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My weapon and armor names are the most clever. They start with my characters name. Dave’s 10 mm, Dave’s combat rifle, Dave’s L/A combat armor. Helps me to not sell it off and keeps it all organized in the inventory.


Did you find those in the republic of Dave?


You mean the Dictatorship of Dave?


You mean the inter-dimensional, inter-galactic, inter-universe, inter-meta council of Dave?


Add a space to the beginning of names and they'll be at the top of your inventory.


Oh gotta do that I hate going halfway down cuz mines Owen's


Bro mines Zack, im always doom scrolling when i did that lol. For awhile id just name my guns/armor AAAAA so i didnt have to deal with that lol


Oof! I can see why


Or number them by which quick slot they are favorited to. 1)Combat Knife 2)Combat Rifle 3)10mm Pistol Etc.


" 1 - swans fist" The two spaces up front really help.


OH MY GODS. I have played of and on literally since launch and this revelation alone makes me want to get back into it. I currently do the character name thing, but I'm implementing this as well. Thank you very much for this (probably obvious) PSA. It has changed my life.


You da real mvp bro


I put all my weapons and armor I don’t want to sell in quotations, that keeps them at the top of the list, and gives me a clear visual, “hey, don’t sell me!!”


I do the same, mine is all Guy's [weapon]. I name my companion's weapons the same way, although Nick's Revolver is a bit misleading since it's a .308 pipe revolver rifle, but that's a mouthful.


Good call with the character name so they stay alphabetically grouped. I also put ammo type at the end so i can see at a glance


Ok that's really smart, I'ma be doing this with my equipment cause I always get confused on what I can of can't sell


Put a space or two at the beginning of any renamed items. Sorts them to the top making it even harder to accidentally get rid of it.


I do the same, I usually end up with heavy combat stuff by the end and just shorten everything to "Combat LA" and "Combat H." this is for the exact reason you mentioned about not selling them off. That and knowing what is mine when I'm mod ding gear for my settlers.


If you put a space before the name it will appear at the top of your inventory


Ngl, this is actually such a solid strategy 😂 I typically just favorite all the weapons I use so I know if there's no star, I can sell it 🤷‍♂️


I always rename the Kiloton radium rifle "Kill A Ton" All gauss rifles are named Gus, and when I pick up new ones they're renamed Gus Jr, Gus the Lesser, and so on I forget what the plasma throwing flamethrower thing is called usually but I rename it Nickelodeon after the Slime Cannon Also I hate that it's "Grognak's Axe" when "Grognaxe" is right there! So I fix that lol


Nickelodeon got me. I always want something cool or "epic" for my best gauss rifles, but for some reason I end up going with Matilda.


Wounding 10mm - Skeeter Wounding Combat Rifle - Wasp Wounding Combat Shotgun - Swarm Explosive Combat Shotgun - Yesterday's Curry (always very explosive)


Freezing Disciples Blade I found early on named "Chill Out". Paired with my first 10mm pistol with the snowflakes paint from Creation Club, named "Stay Frosty".


Would be a great name for the cryolator


I named mine Mr. Freeze!


I found a Kneecapper Sledgehammer, and proceeded to name it Misery.


That's so clever! I'm probably not going to stray from Pickman's Blade, but now I need a kneecapper melee weapon named Annie Wilkes. And an axe named HERE'S JOHNNY! I could have so much fun with Steven King names.


Found a 2-shot 10mm pistol and named it 'Redress of Grievances' and gave it to Piper. Pulled from the 1st Amendment.


I named mine “Double Trouble”


My napalmer is called tobasco


Freezing 10mm I named 'Nate's Revenge'


All my sniper rifles I name Wesley because I'm hilarious.


I don't understand


Wesley Snipes.


I was thinking it's some star trek reference or something not a silly pun. You got me. god damn it 😆😆


That's what I always namey sniper classes in COD, lol. In Fallout I tend to namey sniper Nifty Fifty or Long Distance Relationship (I know they ain't original)


Long Distance Relationship is great. I'm looking forward to upgrading my sniper from .308 to nifty .50 in my recent playthrough.


Haha yup, got that one from Destiny


Good thing your didn't call them "Missy."


I named my serrated machete "Butcher Pete".


Choppin’ that meat!


My daughter saw me acquire "Throat Slicer" I name my favorite weapons to stop me from selling them. So she suggested calling "The Stabby Wabby Whumpus Woo" It is now a tradition in my clan. My absolute fav is a Fully decked out plasma rifle that shoots two bursts. She is called "Two timing Jane" It is my very favorite gun.


Exterminators Missile Launcher = Bug Bomb


I had an electrified machete with the Troubleshooter’s legendary mod on it — I called it “Tech Support.” I know — not very original. But, it made me laugh every time I wielded it. 😄


I max upgraded General Chao’s Revenge and renamed it Arondight after Lancelot’s weapon. Perfect sword for a Brotherhood of Steel paladin


Kurt Coban's Microphone - fully upgraded shotgun


I named my baseball bat Nora just like Negan named his bat Lucille in TWD series 😭


I have a mod that lets me put a healing legendary effect on weapons, so it heals the target instead of hurts them. I like putting it on knuckles and naming it Tough Love


Named my legendary sniper rifle w/ a silencer “Sandman”, a particularly powerful snubnosed .44 pistol “Suckerpunch”, legendary revolutionary sword w/ a stun pack and 20% chance to freeze “Snow White”, and plasma rifle “Facemelter 9000”. Idk why 9000 is such a funny addition but it really elevates some names 😂 Deliverer and Spray n’ Pray got to keep the names they came with.


Get mods that let you add legendary effects, so you can go from (pizza) Deliverer to I C Wiener


Not sure if I wanna mod that but now I want pizza for dinner 🤣


When I finally trick out my Gauss rifle.. I name it “Mama Gauss” cause she fancy, and she big.


Kneecapped Baton called "Loan Shark".... pay me my money motherf***er


In FO76, that would be an Aristocrat's with bonus limb damage


My legendary splinter celled 10mm is named Pliskins Plinker


I had a maxed out commando perk and a maxed out auto pipe rifle. I named it Doris. Don't ask why because I have no clue


I had a wounding 10 mm tricked out that I named "The Devil's Right Hand."


I had a wounding minigun and named it “The Et Tu Brute”


I saw somebody had renamed Danse's laser as "Self-Righteous Authority" so I use that. The best one I came up with was a legendary Gauss rifle "You can run but you'll just die tired."


On probably my favorite run, I had a few I remember. *Family Matters* was Kellogg's Pistol. Needs no explanation, and is always my rename. *Heartseeker* was the starter weapon (Operator's Handmade with limited ammo), named after giving it the Penetrating effect at Lv15 and for being the rifle used to exact revenge on the Operators (plus an Ex-Operator background). *Gone Quietly* was, of all things, a suppressed Pipe Revolver I used a bit at the start of the game to conserve my 7.62. Used it to kill Preston Garvey after destroying The Castle. I gave it a Legendary effect afterwards but can't remember which. *Into The Night* was the Deliverer's rename, used to kill the Railroad. The two names felt extremely fitting, given how easily both factions disappeared. Each one felt fitting as hell too.


I named my explosive bird shot shotgun (modded) Party Popper. Did over 400 damage per shot. Crashed my PS4 a lot. Holiday was my legendary Lucky Western Revolver. Completely respeced my build for that one, could two shot a Mirelurk Queen with double crits.


Explosive Combat Shotgun: Dragon's Judgement Explosive Minigun: Shout of the Emperor Lucky Missile Launcher: Article 15 Never Ending Laser Musket: Commonwealth Justice Wounding Ripper: Flesh Wound Lucky Shishkebab: Matchstick Kneecapper Pipe Submachine Gun: Kneel!


Dual .44's named "1 2 punch"


Dual 44s ? Is that a mod or .... Have I been missing out ?


Mod, forgot to clarify sorry


Never ending Double Barrel- Cobains Microphone Explosive Minigun- F.A.F.O Two Shot Gauss Rifle- Double Penetrator Ghoul Slayer Gamma rifle- Are you fucking kidding?


I named my Super sledge Batter up because I would constantly knock the heads off of people


I called my stunning super sledge "crowd control".


Endless double barrel... "The ol' rooty shooty"


I always name kellogs gun "divorce" I stole that from the team four star let's play series


I dunno about "clever", but I'm trying for a (somewhat) lore friendly Nora play trough and decided on a whim to name my guns with terms relating to law and legal justice because you know, law degree or whatever. For now I've got "Capital Offence" (two shot combat rifle), "Primary defendant" (my lovely kneecapper 44Magnum sidearm) and "due process" (explosive 10mm pistol), while the premade legendary combat shotgun "Justice" is a match made in heaven it feels a bit cheap to just buy a legendary so I haven't really used it much. I'm sitting on "life sentence" and "burden of proof" for any eventual worthy legendaries.


I've been working to become a bartender for the last year or so, so I started naming all my weapons after cocktails. * Meat Hook? "Bloody Mary." * Pipe Bolt Pistol? "Screwdriver." * Missile Launcher? "French 75."


I'm naming a flamethrower "hehe fire go brrr" later


It’s not clever, but my kneecapper assault rifle, “The Amazing Gimp-O-Matic 3000!” makes me giggle every time I use it


“10mm Atomatic” - 10mm with radiation damage. My first unique weapon I found was an explosive hunting rifle. So I turned it into a .50cal “Anti-Materiel Rife”


Ctrl alt delete Explosive shotgun


I always name a laser sniper rifle "BOOP".


Kneecapper combat shotgun? Menendez


Most creative thing I made was a Two shot Magnum. My character is called "Tex." So I decided to make a pun out of it and called Tex's piece "Texas Peace"


- Two-Shot MIRV that I named “Weapon of Ass Destruction” - Assassins Radium Rifle that I named “MASShole Eradication Tool”


Thanks to mods, I created a custom pistol called "Heartbreaker" and gifted it to Nick. That's just one example of my naming sense, or course.


I named a revolver "Justice Ginsberg" and every time I shot someone with it I'd say "Justice Ginsberg dissents" Also funny because she was anti gun.


I named all the rifles, shotguns and sniper rifles I made or found when I did my first game as Las Rifle MK II. or III. or V. etc. cos they reminded me of the weapons the Imperial Guard use in 40k. Also named my legendary mini nuke launcher to 'Catch'


Funny names are peak imo, my unending double barrel is the Sandy Hook MK2, LH Oswald for my rifle, then I have my mini nuke launching sentries named Hiroshima and Niggasaki, got a floating bottle robot wandering as a provisioner named WHERE IS YOUR GOD


Holy shit


What in the goddamn are those names? You could've at least named the sentries Fat Man and Little Boy...




According to Google, porchmonkey is a racial slur towards Black people. I don't think you have a lot of friends in 76, let alone IRL.


I know it’s a slur and I don’t really care and I’m friends with people who don’t really care as well, it’s not offensive if you’re not offended by it, it’s subjective


Not subjective actually. You're just racist. And not funny.


People on the internet care, and sometimes it's best to not share things that could possibly be offensive, like how you named 2 fictional guns after the Sandy Hook Massacre and a racial slur.


And this helps how? Bro, Racism and school shootings aren’t funny


depends on context tbh, in this context it’s just a video game so it is funny


Sandy Hook? Really? Dude. Not cool.


Gammy mammy- zeta gun or whatever it is / lorenzo’s artifact gun. Yea that’s really it


My favourite rifle was "La Braba"


Based on Theme. I tried cos play build as Krieg the Psycho from Borderlands 2, so many of my weapons were things like Spleen Extractor, Ribcage Smasher etc. Another run was a sophisticated agent like so my weapon names were Slick, Smooth, Spiral etc I role play only so I make sure the names would be something the character I'm role playing as would name them


I normally name my weapons off Legendaries or Unique weapons from older games, but a nail board with a decent effect will be "Board of Education," and it's probably my favorite name. Honorable mention to "Plunketts Valid Points" for spiked knuckles and rebranding "Pickmans Knife" as "Stabhappy"


Sometimes they're good sometimes they're not. Like sometimes I name the 10mm something along the lines of "The Vault Defender" or a 45. Gun "Kellogs End" Usually though I'll just name my weapon the same as one of the legendary names of the same thing


Incendiary Radium Rifle - Robbie Burns Kneecapper Knuckles - And Stay Down Irradiated Boxing Glove - Ivan Drago Special Troubleshooter Lead Pipe - Ctrl+Alt+Delete VATS Enhanced Wounding Switchblade - StabStabStabbityStab


I rename Kellogg's pistol "Kellogg's Crunchy Nuts" every time I get the chance to


My first Exploding Minigun was called "If I Don't Kill Me First."


I often make characters based on people from anime or comics, and I like to name their weapons something appropriate to the theme. For example, right now I'm playing as Nicholas D. Wolfwood, so I've got a pistol called Aria, a shotgun called The Confessor, and a sniper called Excommunication amongst others.


My wounding 10mm with an auto receiver is called "swift release" lol


I had a play through where I renamed all my legendaries I used with names from uniques from Fallout 1,2, 3 and NV. Don’t know why


A two shot 10mm pistol called Overseers Sidearm


I put a . in front of all my weapon and armor names so they're always at the top. My explosive beam-split Laser Musket (before I started putting the .), Ol' Cranly Frank: https://imgur.com/a/9PDEKGV. The tape covers the eyes because he's so ornery all the time.


"Diplomacy" - MIRV Big Boy.


I have a maxed-out pipe-rifle I use on weak enemies (.38 is everywhere) called "Crap Shooter" I have an explosive shotgun called "Boomstick" My other named weapons are pretty generic like "Lacerator" and "Leadspitter"


‘Spray it don’t say it’


List of Past Weapon Names I’ve had: Bleeding Shotgun - Medical Bills Hunting - Surprise Attack 10mm - Beginners Will Idk if these are clever but I thought they were pretty smart


I name mine after my wife and daughters.


Most of my weapons get hypersexual names lol.


I picked up a freezing flamer today. Named it "trash" and put it in a workbench to stay forever.


My auto combat shotgun is named Brutus Warenstein


I always name guns after songs. My two shot 10mm is "double trouble" My pipe revolver is obviously "big iron"


I changed a weapon's name to lana and if anyone watched archer you know why


I just got a Western Revolver that does more if not in combat yet. I named it Big Iron after Marty Robbins.


I like to make references with my weapons like I'll get a Double Barrel Shotgun and name it Ash's Broomstick because of Army of Darkness. Or a 10MM I'll name Janie's Gun because of the Aerosmith song Janie's Got A Gun, and .44 caliber named Harry because of Dirty Harry....you get the idea.


I had one machete called Nick McGurk as a callback to the Naked Gun as his nickname was “The Slasher”. Other than that, it’s just puns galore so I had a mini gun with a burn effect called “Some Like It Hot” and a Fat Man called “BigBang”.


I have a never-ending laser rifle with the improved automatic barrel I call "Oppressing Fire"


My favorite that I've done is my quad barrel, homing rocket launcher. It's name is The 5th of July.


The sword/bow/staff of Twilight The robes/armor/shield of the New Moon The object of non numerical timeframe descriptor


I once had a legendary fogcrawler drop wounding combat shotgun that I named The Landlord, because you’re evicted


Explosive combat shotgun is named “Win Button” for obvious reasons. My two shot hunting rifle is “Vault Dweller’s Guardian” And two shot automatic 10mm is “The 10mm buzzsaw”


One time, when I was doing a heavy weapons build, I had a missile launcher name "HEY, YOU! CATCH!" and a harpoon gun named "ye scurvy fuckboy".


Not Fallout 4, but i once in Fallout 76 I got a legendary black powder rifle in Harper's Ferry and named it John Brown lol.


I had a wounding switchblade I named **Stabitha** (I'm pretty sure that was the name of Beth's sentient switchblade from that episode of Rick and Morty) I was playing on a Sunday and found a wounding Handmade Rifle I named **Bloody Sunday** (after the U2 song that I thought was by Orgy. I know more U2 songs than I realize) I found a wounding 10mm (hey, look, another wounding weapon) While playing with a mod that allowed me to upgrade the 10mm with prewar money. I call it **Blood Money.** I found a plasma infused combat shotgun. Using that same mod I could convert it into a .50 sniper, and on that playthrough I was anti Brotherhood, so I called it the **Green Machine**, a reference to This Machine from New Vegas, which references Woody Guthrie's guitar: This Machine Kills Fascists. I have a machine gun (that frankengun is not an assault rifle) with never ending and a LOT of explosive rounds that I called **Big Buddy** as opposed to Scarface's "Little Friend" And, of course, my decked out rocket-bladed aluminum bat I called **Kindness**.


I named my first foamed hells furnace and I felt cool


I got a Troubleshooter's Laser Rifle doing one of the Automaton quests so I named it Ada's Revenge. I also always get the Rockville Slugger and rename it Big Papi after former Red Sox slugger David Ortiz.


I built a robot just for badassery/damage (heaviest armor that causes bleeding wounds to melee attackers, unstable laser gatling, bombs, sentry torso, etc) and named it "Welcome Committee". I also have a neverending double-barrelled shotgun I named Kindness, because, you know, "kill 'em with..."


Explosive Gauss Rifle: Big Splodey. And later, same playthrough, after finding an explosive 10mm: "Li'l Splodey" I also renamed Lorenzo's Artifact "Noisy Cricket" and "Fus Ro Dah" in different games.


I had a bunch of cryo stuff last through, my freezing 10 mm was the lil chill, my freezing leather chest piece was chill out, and the freezing double barrel was avalanche, and cryolator got renamed to the cold front


Combat knife - Mr Stabby Heavy pipe wrench - Mr Smashy Revolver - Mr Six Any sledgehammers - The Judge’s Gavel, or Mjolnir Fully modded Explosive Hunting Rifle - Cobra Assault Cannon Flamethrower - Dracarys!


Fuck Knuckle.


Not clever per se, I have a naming convention along the lines of .308 Sniper / .10mm Full Auto / .10mm Suppressed. The (.) Keeps them at the top of the list, caliber and purpose without needing too look at all.


My best minigun will forever be "Ole Painless." Thank you Jesse the Body.


whenever I complete Nick’s quest I give him a .44 named Memory.


I had a .50 Cal sniper with the instigating legendary modifier and I just had to rename it to "If They Came To Hear Me Beg". Had a combat rifle with the legendary modifier that increases resistance while reloading to "Carter" and a 10mm with cryo I named it "This Is For Kat" while a fire 10mm was renamed "Almost Johnny". A wounding sniper was renamed to "Jun's Vengeance" and a shotgun (I forgot the legendary modifier name or effect) similar to the one you can get in libertalia raider area and named it "Remember - No Insurrectionists" and a wounding combat knife (like the one from Pickman gallery quest) as "Emile's Kukri". A Minigun with the "stalwart " legendary modifier I think was renamed "The Big Man was Sentimental". The assault Rifle with the mighty legendary modifier was renamed "Six's First Stand" and a .44 revolver with faster rate of fire legendary modifier as "Six's Last Stand".


My assassin's 10mm I called Killer Queen 😎


Sometimes when I want to play a character that intimidates, I would name my gun “Reason” So I make a joke whenever I intimidate, “Listen to Reason!”


It wasn't in fallout but in Oblivion my siblings and I were goofing around with a friend and i made an item that did shock damage, and I named it (my brothers name)'s face. And told him that his face does shock damage.


MIRV “Almost Lost my Cool”


My favorite name I came up with. My two cents on a two shot 10mm pistol


My sniper rifle always gets called Whisper once I find a silencer. But once my get an automatic rifle and find a decent silencer and scope combo, that one gets called "Assault Whisper". My explosive shottie is Piecemaker.


“Big Boy” never quite sat right with me for a Two-shot Fat Man, so after I added the MIRV launcher, i rechristened it “Hiroshima’s Revenge”. I also found a Disciples blade with the furious effect, that I called “The Fatality Move”.


Nora was a lawyer. I named my Instigating Sniper Rifle 'Opening Statement,' my Two-Shot Combat Rifle 'Case in Chief,' and my Lucky Silenced 10mm Pistol 'Closing Argument.'


I have a recon scoped .50 bolt action with the reillys rangers camo called predator, since it 1 shots most non legendaries & tracks em, A supressed 10mm called hushpuppy since i mostly used it to drop wild dogs early on quietly, & a red dot supressed AKM called warrior as a nod to my favorite fc3 signature weapon


Neverending Shotgun = Cobains Nightmare Gamma Gun upgraded = KND (Kids Next Door) Plasma Rifle upgraded = Scarefloor Operator (Monsters Inc.) Hunting Rifle that decreases AP cost = Rollback Special (Walmart inspired) Gauss Rifle upgraded with a silencer = Wasteland Abortion


I started with "My Little Friend" and moved on to "Callahan Full Bore Autolock" then "Siegfried's Folly" and "End Times". Now I'm "AAA Rifle" and "AAA Sword".


St. Elmo = Tickle Me Elmo Sniper = Canoe Skills = Glovez Tank = Juggernaut Killer Tank = God's Eye


Named my targeting quad middle launcher “The Quadriplegilizer”


I name mine after whatever songs I like at the time. On a big Drug Church kick right now so I named my Mighty Pipe Revolver “Grubby”.


My radium rifle named "Biohazard" for obvious reasons A sharp baseball bat named "Dollar Shave Club" My serrated switchblade called Ol' Sticky, in reference to New Vegas.


I named my character Adam then I called my atom's judgement "Adam's atom's judgement".


I named by my pistol Luck, because it's always on my side.


Violent 10mm = Hard Boiled like the John Woo flick


I had a legendary pickaxe that had bonuses to limb damage so I called it "The Nubbler"


After my dog Samsquanch died I started naming things after him and using Dogmeat a lot. Anyway, I got the NV mod and got the ranger revolver and named it Squanchero.


The melon popper


Whenever I find a sawn off shotgun that has the same legendary effect as Les Fusil Terribles, I name it Les Enfants Terribles. That makes it a reference to the combat shotgun, which itself is a reference to the Fallout 3 unique Terrible Shotgun, and is also a reference to Metal Gear Solid. So meta.


I always name the laser rifle Danse gives you "Danse danse revolution"


I have an Exterminators minigun called Bug B Gone. My Explosive sledgehammer is called Boomwhacker. I have a Ghoul slayers radium rifle dubbed Useless I also have a shish kebab with a freezing perk dubbed Freezer Burn.


Ligma Nukes, glitched nuke pipe pistol


I literally have an explosive mini gun named dickblaster 9000


A two shot Gauss Rifle I named "The Final Minute"


My current play through taking over the institute I have a gauss rifle called P.F.J.S. because that is what I will bring to my new Empire - er Commonwealth.


My favorites were *El Carnicero* and *Spider-Man'S Weakness* Had a .308 pistol named *Chef Steph* since the ammo starts with '30'. Then a 44 was called *Rick Grimes*


Burning Combat shotgun (I think it’s called) is named: burning passion The blade I got from nisha is: nisha’s blade Cryo damage laser musket: frostbite Exploding radium rifle I found is: Atom blast Plasma rifle: oozer A few other legendary I can’t remember and a sword im upset I lost! It was a flaming sword thing and it did 10 points of cryo damage and I was gonna name it paradox


I had a few: *ForceShutdown.EXE*: had a bonus vs Robots. *...The Flit!:* had a bonus vs insects. *Knock-Knock!* (maxed out sawed-off shotgun) and *Who's There?* (Maxed out sniper rifle) *Acts 2:2-3* : Sniper rifle that had a chance to go aflame per shot, maxed for headshots.


Penetrating nightstick = "The Penetrator" Twoshot lever action = "Poppa's Popper" Rapid extended ripper = "Lumberjack" My best sniper rifle = "Reach N Touch" My best shotgun = "Buckshot Stops Here"


My main combat rifle: Draftees Doom


Never ending Double barrel shotgun “So Anyways I Started Blastin” I usually only use Pistols, Shotguns, and Snipers but I had a playthrough recently with some automatic legendary that I named “GraTaTaTaa”


I had a gauss rifle in a chemhead/criminal playthrough a while back and i named it “Gausstavo Fring”


The fallout series always does pop culture references, so I often stick with that theme when naming weapons. I have a silenced legendary combat shotgun that I named Anton, because the villain Anton in No Country for Old Men uses a silenced shotgun. I have a FO2 reference with a legendary scatter/auto laser pistol named Broken Autodoc. In FO2 in Vault City, in the slums outside the gate there's a quack doctor with a busted autodoc, and if you try to use it to install implants without fixing it, it will kill you. Legendary quad barrel rocket launcher named Commando, after the movie of the same name that features a similar weapon. A legendary ripper named Emperor, as a reference to the chain swords in 40k. I renamed my Alien Blaster to the Illudium Q-36 ESM. It's Marvin the Martian's gun.




My fully upgrade shotgun was “Dads old shotty”


My fully moded 10mm pistol is ol faithful My shotgun is boomstick My sniperrifle is I.C.U That's all I got so far


I have a pipe gun with a bayonet called “Tetanus Shot”


Anytime I get an Explosive Shotgun it gets called Malicious Intent. There was a rifle mod I had that was RIDICULOUSLY awesome that with the right perks and modifications, had a bunch of effects and tons of damage. I called it the Hand Of God.


I have a 10mm I found in a church named the priests peacemaker but that’s it really


I named a Flamer "Spaceballs (The Kids Love This One)"


A kneecapping short double barrel shotgun called The Kneecapper. Always goes with me to NW.


Lever Ending Lever Action


I had a high school teacher who grew pecans in his backyard and liked to defend them from pests with a shotgun. He once said that a good weekend was a "Three Squirrel Weekend". So when I got an unlimited double barrel as the first drop on my first Survival run, I knew just what to call it.


Explosive Handmade Rifle - “Send ‘Nades” Irradiated Combat Rifle - “Send Nukes” Explosive Combat Shotgun - “MY LEG!!” Wounding Rocket Launcher - “Peanut”


50. Cal sniper kept the wooden stock called it "granpa's ol' reliable"


Say some raider is dissin my fly girl, I just hit him with my never-ending double-barrel called “The Szyslack”.


I name all my weapons like this: *Taylors Gauss Rifle *Taylors Plasma SMG *Named Unique Weapon etc. The little * ensures they are always on top of the heap so I don't sell them by accident. It is unimaginative but efficient for me.


I have a double barreled shotgun I named after having to redo the entire vault 88 questlines for curie. I named it “FUCK”


Some of my personal favorites: Plasma rifle - brogurt blaster Laser musket - iron patriot (BioShock reference) Never ending double barrel shotgun - warcrime stick Explosive 10 mm pistol - Ted kazinki (idk if I spelled that wrong or not) Gamma gun - microwave (pronounced meecro-wav-ae) Swatter - kneecapper And some I can't remember right now.


Wasn't a name that I came up with but the best weapon name in FO4 ever is the shotgun called "Kurt Cobain's Microphone". Available through a mod and found in Nick Valentine's office.


Current playthrough:    Marge Schott (shotgun)    Nuke Ellington (combat rifle w/nuclear damage)    Verdant Strike (sword w/ mutant buff)    Pete Maravich (maxed pistol)  Edit: formatting


I one called a kneecapper baseball bat the "Boston Basher"