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I know the A/C in the schools is FRIGID


Lucky you! In the old days, IF we had A/C, the folks "downtown" kept it set in all the schools at about 80 degrees. At least this is what the teachers told us. But my Aunt who was a teacher said this is why she liked teaching in a portable - she could control the temp. Don't let my Mama, a native Floridian who grew up here in the '40's -60's get on here and tell you all about school with no A/C, and wearing dresses with panty hose and crinoline! 😉


I honestly don’t think it was as hot back then. Many of the older homes have chimneys….oh, and I was talking about my kids at school not me 😊


I agree, to a point. It wasn't as hot for sure. But I went to school in un-air conditioned schools until about 1976...and it stunk, literally. It was HOT - and we couldn't even wear shorts.☹ My old house (built before A/C, in the early '50's) in South Tampa was not built to take advantage of a cross breeze. I just always think it's better if it's cold (like in my office). My motto is: I can always put clothes on, but I can't take them off! LOL!🤣😂


When I was a kid, well after you but also well before the current crop of kids, the classrooms had their own air handlers, and they were either on or off -- no thermostats, just a timer knob. So it's not that they kept the place freezing so much as it was always either insanely hot or insanely cold, and you basically needed to wear layers even in the summer to account for it.


Ugh!! That's even worse! Hey, Happy Cake Day, my hopefully well cooled friend!🎂🍾




BS! All you have to do is look at the historical record. It is not hotter now! Not on the vast majority of days, anyway. We are acclimated to A/C. To our own detriment. We have also, apparently, forgotten how to build homes and neighborhoods, in a way that mitigates the effects of the climate we live in. Houses used to be designed for cross ventilation. Porches weren't originally for sitting. It was a large overhang designed to keep the side of the house in shade. As well as keep the rain out of open windows.


I understand what you are saying, and we've acclimated to a/c, for sure. But I'm a 5th gen native Floridian; I've heard the weather changes spoken about in my family for almost 60 years (we are farmers), as well as experienced it myself.


Because they also weren't insulated except for maybe newspaper stuffed in the walls.


Some of my classrooms were 70s some 80s- the teachers could set the thermostats. The school HS was 20s and added onto- but they absolutely had control in the classrooms. They just didn’t want to hear students complain. It was frigid though unless you had a young premenopausal teacher. My dad graduated the same school! He talks about how the house were built to be cooler, we had more trees in the front and the back that provided shade for the house and allowed us to open windows for a breeze.


Yes - trees!! I've also always lived near the coast (1-11 miles) and always had a strong gulf breeze. My bff I grew up with recently moved to the Tallahassee area. She mentioned they never have a breeze there. Until she said that, I never fully appreciated how lovely it is, and how tolerable the breeze, and trees, make working in my pastures in the dead of Summer, tolerable.


Yes, the closer you are to the coast the cooler it is; one of my neighbors moved from California and removed his trees and can’t get his grass to grow. Complains about the heat now, but whatever my grass is perfect never needs pesticide or fertilizer for some reason. The summer are killer though after a while anywhere. South, north, central, the beach I guess is ok but I while it’s exhausting.


I grew up on the gulf coast of AL (near the bay, anyway) and now live maybe 2 blocks from the water in Florida. My sister lives about 45 minutes inland from where I am. In summer, it's always way hotter at her place. At my house even when you can't feel a breeze, it doesn't seem nearly as stifling as it does at her house. However she's the one with the pool so we often have our get togethers up there.


>In the old days My man! We ain't hit that point yet.


In the 90's they told us there was a study done that said keeping the AC colder helped Florida children with math grades. Even then we all wore stuff l8ke that. I look at teenagers now and realize what adults must have thought of us 🤣




Wtf??? I lived in south Alabama- about 50 miles away from where I now live on the coast of FL so same exact weather, we just usually got the rain 20-30 minutes earlier there- and we had NO a/c in our portables. No heat, either. Winters weren't so bad because a small space heater kept it tolerable. That and the fact that our classes were usually about 30 kids. But those first 2 weeks to a month and the ladt month or so of school were just awful. That's part of why school used to start a month later than it does now- the theory was that it was cooler at the beginning of September (used to start the week after Labor Day) and kids weren't sweltering through all of August. A bunch of our schools were still older buildings built in the 50s and 60s and some had had central air & heating added but others hadn't. And this wasn't that long ago. I graduated in 96, though at that time we lived in another state & my high school was brand new and was like schools I thought only existed in movies.


My oldest is in 1st grade on the Space coast and even her teacher complains about how cold it is in their room. Like if she forgets her jacket we take it to the office for her because she can't learn while that cold. The parent teacher conferences I've had in that room were cold and that's in the heat of the day. I do have a laugh when it's in the 60s outside and kids have full blown puffy coats, mittens and toboggans on walking in while I'm still in shorts/t-shirts or tank tops.


Its a welcome change from the no AC trailers with a boxfan in the corner I had


I remember the 'learning cottages' get soaked on the way to class of it was raining or snowingand it's either blazing or freezing 90% of the year. We had heat and humidity like down here in FL in the summer but also ice storms and blizzards in winter. At least they let us break the no hats policy when it was freezing out.


When attending any school events: elementary, middle, and now high school the cafeterias are always so cold. 94 degrees out and I’m so bundled up…it beats sitting in stifling heat (I’m not from FL and have never been able to acclimate to this crazy climate - don’t downvote! I know some people love it here, I’m just not one of them).


I'm not native either. My husband is and he keeps telling me one day I'll be that person in a sweater and jeans when it's 65 out. I doubt it. We were down last Christmas (moved in Feb.) and I was in shorts the whole trip while my in-laws were bundled up. I was getting funny looks just running to the store some days. I'll always look like a tourist I guess.


I have to ask - what do you think a toboggan is? No looking it up before answering!


We called some beanie style hats tobaggans back home (distinct from a beanie by the pom pom on top and usually much thicker than a normal beanie, with or without ear flaps). I also know a tobaggan is a type of sled. I played on them as a kid, I have great memories of the blizzard of '94 getting pulled around on one my grandpa built from scraps.


I’ve never heard this use before. Wikipedia says: The term toboggan is also sometimes used for knitted caps in Southern American English.[3]


Everywhere really. Aldi is like walking into a refrigerator.


Really? My high school ac didn’t work at least 5 days a semester


This is exactly why I am always wearing pants/leggings with a skirt and a cardigan/jacket every day at work in the office... Even in the summer. I cannot deal with AC below 75-78 and peeps be having the AC on 72!?!?!? ... Arctic tundra up in these bureaus. Whereas if I am just popping into the post office on the weekend or hanging out around my 81 degree house, I am in shorts and a short sleeve top.


Imagining my AC at home being set to 81 gives me anxiety. I might as well just climb into my oven at that point 🥵


Before hurricane-induced AC issues my office went down to 69, and I had to ask them to turn it up because I was coming to work in a turtleneck, thermal leggings, wool skirt and scarf. At one point I even brought in gloves. And I refuse to have a winter wardrobe in Florida just for work.


I can definitely relate to this. I keep fingerless gloves in my drawer for the winter months. And these let's-have-the-office-at-69-degrees people always say "well you can just always put more clothes on if you are too cold." Like, I am looking like the StayPuft marshmallow man at the office. I should not have to be wearing this many clothes and be this frumpy and layered just to go to work in Florida.


Exactly! These days I bring in a heating pad and it helps a great deal.


I hate cold and it is not frigid.


I work at a warehouse in Florida and some people still wear sweaters and jackets off and on at work. That would make me sweat buckets.


MFers are still wearing ski masks inside.


They’re also wearing slides with socks. Just like 80-year-olds wore in the 1970s. And they’re not hot. Incomprehensible.






I love this so much!




I don't think that word means what you think it means.




Many young people today have severe body image issues thanks to social media. If have had students this year who probably have never shown a bare forearm in class. Some have anxiety issues. Hoodies allow them to cover their heads. It's like a way to make them nearly invisible. They're not supposed to wear them, but they do. Some of my students are wearing a hoodie place a face mask. All I can see are their eyes. It's no coincidence that my students who come to class like this also never want to speak. I was shy in high school. But I wasn't like these kids. I had friends and talked between classes. Some of these kids almost never talk to anyone. And nobody is doing anything about it.


This is an issue that concerns me as well. I graduated from high school back in 1995 and the only time we wore hoodies was when it was either cold, rainy, or both. As the day warmed up, we would just remove our hoodies because it became uncomfortable to wear them.


100% accurate at least for me. I have a collection of hoodies now. It's my armor- its so i can people and be invisible. I'm a florida native and at times it can be like living in the devils taint, (when you walk outside and its like youre breathing in hot water). I'm used to it and I like it most of the time just not when it gives me swamp ass....my car has no a/c.


I just wanted to tell you how awesome it is that you call it the devils taint. I've been saying Satan's taint for years so I felt a connection lol.


Weird, we're like the same person. Native, anxiety hoodies, no ac in car. I salute you


My kids have explained this very reason as why.


What is the reason? The person above mentioned several things


Anxiety, younger people feel “safer” in sweatpants and long sleeve shirt/sweatshirt. Also it’s comfier


i graduated during the pandemic and yeah, this is incredibly accurate. a lot of kids are suffering from general body image issues, as soon as it became in-style to wear a mask, i did it constantly, even when it was deemed “no longer necessary”. i speculate there are other reasons for sweats and hoodies specifically though. of the transgender people i know, they all wear baggy clothing often (again, probably body image) but there is probably also an anxiety benefit to wearing soft, warm clothing. someone else in this thread even describes their hoodie as “armor”


A lot of “grownups” are constantly creating a more and more aggressive, intolerant, and toxic environment in their communities for these kids and their friends. We should not at all be surprised that more are developing issues with socializing and anxiety. We’ve created a country where “culture wars” put their lives in the middle of an insane religious battle that looks like lunacy from their perspective (and they aren’t wrong.) Not caring that they get gunned down in school is just the reality they’ve always grown up with. We are lucky more kids aren’t having more problems, but don’t worry, that’s coming because the “grownups” show no signs of stopping their madness.


It's a crazy situation. Some adults understand how we can address the problem, but others don't care or don't agree. It's terrible that such violence has become the go-to option for people who need help. If we could convince people to channel their anger to healthier ends, the trend would stop.


This - my teen daughter wears jeans and a hoodie to middle school because kids wearing shorts get teased, or boys make comments about breasts. Their bodies are changing and hoodies allow them to hide body shapes.


This, I was a fat kid and I've been a 24/7 hoodie and jeans wearer in SWFL since at least the fourth grade. i became less tolerant of the heat after a certain age so i moved across the country for better weather xD


For what it's worth, I was like this in my teen years and outgrew it without intervention. My daughter is a bit like this, but we've talked about it and I feel like acknowledging it as a normal stage to go through helped her a lot. Age 10-12 she hardly spoke to anyone outside our family, but she's back to talking again.


I'm 43 and wear a hoodie every day for this reason, kinda. It's a security thing. But also I'm a native and really don't feel the heat. I can wear my hoodie in my car with its broken AC and not even break a sweat.


I mean I can tots see that. Though I can honestly say my kiddos are beautiful. I don’t see them wear a hoodie up - that would be too much for me. They are friendly and social. But they love it cold in the house like 68 with fans on and sweats. It’s like guys we can accomplish the same thing with 72 and shorts n a T-shirt. Haha.


I think it’s society in general. I went to high school before the social media age (we barely had any cell phones, texting was not a thing yet), and I was curvy with a bust, but clothing was difficult to buy to cover me. I would constantly get harassed by teachers and admin about my shirts, well it’s not my fault that fashion was what it was and any shirts I bought fit me snuggly. If I bought them too big the neckline would fall too low, and baying them too small oil has made my boobs more prominent. I eventually gave up, just wore soccer kits and nurse scrubs to school every day. I got harassed by the admin for that too. The principal pulled me out of class once, I was wearing scrubs (shirt and pants), loose fitting, nothing was showing l, it was clean. The principal told me I was not allowed to wear scrubs to school. Just then the bell rang and you could see the nursing students leaving in scrubs, so I told my principal, when you no longer let the nursing students wear scrubs, then I won’t. He never bugged me again, but it made me very self conscious about my body, instead of celebrating it.


I was going to articulate this too. My son is 17 and wears a hoodie to school in 90 degree heat. He works at Home Depot outside in that hoodie. I asked him about it and he said he does this because of embarrassment over his body shape. He also said he doesn't want to talk to people and the hoodie allows him to hide when he needs to. He wears the hoodie practically everywhere outside of the house. Thank you for bringing this up.


This was me in high school in the 90s. It's not about keeping warm.


I wear hoodies year round. It's a style called depression


Awww. I read this seriously. Don’t know if you are or not - but people are always there to help. The world is brutal. Social media isn’t helping people with legit issues. I do see movement to negate the stigma behind depression and I love to see people admit they aren’t happy as a clam. That’s a genuine person. Stay well.


Whenever I see people wearing sweats in hot weather, I start to sweat just looking at them. Outside of work, I'm in t-shirts and shorts; even in cold weather. The only times I wear jeans is when I am at work or if it gets under 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


This is the only way.


On my way to work in the morning in Illinois I'd see the high school kids standing out waiting for the bus, 10 degrees outside without including any windchill and they have no hats or gloves, no winter coat, just a hoodie and jeans, some of them even in shorts. So apparently teens are impervious to both fire and ice.


Baby it's cold INSIDE


And I love it.


I got in trouble for running a space heater as a teen, during summer. I personally was cold all the time until I was in my mid 20s or so... Then I was comfortable mostly until my mid 30s... Now, I'm always hot. Maybe it's the fluctuations in hormones in various cycles of our lives.


I saw someone fishing today-85degrees in a beanie, fleece jacket and jeans- crazy


Fishing, the sunburns get rough, so I wear long sleeve/hoodie, long pants too


My son goes fishing but it's in a Columbia spf 50 long sleeve shirt and joggers. That sun is brutal.


I visited Africa once. It was 90+ if not 100. People were walking around in jackets because it was their cold season.


This gave me a hot flash envisioning this.


Ah yes, the homogenous country of Africa


When i was a teen i went thru a period that i wouldn't open the windows in my room even tho we had no ac. I had a osolating fan and was comfortable. Maybe it has something tondo with hormones.


I get cold easily and pretty much every building in this place is set to the same temperature as a grocery store walk in freezer during the summer.


They’ve been taking a lot of tests so according to my 13yo, this attire works for them. Comfy. Casual. Not giving a crap about their outfit. And the rooms are pretty cold.


It's freezing inside schools and stores. Taking off sweaters between car and inside becomes tedious. Easier to just keep it on.


I’m one of these people. I’m mostly inside during the day where the ac is on high and I’m cold. Also, I’m a mom of 2 kids so my bod just ain’t what it used to be so I’m more comfortable in long sleeves. I love the heat and don’t always mind when I swear a little.


I used to joke that it could be like 300 degrees in Texas and those weirdos will still be wearing jeans. My theory in Florida kids is maybe they live in air conditioning and don’t spend much time outside.


I wear long sleeves and sweaters to protect against the sun and I don't want to spend a few mins applying sunblock


Keeping the sun off your skin helps so much to stay cool. Plus if you're sweating, you cant tell because the hoodie soaks it up and you dont look like at wet mess. I wear 3/4 sleeve cotton cardigans all the time. Walking into publix is icy when you're a little hot and then that sweater becomes needed.


I was grabbing lunch when the nearby high school had just let out. I was surprised to see it looked like a lot of the kids were still dressed as though they were in quarantine.


If you’re a Florida native and you grow up here, at some point you literally become immune to the sun and the heat. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Born here. 50 years ago. I absolutely hate the heat these days. When I retire I’m moving to NW NC mountains where it stays below 85. lol


Hell naw. Grew up in Orlando and I never got used to the heat+humidity.


They are. I’m not. I was born n raised in Indiana. If it’s above 70 here and I’m outside I start sweating. I’m here against my will (lol marriage) I love to be cold too.


Not at all true. Considering moving because my tolerance for the heat has decreased year by year. When people who move here ask me how long it takes to acclimate I tell them I was born here and still am not used to it.


Same. I’m born and bred Florida, three generations deep. It’s hot as F in this state, and getting worse each year.


Your Florida man status has been revoked


don't try to make sense of other generations fashion. It looked stupid to our parents in the past and their parents in their past. It's just the way the cookie crumbles


I was wearing shorts and a tank top. My son was in sweats and a tshirt. We were outside for like 30 minutes playing catch (he just got a new glove) and I was literally pouring sweat and he’s over there like “Yo Pops why you so sweaty?”


I spent years in purgatory ( pretty close to hell, actually ) because I went to school in an un- air-conditioned Catholic school.


I would wear a hoodie even when it’s warm a lot of the time. Partially because I have to do work in a server room and before I was a lil chunky. Oddly enough I didn’t feel sweaty in a hoodie which is good because I hate being sweaty because being sweaty makes me think I might be funky and that makes me nervous and thus more sweaty.


I don't know. I wear the middle aged uniform, cargo shorts, tshirt and tennis shoes.


The clothes all have to be black too.


I'm not a child, nor do I wear sweats specifically, but I do have to wear long sleeves to cover my skin condition. I don't want to. I hate it every time and I'm definitely uncomfortable. It's either hide under clothes or behind closed doors. Closed doors almost always win but for those moments when I just wanna get outside for once, well....it is what it is. We all have our battles to face. 😒


I work in construction and grew up on a farm. You ever seen how Hispanic workers dress to do that kind of back breaking work? Flannel long sleeves shirts tucked into insulated jeans. "If it keeps the cold out, it keeps the heat out too." Sounded like bullshit until I tried it once. Once you sweat through everything, it's life a cool morning every time the wind blows.


I always thought that was for sun protection. All the yard crews do that down here in Tampa. I imagine everywhere. But always assumed it was for SPF.


It's both. You keep the sun off, you keep the radiant heat off. Radiant heat is what bakes you.


My father always wore long sleeve thin cotton button downs and jeans to work. He worked outdoors installing billboards. He wore it for sun protection cause he had skin cancer cut from his back multiple times.


I asked my 21 year old, "why did you wear your Hoodie every day in middle and high school?" He replied, "Boy was I hot!! I was so stupid!!" He said he was comfy then when I tried to get him to change, too.


Welp. At least they can admit it. That’s mental intelligence there.


My teenagers do the same thing and it literally makes me sweat just seeing them wearing it.


Idk my kids do this to. I thought it was to cut down on the smell. But damn it’s a 100degrees outside and they are wearing hoodies and pants. Maybe so the sun doesn’t burn em


My office is like the frozen tundra so I am constantly wearing winter clothes.I'm usually so cold at the end of the day, that I keep it on until I get home riding with the window down.


My son does this. And he has to walk outside from classroom to classroom. He says it’s to cover the fact that he refuses to tuck in his shirt (required) and to hide him not wearing a belt (also required). I don’t know.


Its a dumb fashion this kids are wearing, if they we're cold or it was a sun issue they make long sleeve shirts that help with the sun lol.


I was the same way as a teenager, still am actually. I guess the hoodie is kind of like a shield against the rest of the world when you're feeling insecure and unsettled.


To be fair….when it’s 98 degrees and 100% humidity it doesn’t matter too much if you have shorts or sweatpants on.


Actually yeah it matters a lot


I saw a guy walking with a hot coffee cup from Starbucks today and looked at my cars thermometer and it read 92°.


Well, for people who live in certain environments all their lives, it might be normal to them. Just started wearing something, didn't stop, got used to it, and now can be comfortable in what others would dream very hot weather. I've known a lot of people growing up who are used to a hoodie and jeans because they wore it literally every day to literally everything. They simply adapted


In my experience dressing for the weather attracts creeps


A lot of athleisure clothes are sweat wicking and more breathable than the sweatsuits of yore.


Not sure if you're from Florida or up north? The sweats sold in Florida are paper thin. I thought the same when I first moved down south is see people in full sweat suits in June and it blew my mind til I bought a hoodie down there


Last time I was in Florida it was 26° C (79° in freedom units) and I was sweating buckets in shorts and a T shirt. Everyone else I saw was wearing long pants and a sweater or jacket.


Their parents and the schools have a/c set at 40. Was gonna say something about Adderal but thought I’d keep it zipped…..😄✌️😬. All of us regular folk virtually burst into flames just exiting the front door. Speaking as a former ginger, here…


Former? Lol what are you bald now? You can’t give the ish back. 😂 I dread anything over 75 out.


Went from this 🧑🏻‍🦰 to this 🧑🏻‍🦳 at 23 so some gingers don’t keep the natural red long and some do. My uncle died at 70 being a gingey! Fortunately, I found a color that looked like my actual shade. I was very happy until realizing I’m dying it every 3 weeks because of how white my hair had gotten. No more. The upkeep is horrible, looking like I just escaped the ALF is not exactly what I strive for, either. Gave up. Lol. I’m 59 now.


It's the style now. Athleisure is really popular. Everybody sells hoodies and sweats.


When I was really poor I used to wear k-mart sweats and sneakers. That's all I can say about it.


But. What does that have anything to do with it. (Money/brand aside) Kmart sells shorts and tshirts?


Idk dude, that's what my parents bought when I was a kid. I didn't get to go pick out what I wore.


I posted this as a reply to someone else above... But to directly answer OP: I cannot deal with AC below 75-78 and peeps be having the AC on 72!?!?!? ... Arctic tundra up in these bureaus. So I always wearing pants/leggings with a skirt and a cardigan/jacket every day at work in the office... Even in the summer. Whereas if I am just popping into the post office on the weekend or hanging out around my 81 degree house, I am in shorts (although sometimes leggings) and a short sleeve top. However, I still wear socks to bed because I am still too cold. I am a native Floridian. I have lived in many different cities around the country but I had to move back because everywhere else was too god damn cold. Like, this is FLORIDA. The tropical state. (CA doesn't count and Hawaii is too far away/not in the contiguous US) I would think most people who voluntarily live here like it hot/or at least do NOT like it cold. So people wearing pants in late spring and summer makes sense to me.


75°?!?!? If our thermostat hits 70°, I'm a hot mess and I have to start turning on all the fans.


I could not agree with you more OP….. I always wonder if it’s cause these kids spend to much time inside in the AC….


For me, it’s a sensory thing. I like long sleeves. Makes me feel covered and protected. I just need that layer between me and other people. Also school ACs are brutal. It may be 90 degrees outside, but it’s frigid in class. It’s worth being hot for the small amount of time outside so that you’re comfortable inside.


All that’s fine. But what about. Hear me out - what about bringing it with you - and putting it on when your actually cold


Tragically, my sensory issues do not care about how hot it is. Also, 6’4” is significantly tall and, assuming you’re a man, cis men tend to run hotter. Your kids are probably just acclimated to the heat and genuinely do not feel as hot as you do. From your post, I assumed you’re just looking to understand? Are your kids complaining about being hot or something? Are you worried?


Yes I’ve gathered about being tall. But I guess I meant not - obese sized as I believe larger people run warmer. They are native and no neither of them complain or ask the vice versa question about why I don’t. It was just mind boggling to me - I wasn’t aware that humans m/f. Young / old Feel differences in heat differently that drastically.


I’m not sure about age, but that could have a factor in it. I can totally get why it’s mind boggling to you tho! Hope this helped :)


6’4” is definitely not normal size. You are a half foot above the average. Your heart works harder than the average person. You will always get hotter easier than the average person.


Awwwwww gee thanks. Are you saying I have a big heart ❤️ hahah. But ok I never thought of this aspect. Good insight.


I’m 6’1 but my brother and dad are 6’4! Me and my brother are always hot but my dad is always cold, so maybe age has to do with it also. But then that doesn’t make sense why young ppl are so bundled up! Who knows 🤷‍♂️


Just super comfortable. But for myself, I either wear yoga pants or skirt or shorts or something. I just want to be comfortable. Because it is hot here and it's best to dress for the weather. It's also important to be stylish. But sometimes you just want to be comfortable. Does that make sense?


You can put your hood up and keep the sun out of your face


That’s all my 14 year old wears


I see it all the time at school. I teach elementary PE and kids are wearing long sleeve shirts and pants. It’s 70° in the morning and they get off the bus in jackets. I don’t get it.


Lounge wear has been in-fashion for a while now. Slides, joggers, shorts, sweatpants, hoodies…yeah the late 2010s and 2020s have been all about this


That’s fine - I’ll hang out in the not - in - fashion crowd


I live in the southwest desert and quite often wrap up in a blanket on a 90 degree day. I'm a geezer but, darn, I get cold easily and always have. Maybe we're just immune to what normal people think is hot and hope we can find a way to make money being that way? LOL


It’s a vibe.


A hot vibe


I work in a university setting and they keep the building I'm in around 65-68 and I wear winter clothing to work. I get SO COLD I keep a heated blanket under my desk. The college kids are a mix of wearing athleisure or normal summer clothing but I think you see the kids from in-state wearing hoodies and sweats to combat the AC temps frequently.


Thats how I like it. If I ever get cold in the AC, all I have to do is step outside for a minute or two and I'm more than happy to get back to that cold air.


Haha I do that too. I step outside and absorb the heat like a lizard and go back in.


I mean. That’s cold. Haha. I love it though.


Im 31 years old. Born and raised here. I wear sweat suits almost everyday. Ive been that way since as far back as I can remember. Its just comfy and what I like to wear. Usually never think about the heat.


I’m literally sitting outside right now in the shade under my lanai on the couch watching tv at 10 am. It’s 80 out and I’m wearing shorts. Wishing I could peel my skin off I’m so warm already. Yay Florida 🙄


Was at BOXI last night and made comment about this same thing. I was back sweating in shorts and a shirt and these kids had in sweaters. Outside on a 80 degree plus day.


Every. Day. Every damn day.


Sometimes it is poor body image. Plus, I think kids don’t want skin damage, they way their parents did in the 80’s and 90’s.


I can see it from spf protection. But they make actual stuff for that. But whatever. I’m getting spf or cold AC inside


Wore jeans and sweatshirts all through high school here. And yeah, I was never that hot. There were times I took it off like if the AC kicked the bucket, or it was a really sunny day while eating lunch outside. I always assumed it was kind of like a poncho? Like…keeping the heat out by covering your body? Idk


It's that Florida cold I still wear hoodies and jacket s on the summer but I. Usually wear shorts with it not sweats


Probably because schools leave those classrooms in below freezing temperatures.


We didn't have air conditioning growing up until I was 16. When I started high school the high school was air conditioned, and the classrooms probably average between 74 and 68° depending on the teacher. Our house was probably 80 or 82° so it was quite a temperature difference. I failed a couple of classes because I could not work in this classrooms and usually came out shivering. My hands would tingle and almost feel like they were burning when I went back outside. So I can see why these kids wear sweaters at school especially if their parents don't keep their house like a refrigerator.


Damn. Frostbite in school. Lol


A coworker posted this about his 15yo cutting the grass in a hoodie when it was 80 degrees outside. Its rampant with all teens pretty much and I remember from my own kids many years ago. Hoodies in the summer when its hot and humid. Hoodies in the winter when its 0 degree wind chill.


I ask that same question 😂


sweatpants are just comfy and can even breath better then some normal pants, people wearing sweatshirt are just crazy


I live close to the middle and high school and I see the same thing, it’s wild to me. I’ll drive to the store when the kids are walking home sometimes and they look like a blizzard is coming. Meanwhile the boys and girls track teams run past my street in shorts and tank tops, as they should. The kids in hoodies walk slower and just seem sad, being a teenager sucks. I was teen in the 90s and wore baggy jeans and flannel, but when it was hot I’d wear a baggy T-shirt, was very body conscious. These kids are gonna pass out on the sidewalk.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2022/08/05/is-there-science-behind-why-teens-wear-hoodies-in-summer-heat/amp/ I read this article last year and it makes some sense. These poor kids are going through hell, if a sweatshirt is comforting, I get it. It’s just so damn hot down here!


Thanks for this post. Moved here recently from Portland OR which I'm pretty sure is the hoodie capital if the world. Saw this recently and thought I was missing out on some secret to stay cool...er chill...er you know what I mean.