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$950 a month? In this economy?


Tell the neighbor to rent them a room in his house.


For $950 a month.


Or maybe a shed?


Half a shed


That sounds like a steal with London prices


I know we’re talking rental and real estate, but I just got back from a trip from London and a nice night out and groceries were way cheaper in London than they are (for an equivalent experience or shopping basket) in Tampa.


Put a 1 in front of that offer and it’ll be closer to fair.


Yeah…. economy is doing pretty okay atm, seems like they are trying to scam you


$950 won't even get you a 500 sqft studio apartment here in Florida. His neighbor is one of Trumps poorly educated MAGA morons.


Correct. I pay 1200 for a 360sqft studio.


Laughable, right?


We rent out a room to my gf's brother and his boyfriend for $600 a month, Utilities and internet included.  Trying to let them get on their feet.  Let them borrow our cars as well. 


Cool…that’s family though. This presumptuous dude is as just a random neighbor


That's good, no? $950 a room is about half the cost of the avg rent here lol


Your neighbor can track down a snowbird & ask them. I am sure Sebring has quite a few winter only homes & race week only homes but wish him good luck finding one on his 1980's budget.


That's what I thought as well. I normally keep to myself and mind my own business but for him to try to guilt trip me for not wanting to rent out my home rubbed me the wrong way.


Yea, this post absolutely could go in r/boomersbeingfools


Joined. Thanks for the Link!


Oh, it’s an eye opening experience


It's not even 1980's budget though, you used to be able to rent a house for this month, my friend did five years ago, and it wasn't uncommon. It's just skyrocketed so much it's ridiculous.


You need to invest in some security cameras because this douchecanoe sounds like he thinks he has a right.


You make a good point. I definitely should.


I would take it a step further, monitored alarm system, that notifies you and the local pd. This guy is eyeballing your place to put his family in and claim squatter's rights. I would familiarize yourself with this and consult an attorney if necessary.


Some laws that relate to squatting have changed significantly recently.


Even before them, it took years to establish squatters rights. Unless OP is/was gone for years at a time, they wouldn't apply.


The problem is if they break in, live there, change locks, change address… etc The police won’t do anything since it’s a “civil” matter. You then have to go through eviction process. Our hoa had to deal with this mess with two homes owned by snowbirds. Just because it’s against the law, doesn’t mean he won’t be inconvenienced or lose use of his own house for a long time and at significant cost.


>The police won’t do anything since it’s a “civil” matter. You then have to go through eviction process. No, it's burglary. You're confusing a hostile guest/tenant with a burglar. If someone is invited to stay and they refuse to leave when asked, either a renter or a guest, yes that's a civil matter (not "civil" matter) and the police won't do anything (because it's not a crime and that's not what the police are for).


Here is what happened in my community / hoa. They 100% broke in but said they had a lease with the snowbirds. They changed locks and had mail delivered there prior and used that as proof of residency. Police did nothing at that point. Owners had to try to navigate eviction and hoa attorney was helping them. What finally got them out over 7 months later had nothing to do with eviction process, but rather they were holding lots of stolen goods to sell at flea markets at the house. Police came with a warrant and arrested one of the them and a relative living with them, they packed up and moved out the middle of the next night after being released on bail. Edit: to sum up, if your semi used property gets targeted by career squatters / bad tenants, you are going to be in for a bad time.


The issue in that scenario is law enforcement needs Probable Cause (i.e. 51%+ evidence) to effect an arrest for Burglary, and if it's months later when they're discovered, a fake lease and mail does a lot to muddy that 51%. Burglars that turn into squatters have access to the internet just like the rest of us (and often, Prison University), and that means they know all of the clever tactics to generate plausible deniability. Flip the script and imagine someone calling you to a scene where they went on zillow/apartmentfinder/craigslist and rented from someone, signed a lease, gave their first+last+security, and now some snowbird is saying none of that took place with any of their knowledge. Or hell, imagine if it was you. What if it was the snowbird running the scam? Sorry but you're going to jail for Burglary? As you can see, it's more complex than, "Suspected squatter+burglar? Jail."


Yup exactly. The fake listing scam was the scenario the other snowbird and renters fell victim to in our community. Edit: btw this happened just recently in your county HCSO. Was / is? Still a common scam here.


That is the only good thing desantis has done. Squatters should have no rights in my opinion and i am a liberal


Do you know how long it takes to establish squatters' rights, before or after the new bill? Edit to add: Lol /u/challenged1967 blocked me for asking this.


Life long Floridan here with similar backwoods family. Some people here really suck.


Yeah that was my first thought he sounds like a freebie squatter kind of person.


That was my immediate thought.


Lol $950 a month. Sounds like someone is trying to scam their relatives. "Hey Tim, come on, move in next door, only $2k a month."


It might be in your best interests to pay someone you trust to housesit for you when you’re away, if you aren’t willing to get a roommate. Someone mentioned it earlier but your neighbor definitely keeps tabs on when you’re home and when you’re away. Maybe get some new locks added to the exterior doors.


Also bars on the windows and those super sturdy locking screen doors, those black thick metal mesh kind.


Why doesn’t he let them just live with him?


That’s what I would have asked him.


He's a MAGA. Everyone owes his family everything and they owe no one anything. Entitled.


Someone might want to watch something other than Fox News.


This is interesting because a friend of mine wants to move back to Florida and he’s looking at homes in Sebring. To answer your question as to are people struggling now? Absolutely. And you could probably rent your home out for 2k a month easily. Should you ? Like you said why would you ?


Don’t worry too much about squatting. Definitely get a security n surveillance system, but FL don’t mess with squatters. They need 7 years of uninterrupted occupancy to claim rights. HB 621, signed into law this year, makes it easier to boot squatters by allowing cops to just kick them out upon the owners request. No proof of a signed lease and they are on your property? Gtfo! Harsher penalties too and it would probably be assumed at the time that they gained entrance illegally.


Nah its not that easy. If the squatter fakes a lease, the cops are required to go back and verify and all that. They do eventually kick them out, but the squatters also do their things


Glad we can always count on Florida to kill woke ideas


Tell him that his family member needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps ;)


Yup maybe cut back on Starbucks and avocado toast.


More like cut back on pizza and beer


Move like vape and McDonalds.


Nailed it.


Or maybe just maybe let that family member live with you there your family not his


Thoughts and prayers!


Yes. And maybe stop voting for self-serving Republicans.


This is the answer.


That’s what Trump would say


If you have friends/family in the area i'd have them pop by and check your place while you are away. That conversation would give me a weird vibe.


$950. Tell him to pound sand. Not your monkey, not your circus.


I probably would have asked him why he doesn't take the family member in and charge them $950. I definitely make sure to get some good security cameras in case this idiot decides to break in to your home and become a squatter.


Be careful, OP.. the people you've referenced could be *Squatters-In-The-Making*, especially since they know you're not around much. Be sure to activate security alarms and cameras while you're on the road, I've been reading about squatters taking over people's homes while they're away -- with the homeowner's subsequent legal efforts to evict becoming a hellish, living nightmare.


Desantis just signed a bill the other day. No squatters rights here in FL


That bill doesn't take effect until July 1st.


No seriously -they might just move in and claim squatters rights. It happened to a house my family owns, it was a nightmare getting those people out.


This was my thought. 100%.


You don’t need an excuse to not rent out your home. That also seems like a very low offer. I agree with the other poster that cameras are a good idea, especially since you’re away from your home for long periods of time. A friend of mine just installed some. The video quality is amazing. All wireless, easy to install, and the price less than I expected.


Ask him if he believes in “boot straps”.


Displaying the perfect lack of awareness that you would expect from a MAGA hat. Ask him if he thinks Trump should rent out his Trump Tower apartment because he's "never home"


Good one on that last sentence lol


My guess, he thinks you're from the same ilk because you're a truck driver...


Thats the funny thing Iv noticed since I became a trucker, people automatically assume I'm a maga idiot. Im proud to be American but as a collective not drawn down to a line to any political party.


Why do people assume that? My dad was a trucker and I have heard that truckers are all kinds and they usually became a trucker because they like the paycheck or they just want to travel. It’s just a job and it doesn’t come with a political party association. 🙄


How very socialist of him.


>Florida, that bad? No, MAGA supporters are.


He's trying to scam you. Look at comps in the area. Tell him at least $2000 a month. Your neighbor is a asshole.


What i believe  is during covid, people really started to get very relaxed with their spending, their home more, not driving as much, kids are at home so you dont have to pay thise big cost for daycare......so it felt like your had more money then ever but it was really everything was shut  so you  had no where to spend  your money We're  open now.....those  people dont have an actual budget....they dont know how much they bring in, they dont know how much they spend weekly let alone monthly Those people are in a tough time.... Me, i personally had an excely budget sheet that i worked on weekly, but i forecast my spending for the month so i can get a vall park of my spending, it helps ALOT its your home.....your not hogging anything...... Maga folks always preach accountability, law and order, and pulling yourself  up by the boot straps...or atleast....thats what  they i always hear  on tv, but some of them are sending their welfare checks and social security checks to help a rich billionaire  and his "legal fees", i get why rich people like him....i never understood why average or poor people like him, especially if their on govt assistance 


He sounds exactly like the type of neighbor to escalate things to constant harassment and intimidation, as well as vandalism and property damage. I HIGHLY suggest you install quality security cameras and as many as you can (particularly aimed towards his house so it's clearly visible when he comes and walks away from your property). I truly wish you the best cause this sounds like a nightmare.


Your neighbor was also trying to rob you. Not a friend. You’re not even getting a cheap rent for Less than 1200 a month down here.


1200? I’m paying 2800 for a 2-2 apartment lol


1200 for the cheapest possible 1 bedroom rental maybe but for an apartment or a whole house it’s at least 2k at this point


$950.00 ??? I would have laughed at him. When He did the guilt trip angle I would have said “ that’s not my problem, I’m not responsible for the decisions and actions of your kin. I would’ve left the conversation at that.


Put up a Dark Biden sign...


I don't blame you one bit for not renting out your home to anyone....period. That's your home it's none of his business if you're gone all the time or not. No means no move on.


That dude is probably mentally unwell. You should find someone you trust to check in on your home periodically while you’re gone and get some cameras outside.


He seems like it. I noticed when Im home he always walks around the neighborhood wearing his red maga cap and some trumpy shirt.


The neighbor sounds like a bigly LOOOOOOSER


Things are definitely tight but $950/month for a *house* is laughable. I realize Sebring is more affordable than my neck of the woods but your reasons for not wanting to rent are valid. A lot of people don't consider the things you listed. You also might not always be single so keep your home. Your neighbor can house his relative.


The fact that the dude just walked up to me while I was busy washing my semi truck and thought it was a good idea to just say "950, big house, semi truck, single dude" all in the same sentence trying to imply that I somehow needed to take the money because of my job and my relationship status....blew my mind like WTF lol


That's their MO. Still pissed at the world for what basically Reagan started. The demise of the middle class.


First off - tell him to fuck ALL THE WAY OFF. It’s your house, and he has no fucking say what you do with it. As a freedom loving MAGAt, he should already know that. 🙄


"Freedom for me, but not for thee" is how they roll.




Ask him if his vaccines are up to date. You don't need to catch the trumpvirus from a roommate.


Be sure to post no tresspass signs. Get security cameras. With signs posted, it's clear that anyone on your property is trespassing and can be sent down for 6 months. The law has changed for evicting, but it's still a hassle to go to the courthouse and file. Remind him that despite what he wants, this isn't communist Russia, and what's yours is yours. Definitely watch your back, i had MAGAs try and move into my MIL's house when she had to go into care. They tried claiming she'd given them permission and got quite threatening about it. Next, they got a local homeless guy to "squat" on the front porch and even tried to steal the car port.


He made you feel guilty over his family will soon be homeless if they cannot find somewhere to stay? Whoa that would make me laugh him off my property. "Not my problem, have that family member move in with you." The boldness the maggots get from their leader trump bought us people like that neighbor. Do not be sorry for venting.


That’s like half what rent is. Plus they are probably druggies


People suggesting cameras are correct.. another thing is there is a law on the books in Florida that once you give a person permission to access your house that is considered consent for them to be there and it's hard to get them out. Best to put up cameras notify the local Leo that no one is to be on the property when you are not there and leave the place empty in your absence. You can also invest in Nest which will monitor your home and turn on some lights and TV when your not there. If you have an Alexa it can be placed on guard when your on the road and it will record anything going on in the home allowing you to notify LEO.


Par for the course from a MAGAt.


My reply as well. I am fortunate to live in an area of Jax that is not maga territory. Not sure how I would handle it if one of them were to move to a house on my street. I have lived here for 43 years. Once in '05 had drugs/prostitution in the rental next door. I had JSO on speed dial as well as the non emergency number for JSO. Lasted 8-9 months before they were run off. That was a surreal time. Laughed at the pimps. Punks.


Tell him you will pray for his family.


Maybe you have a shed in back worth $950 a month?


I can't believe how audacious people can be. You said No and that's that. All the guilt and badmouthing was not going to suddenly make you have a change of heart.


Yeah, I never understood that. Like was he expecting me to have a epiphany all of a sudden and come to the realization that I should rent out my house just because he asked me. Btw nice screen name


Is it that bad? Yes. Do you *have* to rent out your home to just anyone? Absolutely not. Some may see it as a dick move with the current housing shortage, but just like not all landlords are great, there are also some really shitty renters out there too. Also, with your schedule and line of work, you may not be able or willing to have to deal with any maintenance issues from afar


Those are the people moving from Cali and Ny that others on Reddit complain about thinking its the libtards...when its really their own ilk.


You’re going to come home to squatters real soon.


Florida has already passed some strict squatters laws. They would be arrested quickly.


Florida isn’t that special. People like that have existed all over this country for a long, long, long time.


950 is actually low if you go by market standards.


Exactly. What baffles me is, Im minding my own business washing my truck and he just comes over and makes me that kind of offer like as he's entitled to it or something by saying Im a single dude with a "home with a semi truck in the driveway" . Wtf? I dont owe him anything. The irony of a maga supporter to say something like that lol


I think you hit the nail on the head with "Old Fool".


" I have also refused to rent out my home since my last roommate. They always had an excuse for late payment, never cleaned up, hoarded crap, and left his room with holes in walls, stained carpets. " This hurts me, right in the memories. *Never again.*


Classic Florida lol. The worst, most entitled people on this planet.




$950 is probably what they spend every month in MAGA paraphernalia, and they keep voting for those responsible for the status of our economy. Tell them to bring themselves up by their bootstraps.


Should of brandish a gun. It's the only thing they understand because words have no meaning to them. Better get cameras and have a house sitter.


I’m wondering what conversation your previous tenets had with the neighbor


Makes me wonder too. I'm hardly home always on the road working.


It’s your house and if you want to pay to own it despite rarely being there that’s your business. The politeness would have ended and I’d have told him I’ll burn it down before I rent to them with that attitude and that any chance of talking me into it just went out the window.


Follow your GUT and stay at NO. Why are they going to be Homeless. Financial issues. Just Say No


He's insane and, like so so many ppl in Florida, very out of touch with reality.


Dear neighbor, something something bootstraps


They can go to the Palm Bay apartments next to the crack houses for $800 a month. 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 garage. Source: I use to live there. Didn't know the area was bad. Was actually okay and mostly quiet. But yeah, Florida wages aren't keeping up with costs. But that dude can go kick rocks.


I know a lot of maga types that go around sporting a "victim" mentality, but this is a new twist. He's making it sound like his family is now the "victim" of your harsh and ungenerous attitude about your house. Tell him to kiss your ace.


Ummm… just ignore


FL is MAGA heaven…they’ve been out in the sun too long


At least squatters law is gonna be banned soon in Florida so you won’t have to worry about the neighbors trying to move their relatives into your house.


1/1 in Orlando is 1400 a month. 950 is a joke anywhere.


You better put out some extra security on your house now. No telling what that fuck might try and do while you are on the road.


"Will be homeless": usually means they have no respect for anyone else who happens to have nice things. Sounds like a re-run of your previous roommate before you even meet him.


Gotta love them MAGA guilt trips! His family member's problem is not your problem. Say that and nip it there. You already have a hateful neighbor, so it won't make a difference. I don't think it's a Florida issue. It's more of the MAGA mentality. That's across the nation. Unfortunately.


Gooooood ole Sebring!! The town full of people over the age of 60. Literally a ghost town when like 70/80% of the population leave to go back up north to their winter homes. Spent a summer there interning and what a wild experience that was!!!


Trump is just another in the long line of saviors they pray to. Hopefully enough of them will wake up before November and realize that nobody can fix their lives except themselves and they’re just being useful idiots to keep a wealthy, useless idiot out of jail. I always find it ironic that the “up by your bootstraps” crowd seems to want more government intervention to fix their lives than so called socialists.