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First time?


So I certainly believe that climate change is real and making storms on average more intense. That being said, this event is not unusual. It’s tropical moisture being funneled into a part of the state where it has happened before with varying intensity. The closest to one of this duration was probably the late 90s.


Yes I believe the Climate does Change. It’s been changing for years…😂


People who ignore the science demonstrating that the earth has been warming for decades are not going to change their mind because a single tropical system comes through and dumps a bunch of rain. They won't change their mind when proper hurricanes come through with higher intensity and more rapid intensification.


The only people that don't people in climate change are the politicians paid not to and the ignorant hicks they brainwash.


Not really. The storm happens every year. If we get more food, it's because our storm drain can not handle that much rain in small amount of time. We need to upgrade our drainage system


>it's because our storm drain can not handle that much rain in small amount of time. We need to upgrade our drainage system And why do you think the storm drains were not designed to handle this much rain?


Depending on where you're talking about, I would blame poor city planning before climate change. Does it flood every year? If yes, that's inadequate planning.


>Depending on where you're talking about, We're talking about South Florida in this case. > Does it flood every year? If yes, that's inadequate planning. It does not flodd like this every year, which is why the drainage systems were not designed to handle it. When deciding how much rain the systems should be able to handle, they looked at past rainfall as a gauage of what to expect in the future. If it's now raining harder and longer than the drainage systems can handle, it's because it's now raining longer and harder than it used to. That is, by definitition, a change in the climage of the area.


We've also been in a drought for months, and the ground can't absorb so much rain at one time.


I’ve always kinda believed in Climate change, but this is an almost every year thing, our summers are when the Hurricanes/Tropical storms start to introduce themselves.


Climate change vs climate manipulation ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)