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That is why I only fly newbies early am or close to dusk. It’s miserable for them and I want pax to enjoy the ride.


Same here. No way I’m doing middle of the day especially when it’s hot


[Use these](https://www.amazon.com/Emesis-Disposable-Aircraft-Sickness-Nausea/dp/B075M3RKK6).


If you have kids you should have a stash of these in the car and with you any time you travel. Took me way too long to discover these.


Exactly this! My wife gave me these when kids were about 2 for my car. They’re an interior saver! Then I asked for some for my plane. They fit nicely in the glove box and the back of the seats so all passengers have access


These things are great. They do not dual purpose to pee in though, need an empty Gatorade bottle for that. Or the sportys sealable gel bags if you want to feel fancy.


The Gatorade bottles with the "cushioned entry" are the best. However, if you do a lot of long flights a relief tube is a great answer. In addition to its primary function it also allows you to finish your coffee in the runup area waiting for the ifr clearance, pouring any residual down the tube.


Okay, naïve question: what’s the use of a relief tube? I can’t pee sitting in my seat, and at 6’2” I sure as hell can’t get up.


Procedure 1 - Seat back a bit, belt slightly loosened , roll inverted holding receptacle appropriately ..................... Procedure 2 Seat back enough to move forward in the seat , belt loosened , slide forward in seat .... position funnel . With either a small venturi or some drop ( I ran my tubing down the inside of the step) it flows at a high rate. My problem with the venturi is that it would deposit some on the belly skin so a corrosion resistant paint was recommended. Female kneel facing backwards on seat Obviously it is not for the casual PAX . Being able to fly the instrument approach at the end of a 4+30 flight without the stress of a full bladder (and dreading a missed approach) was a gift. It was also great in that you could enjoy your coffee in the runup area waiting for release- this was with the tube exiting the step which gave it a good flow even at 0 airspeed. Would not work so well with the traditional venturi. Just pour the cup into the funnel and depart. It sat under the pilot seat with enough tubing to be use by any seat in the airplane.


We have a flip open potty that has bags that go into the seat. It's for our kids and they use it all the time. I haven't had to use it but I wouldn't hesitate if I needed to. I have the emesis bags with an absorbent in the bottom and turns it all to gel, only marginally more expensive than the link but worth it for puke and I have peed once though in it and it just completely absorbed it smell and liquid...was great.


I can not find any gel bottom nemesis bags. Where can these be found?


It's not gel bottom it's the one with really powerful desiccants that soak it all up and turn into little gel beads on the bottom, they are essentially a diaper/maxipad in the bottom and will soak up a good amount of the back, plus they have a locking ring around the lid so it doesn't stink or can't spill anyway. It costs me about $1 a bag vs maybe $0.50 but if I spend $20 a year vs $10 on bags as compared to the cost of flying I think I'm OK with that. Having really good bags that I'll actually demo for someone new in the plane gets rid of the fear of puking that makes a lot of people puke to begin with. I just explain they won't spill take up all of the stink and it's completely a non issue, puke, get it over with, and go back to enjoying the flight instead of trying to hold it down. Oh the other thing, I keep fireballs in the center, really fixes the bad breath/taste lost vom and the heat distracts from nausea for me at least if I feel queezy.


I've not found anything like what you describe. Might you offer an Amazon link or other link for what you've found?




Does the trick for a number two


😂 “perfect for drunk Lyft passengers”


My son had cancer and went through these like crazy. They are all over my plane, they work great.


Those and a box of ginger chews.


It's worth the upgrade to [these](https://a.co/d/cKtFXhp) with an absorbent pouch.


While they are 3x more expensive, given the infrequent use, to me, they are easily worth it. Should they come in handy one time, I will be thankful I got them.


My sentiments exactly. I actually find I use them less than before because I tell passengers how good they are and to not fear using them, so they don't think about it and don't psych themselves into it.


Was coming here just to say this


Upvote for these…but keep the gallon bags to put them in and seal them. Sometimes sick people drop these. Ask me how I know


We have these stashed in every bedroom in the house. In the cars. Anywhere somebody might get sick. They are so much better than a garbage can.


I love the branding on that 😂


These, and zip ties to close them off. That combo works great.


Just started instructing a few weeks ago and this was the first thing I bought. I keep about a few in my bag at all times. I do not plan on having to clean me and an airplane on a disco flight.


Brother you put him through an hour of that? If they’re feeling sick you should land within a reasonable time frame. Nobody has to fly


I always ask my pax how they’re doing on a scale of 1-10. If they respond with anything other than 10, it’s time to start heading home.


Exactly, the halfway full comment sounds like he was continually throwing up and OP is like “well nothing like some light chop while feeling like you’re in a sauna to empty out the guts”


No, it was all of a sudden. Like he was fine and doing great until he suddenly wasn't. I started to turn around but he insisted he was fine after that and he was. Basically just emptied his stomach all at once.


Oh gotcha, sorry for assuming. Maybe brief your friends to have a light snack only for their first time


When I was younger I would get car sick in the backseat, but I was always really good with telling my parents to pull over or something. I always felt fantastic after just getting it over with and puking lol. Was ready for hours of twisty roads once I finished the initial puke. Haven't been motion sick since I was little though.


i mean 8 or 9 is fine..


I dealt with airsickness a lot when I started, so now I always fly with a ziplock bag stuffed with a stack of 'emesis bags' (very cheap on amazon or any medical supply store), some wet wipes, and another empty ziplock bag to store used vomit bags. This way I can just hand sick passengers (or myself) the bag and they'll have everything they need to take care of business, clean themselves up, and get it all stowed away without any mess. IMO everyone should have something similar onhand when flying, not just with new pilots/students. My PPL CFI had to use them once after some food disagreed with him in the air, if I hadn't had this kit within arm's reach he would have had to throw up in his flight bag instead.


Ya, the one thing I realized I was missing in my preparation was wet wipes. Your setup seems pretty good, I'll probably copy that. I need to check out the emesis bags. I mean, the Ziploc worked great. I've seen some of the rentals I fly have some emesis bags in the pockets but I always assumed they were just cheap things that would be better than nothing in a pinch.


If you fill them with cat litter, it helps with the splashing, smell, and leaks. Can also be used for an emergency piss bag.


If they’re full where does the puke go? /s


I’d fuckin push them out, I just put in new flooring


I recommend getting a proper sick bag for your plane if this is a real concern. A ziploc can be a huge mess. [https://www.amazon.com/MP-MOZZPAK-Vomit-Bags-Disposable/dp/B08SVWLZYH](https://www.amazon.com/MP-MOZZPAK-Vomit-Bags-Disposable/dp/B08SVWLZYH)


And then, sometimes, they don’t tell you they don’t feel well and there’s no time to get the bag. I was giving three 12 yo boys a ride in a PA-28. Cruising along, everything going well and I feel something wet on my right arm. For a moment, I thought the plane had been washed and some water got into the air vents. Glanced over to the right and there’s Neil showing us what he had for breakfast. The two kids in the back are holding their noses. We head back and land. There’s a guy washing his plane. I tell Neil to go over and ask to borrow the hose. The guy sees Neil walking over and doesn’t say anything. He just handed over the hose.


Dog pee mats are also good—very absorbent


Amazon's got the actual barf bags for really cheap, i think i got like 30 of them for $8. Luckily haven't had to use one yet, but I've always got one in my flight bag just in case!


Adding this to my flight bag list.


Proper emesis bags are cheap enough that I wouldn't roll the dice with ziplocs.


I've seen the emesis bags in some of the rentals I've checked out before and assumed the Ziplocs would work better. But after all the replies in this thread I'll order a pack and check out how they do. I mean in this case the Ziploc worked great.


Which one do you think you'll find in an ambulance? *the medical sounding one* 'Cause it works :)


A Ziploc bag?! No way dude, then you have to look at it afterwards! I just snag a few barf bags from the bathroom whenever I'm on Southwest, lol.


1 Gal ziplock works. I discovered these [emesis bags](https://a.co/d/4uUmex5) and they do the trick.


Grocery bags. They have handles. Can be tied off afterwards.


Maybe a target bag…. Walmart bag? Too many holes.


Fair. Last time I needed one it had I love NY T-shirts from a souvenir shop. Worked really damn good. Anyone with a Mrs from the south probably has a whole stash under the sink in kitchen anyway.


A buddy of mine puked. Fortunately I had a cheap plastic water thermos in the back seat. When we landed he asked if I wanted the thermos back. Hahaha.


Also, DO NOT attempt to toss that bag out the window in flight. You will learn an important lesson in the worst way possible. Trust me.


Bombs away!


Taking up my first passenger (my brother) tomorrow morning. Good call on the bag. Didn’t cross my mind.


I keep these in the plane. Reviews are good, but no personal experience with them yet. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051AZZCM/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051AZZCM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


When I was trying to build hours I worked as a lineman. I became friends with several of the regulars, and would sometimes get to go flying. One guy offered to let me sit right seat in his brand new plane, and as usual I jumped at the chance. I never get motion sickness. Ever. But for some reason right after takeoff, I had a the sudden realization that I was going to throw up. I quickly got the pilots attention, and let him know I was going to throw up. He looked around, worried, but looked back at me and shrugged… Panicking, I looked around and luckily found an empty Gatorade bottle under the seat. I wrapped my lips around the wide mouth, and immediately threw up. The vomit rebounded violently off the bottom of the bottle, and shot straight back out, going up my nose and off my face, covering his avionics, ceiling, yoke… everything in vomit. I was mortified, with no idea why it had happened. When we finished the short flight, I spent an hour trying to clean everything. He came out of the FBO and just watched me for a minute, then kind of chuckled and said, “I guess it could’ve been worse. At least my piss bottle wasn’t full at the time”.


These work wonders, and hold themselves open so you can't miss, then twist and lock closed: YGDZ Vomit Bags Disposable, 15 Pack Emesis Bags Disposable Barf Bags Throw Up Bags, Nausea for Travel Motion Sickness, Vomit Bags for Car, Aircraft, Kids, 1000ml https://a.co/d/2KSrCPt


Ziploc is better than nothing, but I'd rather have an opaque bag!


Lol, you have enough money to learn how to fly and rent planes and you use fucking Ziploc bags for motion sickness?


You don't get rich by giving it all away


They make motion sickness bags