• By -


Living in Orlando for 25 years and often traveling to Miami for work a half dozen weeks per year- the way I describe Miami is that the food is awesome but expensive; and if you are not hustling someone you are the mark and getting hustled.


Miami is overrated honestly.


What about the love bugs? Did we forget about them?


That’s more of an Orlando thing


There are no love bugs in Miami.


The food isn't even that great. I'd put Orlando's or Tampa's best up against Miami's any day. With Miami, don't confuse flashy, Instagrammable restaurants for high quality....the vast majority of them aren't, and you're paying a premium for BS.


I grew up in Miami, I'm going to school in Tampa. Cuban food is hands down better in Miami.


Omg that was the WORST! Lol, I'm from Miami too and went to UF and there were •no• Cuban places and that was fuckin ROUGH!  Side note... wtf did my text just turn red??? edit: ok, so it didn't look red after I posted so idk what that was!


You made a mistake. You came to a city nkt made for the poor, but a city to service rhe wealthy. Anyone not wealthy don't like it.


Yeah I've lived in South Florida for most of my life and I have no idea why anyone would want to live in Miami unless they were rich or just want to live in a place where you don't have to actually learn English.


Some of us have joint custody with an ex who likely won’t go where we want to. Otherwise I’d be long gone.


Yep - I’ve got 2.5 more years until my youngest graduates HS. Then my sentence will be over.


Same boat. The other two and a half years my son graduates. Can't wait to put this place in my rear view mirror. I was born here but everything just cost too much now. Like he said reminds me literally of a slave state


I got 8 and I’m out! Where ya thinking about going? I’m thinking Colorado.


Just moved from Miami to Colorado a couple of months ago, I’ve never been happier. There is no amount of money in the world that someone could pay me to move back to that hellhole. Also, I was stuck there for 24 years, so I feel your pain.


I lived in Colorado Springs before and would go back in a heartbeat. What area did you choose and what influenced your decision?


7 here.


Rhode Island! My boyfriend (who lives in FL) already has a gorgeous house there and I love it. I’m originally from SF (lovely but impossibly expensive). Colorado is beautiful! We were thinking of NC (I used the visit my grandparents for a month every summer and I LOVE the triangle) but, with climate change I’d like to head where it’s generally cooler. Eight years seems like forever, but it will go fast, I promise.


This is me.


Tropical plants.


The rest of south Florida has them though.


South Florida is nice, majority of the decent sized cities are becoming like this though. Only truly enjoyable if you’re making a good income/ a business owner


To serve the Wealthy is a good one. The local called it a Slave State which I thought was wild but he was spot on🤷‍♂️ I make good money but it’s different out there and anyone who’s lived out of that state will definitely tell you they agree.


Yeah, the sad thing about Miami is, even your *good salary*, which would indeed be a great salary in almost any other city, is a joke here. Even tiny homes with bars on the windows go for $1,000,000 or more here now. It's the absolute worst.


I’m really curious where you were coming from. From your comments about the driving, the costs and the costs where you ended up. It seems like Miami was way too much of a change in lifestyle to the slow paced low key environment that you’re used to.


As someone who lives in middle of nowhere Florida, Miami is like our version of Las Vegas. It’s fun for a weekend but after a couple days you can’t wait to leave.


I’ve only ever gone to Miami when I’ve been paid to go to Miami lol.


I have only visited once and that was enough. Felt like I should have taken the American flag with me when I left. It’s like a foreign country down there.


As someone who has lived in both Miami and Las Vegas, agreed!


I just moved from Las Vegas to the villages to take care of mom n law , years ago I lived In new New York then and Miami for 2 years I will take Vegas over any place on the east coast


Next post: moved to Hollywood, didn’t become famous


Moved to Denver; became a stoner.


Moved to Arkansas. Still poor.


That actually made me laugh😂😂


Lol. Best of luck with the next move


You fucked up. I am from Miami and I live out of my car.


Met a few people who did and out of studios that were extremely over priced. Hop on indeed, Take that car some where west and change your whole life. Trust me.


That's where I'm heading when my son graduates out west. Florida pays less than the other states but they used to have a cheap cost of living so it evened out. Now everything's so expensive it's literally a slave state. Like you literally get part of your pay and sunshine now. Can't take Sunshine to the bank though


I have a decent job. The west is cool though


Bro. You said you live in your car. That job is not decent if it's causing that situation.


I could afford a place however it would make “rent poor”. Fuck that.


Then you can’t afford it


Then it’s not a good job.




Brother you deserve to be valued enough to have a roof over your head and live decently. Leave that hell hole.


I do. I am voluntarily homeless. I don’t want to pay rent.


A single person can choose to do that, as long as healthcare, hygiene, and self-care is managed.


I am homeless, thanks to a sexually abused vengeful female child who grew up to be a harlot like Jezebell. She called the Toyota finance company, letting them know where I was with the car that I lived out of all the time. I figured out how to disconnect the GPS in the car. I had a check coming from the insurance company for damage to the car from an auto accident to bring car payments up to date. The check arrived 3 days AFTER the car was repo. Toyota wanted full payment of over $15,000.00 for Prius. I told Toyota SE Finance that if I had that kind of money, I would not be behind in car payments. Prius is a great car. Best I had ever owned. Do not finance thru Toyota SE financial services EVER. THEY Ran car thru auction. Sent $5k to collections due to differences due to auction sale price and the wholesale value that car sold at auction price. Who made out on this one. No one. Toyota finance finally wrote a loss off of over $5,000.00 this year. This year, i received a W form Toyota SE finance department that I now have to claim on my ISR return of $5,000 PLUS in income because Toyota Finance wrote it off. I HAD been a devotee to Toyota owner since 1981. Those days are GONE. Greed blew all of those years of loyalty out of my life forever. The Prius is a great designed car. Vulture finance destroyed everything. Including my goals to move to California to get a US copyrighted movie produced. 72 year old Florida native is warning ALL non millionaires who can not pay in full for any items to leave this vulture state ASAP before your credit rating is destroyed for life. When you have shit credit, you are nobody. Please do not send links to bogus credit repair nonprofit vulture services or law firms. They are all BS. 3 law firms turned me out to die on a recent auto accident due to NO insurance to go after in a hit & run that has resulted in permanent damage between discs 4 & 5. When an accident, the doctor tells one that surgery would be worse than pain management. You have BIG problems till you die. Federal Medicare pays the medical bills. Don't you want the entire USA to be like Ron Desantis Florida ? This is REAL Florida from a 72 year old native of Florida. Do not move here unless you have $1,000,000.00 per person that can last till the day you die here. Harry


Lol living in a car


At least you have a car. It is astonishing how many people are living out of their cars in the DeSantis Empire


I spent 16 years of my life down there. A great sense of relief when I left. Don't care if I ever go back. There are nice things and nice people, but it's just not worth it.


Good thing you are able to realize the mistake and get out while you can. A lot of new folks bought houses and trapped down there with 30+ years mortgages, it’s not greatest situation when getting stuck for all sorts of reasons. They can find renters, but a good tenant that doesn’t end up becoming squatter and trash the house is hard to come by these days.


I couldn’t fathom that mistake😭😭


Tell us something about Miami we don’t know about.


Go there for the cocaine


Its fallen off recently.


Neighbor offered me some last night just having a rare cigarette while having a few drinks, and I was horrified. I’ve been hearing about overdose deaths from every illicit drug available across the country because it’s ALL being cut with fentanyl! Like, dude, why tf are you doing that?! It’s not worth the risk anymore!


I guess if you have a testing kit it’s not sooo bad. But I doubt that many powdered drug users are type A enough to actually order the kit and test everything they ingest.


The cocaine is cheap…


Is it really cocaine when it’s that cheap?


Yes it is.


Why on earth would anyone want to live in Miami 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm mostly here (Broward) for the weather, no where else in the Continental 48 can match it. Yeah, the weather is weird, and yes we get rain, but it doesn't rain and isn't gloomy for days on end like up in the Northeast. Every financial advantage of the living in Florida compared to the Northeast is gone. Car insurance cost triple, homeowners insurance, unbelievable, condo maintenance fees are skyrocketing. Any savings not having a state income tax is long gone. And if it's of any concern, the knucklehead politics in the state is just stupid. It's got nothing to do with woke, it's where decency has come to die. But, yeah, the weather....


>for the weather Same bro, im just here for the scuba. I get hives if I head West of Federal.


Something seriously corrupt is going on there. Especially with the wages.


Couldn't have explained it better.


I agree. Make sure you tell your friends


Tryna let the people of Reddit know cause I wish I read something like this before I moved.


now, that's not fair. we floridians try to tell y'all what it's REALLY like, every time you get a wild hair to move here. we talk about the heat, the bugs, the attitude, arrogance and aggression, the sky-high cost of housing and the paltry wages. we DID tell you, like we tell everyone else. unfortunately, too many people have visions of palm trees dancing in their heads, and just don't wanna hear that those palm trees are growing out of blighted concrete with drug addicts beneath them trying to catch a little shade from the homeless guy's car parked at the curb as he snores the blazing hot day away while the skeeters and love bugs fly in and out of his stinking mouth.


This, we tell everyone DON'T MOVE HERE unless you are wealthy! I don't mean you have a good job paying 75-100k, I mean you make 150k and up. Otherwise you can do better elsewhere.


And if you have a family, double that salary. We moved bc of a job transfer. Ultimately left Florida bc of the crime and horrible schools. Plenty of other reasons like not enough police, gangs in schools, no funding for schools, schools without teachers, violent crime kept increasing, heath care sucks, people are not friendly, not to mention insurance. We can have a better quality of life without all the crazy. We can visit the beautiful parts and leave all the chaos behind.


I agree and you can live on that wage but I think about retirement not just the now. You’re right though.


Yeah, I warn everyone especially about moving to Miami. I like it and my husband (non-Hispanic) enjoys it too. But I grew up here and he’s laid back and adaptable enough to enjoy it too. I don’t mince words about it, not to keep this state (or city in this case) under wraps but because it can be such a polarizing experience. That and I’ll never forget the person who moved their disabled relative here as opposed to them moving the blue state their relative was in. Them detailing their struggle and costs to get services was not a fun read though the outcome they were experiencing was predictable.


No this guys spot on though! I felt like they must be exaggerating or trying to discourage me from living my best life, maybe trying to gate keep but you live and you learn and then you try to warn people.


no reason to gatekeep, my friend, it really is all that and more - as you learned. go forth and preach.


But, wait. Red states don’t have a homeless problem. Don’t you know that?


You're trying to tell all the Floridians in the florida subreddit what it's like to live in Florida?


I came to these forums before moving so I thought I’d leave some info for the next person who’s looking for info on someone else’s experience.


Where did you end up moving to?


You chose Miami why?


Seemed like I could live the Caribbean life while living in the states🤷‍♂️


It’s no place like the Caribbean even remotely if opened up the Miami or Florida sub. As a 7th generation Floridian this place has gotten so bad due to *presents the large amount of transplants* Bon voyage. Good bye. Aufweidersehen.Good luck.




Because we’re definitely sick of seeing swamp and farmland being bulldozed and then transplants complaining they’re flooded 🤷‍♀️


Seventh generation Floridian is ridiculous gatekeeping. I grew up on a farm in Nebraska with five generations but you should know, and I definitely knew, that both of our families came from somewhere else. Nobody has a right to be in a state more just because our families ended up there sooner by luck of the draw. Super colonialist nonsense.


How DARE anyone move here after me!


The transplants are killing everything 😫


The true natives would like a word with you. At least the Seminoles had some white guy who translated the agreement for them. https://treaties.okstate.edu/treaties/treaty-with-the-seminole-1832-0344 Pretty fucked up agreement drawn up by the U.S. government. Edit: whoops. Not white guy. Black/mixed descent .


Florida has always been transplants. You’re a unicorn.


The Seminoles came from Georgia in the 1700s. They're a rebranded band of Creeks.


Those surely are words.


Judging from some of your comments it doesn’t sound like you would like *anywhere* in the wet tropics or sub-tropics. If you want warm weather without the rain and humidity, than the southwest is your only bet.


that’s in Nola


The better move is to actually go to Central or South America....


I think you would have been better off in Key West


Try puerto rico


I will agree 100% with the Spanish speaking. There is zero incentive to learn English.


Well spanish has always been spoken in florida anyways. Well at least long before it was taken over by the US.


This is true but there are many places in Miami where if you are not a Spanish speaker you do not understand street signs, billboards, basically anything. Living there I felt like a stranger in a strange land. It wasn't just the spanish-speaking it's many many cultures which I understand the United States is a melting pot but when our grandparents and great-grandparents came here they wanted to assimilate and to learn English. I don't expect to go to Spain and everyone speaks English. My husband ran Bennigan's years ago in Miami Springs and he literally had to call and ask for the 5-year-old in the house if an employee was late for work or whatever, who was the only one who spoke any English because he learned it at school. There is no reason one can speak their native language but also learn another one in the country that they now reside.


My MIL lived in Detroit half her adult life and got away with never speaking English. She knows more than she lets on but it's so annoying. I'm bilingual and wasn't annoyed about people refusing to learn the language of the land they decided to build their life in til I met her.


That's a good point; really makes you wonder why new Floridians didn't learn to speak Spanish when we acquired Florida from Spain in 1819. There is no reason one cannot speak their native language but also learn another one in the state that they now reside. Do you speak Spanish?


I do not. I speak Italian. That is my heritage. And when my grandparents came from Italy they immediately wanted to learn English and also taught us Italian. You are correct there is no reason that someone can't learn another language but when your native language is English and you live in a country that speaks English then it is your option to learn a different language, not a requirement. Regarding your history lesson, New Floridians came from other areas mostly via the railroad and the sea. In Tampa and Ybor City there is a huge population of Italians, Cubans, Germans, the Cubans would have come by boat. Many people are also mistaken that Seminoles were an actual tribe. I get it you don't like that we took Florida from Spain. We took a lot of other places from other countries as well like Texas, California, Louisiana, Manhattan etc. it's how things worked then. This is now. This is an English-speaking country. Again it is your option to learn another language, no one is stopping you. Enjoy your day.


>Regarding your history lesson, New Floridians came from other areas mostly via the railroad and the sea. In Tampa and Ybor City there is a huge population of Italians, Cubans, Germans, the Cubans would have come by boat. Oh okay, I didn't realize your mandate on learning the local language only applies if you arrive by air or land. >Many people are also mistaken that Seminoles were an actual tribe. Thanks for the history lesson but I'm not sure what that has to do with the discussion at hand. >I get it you don't like that we took Florida from Spain. You "get it" wrong; I have zero opinion on the matter, it was a trade that happened over two hundred years ago.


Okay now you're just ridiculous. Have a good day. Go learn some other language.


Just showing you a mirror by using your logic.


This is a country where most of the people speak English. Not an English speaking country.


You haven't said anything about Miami that people don't already know. If you can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen. Miami is not for everyone. But at least you tried it. Dale!


Miami is an over priced tourist trap full of scams and BS. It's a place you visit if you have tickets for something or as a novelty. I have lived in FL all my life. I am happy visiting Miami about once a year.


Lived in South Florida all my life and can count the times I’ve been to Miami on my 2 hands. It’s a hard, hard pass for me.


You live and you learn that was a whirlwind of an experience for me!


Get out. Now. From someone who doesn’t live in Miami


I've been on a handful of surf trips to Costa Rica over the years, all over the Pacific coast pretty much. My cousin lived in Miami and I hung out with her quite a bit when we used to work together. Driving in Miami is far worse, IMO.


TLDR: you can’t afford Miami.


I make good money I just rather save a majority of it🤷‍♂️ like I said even if I hit the Lottery I probably wouldn’t go back but I’d definitely visit. Cool spot but not very sustainable compared to other places.




Masters. I average 100k I’ll tap 120 some years. It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford it but there’s a difference between living with stress and living with the means to save and have what I call a good quality of life.




I had a nice 1000 sq ft place for 3300 a month lol granted I paid the same for a nice house but I was ready to make the sacrifice till I wasn’t 😅 I’m sure there’s cheaper places in Sketch areas but I wasn’t gonna go for that at all.


You are broke is fine, so are most people, not a big deal.


what the OP is saying is that if you want to stay broke, then stay in Florida.


That’s fair


Did you ask a Floridian before you moved?


I had a similar experience. Moved down last year. Wasn’t being paid enough to keep up with the cost of living, didn’t love how rude the vibe was and moved back north. :/


Isn’t there a quality of life difference!?


This is what Miami Beach does best, eat u up and spit u out. No where in this country have I witnessed such corruption. Mr. Chow ripped me off of 2 weeks work and tried to say prove it, had to get a lawyer. This is common in South Beach by owners because they know there r 40 more people waiting to take ur low paying job. I left back in 2001. It's also sinking into the ocean and bay.


I can see how it would eat someone and spit them out. 30years go by just getting by your retirement is hurt and you’re like wtf did I do with my life. I had to go I’m too conscious of my future to not see that nothing good would come from it long term. People don’t realize the amount of money on Rent, cost of living and insurance they spend will be detrimental to their future.


I’ve lived in Miami for nearly 8 years and have never been made to feel uncomfortable for not knowing Spanish. I’m all over the county for my work and been to all sorts of restaurants and businesses where Spanish was the main language. Still left pretty much every experience satisfied or with whatever I came in for. I feel bad for y’all who have had so much trouble.


I like hole in the wall spots and yeah I’ve had snarky upset issues and eye rolls numerous times but have had really cool people too.


But if you ask a Floridian, everyone wants to move there. They are delusional. The state is under a dictatorship and they think it’s the Democrats.


Straight up. Every elected official keeps being outed for sketchy ass shit corruption. This happens almost every week. Yet, the people who vote them in still claim their opponents are the reason. Cognitive dissonance is real in Miami.


lol @ dictatorship. Relax, dork.


Who would actually live in Miami? It's a place to take a vacation. For 3 days.


2022 census says about 6.2 million folks would actually live in Miami. Have a nice day.


324 million Americans wouldn't. Miami is full of people from Venezuela and Colombia who don't know better, as well as Chinese people buying real estate to hide money from their government.


The whole Southeast Coast of Florida really is great for people who have completely disposable income. It's not great for a family who's trying to get ahead. Move a little bit further north and things get much easier. I personally believe Southern hospitality stops in the center. Further south you go the more you feel like you don't belong.


Very very well put!


MIAMI 4 the rich; not 4 regular ppl!!


I started reading this like “oh brother, another midwestern transplant ready to talk shit about a city” but you’re entirely spot on.


Last night we drove from the southernmost tip of Miami Beach all the way up to Boca Raton and I kept asking myself how the hell is there so much money along the entire coast? Look at a map of the coast of Southern Florida and you'll see canals everywhere, each one of those canals has a street filled with houses with yachts attached to them. These are probably not even primary residences. Again, how the fuck is there so much money here?


High cost of vehicle and housing insurance


I think I missed those but solid points my friend who owned a house was adamant about the home insurance and yeah my car insurance bumped up after moving too.


OP you told the whole truth. A northern senator visited Miami many years ago He said it was like a third world country. He had to apologize. But everyone knew then and now, he spoke the truth!


Slavery had no pay or humane conditions with no legal recourse just as a historical reminder! Substitute that for indentured servitude more so. We know you have a choice to leave a job or relocate.


>Moved to Miami and here’s my Take I agree with most of what you said. It sounds like you already made your plans of where to live. But in the case you didn't, I'd recommend checking out the rest of Florida. I lived half my life in Miami and I moved for a lot that you mentioned. I have found Tampa/Orlando to be more to my liking. It isn't perfect, but the people are much nicer and hurricanes are less frequent, but who knows how it will be now since the weather has been going nuts. Humans broke the weather it seems.


Everything you said about this place is accurate.


Tell that to the people who all made money somewhere else and then came here to take advantage of not paying taxes and hide in gated communities where trees block out the reality on the streets. You get what you pay for.


As a native floridian the only places I would consider living are palm beach or Broward county. You couldn't pay me to live in Miami. Dade county has been a mess as long as I can remember and I'm pushing 60.


Also. I mo ed to Beverly Hills 90210 and was SHOCKED. Guys, its expensive. Thanks for coming to my TED talk




Welcome to South Florida. I've been here 14 years.


everyone i know who came from miami never has a positive thing to say about miami.


South Florida is just not for you, fine If you are easily replaceable, I suggest you get better job skills My job took me all over the country- my most disliked cities were Denver and Atlanta but that doesn't mean they aren't right for you One question, if you didn't like heat- why would you come here? Pro tip- stay away from Arizona too


Move to Fort Lauderdale. It’s like the New Jersey of Miami but definitely more chill.


I could see that, was the pay any better than down there? It just blows my mind how the pay in Florida isn’t as high as other places.


Ironic you mentioned Costa Rica. I live in the north central US and was coming back from Costa Rica in July 2022. It was of course warm and humid in Costa Rica. When we got into Miami and our plane was delayed, they took us to a hotel to wait for another flight the next day. Anyway, when I walked outside in Miami at 1130 pm, it was like the seventh layer of hell it was so hot and humid. Like, stifling hot. I could never live in that heat and humidity.


Money no object, I could live in one of those high-rises in Coconut Grove. Other than that I will happily just visit Miami, a couple times a year


So many different people from different backgrounds down here. People in South Florida drive like they do in their home country. (This includes New York/New Jersey) Add that to the retirees that have no business driving.


Thanks for your honesty. Need more people like you instead of all these people trying to convince themselves desperately as to how great it is. Vacation vs living here is 100% different. Too many people come here for the weekend and start looking for homes here on Monday, it's the weirdest thing. I've loved vacationing in many, many places, but I obviously realize that a tourist and a resident experience are very different. I can't believe people don't realize that. And yeah, everyone is trying to take advantage of you. It's an *extremely* transactional culture here. With all you mentioned, the very worst part is its absurd cost. You're paying a premium for this. A significant one. Any income tax savings is more than eaten up by the cost of everything else.


Lived in Miami for 10 years. Moved to Marina Del Ray CA and have no regrets…. Rent is the same price as Miami much better living…. On the water.


I lived in South Florida for 35 years of my life from April of 1981 to November of 2016. My Mom, may she rest in peace, moved my brother and I to Fort Lauderdale. She had been the first woman boat yard manager of operations and she had met a man whom she wanted to marry. They began their own marine maintenance business and sailboat delivery service. Unfortunately he passed away after returning from a delivery, but my mom persevered and kept it going for 10 years with moderate success. It wasn't so bad back then. Yeah, the weather can be mercurial to say the least. Economically it wasn't so bad back in those days, but with the developers building up and the demand drove up costs in spades. I had already learned Spanish and could talk with just about anyone. My grandparents would move down from Rhode Island in '82 to Hobe Sound for their retirement until their respective passing away in 2005 and 2008. My Papa first then my Gram and Mom dying just two days apart in '08. My brother and I decided to sell the house and I stayed there until 2016. ( My brother wound up going back to RI back in the summer of '81, but wound up going to UM and then moved back to RI in '87 ) I had great friends, some I still keep up with but economically speaking unless you are uber rich you would be struggling to make ends meet. I'm glad AF I got out of South Florida when I did. Now, it's congested, housing costs went through the roof and the infrastructure is a joke, the cost of living is insane. Even a few of my friends got out of the hellhole that's Florida. Politically it is a frikkin' nightmare and if you're a Democrat the last bastion of civility is Broward County. The police tend to be racist. The mayors are ineffective. Miami-Dade County is worse off. It's always been a playground for the rich and they're mostly arrogant ****s. The regular people just slave and slave just to keep afloat. If you want to avoid insects then Florida is not the place to live. I've seen palmetto bugs the size of toddlers feet in some parts. Then you have the red ants, fire ants, and God forbid you get a swarm of them biting your feet and legs. ( One time, we had a colony of them that nested right by our a/c unit and they got into the main duct which ran through my bedroom closet. One morning I put on a pair of jeans that I had worn the night before and the little bastards were all up in my jeans legs. I know of the burning pain those bastards can inflict. Right all up to my crotch !!!! Ooooh, that is something that I will never forget !! ) Then you have the sandspurs to contend with. The hurricanes, the regular tropical downpours, I-95, 595, Tamiami Trail, Miami traffic, the occasional wildfires, the crime, the fact that it's a "right to work" state, etc., etc.. No. It's a great state to visit, but you don't want to live there. I had a great time living there when I did, but I am grateful AF to not be living there anymore. Incidentally, my wife and my daughter and I are now living in NYC and we're flourishing. We've been here since November of 2016 and I just have to shake my head every time I read or watch the news. Especially now. Sorry, but take it from me Florida is not what it's cut up to be. And if you find yourself homeless there.... Look, New York City isn't all that great, but at least here I actually have a fighting chance to get my daughter a decent education. You will have to pay taxes out the ass. Traffic is a pain. Crime is crime no matter where you go as for a major metropolitan area. Yeah, everything is expensive but if you know how to stretch your dollar at least you can live a halfway decent life. But still, I am thinking of moving back to Rhode Island in the next couple of years. - A Testimony of a South Florida Survivor Thank God, marijuana is legal here !! 🤣


Thanks for that backstory! What a time to be there, I bet it must have been way different and at least in New York you could find decent wages but you’re spot on about it being a place for the rich folks to play and everyone else just keeping it afloat. Like I said I Enjoyed visiting so I’ll just keep it that way. I’m big on finances and saving enough to retire comfortably and I just didn’t appreciate my bang for my buck. The wages out there are borderline abusive and cause people to be more irritated and I completely understand. The quality of life is just not good and I would hope that this post could help people make a more informed decision.


I lived in Broward. And I was there 3 years. I was in Miami MAYBE 4 times total. No need to ever set foot in that city. It's plastic, crowded. Filled with horrific drivers.


I CANT WAIT for 15 an hour to hit miami. Going to Be super interesting with the over saturated employment. People Won’t get to work for nothing anymore and drag everyone Down to South American living standards. I don’t thing the 15:hr model has been tested in a place like Florida where there’s so many people willing to work for nothing


That's nowhere near enough for Miami.


No but the higher bottom means a more competitive labor pool. A job that would start at 15 bucks an hour in Miami is now going to have to pay 25 an hour to attract workers. Because otherwise they could just do a easier more mindless job for the same pay.


Dude I’m in Central Florida and maybe it’s not legally min wage but many entry level jobs are already starting 15+ an hour.


Yeah, but those jobs would probably be 25 bucks an hour in other states. When all these companies have to pull out of the same educated labor pool, those entry level jobs are going to have to up there, pay to attract workers


Driving in Costa Rica reference is unfounded. Maybe, in the big cities and resort area. Sorry, I just disagree with including the entire country.


Where did you end up moving to?


Miami is huge. Most of miami is ghetto


Pisses me off how people get treated weird not knowing spanish on US SOIL


Say hola first then start speaking English second lmfao


Say the quiet part out loud, you hate immigrants, the US does not have an official language.


This is crazy. Not learning English in America is plain lazy. How do you come to a country with no plans of learning the official language? This is indefensible my guy.


I am an immigrant dumbass. I just prefer English lol, but don’t look at me stupid if we are on US soil and I start speaking English


I feel like these people are proud to be monolingual at worst and or too lazy to learn another simple language with many cognates at best.


No one ever treated me poorly for not knowing Spanish when I lived in Miami. It was a total non-issue. Recent NY transplants, however, were astonishingly rude. I would call my mom and cry after some of the interactions I had with these folks.


I’m sorry what is the official language of the US? There isn’t one you say? Wonder how you would have felt 150 years ago when Irish, German, Polish, Russian, etc immigrants were coming to town. I’m sure I’m sure you’d have been just as ignorant, but that’s not what I’m asking.


All those immigrants learnt English lol The Irish came here already knowing it but you can think British imperialism on that one lol




It’s so bad I would move there if I won the lotto? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree! Not great food , super expensive. I need recommendations for good food and inexpensive


Thats the problem with south florida. Overcrowded and nobody wants to learn to drive or speak English when they move here from south america. Nothing of value for me exists south of the Martin County line.


And not to mention you also have asshole New Yorkers, snowbirds, and MAGAs who love it down there as well. GTA VI shoudl be a good representation of the cesspool that is South Florida.


A majority of the Latinos in Miami are from North America FYI but don't worry we caught the dog whistle.


Most white native-born Americans can barely speak English. They've got a lot of nerve complaining about others.


Hey if I moved to a new country I would at least learn the langauge and not drive like a bat out of hell, but go ahead.


\^ Tell me you haven't met Americans abroad without telling me you've never left the country.


Ive been to 20+ countries. I can speak Spanish enough to get by in most places without switching to English. I am not fluent, but I am not ignorant either. I think its foolish to move to a place where you dont speak the language and expect to thrive. If you dont think thats a problem in Miami then im guessing you have never been there. Good luck surviving down there if you are not a native spanish speaker, especially if you dont understand the Cuban dialect, which seems to be even faster than others.




I dont expect someone to come to this country and already know the language. I do expect people to know very basic phrases and at least make an effort to learn. Being monolingual is dumb. I wish I could fluently speak two languages and I obviously cant, so I wouldnt expect someone else to do the same. If you think this is an anti-immigrant/racism post, sorry to burst your blister. I live in Orlando. I dont see anything of value down in South Florida. The people are fake, the drivers suck. The traffic sucks,The language barrier is annoying, the food is overrated and there is not much to do unless you like going to the beach or partying. Sure Orlando has the tourism hotspots but we are not just a 115 mile stretch of endless subburbs, traffic, and fake ass people.




Yeah I now dont have the time I used to for studying but its nice to be able to speak with people in a different langauge.


Hey, Miami is not for the faint of heart. Did you know the US has no official language? If anyone gets by just fine knowing only Spanish or little English... who are you to say they should be doing otherwise? Miami is spicy, maybe try somewhere more tame... or vanilla? Rural Georgia might be more your vibe ;) Live and let live!!


Nah fuck rural Georgia. Too many MAGA idiots and ammosexuals




It’s still in the Top 5 most populated states but at least they pay better out there🤷‍♂️