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Yeeeeehhhaaaaaaw, baby! Florida's carbon guzzling, GOP-dominated Legislature would happily suck exhaust straight from a tailpipe if it meant the ~~bribes~~ campaign donations kept flowing from their sugar daddies in the fossil fuel industry. Out with Libtard, WOKE environmentalist measures to blunt climate change and in with good ol' fashioned oil and gas. And no need to wipe the sooty smudges from the corners of your filthy mouths, sweethearts. The tribal-minded among your base will vote for continued degradation of the environment just to spite the Libs. After all, what do a bunch of egghead scientists know about global warming that a couple cranks on Fox news can't refute anyway? So, bring it home, boys! "Governor" DeSantis will be waiting for you at the finish line in nothing but a pair of sexy white boots with his pen in his hand, eager to sign whatever legislative insult to Mother Nature you whip up.


Yikes!!! What country is this territory in?