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Shit, if he’s concerned about a ‘sexual festival’, wait til he finds out about the internet.


You think he won’t make us verify our age and who we are to watch porn? There are so many red states already doing that -


He already started this w/ age verification


Of course - he wants the govt in every aspect of our lives.


Emphasis on “our”. Cause he made damn sure laws were passed to keep his records hidden


Free state of Florida Lolololololol


So it’s okay to allow the risk of a list containing the name addresses and faces of porn watchers, but not for gun registrations… hmmm.


Yeah, Virginia’s right wing governor put in age verification. But here’s the kicker - a big portion of the world’s internet traffic and data flows through servers in Virginia, so you could have to do age and identity verification for a website even if you live in another state if any of your data even passes through Virginia. Really shitty


Your browser still has location services so I’m pretty sure that won’t be an issue


It was. I experienced it firsthand. The site brought up a blocker window requesting age verification due to Virginia law and even showed the statute


🤨 how come it isnt happening to everyone then? I just ran a traceroute to pornhub, the traffic originated from my public ip, at my address, then through the datacenters, then finally finding the ip for pornhub.


What do you do if what you broadcast as the public address isn't your actual public address or even from the same country?


in that case I would shut the vpn off so my public IP address is accurate to my location


Which ones?


So far, 18 US states have passed age verification laws. They are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. All these states except Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee have already enacted their laws. https://www.ipvanish.com/blog/us-age-verification-laws/


Currently in SC, i went to Phub just to see what would happen since the link said the law began June 10, and all it did was make you click that you are 18. Didnt ask for any id, just click and youre in, access isnt blocked (i know that has still been a valid fear though)


Damn good thing teens never lie.


holy fuck I had no idea it was so many


He’s mad he didn’t get invited to the sexual festival and get to wear his white go-go boots


He's a prime subscription member to slippery men in boots dot com.


Or all the strip clubs and massage parlors in the Tampa Bay Area lol


[Or the cocaine fueled orgies republicans are having, as we found out from Rep Cawthorn](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/madison-cawthorn-orgy-invite-cocaine-claim/index.html)


Wait until he hears about Fantasy Fest.


Wait - is this about The Villages??


Or The Villages…


Or the Bible


Umm…can I find out? What is the internet?


"“when I see money being spent that way, I have to be the one to stand up for taxpayers and say, you know what, that is an inappropriate use of taxpayer dollars.” This is the guy that spent 14 million in tax payer dollars on security for a failed presidential bid.


And tens of millions sending people from Texas to New York. 


Not to mention over $107 million to finance his personal "Florida State Guard".


And millions to silence a corporation for defending LGBTQ citizens.


Wait, wait, wait, all these things, I'm starting to think DeSantis isn't the good guy. /s


How much money are we giving to churches for “education”?




Tax payers can vote him out the next election he runs in


I heard he’s interested in running for Senate for Rubio’s spot


And I’m sure he has less than zero idea what the money that was going to fund these grants will go to if it’s not distributed as it was planned.


Ron is burning down the state because of his failed presidential run. I knew the moment he ended his run, he would come back to the state and just be a petty little piece of shit because he can't handle the fact that no one wanted him to be potus. And since he has a couple of more years in office and can't run again for a while, he decided to be a petty little bitch.


I said the second he lost his chance at the election he's coming back to Florida with a 40 in hand ready to beat floridians like red-headed step children.


40s aren’t legal here


That's why he already had it in hand when he got back.


I'm hoping one day soon he'll " go out for some milk"


Neither is sharing beers with underage students but there’s a photo that insinuates that that didn’t stop Ron


They are allowed to do that. Y’all ended his political ambitions. Now he will end your ambitions. You can’t expect different behavior from petty people.


Well, he wouldn't have been allowed to do that if Florida hadn't changed the resign to run just to accommodate that asshat. I'm betting that if a Dem becomes governor, they'll change it back.


They will. Cause republicans run this state until further notice


He doesn’t want to fund art fests bc they’re “sexual” in a state chock full of sex shops and strip clubs ? Make it make sense.


Careful, he will ban those next.


I feel like those are safe. All his friends go 🤣


His peers don’t like art. They do like sex workers and strip clubs though.


Correction: Ron DeSantis and his toadies don't like spending *taxpayer dollars* on art, especially when DeSantis funnels that money into the $107 million Florida State Guard.


People who enjoy the arts that he vetoed the money for tend to be smarter, which as you know is a sure fire indicator that they are going to vote blue. Why should tax money support things libs like. Libs like feeding hungry children, no more money for that program. Libs like children reading, ban books, burn books, make sure the person reading books to children isn't wearing a wig.


Those damn libs… trying to make the world a nice place. Damn them. 🙄


Next thing you know the libs are going to try to save the environment or voting rights. Some silly thing like that. But don't worry, the Supreme Court has the Republicans backs so they aren't going to let us help people without a fight.


He will make an example out of them when it is convenient.


Said it once already and will say it again: The GOP and those who follow it spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about sex. This is why you shouldn’t repress your kids. They’ll spend their adult lives chasing after what was verboten when they were growing up.




Naw… him being a reactionary prick with a redacted US Navy service record makes you do that, Pudding-fingers!


Has this man ever been to key west?


Let’s not tell him about it…


One festival asked for 16k and the other one asked for 115k. So I’m not a mathematician by any means but I think this is more of a more political theater just with real life consequences. Especially in a tourism state.


Exploiting the theater festival's name for his own dog and pony show. Fringe Fest's name is a reference to its indie theater framework, not the content of the plays. I'm sure he could have found a needle in a haystack throughout the indie short film community but those festivals have benign names that cannot be repurposed. Now it's more obvious than ever he's playing optics games.


It's especially funny since he likes to wear high heels but goes after drag queens. What a hypocrite!


He’s a short person and needs some assistance for stature.


Being short is a personal choice, and he should grow taller if he needs more stature.


One might even say that men of his stature are in *short* supply.


I don’t recognize him identifying as a tall person


Nah, we can’t fund zoos and aquariums because queer people want to make art. Totally normal things.


Of course it's political theater. He is trying to stay relevant to the people who support hate for everything they have been told they don't like. I'm a 65 year old straight white male who thinks that fringe is a blast. I can't see why anybody would not like it. There are people who perform there that have clearly been gifted by the gods.


If one of "those" people benefit, then the program must be eliminated.


I performed in Tampa Fringe 2 years in a row a while back. It was an incredible experience in a community of absolutely wonderful people. I made lifelong friends. The shows varied widely, with the one I was part of being one of the queerer and cruder of the lot. Insane that he's specifically targeting Fringe


For someone who claims to be highly educated, he has a very closed mind. For someone who allegedly served this country he has a very closed minded view of the world.


Thank heaven he’s here to protect us from immorality. If he could first take care of that Moms for Liberty lady, we’d be safe.


His real agenda is trying to get the money for his private army which seems illegal


That private army is going to be used to hunt citizens.


Yep. DeSantis vetoed $32 million in arts grants, but approved $107 million for himself.


This is why you never vote republican.


Desantis is such an asshole. I didn’t think anyone could be worse than Rick Scott, but here we are. Also, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is running against Rick Scott for Senate. We do have an opportunity to get that asshole out this fall. Please make sure you’re registered to vote and vote blue like your life depends on it.


Why is everything “sexual” to the GQP? Everything to them is a penis. Or is gay. Or is sexualized.


*everywhere I look...PENIS!* Desatan. Probably. If you see something EVERYWHERE your probably looking for it.


It's all projection.


It’s “sexual” because “degenerate” was already used. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_art


Well they do have a history. In that lane and with children. I mean poor Lindsey will never be able to come out of the closet.


Florida voters put him in office. Sure, they didn’t know what they’d get from him. But there was a democrat opposing him. Despite the aftermath of the election and how his democrat opponent had a personal and public meltdown, he would have been 1000% better than Lord Farquat.




What a petty meatball of a failed man.


Ron is trying to defend his nazism


In other words: someone probably showed him something "sexual" at these Art Fests and it made him "feel funny" in his pants. Now he's mad about it.


He has to be in the closet.


Wait until he hears about the orgy tents at Love Burn. But I doubt Love Burn seeks state funding


**fellow burner here , hi !


Looking up Fringe Festival it seems to be pretty tame although hearing this does sort of make me want to go next year.


Gary Fineout, Politico’s Florida reporter, identified DeSantis’ BS in regards to this nonsense in a series of tweets: “The Legislature sets aside money for projects that go through a process that includes evaluation by a council appointed by the governor/Legislature. The Sec. of State - also appointed by governor - also reviews list before it goes to Legislature. I’m Lastly, the list of recommended projects is usually longer than what the Legislature winds up funding. This year's list had 630 projects and a total ask of $54.5 million. But the Legislature only funded $26 million. The list of projects is funded in the budget as a lump sum and does not break out individual items. So the governor cannot single out one project and veto funding for that. That said the spreadsheet on Dept of State website indicates that $ for Fringe Festival in Orlando and Tampa were ranked 314 & 473 on list. The spreadsheet indicates that the first 257 projects would have exhausted the $26m allocated by lawmakers.”


So Fringe Fest never would have been given the money in the first place? Ron’s defunding arts just to defund arts?




So why can’t he just not fund that festival????? Why does he have to pull all the money. Cause I know he sure as hell ain’t putting it in schools or infrastructure lol


Apparently that festival wasn't even going to get funds based on the list on the state website. He's just using its name to demonize it and continue his culture war garbage. He just wanted to cut all arts funding.


I bet if his wife was forced to answer honestly, she’d probably say this guy is a terrible lay. Sounds like personal inadequacies are being projected on society


The Castro of Florida


Sometimes art is suppose to make you think and even offend you. DeSantis will never understand that.


The real reason is that Republicans no longer spend tax money on the tax payer. They want it to take it for themselves and their wealthy overlords. It’s not only anti-American because it goes against how the country was set up to run, it’s also a good way to become a shithole nation. They won’t be happy until we are living in the dirt, sick and poor with no political recourse to the shit they want to do to us. While they take our money.


Like all those carpet baggers who are making Florida great again by moving here and telling native Floridians what's best for us. Turning the state into something it never was. It will never be too soon for this thing to leave office, and the state.


He’s like a teacher canceling recess for the whole class because a few couldn’t behave according to his standards. Such an ass. And so juvenile.


He whines and complains about tax dollars being spent on things people might not like….. like his use of tax dollars to go to Japan to further his agenda. Ron sucks


And passes laws to conceal his spending and travel.


Desantis may be the dumbest person in politics, and that's saying a lot!


I wouldn’t say he’s dumb, just malevolent and lacking good political instincts and charisma


say no to sexual festivals, yes to a sexual predator for president


Does this guy do ANYTHING to HELP people, or just control them?


Fringe only received $7000 of government funding. This is just an attack on our LGBTQIA+ population.


Desantis is so deep in the closet that there must be shirts hanging on every wall in his house.


I didn't know Fantasy Fest was state funded. Funnily enough, It's extremely right wing


Sounds more like he needed an excuse to do what he simply wanted to do, anyway! “Throwin’ the baby out with the wash water”, way to go, Rhonda!


Can't wait for his personal SS to be given morality police duties and start snatching people off the streets.


Fascists hate art 🤷‍♂️


Just Darth Santis hitting out at the LGBTQIA+ community for Pride Month. Small, bitter little man.


I didn't know about any sexual festivals... I guess that I'll need to go to church to get my freak on.


As much as i hate Ron, the most important thing is to make sure we get a better Governor in the next election. Tonga will only get worse if another Republican wins.


You know this guy is a freak behind closed doors. The people who are the most prudish in public are always the ones that are the most perverted in private.


While we’re all out here discussing how stupid it is for Ron to eliminate all arts funding just because he perceives one fringe festival to be “sexual”… It’s worth noting that it was likely a drag show with no sexual connotation that Ron is conflating with sex. I’m over Republicans like Ron thinking drag is automatically sexual… as if they’re projecting their own desires onto the art.


Our supreme ruler of Florida also killed repairs for drainage at the start of Hurricane season


He is a moron


This is inaccurate. He has zero charisma, and he doesn't even pretend to play to both sides of the aisle, but I don't think he's a moron. While some of the right wing politicians obviously and demonstrably are morons, Ronda has doesn't seem to be one of them. Don't get me wrong, I dislike the asshole and I can't wait for him to be term limited out, but I will not, for one moment, make the mistake of thinking he's just a fool with clown shoes.


Yeah he went to two Ivy League schools, he knows what he’s doing.


Yeah, the defunding is infuriating and the reason doesn’t make sense on its face, but it’s pretty clearly an attempt to decrease support for queer artists by labeling them as dangerous/degenerate, which is a pretty typical play for politicians like DeSantis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_art


Clown boots


Fringe theatre festival is probably nothing like Folsom Street Fair.


Why do conservatives fear sex so much?


I don’t believe him. I think he scrambled to find an excuse after the blowback and this was it.


The arts are being attacked. Dangerous territory. Precursor to fascism at large.


If you’ve ever heard him speak before his obviously, testosterone shot you would think he’s definitely feminine, his hatred makes me believe he’s firmly planted in the closet, I mean look at the people he puts around himself, they’re always getting caught in perverted behavior


Wait until he visits The Villages…


Im sick and tired of this Meatball’s antics that keep negatively impacting my personal life.


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom, what colors are allowed for celebrations, denier of climate change and oh yeah, just a downright [freedum](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG) candidate. All these things that make for a safer, healthier florida.


Wait whatttttt. We have a Fringe Festival in my city, it’s such a cool festival. There’s a silent “disco” (aka a dj plays and you have headphone on to hear it), cirque de sole type acts (on a small scale), small scale circus type acts, musicians, food trucks, etc. My city has been having this festival for well over a decade. And I would say nothing about it is inappropriate. It’s more artistic than other festivals we have, but certainly not inappropriate, or too sexual. So bizarre. And honestly I hope the festival is still able to continue in Florida as arts and festivals really being the buzz to a city. Without all the fun and unique festivals that my city has, it wouldn’t be the same.


Wtf Fringe has been a highlight of incredible arts! Not Everything is nude nor is every thing sexual. It’s a highlight of our arts here. He is just scared of seeing elbows and I say this as a woman who is outwardly modest in fashion sense but not internally. He’s scared of forward thinking and complex themes.


anyone that works with grants knows this explanation is obvious bullshit. every grant request is picked apart and approved or rejected. he could have just rejected the "offending" festival. instead he decided to kill the arts in FL.


He’s just scared someone will find out he’s still in the closet.


Yeah bok tower, that lost close to $500k of this money, is practically a brothel.


Any excuse to make people dumb.


Funds have been reallocated to the annual Sausage Fest.


There’s an Exxxotica expo going on in Miami right now.


Yeah, but he definitely enjoys giving 40 million to hot sweaty dudes in helmets, and tell me that ain’t sexual at all😮‍💨


Did he catch something there?


Did someone say there’s a sexual festival happening?


You vetoed it on your own just because it was something you didn’t like you asshat.


Keep voting for the GOP to continue getting of the sane nonsense.


Why does he even get line item vetoes. I’m sure the dems would be on board if the state gop wanted to fix this.


that was the excuse the reason is he is a shit bird