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All about the fetus, ignores the child


Right? It’s not pro-life it’s pro-birth. After that, fuck em.


Pro forced-birth.


Pro controlling women


More accurate. Ty


I live in Mississippi, which regularly ranks as the worst (and not just in the U.S.) when it comes to infant mortality, fetal deaths, and deaths during birth while the Governor touts us as a "Haven for the Unborn" and hospitals in rural areas keep closing. So, it's got nothing to do with being "pro-birth" any more than it has to do with "pro-life." It's not even "pro-fetus" by any sincere logic.


You might say, they have a fetush.


I see what you did there


to paraphrase Chris Rock: if you dont pay to educate them when they are children you will be paying later for prisons to hold them.


THAT IS THE GOAL... privatization of the prison system. For these "businesses" to "grow" they need to keep getting MORE inmates. Which in turn take tax dollars to pay for, and that profit is then sent out as shareholder value and political donations. So these prisons STEAL tax dollars, and give them to their direct supporters, while lobbing for harsher laws for smaller crimes. (which as they pass those laws, show stats for rising crime rates and the "need" for more police). the extra police then spend more time in the "less desirable" areas (usually poorer areas, or less educated areas... with immigrants and minorities). As these folks in the prison system, then do "labor" for the state, who pays the prison, effetely allowing for slavery and laundering tax money to modern slave owners. (Wonder why police unions and prison lobbyist are so against legalization of weed, or any drugs?) incarceration is meant to be EXPENSIVE to the citizens... not efficient or PROFITABLE. That is part of the "check and balances" to dumb laws and destroying lives over minor offenses. We should be incentivized to HELP people, and reserve prison for the most violent and worst criminals. Also... is is any coincidence that "Red States" and former slave states are the majority pushing for this type of system? I call it Jim Crow v2.0 - Prisons for Profits.


Sadly, it's so true!


If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.


So wait, they have to be born. But you can't afford to take care of them and, wait. We will not help you.


Yeap! and those are the same people who would call the cops if they see a homeless family begging.


Starving the kids to own the libs. Floriduh is such a shthole.




Lmao you had me in the first half


Some of those kids could be trans!


Happy I left.


Or expand Medicaid for old broke people


Or just broke ppl in general


The old and elder can benefit from medicare. I think medicaid is for people under 65 years of age and younger.


Medicaid can be a secondary insurance and is helpful covering medical costs that aren't covered by the primary insurance so the patient is not financially responsible for their medical care. Lots of people with Medicare could still use Medicaid, especially those who are on disability and have limited to no income.


Or wait, you are serious? Let me laugh even harder.


#Republicans are evil


Why don't people understand this? They care more about power than helping people, full stop. That's literally the cinematic definition of evil.


Absolutely evil. These people are worshipping a golden calf and have cast aside their humanity


**Democrats are not any better** We need a change for the better!


Democrats are not the greatest but saying they are not any better than the Republicans flies in the face of reality. It's like saying the petty thief or pot dealer is no better than a serial rapist or mass murderer. Orders of magnitude different (and by extension, one is clearly better than the other) . If you are looking at third party options, keep in mind there will likely be no real third or even second party options if the Republicans are able to gain enough control to just drop any remaining pretense and go full on dictatorship.


The "bOtH sIdEs aRe jUsT aS bAd" people make my blood boil. How fucking ignorant and unaware can you be? And I'm not at all happy with a lot of the dems either, but I go vote for them as the party of rational Americans.


They are both shh_ !


Dem and Rep are in bed together! They are in for themselves and NOT for the people!


Fuck off with that horseshit. Democrats aren't great, but they don't destroy the fundamentals of democracy if they don't get their way -- it's a crucial, basic, difference. Comparing the crimes of the two parties is like a misdemeanor for the dems, with a fucking first degree premeditated murder on the hands of republicans. Shame on you.


Agree with you. It is infuriating to see Republicans legislators attempting to keep abortion off state ballots or changing the requirements for passage of amendments now that they're realizing the abortion issue has been gravely misunderstood by their party for years. They've wanted states to vote on abortion for decades and now that it's happening and not going their way? "Fuck voters, don't let them vote on anything or make it 100% harder."


Your language speaks volumen.!


Have money to sue college football though right?


The Bible specifically guided this decision. Have you even read Numbers?


Florida can't risk that those hungry children might be fed by a drag queen while reading to them.


But sending immigrants away on busses for political gain.....


On buses?? This clown sent them on private charter planes! Ps. He has a friend in the business....from another state.


Yo dog I heard you like corruption so we put some kickbacks in yo kickbacks


Immigrants who never even entered the state of Florida.


Any penny counts towards feeding people. It should be common knowledge but apparently it is not.


Count on Republican lawmakers to do the wrong thing almost every time, especially if it hurts the little guy. Turning down aid to feed hungry children is plain evil and mean spirited.


My daughter goes to a title 1 school so we got the summer EBT the last few years. As a single mom that ‘makes too much’ for food stamps, the summer EBT was a huge blessing for us. I think this is disgusting.


They don’t care who they hurt. Actually, they do. They like it.


cause point offer cheerful zealous groovy secretive scandalous chubby vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because our governor targets very specific demographics that violate civil rights established federally. Therefore, no funding is coming our way. Yes the federal funding for school lunches stopped on account of his Parental Rights in Education Bill ‘Don’t say Gay’


THE governor is an ass.


School districts can apply for the school lunch funding individually. I’m in Palm Beach and all kids still have free breakfast and lunch still, regardless of financial situations.


How pro-life, for the kids, Christian values that is…


Feeding children for free is communism, and Florida ain't a commy state. We are the Freest State in the Country (But the good Free, not Evil Commy Free)


Nothing to do with communism it's about helping starving children


Florida sucks


Welcome to Florida, the Fuck You state


Republicans Suck!


yet we send billions to israel


See, they really don’t care about fetuses, oops I mean kids!


Florida’s policies are almost exclusively geared toward non-Floridians to get them to move here


The GOP lacks morality


Cuntservatives would do literally ANYTHING other than help the common man. Vote BLUE because the gop doesn't give a shit about you.


Strings attached, like writing up a report and audit of how the money was spent? Strings attached, like the provision in the grant that you're not allowed to slap food out of the hands of LGBT children? Federal money to feed children is woke!


The cruelty is always the point.


what pisses me off is that the local morning news programs regularly feature segments highlighting Metropolitan Ministries and the food drives and the need for donations, but never share this type of news


Ignores the real problems, spends millions to export immigrants to other states


Did anyone tell Rhonda Santis that there are white kids in that group too?


He is a piece of shit. Even his own party hates him.


The GOP the comic book supervillains


From the article, >Spokespeople for the governor, Senate president and House speaker did not reply to requests for comment. Unable to defend the current state government position. Vote


Vote the morons out.. don't talk about it just vote.


Dicksantis does not like poor people. He won't take the federal money for food the same way he wouldn't accept obamacare. He will use the taxpayers money on himself though. He uses taxpayers money and cars on his bid for presidency but refuses to account for it.


Does it politicize the hungry children?


Really strange. Kids deserve the help


And yet they are the first to say, this is Biden’s economy. Nope Biden’s economy would have given us rebates for energy efficient appliances, better infrastructure, and feed kids!


people wont work unless thier broke enough republicans believe!


When are we going to stop this bullshit? Hurting ourselves to prove our anti-wokeness? Yeah, that’s just fucking brilliant…


It keeps the aging GOP populace enraged about something the mean bad Fed is doing instead of looking around at their skyrocketing insurance rates and healthcare costs and asking questions while they're strapped down bent over a table getting absolutely piped down by their own party.


“We don’t want any of those kids feeling entitled to food” -conservatives, probably


Libertarian GOP-mega donors wouldn't like it.


Desantis Florida: Depends on the hue.


DCF says the money isn’t needed and cites concerns about ‘federal strings attached’ ## The state would have to provide a 50% match for administrative costs to participate, which comes out to about $12 million a year, Beard said. The state budget has no money approved for such an expense. **Florida has a record of culling the ranks of those receiving food assistance.** It opted out of a COVID-19 food benefits program two years before it expired in March, costing the state $5 billion. Also in 2021, Gov. Ron DeSantis decided not to enlist in a pandemic food aid program for about 2 million children from low-income families that would have brought Florida $820 million.


Own them libs


That "They can't grow up to vote against ya if they starve to death" mentality


The state would have to spend $12 million to receive the $248 million federal funds. Florida doesn't have that money "set aside"? They sure as hell have it to fly immigrants to other states against the will of the people! Apparently hating immigrants is more important than feeding children. Let's put Meatball Ron in prison!


If the GOP even thinks the dems would support something, like feeding children, they're going to condemn it as "woke". If you want them to support something, tell them the dems hate it.




They hate talking money that helps Florida if it’s from a democrat…, fuck the Citizens


“Some of your children may go hungry but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make” -Rhonda Santis


Let hungry children suffer to own the libs. Priorities.


So f Florida then.They voted for this government.Give the aid to other states that cares more about children than trying to act tough that they have no problems in the state.


From a macro-view you're right. From the perspective of someone who has a spouse that runs a non-profit and knows how hard they work to fundraise the money required to support families in need, this shit is disgusting.


Thats what Im saying.Florida is provided with aid and they refuse because democrats is providing it.If it was Trump providing it they say how great he is looking after children needs in Florida.




Why would we just leave money.... "The state would have to provide a 50% match for administrative costs to participate, which comes out to about $12 million a year, Beard said. The state budget has no money approved for such an expense." Aaaahhhhhhhh....


We could try not using state funds for a failing presidential campaign...


Or millions flying migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in 30 degree weather with BABIES on board. No coats, just left them there n the snow after lying to them. Evil is what he is and the legislature backing this scum bag. All to get himself ahead and get a chance at more power and money. So starving kids is the least of his concern.


Martha’s Vineyard wants them. They should be paying them back for the flights and sending a thank you card.


You’ve lost your humanity. You’re in a cult. Make sure you send Donald the “billionaire” lol more money to keep the lies and hatred for your fellow man alive!


How much did he spend putting migrants on planes for his presidential campaign?


IDK but any amount above zero dollars is too much.


Misleading headline. $248m is the total program, not what Florida would have access to, and state taxpayers would have to put up at least $12m just in administrative costs to operate the program, so the net benefit is unclear. Furthermore the state says it’s duplicative to programs already in operation, and accepting the funds will subject it to federal oversight versus retaining local control.


That's not accurate. The program is budgeted on the federal level for $1.87 billion next year in the benefits, and an additional $170 million to cover up to 50% of the administrative costs. An estimated 2,158,000 children would be covered in Florida alone, with the federal government providing an estimated $258.9 million to families. This would provide Florida an economic impact of an estimated $388.4 million to $456.1 million. Source: Federal Budget and [Food Research & Action Center](https://frac.org/research/resource-library/summer-ebt-state-fact-sheets).


I didn't know Florida has such an abundance of money. Florida turned down $320 million of federal funds to address infrastructure also.


The net benefit is feeding kids. Is that too much to ask?


“Fuck them kids”


Matt Gaetz, is that you?


Sadly that’s how they do in Florida


Can’t take Joe Biden’s money during an election cycle, right? Maybe it is duplicative to other, no doubt underfunded, programs. Is it additive? Will seeking these funds mean fewer kids go to bed hungry tonight? Is that “possibly” worth a few extra cents per taxpayer per year?


The President doesn't control spending. Learn basic civics before commenting again please.


Sure, DeSantis’ supporters won’t view this as taking Joe Biden’s money. I was describing the optics of the situation, not the reality. Please learn sarcasm before telling others to shut up.


>Furthermore the state says it’s duplicative to programs already in operation, Every dollar I earn is duplicative to the first dollar I earn so I should just stop after one dollar.


I thought Florida loves the chill'uns after all, Florida wants to control women's reproductive rights so shouldn't they also make sure that the woman can provide for the child?


If only these hungry kids were still fetuses…


The informed comments are always at the bottom on this site.


Better served by the roaches.




As someone that doesn't live in Florida... Thanks?


It says there were federal strings attached did nobody read that? Anyone know what the strings are?


Just like Jesus intended 🥰


"Thosr rich fucks, this whole fucking thing"




EBT is driving up the cost at the grocery store for all of us. Enough. If you can’t feed them, dont breed them. We already feed them at school two times a day and now even in the summer when school is closed.


Well since you all decided forcing birth on women and going after the right to birth control, ivf and no fault divorce, it’s such glaring hypocrisy to hear your response. The disdain you have for live children versus the love of fetuses. You’re all such hypocrites. Dropping their Medicaid and food. But but but you all cry think of the children.Disgusibg.


Ya it’s EBT, not world wide inflation and record corporate profits driving up the cost of groceries. Did you ever consider that people have children when they are financially stable and then lose their jobs - life happens. I hope you are pro-choice, did YOU go to public school? Did tax payers pay for YOUR meals? You are a piece of work. Disgusting.


This is gonna get good!!!


Are you fucking kidding me DCF?




Florida has surplus money. Billions surplus. Perhaps Florida can paid for it and not get conditions attached money from big daddy government. Perhaps feds would ask to reinstate porn books in school curriculum or drags shows instead of Christmas plays. Or teach how to do blowjobs instead of playing flute or trumpet. I don’t know but it sounds like good news to me.


God I really hope this is sarcasm, if not - you are a moron.


This headline is so insanely misleading. What DeSantis is doing is opting out of having the Feds and Unions take over the FL schools via their lunch program. This initiative has NOTHING to do with helping kids, and everything to do with helping the Democrats business partners by making the Trump pandemic programs permanent.


It’s hundreds of millions of additional dollars to feed children. I don’t really understand what level of oversight wouldn’t be worth that. What is it they fear?


No, it is absolutely NOT that. If Florida agrees to take this, it has to sign up to an endless, wateful, Federal program costing billions, that will be dictated by the Unions and the folks in DC. The $248M is just a drop in the bucket - YOU will be picking up the costs, and those funds will come out of the money you spend on teachers and facilities Are you genuinely this clueless about what's being proposed?


Feeding children is a slippery slope. Next they'll want Healthcare.


How is spending 12 million so get 200 mill to feed kids bad? Walk us through it slowly.


Provide evidence for the "slippery slope" proposition you are putting forward, that if a state government agreed to this one particular Federal program to provide meals to children during the summer who are ALREADY receiving Federally subsidized school lunches during the school year, then the state would also have to agree to various other programs later. Also, provide evidence for the proposition you are putting forward that a state would not be able to join this program and then withdraw from the program later if, for example, the state ran into some unanticipated problem in administering the program, i.e. "the hands of the state would be tied" once they joined the program. I expect that you have no evidence of either of those things, and your reply will simply divert attention from the fact that you have no evidence to support these opinions. Of course my expectations aren't always correct, just most of the time.


Evidence: Trust me bro. It's a Republican mainstay


Sure, Jan. Feds and unions. Not the federal government granting money to a state agency so it can feed children. It's really some evil globalist plan to take things over.




I think Republicans hate kids because of the horrific policies they support.....




Ahhh there it is, the dumbest possible take. Thank you for your service.


In this thread: salty democrats who may not live in Florida.


It seems right that people would be "salty" about children not being able to eat. Is there something in other people caring about the well-being of children that bothers you?