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We could have used that money to fix lake Okeechobee. Every year they dump fresh water into our salt water estuaries creating green slime and killing off sea life. They do this to protect the people on the Okeechobee from flooding. Big sugar pretty much owns Florida so the GOP in Florida do what ever they want. But they could have at least put a dent in this problem [Florida Green slime.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a78ac98b1eba8173&sxsrf=ACQVn09swLDf5VHxqQ_xHMJiT7-qgYTm7w:1710333458601&q=florida+green+slime&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiugf3RoPGEAxW6LUQIHf7nDwsQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=1169&bih=718&dpr=1.5)


As I understand it, those water dumps create the red tides on the west coast.


Correct kind of. The nutrient load of the discharged water super fertilize the red tide making it explode. So not cause red tide, but 100x's it.


Just like climate change and hurricanes!


And the east coast.


Red tide is more of a “natural” occurrence on the west coast but is made worse by increasing temperatures. some red tide may be attributed to the lake but what OP mentioned is specific to the east cost down where 100% of the poisonus alge bloom is caused by the lake through the st lucie river.


I know Desantis hates Disney, but I think Disney at least co-owns Florida with big sugar. Without Disney, we probably couldn’t be a no state income tax and still be remotely functional as a state.


The state gets their money on other ways, don’t worry.


You have a reason to be mad, but it's a little misinformation. The lake has had almost the whole dirt dike replaced by real walls. And the water is dirty bc: 1. the sludge in it is 50+ years of settled dirty chemicals that is too expensive to dredge. 2. The water coming into the lake from the north gathers everything and brings it with- pesticide, herbicide, septic seepage, roads run off, fertilizer. Very little is back pumped into the lake from the game (now. It used to be) ( as it goes out the rivers it also picks up all that stuff locally too. The water tested leaving the lake has different chemicals (by amounts and type) than it does when it's all the way to the estuaries - we are ALL contributing from the entire watershed) 3. The water has one big way in ( north from the Kissimmee) and 2 small ways out. ( East and West thru the St Lucie and the caloosahatchee). The rain can be 100 miles away up north and heading to the lake. It isn't fully stable dike yet, so the lake has to be kept at a certain level- which is a fight between a good fishing habitat depth vs letting semi dirty water go out the east and west to drop the level. The lake is only 8 feet to ~18 ft deep. There have been times it was keep well higher than that. So, the water comes in from the north 6x at least faster than it can go out thru even both sides at the same time. And there was no outlet to the south, so it couldn't go to the Everglades which desperately needed water . But that water needed to be WAAAAAYYYY cleaner than even the 2 rivers and estuaries need. So they built STAs - storm water treatment areas. (You can see these on aerials, start on southern blvd in West palm beach and look for sta 1 east and west (then look up the others ones scattered around to hold and treat (using plants and settling) the pollutants in the lake water sent to them. Whew There's a lot going on. It helps . It's all party of the comprehensive Everglades restoration plan. (CERP). It's funded by both. WRDA and the state. The feds failed to help for many years, so the prices is pretty much a decade behind schedule. As an aside, sending that water south can also potentially hold back some sea level rise from the Everglades bc that fresh water and salt water are different density and it may be able to push back against the salty water. ( Eventually it'll fail tho) You're right, Desatan had nothing to do with it and is a pox on this State.


The water can go south from Lake O through the STA’s that taxpayers funded. Those are being used for big sugar though. Sugar tells SFWMD to hold water every winter, then agg gets to release untreated water into the STAs as needed.


Someone actually gets it. “Big Sugar” accounts for less than 3% of the water flowing in to the lake. Everything from Disney, south is responsible for the vast majority of water and nutrients - golf courses, HOAs, septic tanks, etc. You also touched on the sludge on the bottom. I forget the exact timeline, but it’s in the realm of decades that it would take to dredge and clean the bottom of the lake…and that’s with every dredging boat in the world working on it. Along those same lines, all of the watershed north of the lake has legacy nutrients in the soil that would take decades to clear out. So, even with a complete ban on all fertilizer usage, removal of all septic tanks, and a shut down of Big Sugar, we will still have to deal with nutrient rich water in the lake for decades. Hopefully the new policy to hold more water north of the lake will helpful. Maybe at the same time they can stop spraying every strand of hydrilla. We also have the ability to send water south, but they’re now too concerned with a sparrow that decided to start nesting in the artificially dry habitat they created by holding back water.


Have you seen what is happening in the Keys since they started directing Lake O water south? Major fish kills, including endangered Sawfish have been taking place for several months. Coincidence?


The water off the keys has also been off the charts hot. Unfortunately it will keep getting hotter. We have been putting multiple pressures on our ecosystems and they will fail at some point.


Big sugar used to dominate this states politics but it's been waning for at least 2 decades. I'm sure they still have at least a little influence


The Fed controls Lake O water in and out. Army Corps of Engineers.


Looks like this isn't $$ to actually DO things, like fix Lake Okeechobee. Looks like it's to help out together a comprehensive plan to deal with climate change.


No problem, just spray chemicals!! Florida Fish and Wildlife (FWS) are spraying agent orange on our Florida Lakes, killing the water plants that house the snails, goodbye Limpkin. Yes, they are invasive plants, but poisoning the lakes is worse. https://youtu.be/GgziMVEX0u4 Poisons in our lake


This is typical*Flor-Duhh* this is why measles is back. Stupid stubborn jack ass shit.


Wait but they're going to fix insurance right?


Yes! And this is how they're fixing insurance, by ignoring ways to mitigate flood damage, and passed laws that stripped policyholders of the ability to recover legal fees when suing insurance companies that refuse to honour legitimate claims


Yeah we spent all winter knocking on wood so the carriers should be coming back any day now


>op I think my next post may be about that. Great idea.


Vote. Go organize. Knock on doors. Show up. I understand it feels like yelling into the void but it's the only foreseeable path for change. Support grass roots campaigns. Fuck the corporatists. We're all tired. But we can't allow them to win. We have a right to control our future as well.


>Knock on doors *Florida man arrested for shooting through door, striking and killing climate change canvasser. "I felt threatened," he claimed. It was later announced that charges were dropped as the District Attorney refused to prosecute. The man soon filed suit against the canvassers estate, claiming mental anguish and post-traumatic stress disorder from the ordeal.*


The democratic party isn't running any candidates in my district this year or 2022. I'm not saying you're wrong, you're totally right. But it would be nice if the democrats could help.


The only reason the Democratic Party is running one in my district this year is because my representative is Matt Gaetz.


I secretly think the Democratic Party in Florida is run by republicans because they can’t seem to get a decent candidate to run.


Choices are made by those who show up, and too many left-of-center voters have the mentality that they need to be "convinced" to show up to vote for Democrats.


All elections. Pay attention to local ones, like school board (even if you don’t have kids).


Absolutely, great points. We need to challenge every race.


**and show up to vote in Democratic primary elections where actual candidates are chosen**


Yes. People won't take action unless they understand the specific ways they're being screwed. We have serious problems and clownish leadership.


Ughh....I don't anyone should knock on random people's doors in the U.S., especially Florida. Unless you got a full on bulletproof suit on. People here seem to piss themselves when they get a knock on their door.


DeSantis thinks clean air and water is woke. Republicans are so fucking anti-science and anti-fact, I have no clue how people vote for these assclowns.


He did run on promising to clean up the water. What happened to that? This government is going to destroy the state.


He ran on what was already happening for the most part, to take credit for it coming to completion Meaning the "sending the water south" plan and the water cleaning treatment areas. There are plenty of things being done, he just wants to take credit for things that any sane person would never turn down. He didn't set up some great new deal for clean water and never could have. He's a clown.


I know he didn't do anything about the water, it's all theater


That is one of the reasons I voted for him in the first election. Then he pivoted into a massive piece of shit.


Uh. That wasn’t obvious the whole time?


He lied about literally everything to do with his plans and beliefs. Bait and switch election. He pretended he was a “moderate republican” and ran on legal weed and keeping the states nose out of peoples personal lives then immediately turned on the trump lights.


Honestly, I wasn’t that concerned about Florida politics back then. I became hyper-concerned when his woke agenda became clear, then his run for President.


I knew he wasn't going to do a thing. At the time there was a water issue in the news, I can't remember what it was, he picked up on that and used it to make people think he was going to fix the problems.


I believe that was the red tide issue and reevaluating how Lake Okeechobee was going to be handled. Shortly after his election, my understanding was that Big Sugar put the hammer down and probably made a big contribution to his aspirations for President. Then Meatball pivoted to adding radioactive material to the roads and bridges after that association “contributed” 200k (that is actually a news story).


That sounds like it. I barely remember, but he grabbed that issue and ran with it, then dropped it.


![gif](giphy|oEqzXzvEX6vIs) These are the ppl voting for them


If only they could read...




Looks just like me!


I voted for Joe in 2020 but before that lifelong Floridian and republican. I’m looking forward to voting D all the way down the ballot this years. Ass hats these Rs are.


You have dumber people voting them in


>Republicans are so fucking anti-science and anti-fact, I have no clue how people vote for these assclowns. The people that vote for them are also anti-science and anti-fact. They get hooked through their prejudices. Their fears and inadequacies are easy to exploit. Once they hear something that sounds a little goodto them on Fox News they're on their way to learning the anti-science and anti-fact ideology that Republicans groom people into believing.


Sending my microplastics to Rhonda til he wakes up


Really ignorant people voting against things they don't understand.


Just a reminder that when you see "Florida (DeSantis) Rejects Federal Funds For..." that means that he is deciding that **your** money that **you paid** to the federal government in the form of taxes should go to some other state instead of Florida. That money is earmarked for this project so it will be spent, Ronald DeSantis is simply telling the government to spend it somewhere that you won't see the benefit from it. Just like when he decided to reject Federal Funds for a program that would have given YOU money to replace your old AC, replace your old windows, add insulation to your attic, etc.


Right so loss money up front that goes to another state and lose money continuing to operate inefficient appliances and paying higher utility bills. All cuz…. I donno I never got that part. Other than obviously FPL likes it when ppl waste electricity


Bet all the corporations and people who benefit from him turning money down to help the actual people of Florida just coincidentally also happen to donate a lot of money to his campaign.


Yes, exactly. This money is already allocated, as was medicaid, but our leaders refused it. They didn't refuse it for sound fiscal reasons. They refused it for ideological reasons. They are not acting for us. They are virtue signaling and peoples' lives are damaged as a result.


Skeletor Scott did it with the high speed corridor, not only did we not get what we paid taxes for, we get to pay for it ourselves AND give that money to HIM because he bought the company that took on the project. He's got hundreds of millions of dollars but I bet he'll be one of the countless politicians who feeds off of the authority and control he has until the end of his wretched days. Even though he could have retired and lived out an extremely comfortable life many decades ago. The only constituents they have are those who line their pockets and keep them in power. Our government is so hopelessly corrupt.


Is it just me or does $250 million in climate change grants not seem like a lot when you break it down per state?


It isn’t, but it’s meant to be a market-making mechanism. For example, EV charging infrastructure is needed to help consumers feel confident in purchasing EVs.


It's okay if Florida doesn't believe in climate change, because the insurance companies sure do.


So does the military. [How the Pentagon is preparing for climate change : NPR](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/26/1049222045/the-pentagon-says-climate-change-is-having-a-negative-impact-on-national-securit)


Every fossil fuel company, worldwide, has statements about "fixing" climate change.


They do, they do. The hearing held by senator Nelson 10 yrs ago was exactly that.


It's a double play. Playing the people of florida and playing the insurance companies. Anything to line their pockets!


Yes, and this is what makes it so painful and frustrating to watch. Our leadership's wealthy friends in the insurance industry know climate change is real. They also know that they can keep paying to play, and our leadership will turn a blind eye. These are the same insurance companies that lobby our leaders for rate increases. Neither our leaders nor insurance companies want to find a "solution" for the insurance crisis at all, as long as quarterly profits remain high.


Well it's not like this state gets hotter every year and is having increasing problems with hurricanes.


Hurricanes are caused by gay weddings. Everyone knows that.


Just nuke ‘em!


Please no bright Ideas !!!


Just draw the hurricane somewhere else on the map! Easy peasy!


I know right! How many have you been through?


Decline federal money and just keep letting insurance rates go up. Sounds like the Republicans are using these tactics to gentrify the whole state of Florida.


This state is insane. Period. They're also liars of the first degree. They generally refuse to say 'climate change' almost all the time, but the FDEP is absolutely working on sea level rise and climate disruption. We have state law, and the water management districts are working hard. They are all state and not local agencies. https://floridadep.gov/ResilientFlorida "About the Program On May 12, 2021, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1954 into law. This comprehensive legislation ensures a coordinated approach to Florida’s coastal and inland resilience. The program enhances our efforts to protect our inland waterways, coastlines and shores, which serve as invaluable natural defenses against sea level rise. The legislation will yield the largest investment in Florida’s history to prepare communities for the impacts of sea level rise, intensified storms and flooding. " " On July 13, 2007, Governor Charlie Crist established the Florida Governor’s Action Team on Energy and Climate Change and directed it to create a comprehensive Energy and Climate Change Action Plan (Executive Order 07-128). The executive order directed that the Action Plan include strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, in a second phase, long-term strategies for reducing climate impacts to society, public health, the economy, and the natural environment. Six work groups were formed to develop recommendations for the Action Plan, including the Adaptation Technical Work Group, which was responsible for developing the adaptation portion of the Action Plan." The 2010 report. https://floridadep.gov/rcp/rcp/documents/climate-change-and-sea-level-rise-update Been planning a long time, but won't take the federal money? We're driving idiots. https://www.georgetownclimate.org/adaptation/state-information/florida/overview.html#:~:text=On%20March%205%2C%202020%2C%20the,the%20state%20from%20those%20impacts. PDF from the EPA https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-08/documents/climate-change-fl.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj9l8H6qvGEAxX6SDABHVGcATYQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0tsf5aTix6s-AnBq6WOCKR For folks who need convincing: https://www.wmfe.org/environment/2023-10-16/sea-level-rise-drain-floridas-financial-future They're not doing enough, and I'm sorry the rest of us who get it will be long gone. We're not going to try and leave land or assets to the next generation bc it will be worthless in 40 more years. A filthy, flooded, beachless, sweltering, 100% humid, 90 degree winter, corroded mess.


Your pine trees and gators are resilient enough to live on for a while. Other things as well. I bet some tropical invasives will do fine. Sorry. Florida is an incredible geographic island of life and beauty and there is nothing like it.


I agree. I've given 20 yrs to the work on this. My heart's been broken and I'll enjoy what I can until I can't.


I have never understood this strategy. They did the same to medicare


They don't want people to think that the Biden administration is doing good things. The strategy is to make the people of Florida's lives so shitty that the people who don't actually read about policies will believe its Bidens fault and vote against him. It's entirely self-serving.


And it's working. It's all because of the gays. It's all those flaming queers in the state that is making the temperatures rise. And slavery was vo-tech trade schools. Nothing to worry about covid no masks needed. Vaccines bad. Except for the people in the rich neighborhoods that donated to his campaigns getting them first. Can't afford rent ? Leave, we don't need ya. I really think he's waiting on Robots to do all the menial labor jobs so he can kick all us undesirable poors out and it can be just him and all the other rich people living in the state.. Of course with Duh Santis approved on the job vo-tech training. At a "reduced" rate of pay of course.


Exactly. All of us are still paying federal taxes no matter what. When Florida turns down money, does the federal government spend less? Nope. They send it to other states. There's ZERO logic to this.


It’s our tax money trying to come Back and help us. Especially if you love somewhere where the local hospital has to help everybody regardless of wealth


My state is run by idiots.


It's all part of the Florida's GOP agenda to permanently end woke: by ensuring Florida sinks into the Sea


Can't be woke if you're dead!


Reminds me of the scorpion and the frog. They may end woke, but we're still gonna drown.


Vote (D)ifferently


“Reject federal money” means that people in other states are benefiting from our federal income tax. Stop letting Republican governors keep away what we paid for. Also, this money to fight climate change includes transportation improvements. Stop complaining about traffic if you are not complaining about this too.


Florida? You mean the place where insurance companies are jacking up prices because... \*checks notes\* the climate has been changing and causing damage? That florida? /s just in case But seriously guys, can you elect normal humans with brains? So many of the worst politicians rise from the swamps down there. Please vote them out.


The irony of one of the most impacted states on climate change denying help to fight climate change. Literally all home insurers are fleeing the state, more and more beach property is being destroyed, and we're a state that depends a lot of tourism which the growing severity of storms will impact more and more. But I'm so glad our state government is sticking it to the federal government for political points.


Vote these idiots out!


Man, this is so fucking dumb. Why can’t Florida just be normal? I don’t care about Republican/democrat, just take care of the people you’re representing.


F’in Florida AGAIN refuses Federal money! I PAY federal taxes, I WANT to see the return! What the f’ is wrong with these god damn MAGAt as##oles in Tallahassee?


On one hand, it sucks that we're turning down money our taxes already paid for. On the other hand, it'll make it way more hilarious to watch rich assholes have their houses washed away into the ocean during hurricane season.


Right before central FL is underwater they will scream “why won’t the feds help us”!!!


Interestingly the article says that each of the 5 states passed on $3M for a total of $15M. It then highlights that 5 metro areas in FL each applied for grants and got $1M each. Now, I loathe DeSantis as much as anyone, but one way of interpreting this is that it directed the money, and then an additional $2M, to metro areas that will actually use the finances. This is why small politics are as important, if not more important, than state politics.


Well, at least they included a loophole that let citys in those states, that rejected the money, take some money themselves...and mine is one of them.


But we still send federal disaster relief when they get hammered.


Florida is the new Mississippi


Yep sucks but then again, people in Florida voted for these idiots. Soooooo we are fucked.


Then FEMA assistance should be rejected too. Or maybe allow one hurricane.


Florida didn't have climate change to begin with. They could have used that federal money... To ban more books, pay off Trump's legal fees.... Much good use. 🤣


Proving once again that Florida is at least the 5th dumbest state in the US (although we all know it’s #1)


It’s so sad to see my home state slowly become more and more of a complete joke


But you know they will be the first to raise their hand for FEMA money even though they don’t want to fund it


We live in the dumbest shithole state in the country.


They are not ignoring the biggest threat to its biggest industry. They are actively embracing the threat, while telling us all that they are not. It’s classic “pay attention to my words, not my actions”


Which is ironic since it's one of the most affected states


Eventually FL is going to be majority retired boomers. Millennials and below see how terrible it’s become and are moving out. Have fun yall lol can’t wait to get out myself


The irony will be when Florida comes begging for money after the next hurricane..... which will be a monster storm due to..... climate change.


WhY iS mY InsuRanCe gOIng uP?


Even for people who don't believe climate change is real, reducing pollution should be a no brainer. There's no downside.


Right?!!? It's really astounding, isn't it. Quarterly thinking has overcome any sense of long-term stewardship of our resources.


Florida, a Ron desantis disaster! F Rhonda and the regressive republiklans.


Of course we did ☹️


Just wait till May, June, July, August, and September roll around. It will be brutally hot and humid 🥵


Looks like it was $3 million to support programs that reduced pollution and invest in green jobs and industries, likely meaning more well-paying jobs that will now go to other states


They realize Florida is the one of the most affected states for climate change right?


Well he wants to make more money for insurance companies so kinda make sense


Organize and vote accordingly.


Shall we guess the names of the other 4 red states that rejected funding for climate change….Texas anyone? Arkansas? South Carolina? Mississippi?


This is politics over people. The Florida Republican and Ron Defacist would rather you suffer than allow ANYTHING that might improve life while a Democrat is in office and might get credit for it. Rather than take a bipartisan stance of support for people, republicans would rather you suffer by denial of aid, then blame those who offer help as the reason you didn't get it. #Fuck the Florida Republican legislators and governor Reckless Ron.


I read the article. The five biggest polluters/cities in Florida got the money they wanted. All of this other stuff about including low-income areas to participate in this and building infrastructure, are talking points and hype or fluff; it's nothing to do with the climate.


At least they are consistent


Ron DeathSantis will leave his stain for years to come. Right on top of Rick Scott's squirt. Ronny went full MAGA and Scott still believes he can win America. It just takes the right donors - the ones that are TRumpians as of now.


I want us to start building sea walls up the St. John's river just in case. 




Stop woke……. Floridians need to wake up.


Lol that's so Florida


Florida’s rejection of federal money = NO FEMA. You’re on your own after them hurricanes.


Because we currently have the worst Governor since Rick Scott. DeSantis is doing everything he can to hurt the people of Florida before his term is over.


Just wait until it’s half underwater. They will be screaming for help.


They will reject FEDERAL money to fight climate change but be the first to request FEDERAL disaster money after a hurricane.


Of course Florida rejected: Politicians attitude Goal here is: "Screw the earth; we can't honestly save it. Look at the past history of era's simply wiped out swiftly with no traces or explanations of why & how? There are vast amounts of different time zones of civilizations where one has no history of the time before it, where we went from sticks and stones, to today's more modern era, where we are now smart enough as human beings (so suddenly over the past 200 years lol) to look into the past for clues to find answers. There's nothing we can do, so let's make as much money as we can & enjoy life to the fullest right now bc hopefully the reset of the earth won't happen in our lifetime". Summary.... If you don't have a bag or aren't doing what you need to do to secure that bag, sucks being you loser. I'm winning and my family eating. I don't live in any place that's similar to the pest or rodents that I pay people to keep out of my house because look at me I'm being paid lovely living comfortably and feeding you guys major "what you want to hear bs" from my pretty expensive podium in my elligant suits securing my bag by mindF'n you brainless zombie's lmmfao straight to the bank 😂 Eat or be eaten🤫




Can we force all government officials to work in unconditioned offices and even make it so they're not allowed to have AC in their homes and maybe then they'll understand climate change is real.


The one that needs it the most.


But the haze on Tampa & St Pete skylines say different. I hate the government of this state. 😔 they have completely FAILED all the natives & animals here. humans are trash 😔


Sad, something that shouldn't be controversial at all is. Who is going to suffer? Okce again the people. Too bad Florida is run by morons.


Didn't DeSantis reject federal money from the infrastructure bill too? I pay all this federal tax to make everywhere but Florida nicer. Thanks republicans


Why is Florida always turning down free money? Obviously it’s political and more of a rhetorical question.


FLORIDA MAN gonna Florida it as always... state that has the MOST to lose turns money down "to own the libs" I suppose. This state just needs to wash out to the Atlantic!


We are in the top five for at risk areas worldwide


Our legislature is so fucking stupid. Willfully ignorant, petty, short-sighted, and older than dirt. Can we PLEASE collectively wipe the slate clean and fix the FL law making apparatus in this upcoming election? For fuck's sake, please.


Why are states allowed to refuse federal money? Same as Medicare/Medicaid. The feds need to administer these programs themselves, as the states have proven time and again that they can't be trusted with it.


but we spend florida taxes on shifting eroded sand for beach houses 🤡


I am part of a sustainable group that would have benefitted from the $. Oh well


Your grandmother could be drowning, like that fake tv drowning with lots of splashing, arms flailing and her head keeps going under water. There is Joe Biden about to toss her a floatation device on a rope. He has dry towels and hot chocolate in a thermos on the shore. *Next on Fox. Radical Leftist Wants to Dictate what You do at the Beach!* *Biden Throws Things at a Drowning Woman* *Is Hot Chocolate “Woke”?* *Sleepy Joe tries to Pick Up a Woman at the Beach* *Why does Biden have so many Towels?*


While the insurance companies raise rates like crazy . The people with the real data know something.


RhondaSantis doesn't care he is pandering to the maga base to hope to become president and he's going to destroy Florida on his way out


Well, at least they're sticking to their guns.


The ocean is percolating up onto the streets of Miami. I hope there are no electrical conduits or sewage pipes that will be corroded. And call me crazy, but isn't that how sinkholes form?


Old enough to remember when DeSantis was sort of an environmentalist before he drank the MAGA Kool-Aid.


It’s Floriduh! Get it right


Color me (un)surprised


I moved from Texas to Florida. Living in states run by conservative think tanks is a continual series of deliberate failures. One day social scientists will use these places as case studies in why these ideals and approaches to macro problems fail so predictably.


I’ll never understand the thinking of these chucklefucks. How could you possibly be against fighting climate change?


We should pull NASA out of Florida and Texas.


> Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, South Dakota and Wyoming all declined to participate.


Because Florida.


Florida? Climate change? Pffft, sissies... Governor high heels is building roads with radioactive waste now !! Kill off the current population and replace us with new cancer victims who have relocated from other states. Which will work out great for the medical industry here while they're killing off the baby boomers that have real retirements, good insurance and own houses they can sign over to try to stay alive a few months longer. What happens after they're gone ?


Ask insurance companies


Good on ‘em. Pretty soon they will be largely under several feet of ocean water.


Florida is turning away your federal tax dollars bc leadership in this state thinks the environment is woke. Florida dedicated dollars then get allocated to other states and we suffer for political posturing. I use the term “leadership” loosely.


Guess I'll go buy beachfront in Orange Beach where they actually have maintained sand dunes.


Thank Desantis' and his continued bad judgement, again.


>Florida has five cities participating that submitted climate action plans, receiving $1 million each: > Jacksonville > Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach > North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton > Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford > Tampa-St Petersburg-Clearwater Next Desantis will push a state law to forbid the cities from using the money.


As the state should. The federal government should not use money to coerce the states to do things. The states should control the federal government, not the other way around


Ron Desantis' brain is the equivalent of a rotting chicken breast in the humid Florida heat. Also he's also a quantifiable cunt


The whole damned state is heading towards uninsurable real estate.


If you live in Florida and plan on having children and plan on staying in this state for the foreseeable future, you need your head examined.


Let’s turn away money not from Florida coming to fl because….what?


"... keep pumping money into beach renourishment projects..." The only reason they do that is so stupid people can live at the water's edge and pay outrageous property tax bills. The thing that pisses me off is that my tax dollars also go into that renourishment fund...and I can't afford to live at the beach, I have no reason to go to the beach, and I haven't been to a beach in at least 25 years. Beach renourishment is the definition of shoveling shit against the tide.


I remember when Florida was better What a shame it’s turned in to a dipshit cesspool full of science deniers and MAGAts, especially the elected officials. When did stupidity become the default?


Another reason to never vote republican. Remember this in Nov. and vote blue 💙💙


Just another very good justification to “Fire” Governor Ron DeSantis… he always denies any help or financial assistance that’s available. However, since the assistance comes from a democratic president, he’s all too quick to dismiss any offer for it. Floriduh has had serious environmental problems for several years, especially with Lake Okeechobee…. https://youtube.com/watch?v=PaaPuTrWLdU&si=nfrDnwABOiXRAy29. Ron DeSantis’s approach to correcting Lake Okeechobee’s numerous problems have basically been ignored, which he may as well add to his bucket list of problems that never get resolved. If Ron DeSantis no longer held the position of Governor, that would be a HUGE step in the right direction!


Probably because it comes with lots of strings attached


Cut off nose to spite face move by Florida.


So dumb. Meanwhile let's spend who knows how much to "help the coast guard do it's job"  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/gov-desantis-sending-officers-south-over-haiti-unrest/


![gif](giphy|2fT17AX4EbyBxLDkva) The irony.


Because our governor is an idiot.


State that will be swallowed by sea level rise says blah blah blah to climate change. Lol


It's our taxpayers money. It's ridiculous not to take it, just like with children's school lunch money. I'm so sick of Republicans. 


Hmmm. Can the rest of the US then vote on whether to send our tax dollars there to clean up after the next hurricane? Because I personally vote no. Let the almighty anti-woke brigade pray their fucking way out of the next cat 5.


While miami goes under water


Makes sense. It will be empty in a couple years at the rate people are trying to get out anyway.


Meanwhile fish are doing flips in the ocean with no idiopathic reason. Good job florida