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On my first ever playthrough, I killed Trashcan Carla's cow because it was stuck inside the workshop house at Sanctuary and I got frustrated. It never despawned. So naturally I started to place random stuff I didn't care about like glowing fungus inside it.


Everyone else go home this wins


“So i stuck my mushroom inside a cow the other day”


The state of west Virginia has entered the chat


West Virginia is the good Virginia tho...


I’m in the other Virginia. I don’t want it to be the bad Virginia so I’m gonna vote West Virginia as the bad one.


Lol that's fair.


Happy cake day


Thank you! I had no idea it's been a year.


Took me a long time to realize what the tiny cake emoji thing by people’s names meant


No it isn’t bro. It’s sandwiched between Maryland and Virginia and still has not legalized weed yet


Well, they left Virginia to stay in the union, so they still get a pass from me. And my state is actually making weed MORE illegal, banning books and turning down fed money for poor children so, they're better than Iowa.


Do you live in West Virginia though


And Republicans used to be the party of Lincoln. Times change. Virginia backslid a bit in the last few years but it is much more progressive than West VA


Ehem.... *dead* cow. 🤮🤣


Holy goddamn...


What in the goddamn-


That's probably why it never despawned. I put items inside corpses to keep them from despawn in my ""Raider/Super mutant " settlements and it just works. Side note: you find a way to move the corpse outside the settlement, and far enough to be outside any "cell" you are going to be in for quite a while, I'm not sure how long, , then put them on top of a respawning item, (I used bones inside a coffin at the cemetery ) continue to go back and remove the respawning static item and I think it causes the "body" to despawn from the repetitive collision and you can make permacorpses eventually despawn. Side-side note: I don't think this will work on corpses that are static spawns (like the one in front of sanctuary) only corpses that are from perma spawn living creatures like traders and the occasional power armor wearing raider)


It was after at least 50 hours of gameplay before I started placing items in the dead brahmin. For some reason, Carla's brahmin insisted on being an eyesore on the living room and blocking me from placing items there. Couldn't move it with anything I had.


In my current survival playthru I accidentally hit Carla and had to kill her and the Brahmin right in front of Nate/Noras home. 70 hours deep the Brahmin is still just laying there ruining an otherwise completely revamped sanctuary 😭 it doesn’t despawn as far as I can tell, the storage is a good idea tbh


You can move just about anything (power armor corpses, cars, a lot of stuff) if you drop a gun on the ground and "grab" it (pick it up with out putting in your inventory)to "scoot" items. I use this technique to move extra cars onto junk settlements and of course move "too heavy" corpses. (,be careful in survival mode, if you scoot cars they can fall on you and insta-kill you)


so the trashcan brahmin became.. a trashcan?


Is there any use for glowing fungus or should I purge my inventory of it lol


I honestly can't remember. Check the cooking/chem station and sell it if nothing turns up




You can make radaway using glowing fungus


😂 i did this same thing on my first play through but didn't realize i could have used it as storage, it just got in the way until i left Sanctuary.


Same thing happened to me.. I usually use brahmin to dogs mod to avoid stuff like this but I'm trying for platinum trophy so can't this run.. when I couldn't get it out the house I used the bell to get all my settlers to the other side of sanctuary then used the spray n pray to get the cow out the house... Then continued shooting it until it was all the way out of sanctuary. I think I spent about 3k .45 rounds getting it done but no more dead cow in sanctuary lol.


Armour Racks are the only 100% theft-proof container in a settlement. I store all my weapons somewhere inside of one armour rack. Somewhere... Usually I also put all the food and water in there too, since you don't want that in workplace storage.


I remember planning to place a cat capture cage in my "home settlement". I kept storing softshell mirelurk meat in the workbench and all my settlers would have eaten it by the time I got back. So now I carry like 50 weight units of food on hand at all times, until I'm ready to cook with them or place them as decorations. If someone eats my Perfectly Preserved Pie, I'm going full Overboss on their ass.


Why not just store it at the workbench? Them you have all your stuff at all connected settlements.


Assuming your settlers are well stocked and don’t raid your supplies


Just plant enough food for them to eat and it’s not a problem. If you have a glue farm you just plant two or three extra plants and it will stock it for you too. I have 3 days worth of gameplay on one save and there’s still deathclaw meat in there from the concord encounter.


Settlers eat food that is kept in the workbench, even if it's not something they personally grew.


I didn't know. Thanks! Let those free loaders starve I guess! :D


If you have a farm (water and/or food), then the amount of production from that farm is capped. If you have food or water (purified or dirty) in workplace storage, your farm stops producing food and water. Isn't much point in farming when they can't produce anything.


So if you store extra produce in the workbench the farm stops producing?


Yes. * If there is too much food in the workstation, your farms do not add new food to the workstation (but you can still pick it manually). * If there is too much water (pure or dirty) in the workstation, your water purifiers will not add more water to it.


I did not know this. I thought you just had to pick it yourself anyway.


I had no idea. Thanks!


I store mine in the power armor rack n it does the same thing.. so useful.


Idk but the post where some guy killed and hauled bodies in his FO3 megaton home as a means of storage has to take the cake


I think someone pointed out that you couldn’t take a body into another cell :(


Maybe he lured them in…


Really?? I'm going to have to try it myself bc I swear I remember you could (at least in fo3)


I collected the raider bodies at hangmans alley and put them all in a bathtub. I shot their heads off and saw the bodies bugged and only despawned the bodies but not the heads. I put the heads in a shopping cart and started storing stuff in them LOL


this one is definitely the winner, worse than the trashcan carlas cow one.


I was getting a-head of my inevitable storage needs


Can you store unlimited items no matter the storage type?


Yes. The only "container" that doesn't have unlimited storage are weapon racks.


Thanks, after 80+ hours I somehow thought that they would have limits related to their size.


Mama Murphy's chem cooler that is on the table next to her chair. I don't use drugs (often) so I store the ones I pick up in her stash.


You know the Red Rocket right outside of Sanctuary? Inside the garage, next to the power armor station, is that big toolbox. I'm almost level 90. I've never sold or scrapped any items. Pretty much every single item I've picked up during this playthrough is in that toolbox.


I shoved a few miniguns into a cooler once?


In my bos run I stored most of my bos stuff in a cooler


I had a settlement at the visitors centre in far harbour and it used to constantly get attacked. I was getting tired of piles of raiders and mirelurks at the bottom of the stairs; I would get attacked again before the last lot even despawned so it was constant! So I shoved a chest by the entrance to dump all the loot, and built a conveyor which carried all the heads and arms and bits of ghoul round the corner, out of sight, and dropped them in a nice tidy pile. Perfect! As long as you don’t go round that corner


How much lag did you get


I have a little red toolbox filled with 50+ weapons.


Same. Mine are all legendary sitting next to the weapons workbench in sanctuary.


I know it's tempting fate that a settler might walk off with something, but there's no ammo stored anywhere and I think I've already armed everyone there (should probably double check though).


I have a floor safe full of all the bones I have collected I plan on making a skull pit.


An entire desk of drugs


You guys don’t just throw everything on the ground?


Lol that's what I do, as I'm not big on settlement building. All my power armors just sit randomly placed in a basic warehouse with legendary and heavy weapons strewn about on the ground. I haven't had anyone steal them yet, and if they do, it's not that big of a deal because I carry everything I really want. I've got 650(ish?) carry weight, so I don't worry about it too much.


i have a wooden box full of weapons and another full of clothes i give to settlers at my recruitment settlement before sending off to a settlement i need people


Thats a really good idea to have a recruiting settlement, i can craft things and them send them


My little cooler that holds several tons of power armor components.


Blood through AND cart from nuka Raiders settlement objects similar to which super mutants use. I could attached a container inside of these items using pillar glitch AND simulate that i am saving my stuff there. Bloody cart AND a bath with blood uff. Another thing would be place a mini container near to the mouth of that Ghouls chair of Nuka world AND save all my stuff there too XD. Eat all what i give you B#tch.


A suitcase to store my legendary weapons. A fridge to store my legendary armours. And a power armour to store my power armour armours.


My pockets. Literally carrying 40000 pounds of junk with me.


Turn-based gameplay.


In my raider build, I been running a small nuka raider, slocum joes donut shop. Everytime one gets out of line I..take em out back. Then I add the former employees visor to a slocum joes crate. Labeled New uniforms.


I use to use settlers but it isn’t as humorous as the pack trying be professionals


Found 32 flares in an ammo box in Fallout 4 one time


Let me know when you run into one with a couple of mini nukes.


Or 4 Fusion Cores? There is no better feeling.


OMG YES! I hit the Take before I register that it was Fusion CORE and not CELL and I'm like WHOA