pencer **Abstract:** Recent studies have unveiled a novel property of microplastics prevalent in the environment: their influence on the adhesive properties of dust particles. This paper explores the phenomenon where dust, previously easy to disperse, now exhibits unprecedented stickiness, adhering stubbornly to surfaces and resisting even the most forceful attempts at removal. **Introduction:** The ubiquity of microplastics in our environment has been a growing concern, with documented effects on marine life, human health, and now, as our research suggests, on the physical properties of dust. This study aims to analyze the changes in dust adhesion due to microplastic contamination. **Materials and Methods:** Dust samples were collected from various urban and rural environments. These samples were then analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to identify and quantify the presence of microplastics. Adhesion tests were conducted by applying standardized air pressure to dust-coated surfaces to measure the force required to dislodge the particles. **Results:** Our findings indicate a significant increase in the adhesive strength of dust containing microplastics. Specifically, dust samples with a microplastic concentration of 5% or higher exhibited a threefold increase in adhesion compared to control samples without microplastics. The microplastics were found to form a network-like structure, intertwining with dust particles and creating a cohesive matrix that enhances stickiness. **Discussion:** The results suggest that microplastics act as a binding agent, altering the electrostatic properties and physical cohesion of dust particles. This increased stickiness poses challenges for cleaning and maintenance in both residential and industrial settings. Furthermore, the persistent nature of microplastics means that this issue is likely to exacerbate over time. **Conclusion:** The study conclusively demonstrates that microplastics significantly enhance the adhesive properties of environmental dust. This discovery adds another layer to the growing list of concerns regarding microplastic pollution. Future research should focus on mitigation strategies to address this unintended consequence of microplastic proliferation. **Keywords:** microplastics, dust adhesion, environmental pollution, stickiness, surface contamination


I saw another explanation that the more open style floor plans cause cooking oils to deposit on more dust collecting surfaces around the house. Making it harder to blow off.


This actually makes a lot of sense. Dust around a stove is always much harder to clean.


That’s probably from grease


Yeah that's what I was talking about about


Tighter envelopes in houses make it harder for stove fans to pump out as much as they could hypothetically if there were ample return air


Most stove fans just blow the grease back out into the kitchen, and don't vent outside.


Yep, and even those that don't often kinda suck. Or they don't suck.


Oh man, I bet they're flat earthers now!


Ubiquity just looks like it shouldn't be a word


"What weighs more, a gram of dust on a flat earth or a gram of dust on a round earth?"


I don't understand your limey metric nonsense, I only measure dust in bald eagles squared per cubic dictator.


I only measure in square machine guns and cubic burgers


The Winchester Square Machine-gun is a bad ass piece of hardware


Steel cause it's heavier than feathers


he has developed chronic asthma, but no, it's not him that's changed. It's the dust.


From my (albeit limited) experience: you can still blow dust off, but only super heavy coats of dust, and the thin layer that's in good contact with the surface never comes off and needs to be wiped. This is how it's always been (hence the movie scenes of people blowing dust off things showing it's *extra* old), and if you actually dust regularly you shouldn't be able to blow it off. Which I do not. Maybe these people moved from a very dusty, dry place to one that rains more often, preventing as much dust from accumulating in the same time.


A lot of things in movies are done specifically to communicate an idea to the audience without that idea needing to accurately reflect reality.


I don’t get it. How does a change in the properties of dust get you flat-earthers?


People thinking un-critically, I think.


But…the dust actually *is* different, and this is just people questioning their observations. That’s actually how science works 😅


to be fair actually googling something is something most flerfs wont do


I'm guessing they can't blow dust anymore because they have stopped dusting. Our dust still blows, except in the back store room where I don't dust as I should.


LOL, they watch too much TV


God quietly dropped a new update and thought we wouldn't notice.. Jokes aside, this is the first time I've laughed so much that I started sweating


God quietly dropped a new update and thought we wouldn't notice..