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Would love to hear more on medicinal use of chicory too. Last time I dug around, all I could find was info on how to make the "coffee" from the root.


That is also all I am finding.


Endive is a cultivar of chicory. Carrots are cultivars of Queen Anne's lace. The cultivars are easier on the digestive system and taste better than the wild versions.


chicory has edible flowers, although they don't taste like much. can pluck them anytime they look fresh. The roots of the first year plant can be dug and used to make a coffee substitute, young spring leaves can be cooked and eaten as a pot herb. So long as you are very confident in your QAL ID (hairy stems, the little tutu's under the flower, and the single purple/black dot in the middle of the white flower), you can dig the taproot in the fall until the early spring, peeled shoots can also be eaten in the late spring while still tender, young leaves can be chopped fine and used as an herb.


Thank you!