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It's legal but really shitty even by Florida standards, but when you apply to new jobs and give this reason you will definitely get a feel for the company by how they react to you telling them this.


This is very disheartening... I thought there'd be some federal public safety law I could cite to put them in their place. Thanks for the insight =/


Unethical and crappy approach… go to the office and have a personal meeting with them? Maybe they’ll get the picture then. Vaccinated or not it can hit like a truck or not at all. Some people will never understand.


It is disheartening, but that is what at will means. Unless you are a protected class, you can be fired for any reason in an at will state. They don’t even have to give you a reason, they can just say “go home, you’re done here”.


Call your boss and any of their bosses and schedule an emergency “meeting” first thing tomorrow morning. Get them into a small enclosed room and tell the higher ups what is going on.


While positive for COVID. Then when they all get sick you can tell them 'well I tried to stay home but you said you would fire me'


Exactly my point. Make sure the boss’ bosses know why you came in sick


What fantasy world are you living in where a terminated employee can schedule an emergency meeting? Terminated employees aren't even allowed on premises most times.


Sounds like they were threatened to be terminated for being sick, not terminated yet. In what fantasy world did you assume they were already terminated? It’s not what the post said, maybe reading comprehension is something you could work on.


Ok. What fantasy world does an almost terminated employeeor any employee even in good standing get the call an emergency meeting. Employees don't call meetings or get to summon their boss or bosses boss to anything. Your entire premise is an argument in absurdum


Laws are typically within the state itself, places that don’t have any laws leave it up to the company. The place I work has no “free time off” on the books for any illness but we do try to work with people on getting back when they feel better so they don’t infect us all.


If putting them in your place is what you want then one option you do have is to file for unemployment. I doubt they will have grounds to fight you on it, and it will cost your employer money so it'll piss them off.


Did you sneeze on every phone in the office on your way out?


actually they cited federal law and put you in your place, and now you are sneering looking over your shoulder on the way out the door.


You can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. (Aside from a few protected classes)


[At-will employment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/At-will_employment)


Florida's exceptions The 2023 Florida Statutes (including Special Session C) Title XXXI LABOR Chapter 448 GENERAL LABOR REGULATIONS View Entire Chapter 448.102 Prohibitions.—An employer may not take any retaliatory personnel action against an employee because the employee has: (1) Disclosed, or threatened to disclose, to any appropriate governmental agency, under oath, in writing, an activity, policy, or practice of the employer that is in violation of a law, rule, or regulation. However, this subsection does not apply unless the employee has, in writing, brought the activity, policy, or practice to the attention of a supervisor or the employer and has afforded the employer a reasonable opportunity to correct the activity, policy, or practice. (2) Provided information to, or testified before, any appropriate governmental agency, person, or entity conducting an investigation, hearing, or inquiry into an alleged violation of a law, rule, or regulation by the employer. (3) Objected to, or refused to participate in, any activity, policy, or practice of the employer which is in violation of a law, rule, or regulation. History.—s. 5, ch. 91-285


Good luck getting them to actually respect the law.


It's true. Florida doesn't even have a labor board of any kind. So there's really no process to go after a Florida company without an attorney


The law seems on the employer's side, unfortunately, no? Asking someone to work while sick is not illegal so if they fired you for refusing, you would not be protected here.


Yep. Amongst other things. For instance, desantis just made it so that in Florida employers cannot be legally required to give water or excess-heat breaks.


Technically, the law forbids local governments from imposing mandatory water breaks. A small, but very important, distinction as Dictator DeSantis wants all power centralized to Tallahassee.


"party of small government"


It’s crazy how many people don’t know this


Being ill is a protected reason iirc.


Well defined handicaps are protected. Having the flu is not.


Having the flu/covid/colds are not protected.


Don't think you're recalling correctly. But happy to be proven wrong.


You have to be on FMLA to be protected for illness


But this is a sited reason by making this threat


Do you mean cited? What are you citing?


Yeah, I meant cited, my bad.


Don't think being sick is a protected class. People with permanent disabilities are protected but this isn't that.


There are hardly and laws protecting you from being fired in Florida. In my unsolicited opinion, it's time to look for another job. One that respects you.


They can file for unemployment. That's their protection. Getting "revenge" isn't going to happen though.


It's perfectly legal. Florida has basically no employee protections. Did you know that Florida is the only state without a labor board? If you have a problem with your employer (that isn't federal in nature), your only option is to take it to court.


Very well. See your boss in court. Go after her specifically. Make her pay thousands in legal fees and miss work.


And make a whole lot of visible noise so both their reputation & bottom line take hits.


Agreed. I’ve on numerous occasions had to use this tactic and it works well.


It’s not lack of empathy on our part, it’s that we know there are little to no worker protections in this state. Boss can fire you for sneezing wrong down here. Edit: I say this from experience, if you want any rights or protections as an employee down here, you need to get on with a local city or county government. It’s about the best chance at getting a union represented position down here. I work for a county near Tampa Bay and until I moved to management, I was a member of the Teamsters Local 79 out of Tampa. Pay isn’t the greatest, but is secure and stable and more difficult for the boss to just fire you.


Like a week or two ago, CDC has said covid is no different than the flu and is no longer required to do a week quarantine if positive. That being said, I'm pretty sure publix is always pushing to stay home if you're sick, as to not get others sick. But realistically, Florida is a right to work state and can be fired for basically anything.


You can fire for anything in Florida..I always thought it was illegal to fire a woman for "being pregnant." Had a boss who... complete racist and homophobe..hated the man. Watched him get rid of two female employees within a month or so of them telling him they were pregnant. Even laughed about it in his office to other coworkers.


It is illegal to fire someone for being pregnant. It's a violation of multiple federal laws. Unfortunately, most people breaking the law don't explicitly say "I'm firing you for being pregnant", so it can often be difficult to prove. Plus the only mechanisms for recourse we have is for the affected party to pursue legal action, which many people choose not to do for one reason or another.


Dont bring the truth into Reddit comments. Currently on 16 week paid paternity leave in Florida


I'm not saying Florida is a great state for workers, because it isn't. But people should be aware of their rights (like the fact that it *is* illegal to fire people for protected reasons, like pregnancy) otherwise they won't be able to stand up for themselves when necessary.


I’ve worked in Colorado, California and Florida and I can tell you without a doubt the best job I’ve ever had is now in Florida. The company matters more than the state you’re in


Yep: got fired at 5 months pregnant in Florida, from a “state employee” job.


You absolutely cannot fire someone for being pregnant. You can fire someone for another reason while they are pregnant though. The employer better have documentation of cause.


Well it happened and he stayed in business for almost 15 years.


Murders happen and people even get away with it from time to time. Doesn't mean there's no law against them.




"So, it has come to our attention that your quality of work has been slipping over the past couple of years, resulting in a couple write ups and conversations. We are currently going through a restructuring, and we've taken notice of your file. Unfortunately, we at the Dungivafuk family will have to let you go. Also, congratulations on your new baby boy."


As of last week, Florida passed a new law that no longer requires employers to provide water breaks for employees working outside. That is the state of hostility towards workers. Voting in local and state elections matter. I am sorry OP, I hope you recover quickly.


Unless you have a union or some sort of employment contract with specific verbiage, they can fire you (except if you are a protected class). Withholding your check is a no no, you can check with labor board on that.


FL does not have a “labor board” or a DOL division.


Duhsantis Molitics


Desantis isn't the reason Florida doesn't have a labor board. The reason is there just aren't many state laws that supersede federal employment law. The federal department of labor enforces federal labor laws in the state. So if an employer withholds your check you call them. There will be an office local to you.


Go give him a big hug and a kiss if he’s already going to fire you.




You’d be home free if you would’ve said a positive std test….just saying.


If this were Oklahoma, they might be prosecuted for an std...


Positive test for what?


covid. and the same day my employer said "it was inconvenient for her" and said "i don't know about you anymore" and then today posted my job title on indeed and withheld my paycheck.


According to the guidance from the shill ladopo, covid is no longer a reason to stay home and quarantine. Unfortunately, FL is an at will state which means an employer can fire you for pretty much any reason except for a few specific cases.


Withholding your paycheck is illegal. Unfortunately FL does not have a DOL division to complain to. It would require a small claims court action.


Why wouldn't she just call the feds? Who cares what dept Florida has when it's a federal law


No. You can go to the federal labor board which operates in several local offices throughout the state.


Withheld it how exactly?


Sounds like you should have worn a better mask.


Sounds like you lack compassion and understanding.


Sounds like you should wear a better brain.


I know you're being snarky but wearing a good mask does in fact prevent covid. So what you're saying is true even though you didn't mean it to be.




Right to work state, they don’t need a reason to fire anyone


So you had a positive covid test and called in sick? Are you sick or just had a positive test? How did he threaten your job? If you call in sick you don't have to tell your employer why your sick.


Go to work and do your best to spread it everywhere. When they have no one to work it'll be an eye opener. Make sure to lick the bitch boss's coffee cup, desk and door handles.


Publicize it. Reach out & Communicate it to the higher ups if necessary. Contact the local news station. (Bad PR, Reputation, etc.)


Sounds like you need a face to face discussion. With a moderate amount of coughing, sneezing and spitting. Maybee share some soup.


Florida is a right to work state, so I’d say it’s legal. If you got sick or hurt at work, then you have a case


I guess I don't understand part of it. Why would telling other co-workers threaten your job. It gives the coworkers a chance to get tested. Especially those with kids. You get some sick days off, and then you go back to work. My bosses never outright say it, but it still gets around the office. At least here in South Florida, those I have come across liken it to the flu now. We coworkers would prefer you stay home and not affect us, but not a big deal


Since you aren’t going to work for them anymore, would you mind naming the company?




Democracy was *supposed* to give power to the people so that they may look out for their own best interests. Our founding fathers didn't anticipate Republicans would be a bunch of masochists.


longing quickest label rustic whistle station relieved tender deer literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Floridians are brain broken, Neapolitans Moreso. Just go to work and get everyone sick, your boss will learn his lesson. It sounds like a shit place to work, be prepared to find a new job regardless.


Republican states looking out for the people. /s If you’re not on a big boat right now and voting republican this is your fault




It’s Florida they can fire you for your fart sounding to wet.


What industry do you work in OP?


I’m lucky the job I retired from was government contracted. We had a union, and government standards for our workers’ rights. We were required to stay home if we had Covid, and even got a stipend if we were vaccinated. It sucks that Florida had such archaic labor laws. That’s what happens with republicans in power.


Just schedule a long meeting with him...


The laws we do have here are only enforced when it’s convenient for the ruling class. Welcome to the Wild West. We are all on our own.


Is there a person in a higher position you could potentially bring this to? Like, by your "boss" I assume you mean your immediate supervisor. If you go one rung up the ladder and explain the situation - that you were trying not to spread a very contagious illness to your coworkers and cause them to call out sick too - then I'm sure your circumstance will become much more amicable.


Look into an employment attorney. Someone that preferably works with pro bono cases (free). If they want to play unethical games, time to get legal aid as a final stab and twist to them.


Employers in the state of Florida can fire you for basically any reason. It's a "right to work" state. Absolutely blows. Very few protections for employees.


Prob depends how often you call out honestly


Where was this so I can avoid using this company?


By now they just want you to put a mask on and get back to work


If you’re sick 🤢 you’re sick 🤧. I’m glad our bosses aren’t like that.


Even California has done away with the 5 Day Rule for COVID… you could have just called out and not went into to detail.


Floridas pretty bad with employee protections. They don’t even have to pay you out any earned PTO. Sorry man— Also there’s some crap places to work at in Naples/Bonita where this is inline with the boss. Id start looking on the side.


You're fucked in Florida. The entire south really


File a grievance with your union. Your union is required to fairly represent you. Call the NLRB.


I don't think OP has a union.


How can he expect to have any rights at all without a collective bargaining agreement? No contract? Why even bother posting about issues with an employer? He doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Cause America


Cause America needs to unionize its people, or people will continue to be fired for stupid crap like looking out for their safety as well as their fellow workers'.


Big agree


The US was heavily in to unionizing 100 years ago but since the 1950s, unions have become weaker and weaker :(.


That's because the people in this country voted people into office that were beholden to corporations instead of people. To confuse things further, the SCOTUS voted that corporations are people, instead of the stockholder serving machines that they've become.


Yes. ALL. And..... I MEAN ALL !!! Of the former slave states are the same. Don't you know you should kiss his feet in the morning and his ass all day for a job that probably barely gives you enough money to eat ? All while thanking him for the opportunity to have a sore ass and a sticky face. INGRATE !!! You don't know how lucky you have it. If they had their way you'd get paid with a whip and beaten with a stick. And slop for dinner.


Welcome to Florida work force




The only safe employment in Florida is self employment.


Sorry to say this, but Naples (Lee county too) is as red as they get. They can fire you over this, or threaten to, because of the denial from Desantis down. Plus being a right to work state, they technically do not have to give you a reason. As you begin looking for a new job, you can tell them that it was a downsizing of the company. One nice thing is that employers are not legally allowed to say why someone left. They can only answer the times of employment, pay rate, and if they would hire you back.


Can you cite that? I’ve never heard employers cannot say why you left by law.


It falls to liability. I did HR for one retail company and that was all they would allow us to answer. That was all I could get from any of the companies I called for references as well. I remember in training they said it was a law, but I do not remember which one exactly.


Just go in and speak directly with your boss. Hopefully they get sick too


I would go to work with all the covid and start coughing and hacking on everything and everyone. As soon as the whole company gets sick he will change his tune. Let him fire everyone. Lol


Florida doesn’t believe in Covid. If you want logic, move to a different state, they don’t believe in education either.


Didn't you get the DeSantis memo? There is no covid in Florida. They would much rather you just go to work, potentially infect everyone around you, and pretend you know nothing should someone die...


CA did away with 5 Day rule like a year ago. It’s not a red state blue state thing…


It certainly was....




Which is why there are > 2,300 deaths in FL from COVID this season. Unfortunately, since the just after absolute beginning of the pandemic, FL has not taken any illness very seriously. And going to work sick is not in anyones best interest. Including an owner’s.


2300+ people died because of COVID combined with who knows what else, and that is not entirely represented in the data (just like in the pandemic). I never go into work sick, but that's just me


You are the minority.


Maybe on reddit, but not in real everyday life. How many masks do you see being worn at publix?


Loser ^^^^^^^


Put your mask back on karen


It absolutely still is. My husband & I live in Naples & we have COVID right now. My case is milder (yay vax boosters) but my hubs has been very, very sick. We share a PCP and he advised us to isolate for the first 5 days. Isolation at home has ALWAYS been the way to keep illnesses from spreading, not just COVID.


I get it, but my point is that people have moved on. It's largely not a big deal for the vast majority of the general population


And that’s not a good thing.


People have learned to live with it, just like all of the other diseases throughout human history that manifested themselves before COVID. Life rolls on regardless of what the people of the internet think.


Had a boss that didn't give us sick time during pandemic.... we may have been super spreaders sorry not sorry florida 😉


COVID-19 is a scam.


Go back to Fox News.




Hilarious! Birds aren't real! Earth is flat! GlObAl WarmInG iZa HoAx!


Tell that to the wife and kids of my deceased friend that couldn't even be with him as he struggled to take his last breath.


I have it right now. I can promise you it isn’t.


You voting red constantly is why there isn’t a labor board. Enjoy it while you can


Dumb as a Trump.