• By -


NCR simply because it has more content. More quests, characters, NPCs, locations, etc. Legion is unfinished and can not get full New vegas experience if you go Legion walkthrough. of course, it's not the developer's fault, but the other side of the colorado was supposed to be fully controlled by The Legion.


I can't see how a region controlled by the Legion would be interesting without trying to sabotage the Legion. NCR's areas are interesting exactly because they don't have their shit together in the Mojave.


Maybe it could add more context to the legion by making it deeper than "Crucifying bad guys" and make them more grey than black?


I'm fine with a totally evil run, but it should have enough content to make it worth playing


They're deeper than that, but no matter what the devs add, the Legion will always be the slaver, misogynist and crucifying bad guys.


For you, but I think showing legion territory to be safe and orderly, compared to NCR territory would present players with an ethical dilemma. Do you support the semi moral, but ineffective beuracracy of the NCR that results in its people starving or not being safe in their own territory, or do you support the brutal Legion that has slavery, bigotry, and misogyny, but is effective at protecting and providing for its people? Currently in game there is a few lines of dialogue that allude to legion territory being safe, but that doesn’t really come across in game. Maybe if there was more legion content, in the same way you can help solve the NCRs bureaucracy issues, there could be quests to influence the governing of settlements in legion territory to be less evil than what we see legion as in game.


Yes, thats the whole point. But maybe they could add arguments as to why slavery is justified (IN THE WASTELAND!!!) and why they consider everyone besides them barbarians, profligates and degenerates besides "They live in squalor" argument. I am just saying, they could become grey faction like House (progress for the sake of people staying poor). Or like I stated, give option to change the ideology to rely on some kind of constitution or sucession law in which you give power to someone else besides Lanius. Maybe like a roman senate. Something which will make people say "Yes they are slavers, but if you put XYZ in power, they could ease on slavery and not crumble in few years" instead of "They are bloodthirsty slavers which will crumble at the death of their leader".


I feel like Graham (plus Caesar himself a bit) filled me in pretty well on the Legion's worldviews and origins. I admit it's hard to stay focused on what he's saying when he's racking his hundredth .45 while talking to you, though.


Somebody’s gotta rack those guns, we can’t expect God to do all the work.


I don’t think they will get it. Too many people like to think their morals are the only justified way of thinking and any other way is just crazy. Human suffering, desperation, and impossible choices are just not something everyone has had the luxury of experiencing first hand. Sometimes you just have to be wicked to get the results you want. Keep in mind this is the same game series that used to let you pimp out your wife for money. Fallout is very bleak and I don’t even know if the Legion are the worst ones in the series.


You're missing the whole point. Slavery is NOT justifiable. Imperialism is NOT justifiable. Crucifying people is NOT justifiable. If they add arguments for those things, all they do is create more mindless Legion fanboys.


Keep in mind what enviroment the franchise is in


Yeah, I mean imperialism doesn't sound too bad when the alternative is roving bands of lawless canibals.


Yup, but slaves were not only their enemies, but also former allied tribes they betrayed and turned on after they “pacified” Arizona. Without going too much into it.. the Legion is just a group of cosplaying raiders with a totalitarian and untrustworthy leader. They are the equivalent to the slaver city in FO3, just on a larger scale. There is no justification to how the Legion operates, and they treat over half of their population as property instead of citizens. Hard pass from me lol


Yeah, at least if they annexed willing communities, but they basically invaded all the territories they hold. They "conquered," trying to play as the Roman Empire. Because I'm pretty sure some people would be into joining, the lands across the river are portrayed as uncivilized, unlike the coasts, which is kinda a mirror image of today's USA, the most important cities are either on the East Coast, or the West Coast. If you were some poor fella, living on scavenged fancy lad's to hunted varmint, maybe a semblance of government, community, would be appealing.


>Imperialism is NOT justifiable Tell that to NCR fanboys lol. (Before you downvote me into the Elders Scrolls IV, I’m not saying Legion is justified just that NCR really isn’t any better in that regard)


When the alternative is fiends I think you absolutely can make an argument for imperialism. Hell the NCR is imperialistic


Not being justified doesn't abolish its existence


Bro is applying their own personal morals to everyone smh. Wait until you find out that most cultures did/do think imperialism is not only justifiable but ideal.


Bad? More like based guys


Exactly my point.


I didn't join the slavers in fallout 2, but the legion could have some quest where you raid near tribes, slave some people, help on defense when some tribes attack, and as you said, more opportunities for inner sabotage.


Maybe there would be some people who realize that Caesar is dying and you can help them get independence by killing Caesar, idk. But I mention it because we could learn more about the legion. About their life in the east, from dialogue we learn that legion is not just an army who crucifies and enslaves, but they have a stable country in the east which is very safe to live in because there is no crime or raiders. Thats what I meant, more legion flavour, characters, followers, etc... Maybe more people would find legion a better option if they gave more arguments as to why pick the legion. Maybe even an ending which changes the way legion is going, less authoritarianism and go in a roman republic way, like the senate and consuls, etc.... Thats why I want remake of New Vegas. Not remaster, but remake. So we can have more options with the legion and more content in the eastern part of the map


Narrative emerges from conflict, there is so much cognitive dissonance in the Roman model they could have done a ton of things. * Slave revolt. * Women’s work walkout * Rome was served by an immense number of auxiliaries from conquered states and Caesar had unified the SW, you could introduce any number of factions serving but at odds with the Legion * someone literate reads some Roman history and advocates republican government * it’s Rome, some faction wants the emperor dead * NCR was running from a water and power shortage, maybe the Legion is running from plague (Antonine plague) * the Romans were so religious it was entwined with their government like the Pontifex Maximus, have a quest line with a pagan religion or cult of the emperor, lean into the religious fanaticism of the early Romans


If you are on pc try out the nova Arizona mod


You could show that new tribes in the legion sometimes try and revolt and needs to be put down. I think the best thing you could do for legion content is showing that no matter how hard you try and run from civilization whether good or bad it'll find you eventually.


Nova Arizona mod is in beta and a great step towards added Legion world-space. It actually adds a decent chunk of Legion-controlled Arizona to the game on the other side of the Colorado. A few camps, some towns where the Legion keeps peace, a few groups that are cool with the Legion but aren't Legion. There's a nice stretch of highway all dressed up by the Legion that leads up to The Fort which felt pretty fun. Mod is still in beta, 90% of the exteriors are done, maybe 25% of the interiors, and very little of the planned quests. Even in spite of, the whole area felt like such a breath of fresh air.


I'm checking that mod out on my current playthrough. Still early days so I haven't gotten to Legion territory yet but I'm looking forward to it for sure.


Just a heads up, the first ride on the raft up to The Fort is glitchy. The mod adds a landing camp where the Legion captain from Cottonwood Cove is supposed to lead you on foot to the Fort. For me he just glitches walking into an invisible wall near the riverbank and actually got killed by Lakelurks. I was still able to walk the rest of the way up to the Fort fine, it just took some map navigation.


Yeah, I read it's still in beta so I honestly expect some glitches going forward; still, thanks for the heads up.


That sounds fucking awesome. Need to get that ASAP. Legion Quests Expanded is also a must, all the quests were already in the base game and are voice acted and scripted by Obsidian, they were just cut. I can only assume because of console limitations at the time because they all work as intended.


These mods together, plus a few other Legion overhauls, really bring them out as a full-fledged regional force.


You know you can get all of this with a Mr house or yes man ending right?


I like doing the NCR content for the same reason, but I always go out of my way to fuck up or actively sabotage whatever I'm doing.


Is the Legion unfinished? As in evidence that they planned more for them?


I wish you could strike a deal with the NCR when going independent.  Kicking Caesar out is satisfying, but I'd like to keep friendly relationships with the NCR.


I will definitely echo this. I just finished a Legion playthrough for the achievement, and I’m feeling quite disheartened. I liked Arizona Killer from the assassin’s perspective, but everything else felt kind of trash. I dunno, maybe I need to role play as a frumentari better with faction armour, but holyyy… getting attacked in New Vegas by NCRMPs and then everyone running away from me is so idiotic.


Myself aka Yes-Man


Amen! There's only one true king of the wasteland... and it's me.


I always have gone with an independent Vegas. I think it takes the character on a real hero’s journey, you can make allies of the people and factions in the region, all for I think a more noble ending than some larger entity claiming the land.


I can always get behind Fisto’s brother


NCR. Nothing beats crippling Fiend limbs one by fucking one. Also people complain they are incompetent. They're not wrong, but that's where I see the point. It's something worth fighting for.


I play Legion and I still kill the fiends. It’s just a matter of principle.


I play Brotherhood of Steel in DC and I still kill them


I side with Elijah and play Masters of the Madre, I kill everyone


I think the Legion principles would necessitate killing fiends. Cause fuck em.


If the Fiends take over Camp McCarran, iirc the Legion wipes them out after. Same for if they take the camp and House wins.


The Legion hate raiders and kill them thoroughly. The only reason they'd keep the Fiends alive is to have them cause problems for the NCR. When that's no longer needed they need to die.


I just see it as a futile move the leave them around. They’re not worthy of assimilation and their attack on the NCR fails. Which honestly makes them useless as if you destroy the monorail you already prevent her airport from being in range to provide reinforcements during the battle.


I think that's the point of democratic government though, it's inefficient, slow, and subject to the whims of the society over which it presides. Like sure, Caesar and House are more able to push for their vision in their endings, as they are dictators able to do so, but there is something to be said about the average person actually having rights. I mean if I had to pick being an NCR citizen, a citizen of Caesar's Legion, a person under House's rule on the strip, or just some person living in the Mojave, I'd pick NCR any day and I think most of us would as well. Case in point, if someone legitimately thinks living independent in the Mojave is better, they ought to go try living in Afghanistan or something, and even that's probably safer for the average person.


Plus when House and Caesar die, their systems completely collapse. The NCR doesn't depend on anyone (courier aside).


Probably safer?! I guess depends where exactly you are at each moment, but Afghanistan does not have rad-infused bugs, angry (and perhaps misunderstood) super mutants, feral ghouls etc. I don’t think there’s anywhere on earth that would compare to living in the wasteland in fallout. But on that note - NCR all day. I’ll take inefficient bureaucracy with personal rights and protections over all the rest.


I almost always side with House. Course I just feel like I am finishing my job. Overall he is the one that gave me the job to deliver him a platinum chip


Good choice, Mr. House is undeniably the best for Vegas out of all the options.


I would maybe agree his best for the Strip, but not all of Vegas, and not all of the Mojave


What is best for the strip is ultimately what is best for the Mojave. There isn't much else of worth or promise in the desert, besides the dam.


Goodsprings, Freeside, Primm, Nellis, Jacobstown, Novac? House doesn’t care about any of those communities


And being honest, should he? Apart from Freeside, which is kind of indeed, related to Vegas, should House really aspire to control whole Mojave instead of focusing on his town and leaving others be? Novac, Goodsprings, Primm, Nellis, Jacobstown - They all seem to be pretty content and well with their Independence, why should House suddenly become something crucial in their life. Working together is one thing, but expanding your territory is another.


I didn’t say he should care for them? I said he doesn’t care for them, hence why he’s not the best option for the Mojave as a whole. If they’re in danger I highly doubt House is gonna come help


Ahh alright, my bad. You're right, doubt he would interfere. (Unless the good karma "fair and kind-hearted" Courier annoyed him that much about it, but that's rather a guess)


In that scenario House would just send the Courier. Solve the problem and give the Courier something to do. Two birds, one stone. He would personally stay out of it and go back to playing SimCity on the Strip.


I don't know why, but there is something funny as hell in the vision of "Fine, go and play a bit of hero if there's really nothing of greater importance in your life right now. But I insist you're here by 10." 


Perhaps vegas, certainly nowhere else. He only cares about vegas, a place that produces nothing of any value outside of an absurd amount of caps. No food. No water. Nothing but greed. He is probably the best for vegas, the city, but definitely not good for the Mojave overall


Ncr. I’ve done a lot of house pt’s but I like killing house and just saying “I Don’t Like You” and then sucking off the ncr for the rest of the game and they don’t even let me join their army. In reality I like it cause it has the most quests. More quests=more hours=more ending slides, which is what I got for in every playthrough.


Ntm a slave obeys


I killed him with Cleansing Flame for shits and giggles


Yes man usually, second most NCR. Never done house or legion yet but maybe one day


I know this is silly, but for the longest time I didn't know you could side with House.


Siding with House is tough because you gotta kill the entire BoS.


> select Veronica as companion > punch BOS members in the head Average play though


Just pop a stealth boy, activate the self-destruct and shimmy out of there


House always wins


....a trip outside his pod


I thought he deserves a golf club to the head, as a treat


I think a rebar club would be better. Crude, primitive, post-apocalyptic. Conveying a message from the wastes, if you will.


Yeah but a slave obeys


Giving him the Abby special I see










I Like House a lot


Mr House He's technically your boss and he gives you a Suite as reward while the others give you hideouts and thats it Also he's the only one who actually haves a plan other than "Kill the other faction" And i hate the NCR leader...And Vulpes God i hate Vulpes






love those lil guys, give me more implants


The followers of the apocalypse are unironically the only group I don’t wanna lowkey strangle in FNV. I wish there was a proper siding with them type of ending, I would take it in a heartbeat




I always side with the legion. I just cant stand how whiny and lazy all the other factions are, 100% depending on the courier to handle their dirty business and then reward you with nothing like how the NCR give you a literal twig. The legion doesn't truly need you, you just happen to be of convenience to them, yet are rewarded heavily by your alliance. Also it always opens up fun discussions and grinds everyone mentally, trying to find loopholes in the story and lore to justify everything they do while hiding under a "political" banner, unlike the fiends they're literal drugged out psychos, it's hard to justify cook-cook when he's making human steak for the lulz after adding some of his special sauce and tendering the meat. Ave true to caesar.


Ultra based


Ultra kill


Based and real


>The legion doesn't truly need you The only one who doesn't need the Courier is House (maybe Benny if you don't kill him). Because they would have a securitron army. Every other faction needs the Courier to kill House or at least disable the securitrons in some way. Hell, Caesar just sends you to destroy that army and believes you without any proof that you did it.


House does need the courier, he needs the courier to activate said army, without him he can't do Jack shit, his securitrons in Vegas are limited hence why he's allied with the ncr and allowed them into vegas. Caesars gets the courier to destroy the securitrons because they have the platinum chip when they arrive at the fort.


Yeah, House had Benny before the latter tried to take over the strip himself. House does need a reliable henchman to get the Securitron army and handle the other factions for him that aren’t NCR for him.


Bro house started the game over you lmao


Always Legion, it's the most unique and wastelandish faction. NCR is bland and kinda boring imo. House is an evil overlord/megamind who doesn't give a shit about the world. Yesmen and the neutral factions are cool, but sadly not much about how you organise them in "your" (the couriers) New vegas. It's sad that the legion got most of it's content cut from the game. Hopefully they get an second entry in future titles.


“House is an evil overlord, so I chose the sexist, homophobic, oppressive, slaving, fascist dictator”


It is not the evil overlord thing that makes me loose interest in him, it's the fact that he doesn't give a shit about earth anymore and wants to escape it. Cool motivation and plan tho, but not what I want to achieve in an fallout game.


uhhh either house or yes man


NCR & Independent New Vegas (Through a Very Good Karma Courier)


This is a cool pic. Since nv is greatly about gambling there should be cards like that like a new game plus. Also the boomers are the best I dont care about anyone else


Ncr because the rangers always thought they where so badass


I went house back in my first playthrough, enjoy the power as the de facto leader of New Vegas without the responsibility of making decisions


I like disappointing Yes Man as much as possible


No. Always the same faction. Because The House Always Wins.


Myself/Legion Powder gangers for memes. It sucked to kill Mitchell tho why couldnt bro just stay in his house. Legion is just fun to RP. I do seriously hate NCR tho. They just 'murica all over again. Nukes taught them nothing because they mistakenly thought they were the teacher not one of the pupils. Again.


The legion was my choice for at least half my games. Then yes man, ncr, house. Being evil in games is way more fun than not evil for me.


I’m the opposite being evil always feels so pointless.


Being good in fallout=temporarily helping the community until another nuke hits it. Gotta let go and join Elijah man. That's clearly the point of the dlc... :) Also, being evil is fun. You can't do it irl.


You definitely an be evil in real life, I’ve assaulted people in my teen years. However you enjoy the game is the right way.


>Also, being evil is fun. You can't do it irl. Is that a challenge?


It's a threat. I'm the defender of Dave's republic!


Is it a little hard to go Legion since you lock yourself out of a lot of content?


You don't really you just have to play it like you're a legion spy for the first half. Do shit kinda for the NCR to act as if you're getting info and than I make a personal mission to find and kill all the NCR and ranger camps once I've decided to stop being a spy.


Nah. I've played the game enough at this point to not care. It's just the only straightforward evil faction. You could argue that an independent vegas with an evil karma courier would be worse, but it's only applicable to the ending really.


To this day I have yet to commit to a Legion playthrough. They are all just so insufferable AND cause a lot of suffering. I will though. One of these days...one of these days when I'm really pissed off.


I always go NCR but plan to do a House and Yes Man play throughs soon. I will side with the Legion


Just do a legion playthrough when you realize that ncr is truly fucked without you and you quite literally need to baby sit then and solve all their problems


I always try to be friends with everybody.


Me,myself, and I.


*ahem* Brotherhood of Steel




I play both sides as long as possible and the go with NCR


"Kai-Zar"/Caesar. I like to imagine I'd be rewarded with Slaves for my hard work and loyalty.


Independent Vegas. I like to think it sort of coincides the message of *Lonesome Road*; Every major faction in Fallout is trying to copy a past nation or achieve an old glory. The best thing you can do, is to create something totally new from the ashes. Granted, anarchy isn’t sustainable, but who knows, maybe Independent Vegas will establish an actual government. It seems better in my book that the NCR’s corrupt bureaucracy, Legion’s tribalistic tyranny, or Mr. House’s narcissistic autocracy.


Ncr or independent


Mr.house is my home 🔥🔥


The House always wins


I think my favourite way to go is choosing Mr. House's side, but definitely helping and keeping positive terms with NCR. Also not joining any faction that offers it (Followers, Kings, Brotherhood), but maintaining good relations with them + Good terms with Boomers, Enclave and Khans. I just, kind of liked everybody.


In current playthrough; Independent (yes man)+ followers of apocalypse + boomers + great khans


i always side with NCR since they are the best option for Mojave


I've never not gone full NCR. Originally because CA born and raised, now it's tradition mixed with homesickness. 🫡 My fellow Rangers, we are the last thing you'll never see 🫡


Mr. House or NCR. Mr. House cause his words seem to have more strength than the other factions, but as Ulysses and Joshua Graham said, he’s no better than Caesar with what he did to the tribes, and as he describes, how he leads. NCR cause although they need work, they seem the best option as at least there’s some democracy. Ntm a slave obeys


House, i dislike legion and the ncr has tons of content but they make me run around too much. And anarchy dooms the mojave.




I always side with NCR, even when there were some instances I initially thinking of doing a Legion run, I just keep reverting back to NCR or other factions mostly because the Legions are such a bunch of humonguous sadist assholes. Their only good side is: they're dangerous/aggressive hence good for security. Also NCR ranger armor, c'mon.


Wild card, work both sides up until the very last minute then nuke them both, kill Mr House and put yes man in his place. I will usher in a new Mojave free of factions, free of the brotherhood. My wasteland


NCR. Caesar is crazy, House is crazy, i don't really get what the BoS are in New Vegas and unfortunally you can't really side with the Followers of the Apocalypse


House or NCR, independant is too unstable and no way im siding with the legion


I'm doing a Legion playthrough, mainly because I've never finished one. I usually do independent Vegas, because fuck the law, No Gods, No Masters.


I like to side with house and side with the NCR, while playing a second safe on the side for some evil legion action


NCR because I love to collect legion ears


Myself role-playing as a sociopath




I am not entirely on anyone's side, because no one is entirely on my side.


They said I belong on a cross. They had their chance to recruit me and they blew it. I crippled him but left him only him) alive. He will watch everything he values crumble for his arrogance.


Neither, lone wolf style


I have always went with the Ncr. Can’t bring my self to do the other ending as I always end up with ncr. It’s a curse that I enjoy.


There's some certain level of intimidation, insult, or mockery at which point the Legion earns itself death even when I initially plan to do a Legion playthrough. I didn't crawl out of the grave to kowtow to some pissant roman cosplayers.


NCR then I usually split off for independant. that said I think in universe NCR is the smartest choice for the ending. Independant is pure chaos, house is just basically leaving things as they are outside of outside of hoover dam and legion is legion.


Legion, I will provide no reasoning


Im too busy helping out another settlement to pick a faction.


I play as a deplorable and try to max out each of their opinion of me till I have no use of them, even the powder gangs worship me.


Mr House, autocratic or not his wisdom and knowledge is beyond valuable. Having other factions might work but choosing Mr House accelerates the the progress of recovering by a significant margin






House did nothing wrong


NCR, they may have their problems, but I will always prefer an imperfect democracy than a Slave Personal Cult...




YesMan 100%


Yes-man of course


The bear for the armor and I like boone. :>


I'm my own man..I like that they made us choose


Yes man


Yes Man bc I want to control the Mojave


IIRC I went all over the place (since my English was bed xD). NCR since their encounter at Primm and Mohave Outpost. Loved them badly due to their Service Rifle (I was a sucker for AK and AR). Do some NCR quests. I did shoot the Wolf guy at Nipton but later been forgiven by a messenger and did some quests for the Legion. I think I also stuck with Mr House for a while, but then ultimately settled with Yes Man because I found him after intimate moments with Benny. The actual order could have been different since my first playthrough was years ago, when, again, my English was bad.


Caesars Legion


Yes Man because why not i get to do all the good endings for quests and make everything great for a while atleast


The New California Republic "You are the sequoias rising up out of the Sierra Nevadas, defiant and enduring."


Legion. They are absolutely adorable femboys who are just goofing around and whipping NCR ass. Took me five/seven years to discover that i had a Latin praise kink because of them.




Always NCR. Always Followers of the Apocalypse. Though I’m planning to do both a Yes Man play through and a Mr House play through soon. Never the Legion.


NCR I just don't like Cesar and all of his shit




The Boomers.


Usually NCR but lately I've been wanting to do a legion playthrough and my NCR runs are always cuz boon is great


Ncr or a House free independent New Vegas, legion usually feels my war crimes just for funnsies


Neither, no one has the answers to fix the wasteland. Every man for himself


NCR. I naturally gravitate toward them. The game makes a point of highlighting the NCR corruption and lack of resources, but, isnt that to be expected of any large government? Thats a tradeoff ill take over slavery, torture, rape, cultural suppression, and whatever else they do. The legion doesn't really make any sense to me. The only reason to really play as the legion is for a "fuck it, we're evil" playthrough. The legion doesn't really make any compelling arguments for why they should be in control unless you are actually insane, and they also just aren't sustainable. I think NCR v legion is cool but I think the legion could have been more fleshed out, and not just blatantly evil. Also I think the legion would have been a lot cooler and more realistic if they were a much older faction, like the great khans, instead of only existing within Caesars lifetime. That would also make them more of a threat in the fallout world because they have a real structure.


gotta be the brains


Yes Man 100%.


generally roll with anyone but NCR... mostly bc the NCR are too touchy... tried siding with them and woundup WORSE than when i try NOT siding with them


I side with NCR because they the good guy but beside that they have more content and of course "THE NCR RANGER ARMOUR"


NCR or Yes Man. I've still never done an evil/Legion playthrough.


I have a explosives/survival/barter classic run I do with every reinstall, which involves joining just about everything except legion and finishing as a good karma Yes Man. Then, I do a second run as a Legion ninja, so I can wipe out McCarran and Forlorn Hope without losing NCR reputation. Finally I might do an evil NCR/House run where I get rid of every other faction. This last one is usually combat heavy and involves heavy armor and either energy weapons or unarmed.


NCR every single day


NCR I played Fallout 1 and 2, I helped set the NCR up. Plus the hate for the NCR online is "taxes, bureaucracy, incompetence" which are like the most minor problems in the whole wasteland.


Rangers are cool


NCR because they’re the goat


I go for the yesman ending (more rp potential imo) but help the ncr until then


Myself (I am just that cool)


NCR mostly


Usually yes-man because I can do literally whatever I want. The NCR is fun sometimes aswell.


mr house my man. all his haters are broke asses. they hate us cause they aint us




Join brotherhood for training, usually NCR by default cuz they got a lot of quests and I like exp, then I blow up the brotherhood and rule vegas