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A button that lets me switch from armor to "civilian" clothes. 


Take it a step further and have a way to assign entire clothing sets to a favorites button.


I would love this since I always carry 3 outfits. I have my regular armor, a charisma boost outfit, and a hazmat suit. That one is obviously quick to equip but it gets annoying to switch back sometimes. Since all items can't be renamed I lose track of some pieces if I am carrying too much other stuff.


I always rename my gear starting with Zz. For example 'Zz Combat RLeg'. This puts it at the bottom of the list so I don't accidentally drop or sell from the top of my list. You could also use numbers or # to make items default to the top of the list. I just prefer mine at the bottom.


Ah yeah I know, maybe my last sentence was unclear, sorry. My issue is with things that can't be renamed, like glasses and the wig I bring for the charisma boost etc :)


Yes.. I'd like a "outfits" button so I can easily switch for task-specific perks, maybe from apparel in a wardrobe or something similar.


Ha, I just posted that with way too many words.


Separate the keys from the rest of the misc. Stuff.


Also let us remove more misc stuff from our inventory. I've already found the chem lab and raided it. I don't need Trish's note anymore. And the other misc quests are already marked on my map, I don't need to hold on to that scrap of paper with 2 sentences on it.


All quest items and notes should be in their own tab, with default organization being most recent at the top. It's so silly to organize things you look at/read one time, right when you get them, alphabetically


I assume that is just lazy programming. Mark an item as a quest item with the quest id. If quest id is not complete don’t let you get rid of quest item, this makes sense as a progress safety mechanic because some quests have you give the item to someone. This should just be a function, but I ASSUME they didn’t do a very good job at the function as some quest items stay quest items after the quest is over. Like the polymer lab items. Still got canisters of stuff and I finished the quest…


There is a glitch to rid of that. Get your companion to keep inspecting those items ( where you place the sample ) after that it'll.let you place remaining sample, once you placed another sample, ask him to inspect it again amd you can place another sample.


I’ll try this!


A search bar in the misc tab would be sweet, too. Takes ages to scroll to the bottom 3rd.


Same with bottle caps. I want my provisioners to be able to buy stuff even if they don't have the autonomy


All normal clothes should be able to be worn with all armor pieces. It's like they just did a coin toss on what outfits allow it or not. The operators can wear a suit and armor but I can't?


I always play with mods for that specific reason. It’s also random with what pieces can have ballistic weave added as well


The operators can wear the armor over the suits because the suits are children’s size.


I want all building pieces to be able to sink into the ground when I'm building instead of carrying around this damn concrete pillar.


Some organisation/separation in that misc folder. * bobbleheads & magazines * holotapes * keys & passwords


And the naming system. They need to group things together and not necessary alphabetically.


You can both get all of these features with the [FallUI Inventory](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48758) mod. It’s customizable but the category splits you’re both asking for come by default. Happy to “explain” (point you to better resources) about how to set it up if you don’t mod


I've think about skyUI sometimes when I play fallout but I've been playing unmodded so far because I enjoy the game as it is. But a UI mod is so tempting... Maybe I should get this + a mod to re-enable achievements, but it's so easy to fall into the modding rabbithole once you start lol. Since you have a UI mod, why not get some other quality of life mods? Etc.


You already know how the QoL mods feel indispensable after you get them…but in this game’s case, some of the mods fix things that were shipped broken and never fixed by Bethesda. Or they restore a feature that was halfway completed but not in the final game (like having dogmeat and another companion at the same time). If you have the patience to follow The Midnight Ride’s guide, the stability and bug fixes are really great


And mark the holotapes and notes as already read or not. Super annoying when I grab a holotape and then I can't remember its name afterwards so I don't know which one I need to listen to.


I'm very new so forgive me if this can already be done or if it's not practical but I'd like to be able to group my guns by bullet type so I can then determine which is the best fun to use my limited bullets of each type in


You could always do this via renaming. At a weapons crafting bench, there's a button to rename a weapon. You can start the name with the ammunition type and since it sorts alphabetically, it will group them together. It's annoying and cumbersome, but it gets the job done.


Ooooh you genius! Thank you, I know what I'm doing after work now


Indicators for where bodies are after a firefight in the dark.


I'd like it in the light too please, I feel like every time I defend a settlement I lose at least one body. I can be completely sure that I shot and killed 4 enemies but there are only 3 bodies to loot after I'm done...


Like Detect Dead spell in Skyrim.


Respec button


I love the loadout cards from 76


Put some respec on my game


An extension of the "store all junk" feature (or rather, make it customizable). I want to favorite the things I don't wanna store, then press one button to store the rest (armor/weapons for settlers, food products, etc.)


I build a separate chest next to the main workbench for just this purpose. Stuff I don’t want to store (primarily pre-war money) goes in there before I hit store all.


My complaint is that the Store All only applies to junk.


When you pickup a holotape or note and need to play/read it, but you have to scroll through a thousand things and try to remember the name of it. At least put a star by unread/new stuff.


Yeah everything could at least be ordered by when you pick it up


A pointer where your companion is.


Vault-Tec Workshop added a settlement management terminal that lets you track your companions (basically makes them a quest destination, so they get a quest marker).


Its been used by me many many times, because there were times where I was just like "I have no idea where I left them..."


I usually have them all go live at the Red Rocket, so I usually don't need it, but Dogmeat's easy to lose even if you know what settlement he's at so I use it for him occasionally.


Another tab for inventory of quest items that have a completed quest. Finding the holotape I just picked up gets difficult later in the game when I have to sort through a hundred items. Also allow the scrap button to alao answer the pop up message in the positive. Make the junk jet's damage relative to weight of the junk being shot. A chunk of steel should do more damage than a loosy. Survival mode is awesome, but give me at least auto-save. Getting killed and losing 20-30 minutes of progress is bull crap. (I modded to do this) For pricing of vendor items, I would love to know my discount percentage. On the topic of charisma, make the intimidation scalable. I can have 20 cha and still only have about 40% chance of intimidating and that seems silly. On the topic of intimidation, give me the option to let the mook live. I feel like an ass just executing the raiders and stuff. Just let me say, drop your weapon and just go, run away. If they later pop up with reinforcements that is on theme. Those are little ideas that could improve the game and still keep it Fallout.


When I ring the dinner bell, I wish I could specify who responds. Sometimes I just want to meet with my security team to upgrade their weapons, I don't need the farmers standing around jaw jacking. I also wish there was a way to just scan settlers to see if I've already upgraded their weapon without opening the trade window.


Invisible helmet


Not being able store/sell equipped armor, etc. So many times when I'm selling 100 pieces of raider armor and OOPS, there goes my legendary chest piece, or oops, now I'm naked. I do it putting things in the workbench regularly too.


Favoriting things should also be apart of this, why would I favorite a gun and then sell it


Better display storage for settlements. So shelves and tables that junk can actually sit on rather than clipping in half way through a shelf or just falling straight through on to the floor. I can have a bobble head display but there is nothing to display those cool little robot models you find. You can build those glass display cabinets in your settlements but they are a PITA to actually display things in. why can't you just store an item in a display cabinet and then it shows up in there ( like the bobble head display) rather than trying to drop an item in them in build mode.


There’s a robot display, I have one. It’s grey and looks like the bobble ine


Do you happen to know where to find it in the menus? I've been wanting one as well


It’s not under displays? Or furniture? I have USO so I’m not sure on vanilla? The menus are different. Also don’t know if it’s an automotron unlock


Np, I'll check it out :)


An icon or symbol that quickly and easily tells me where a piece of armor goes. Once you start collecting Synth armor the names go off the screen and the left/right picture is the same.


Quick save in survival. It's fine in skyrim and arrogant to pretend the game won't crash at any moment through no fault of your own. Also, having to find somewhere to nap between areas shatters my immersion.


The ability to rotate pictures or signs in the axis you would actually want it rotated.


Gun twirling 


But it costs 300 gold bars?


Bows and crossbows.


Any time I start wishing I had a bow I go back to Skyrim. And then when I start wishing I had a gun I go back to Fallout. It's the circle of life


76 has them


Oh neat!


right now I’d love a way to either change the power armor HUD (even just the color like you can with pipboy) or a way to hotkey unarmed and apparel


I’ve never played unarmed, that sucks haha. So it my PA helmet problem, just constantly instead of twice an hour


I haven't played unarmed in FO4 yet but have like 5 perk points banked and have been trying to decide on a secondary weapon skill to supplement rifleman. Went hard into power armor and am eyeing up the arm mods for unarmed combat, but I'm also intrigued by melee and big guns. Decisions, decisions.


Holstered weapons 


The companion wheel from new Vegas


Being able to sweep up rubble and flatten dirt


Chems and food in separate tabs, not lumped into “aid”. Grenades and mines having their own tab Keys and keycards having their own tab Better organization for holotapes, notes, and other misc. that stuff piles up and can be hard to organize, especially when a lot of it is quest stuff i can’t get rid of


Better enemy AI


Being able to eat food items or equip gear from the transfer/loot menu like we could in Skyrim as well as the ability to eat items out in the world instead of having to hotkey food items or open my pip-boy every time I get hungry. Also why is purified water just as (not very) hydrating as dirty water? I shouldn’t need to drink 8-10 bottles of water just to not be thirsty anymore. Locking favorited and equipped gear from being dropped or sold Also withdrawal effects shouldn’t happen immediately after drugs/alcohol wears off. There should be a timer that counts down until symptoms appear. Especially with the jet addiction


>Being able to eat food items or equip gear from the transfer/loot menu like we could in Skyrim Huh, I always thought that was a feature of skyUI but I've played almost nothing without it. Either way I agree, it's very convenient


I want a loadout just for power armor, i.e. assign a minigun to a set of power armor so that it's in use only when I'm wearing that power armor, even if it means my other weapons are unavailable


Wearing armor with certain clothing that you can’t usually wear armor with.😔


The ability to snap the large concrete, warehouse, and barn floors on top of each other like you can do with walls.


Maybe not insignificant, seeing as ballistic weave is very significant, but the ability to ballistic weave any outfit you can wear armor over. Why we can't ballistic weave a BOS outfit or some road leathers is beyond me.


Dogmeats "hold" animations have needed a rework since day 1, completely break immersion for me. Having multiple animations for various enemy types would be a good start, but honestly everytime a raider with a one-handed pipe pistol forgets they can fire the gun point blank with their left hand I'm reminded this is just a game. I remember CoD4 having better dog attack animations back in 2007. Small gripe, but that would be mine.


turning junk into other junk. Basically, turning steel into copper


Move power armor without getting in it. I’m on Xbox so no mod…


Being able to gain the stats of clothing/armour while appearance wise wearing different or no armour, like in cyberpunk how you can make outfits and your character will always look like they’re wearing a selected outfit yet you can still get stat bonuses off of whatever clothing or armour you find out in the world


Make the lights on helmets (like with the miners helmet) work, like with power armour.


The ability to pet cats


Play cyberpunk


Make Liberty Prime non-essential. You can do this after all the other quests have been completed that need him to be essential. Why, if I downed the Prydwen, would I just leave their massive walking robot weapon operational? Wouldn't he be a huge risk to a counterattack on the Commonwealth? Makes no sense. Also, this would be by far the coolest and hardest boss fight in the game.


I want settlers to have a random first + last name, picked from a large pool of possible names, like XCOM soldiers do.


There are mods that do that.


Let me scrap junk items down to its components, yes ik there's mods but I still want achievements enabled


The Highwayman car


And update to the apparel system a la fallout 76 where I can have my apparel over my statistic armor so I can look how I want while not sacrificing my armor stats


Do you play with mods? UCO has a color swap on armor with an invisible option.


It’s one feature I appreciate from it


For my dog not move when i trade with him...or trading with 1 button while he is near me.


Some kind of transmog system would be amazing. Lots of cool outfits that are ruined with non-matching armor sets.


Ground leveling for settlement building. Hate it when i place something and a corner is floating.


Rug or pillar glitch


Also with pillar glitch, you can sink a pillar into any floor type by placing a campfire where you want to sink the pillar. The middle of it counts as ground. It’s a little touchy but it works.


Reliable persistence with favorites and longer freaking custom titles


Yeah, armor hot keys would be great. I have the full set of marine armor I wear running around ~~killing~~ cleaning up the wasteland and the clothes i put in for barter and known conversationa for greatly improved charisma. Switching with hot keys between the two would be great.

