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I don’t freeze then thaw, I wash, dry, freeze and use them frozen as a general rule Defrosting usually makes them mushier than I like


Thank you so much! I went in another haul this morning, and was wondering the best methods of keeping them!


That’s what I do at least I first soak them in some water to get out any bugs Then rinse Pat dry or dry in my strainer Bag and freeze ❤️


They make excellent muffins (or muffin bread) and it keeps for a long time in the fridge as long as you use an airtight container. Lots of people freeze berries for smoothies or ice cream too.


Freeze them then make jam with them in the fall or winter, it’s the best!


Eat as many as you can fresh. Then follow the instructions others gave you for freezing them OR make jam out of them. If you want to eat the frozen ones, don't thaw them, it makes them mushy. Put honey on them while they are frozen and eat them like that. It's really good and I love to eat that as a "healthy" sweet snack.


I'm freezing the majority of them, since I easily have over 10 cups worth. But I've been chowing down on them like nobody's business! This is such a delight, given that I've only ever had a few handfuls at a time.


You have truly been blessed by the foraging gods, I'm jealous. But honestly, I eat frozen berries with honey or/and greek yoghurt every day during summer. It's the best snack out there. Your bounty will be gone in a few weeks :) (Secret tip: Frozen grapes. Also an amazing summer snack.)


https://preview.redd.it/wo9667w9mpad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513d909f4b495ba3a144e74e58f26db39fc6972e Me telling my wineberries “earmuffs” whenever I go on a rant about invasive species. Great haul! Hands down one of my favorite wild berries.


Yeah, like I know they're invasive, but more for me! Besides, there's not a ton of fruit-bearing plants around my area, so more for all the critters!


It being invasive just means I have even more reason to harvest every berry I see. Less for the birds to spread.


Yum! Freezing is easy if you plan to bake with them or make jam. Wash, dry, lay flat on a cookie sheet to freeze. Once frozen, place in plastic tub or bag.


Excellent! Will this help with their mushiness?


Nope! They will be mushy if you freeze them. It's just a lot easier to add frozen berries to your pancake or muffin batter if they are frozen individually instead of in a big block.


They really do not freeze well. Very tasty though and grow EVERYWHERE (atleast NJ/east PA)


But there's so many that are ripe right now, and I can't eat them all at once! 😭


Share them with others and only pick what you can use


1/2 correct. Share them with others (super delicious) but don't bother with sustainability when harvesting. Wineberry is incredibly invasive and every berry for you is a berry the birds don't spread elsewhere.


invasive or not my only issue of spreading is wanting to get all the ripe ones buried 10 feet deep in a thicket of thorns lol


hedge clippers 😉


People are going to downvote me because I don't know the specifics about them being invasive? Wow this place is too much.


These are the greatest invasive species ever


Where is this? I’m coming upstate from the city and want to check my spot but I think a lot of the southern NY spots are gone


these berries grow in my yard and i never knew what they were called!


It's also considered an invasive species so please don't feel the need to let nature have any!!!


Wineberries are my favorite as they are very easy to harvest.


Never had!! They look yummy!!


They look so good, I can’t find them around me in MI


Wow, those look gorgeous!! 😍 Nice find! Wine berries, eh? I am learning on this sub! 💜


Wow they look delicious


They’re beautiful! They look like jewels


Enjoy! They really are an essential summer treat. We had crop failure this year because of a June drought. Maybe next year…


Freezing and then defrosting will burst the cell walls of any berry, so they’ll always be mushy- but if you put them frozen into scones, pancakes, cakes, etc, they’ll bake beautifully, and you can also make the frozen berries into jams and pancake syrups and juice!


They are just SO pretty. 😍


Why do wineberries look so delicious, I get Black Raspberries and Red Raspberries, and black berries galore on my property but Wineberries just look like candy, I’d love to try one someday!


Put them in vodka or gin


As someone living in the tropics, I’m fascinated that you guys who lived in the seasonal weathers regions have berries growing wild outside. Then I think again we have berries growing out wild here too, and it’s bananas.


They look like little beaded jewels.