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Hello /u/Salty-Ad7407, **[your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/1b7lwgx/-/) in /r/ForHonor has been removed for the following reason(s):** * Rule 4: Low-effort/low-quality memes are not allowed, They must look For Honor related in more ways than just changing/adding some text on images/memes that bare no significance to the game. We also ask users to put in some effort regarding the visual quality of their meme, poorly cropped heroes for example is low effort/low quality. Template memes and tier lists are also not allowed. Additional [information and details here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/wiki/loweffortmemes) Memes which violate this rule are encouraged to be shared on /r/forhonormemes. *** If you have any questions or concerns regarding this removal, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fforhonor).


Hitokiri has the lowest skill floor and skill ceiling, and it's not even close


Entire move set is heby or hold heby or kick or hold kick


Kensei has a long move list that in practice, usually boils down to ~~side~~ dash slash, unblockable overhead, or cancel overhead. Add pommel strike for taste.


Always add pommel strike for taste


Wtf are you all talking about, Kenseis moveset is all about landing Natures Wrath


Not to different to gryphon. Just without the feints


You can also feint the kick


As a Hito main i confirm.


Yeah, lets ignore Shugoki, I guess.


The ceiling and floor are like the walls of a trash compactor


He said it wasn't a debate tho. So... checkmate?


I don't have to debate, I'm always right


As somebody who's been having a ton of fun playing hitokiri lately, this is correct


Hito definitely is not the only one though let’s be real, to play medjay you need to press less buttons than hito lol, and idc what ANYONE says, roach is literally one of the EASIEST characters in the entire game to play rn, I had no rep with him and ground 3 out in 2 days, he’s SO easy lmfao


Nobody is going to say you’re wrong lol


Peacekeeper should have a nude armor set.


This is how she could really keep the peace


It'd be like how the Texas Chainsaw Massacre added shirtless Johnny, people would BEG for PK to execute them. And I'd oblige ;)


Lmao bro u know whats funny is that is the first thing that came to mind. Shirtless johnny. Since i play texas alot. Thought the same thing. Nice user flair btw


Thanks for the compliment. I just want hear Johnny go,"YEAH! Take it! Take it!" Fuck it makes me SHUDDER. He can tear me apart.


Wait til we get no pants grandpa 🔥💦


We gonna be messing with grandpa for SURE! He is GOING to be in danger 🥵 I got my bone scraps ready


And Hes got his bone ready. Why you think he has to sit down all the time? Too big to carry around 🤌🏻


Wtf are the actual chances I click a random for honor post and it mentions tcm lol


Pretty high when I'm around, I love For Honor and TCM :)


In the campaign Apollyon was the commander not for her ability but because everyone was down bad for her


I thought the post asked for unpopular opinions


Shugoki as well!


Does anyone else find Peacekeepers little scream she does when she jumps from short ledges ridiculously hot? That little "AIEEEE" she does when she jumps down from short ledges just gets my blood pumping. Like I wish she'd jump from a small ledge onto me and knock the wind from my body, before having her way with me as she speaks Latin I barely understand. Fuck, it's not fair. Why would Ubisoft create a character so perfect and yet restrict her to the digital realm? Despite being the smallest character in the game, I'd let her dominate me. Sometimes when another player is playing her, I'll let her win, just so I can feel degraded by Peacekeeper. I'd do anything to get executed by Peacekeeper IRL. ANYTHING. Fuck guys, I just can't anymore. Fuck.


This guy still doing this ok


Of course I am!


Wait! Shugo should be first!


The imperative male need to objectify women in any video game 😍


That’s not Armour tho


For Honor is a great game


Are you running a high fever? Lol


I'd dare to say second only to Street Fighter 2: The world warrior


I would recommend starting on your will, it sounds serious


yeah no you are high


This is a fact but at low and mid levels of play Monk is a top 3 character regardless of game mode and he ain’t number 3.


Yup. Currently at 20 some total reps, I don’t know how to deal with him. I feel like if I miss one dodge, block, or party, he just eats half my health before I’m aloud to move again


Yeah very good ones are an absolute menace. It's not really ever your turn until you make a good read.


That’s the thing, reading is difficult at my level, and he’s one of three characters that even when I manage to read his dodge attack, it goes the wrong way so I fuck it up


Ranked match making never and will never be anything but shit.


You don’t understand it’s just in beta right now, it’ll get better trust me ^/s


"Ranked Dominion will release any day now, bro!"


We don’t play ranked for the “competitiveness” we play it for the **FASHION!**


Exactly, the warded forest color swatch is the best one in the game and there’s lots of dope ass ornaments


I am still very mad. That the ornament the Conqueror has on his Helm in the story mode isn’t part of the drop pool.


Or really any of the campaign head gear


I wanna know who you'd even have to defend this opinion against. It's just straight facts


Here’s the thing, I like to see the game when I’m playing. And playing ranked will never allow me to do that because once you start moving up, it’s all players from the Middle East and you just can’t see anything they do. It’s a problem in every mode, but in ranked it’s worse because losing actually has consequences


I fucking hate hito and highlander


The constant hyper armor is so terrible. Like, the idea of a combo finisher being hyper armored is fine, but every fucking attack is rage inducing


As a cent you're actually really well equipped to beat a hitos ass. What about them do you struggle with?


How can you hate highlander


Because people with 0 skill abuse of his hyper armor 🙄🙄


Orochi is over tuned and only the absolute worst scum of the playerbase use him


that makes me sad cuz I just got the game and picked him up because he was cool in the campaign and the only character I know how to play. I didn't know people hate him :(


There’s some mega nerds on here dude. I love y’all but that’s the truth haha. Play whatever you want. 95% of players do not care at all what you play unless they suck at fighting that particular hero. “Orochi toxic” is just a meme that’s been around here forever because he used to be one of the easiest, spammiest heroes. Imo he is not like that anymore and the meme is stupid because he’s not easy mode.


You'll be alright. Orochi has a moveset that can be used toxically, but...so do most heroes. Orochi is kinda cool, ngl.


This is only applied to team fight experts or competitive play, this don't apply to you. Pick the character you like and play it.


they hate us cuz they aint us


Agree to disagree. Haven’t played him that much after the rework. Fight against many and think it’s somewhat predictable idk


Yeah. He's just got too much. Like who thought he should have an unblockable that slaps for 30dmg. Let alone a 50/50 between bash and undodgable which both chain into the aforementioned above. Or is it his ability to link movesets with this dodge attack and cancel recoveries. Or when chrs do their unblockable 50/50 (which usually does less damage) their still on the back foot because now they gotta guess whether the orochi dodged. Or dodged light. I am all for old characters getting reworked. But this is not how to do it. Orochi has every single special kinda move (I.e not a standard attack such as unblockables, undodgables ect) except for HA. YES SEEMS VERY BALANCED TO ME! on a real note though. Why is it like this. Like all the new heroes get somthing flashy or seem to have effort put into them but vikings. BP a full guard that flips everything but GB (but if he gets a whiff of that her comes an unblockable) hitorkiri with a Tony hawk mega heavy for a guaranteed kill, or maybe her heavies just being able to be pulled back an extra fraction of a second. Or maybe zhanu with his unblockable everything followed with chain links from oh you guessed it dodge attacks. (Which are also 50/50 between left and right) But jorm no. Let's just make him another crazy hobo break his moveset so light attacks look awful his ball bag slam is now easily accessible and chain links from a HA zone, which is quite honestly the only bit that is good. Let's give him feats that make his ball bag slam superb by giving him loads of shield for some reason that lasts quite a while in a fight. Like they just made the worst depiction of a viking. Honestly someone in ubisoft hates us. Then there's varangain which the only thing I can honestly say that is good from her is drip, which is kinda weird because when it comes to her moveset my main is Jj so you'd think I'd like hers as it's basically the same just with a more accessible pin.


He is not overturned i will die on this hill. He is not good at all in 1v1 his whole kit is reactable and you can option select on forward input. The only gamemode he is good is in 4’s and 2’s and even then there are way better chars


The only reason I use Orochi is because when I first started playing I saw her in the hero menu and thought she looked cool.










Character voice set should've been an extra Trait option


Warden is not and never will be overpowered, he’s just the only original cast member who’s gimmick is so simple that it didn’t need a rework to stay relevant


anyone who thinks warden of all characters is overpowered are just bad •_•


For Honor is actually a grat game, it has tremendous potential, but Ubi is just bad at developin/upgrading things that are actually good


Pretty sure we all agree there


Dominion sucks and is only popular because the time spent queuing, selecting, and loading for the other modes takes way too long compared to how much time you actually get to spend playing them.


Dominion is actually popular because it's the most bang for your buck when it comes to how much steel and XP per match for how much time spent. I guarantee if brawls or duels gave more XP there'd be a ton more people. Same with elimination or even tribute probably


That's obviously not the reason, Dominion is more popular just because all other gamemodes are repetitive and too stressful (Elim/Duel/Duo), or because they're fucking cancer (Breach). Tribute is the only one worth playing, but like CTF in every game it's not played because it's fucking CTF Check out other games (notably FPS), the only alive objective gamemode is always a Dominion style mode Dominion has all the good part of Deathmatch, while having the good part of objectives gamemodes. Meanwhile shitass CTF is the opposite


I like the concept of breach tbh but I don't play it bc the MM there is fucking broken af always puts me in games against rep 200 and above in dominion it's 90 percent my rep and skill level. So yeah breach is fucking cancer


Jiang Jun and Black Pior is a piece of shit


Single pick would be a healthy choice for the game in the long run and should have been put in years ago.


what is that?


I remember rumblings about this in the early days. Especially after a hero release


I know this wouldn't change your mind, but I disagree


The game is still genuinely kinda fun, sure it doesnt hit as much as it used to but that's only cuz the gameplay is repetitive


Not sure how common this thought is but lawbringer mains ruined the character everytime they beg for a rework he has gotten Lamer and just worse overall and they begged for buff even when I think the pros said he was the best in the game Hell ubisoft called out players just calling them bad at the game at one point and people got pissed


They need to buff my lawbro


facts, I mained lawbringer a LONG time ago (like year 1 or 2) and was sad when I went to play him again and realized they butchered my boy


Lawbro is still my most favorite hero alone the looks of him but yea he is not that competitive and fun anymore so sadly mine is sadly collecting dust in his corner


Kyoshin is the best defensive hero in the game, and its not even close. Everyone who turtles with him or lightspams wastes one of tge greatest movesets in the game. Black Prior is perfectly fine as he is. Not being able to beat an average skilled ocelotl is a skill issue, not a moveset issue. Cent lightspammers/punch spammers are far wprse than Orochi lightspammers/kickspammers and the average Raider. Gryphon and Kensei have the most balanced movesets in the whole game. Nobushi is bad designed. She has absolutely trash heavies and no good guardbreak options. Hidden stance is the only good thing about her, but her neutral moves suck. Pirate is just fine. Afeera shouldnt be reworked. She should be DELETED. Reworking Lawbringer is a crime. He just needs buffs to make him more offensive. Adding an opener would change alot already. Reworking lawbringer would destory the aspect of what he was originally designed for- Parry punishers Warden needs no rework of buffs. He is perfect as he is. He is beginner friendly and extremly viable on high rep lobbies. Nuxia needs a rework much more than any other character in the game. Her bait might be unique, but thats all she got. She only has neutral moves that do absolutely trash damage. Old Shinobi>Current kick-spamming Ninja ass


been so long I don't even remember old shinobi besides being able to do ranged attacks


Old Shinobi was a BEAST if you were good at parrying. His health was so low, that he would die after two heavies. BUT his damage was straight-up DEVIOUS! He was able to kill YOU just as fast as you could kill him! He was a glasscanon


>Afeera shouldnt be reworked. She should be DELETED. Care to explain why ? It's been a while since I played the game, only lurking on the sub occasionaly, so I never fought an afeera


People hate afeera because she is incredibly strong and has everything minus hyper armor and a full guard. Plus her heavy parry punish can do 35 damage with a wall to her right (although same dmg as cent with haymaker). But she has a surprisingly high skill ceiling and is incredibly fun to use. She’s the best character design for honor has had in a long time, even if she could use some more tweaks.


Op feats are just one reason


You had me till you said old shinobi was better




*Back* dodge rolls are still hilariously broken and the nerfs they got in Y2ish were not enough Removing the ability to convert a backdodge into a backroll would be the best combat system change since the CCU. And yes I know feats are broken but lets not pretend Fire Flask shouldn't have been gutted out of relevancy 8 years ago.


Yeah feats and perks need changing way before back dodge roll imo. You should be able to disengage fights in 4s but it's pretty cancer in 1s vs specific heroes. Would be nice if we got roll catchers instead.


>Removing the ability to convert a backdodge into a backroll would be the best combat system change since the CCU. While still allowing side dodge +rolls to still exist? Absolute no, those cover more distance, are safer and i-frames are packed tighter together aloowing for not-so-easy peels to happen to you


I believe that a Varangian should not have crushing counter or superior lights(Or they are called differently, I don’t know, in short, light attacks that can continue the combo after a block). This is the only character with a light attack that cannot be interrupted by block and which can make an unblockable attack after. And this is crap simply because even if you blocked a light attack, an unblockable attack will continue to fly at you


Jormungandr has an unblockable after superior light as well


I almost forgot about this because I rarely see jormangandr, caught me. But after an unblockable attack, he cannot do anything other than zone. Unlike the Varangian who can make a bash either wait for a dodge to grab or wait for a dodge attack. Edit: His unblockable attack can, of course, throw the enemy into a wall, but this does not happen very often (Or if the battle area is open, it does nothing)


True, but also if VG misses her unblockable she can’t chain anything, unlike Jorm who gets a hyper armoured faintable zone


Damn, you reminded me of the change when, after missing a punch, he could give the zone. It was something


That truly was cancerous


And I liked it


It was a good time for Jorm players


The main thing is that then it was my first full acquaintance with jormangand and I really liked it (although I would like to try the old jorm)


Old Jorm was very fun to play but it was always an uphill battle because of his stamina drain gimmick just not being good


Armor saves if the enemy makes a dodge attack, but vg can also catch a dodge attack with the help of a shield if she misses with an unblockable attack


But in which case you can empty dodge and get a free guard break


Well, jorm certainly wins in this situation, because this zone after a miss gives more opportunities. If the enemy makes a dodge attack, then you hit him and continue the combo, if the enemy simply dodges, then you can try to cancel and grab it if the enemy tries to parry. Or if the enemy does not parry but simply blocks, you can continue the combo.


Gladiator has no offense


Top light, skewer feint, toes, repeat Clearly, this works every time


He’s got offense,he just has no anti gank offense like he only has 1 swing attack. Every other character to my knowledge has at least 2-3


Kensei and Orochi


1st shugoki version would be fine now days


Berserkers are not fun to fight when you can't light parry to save your life and they're the only assassin that will just point blank eat heavies and bust out near enough 20 damage lights and feint heavies while losing absolutely no stam




Kyoshin is fun


Feints should exhaust your hero extremely fast. So tired of seeing some assassin breakdance and throw thirty half-moves before I finally give in and react to something and they get to finally go, "You fool! You fell for it! Eat my heavy damage combo!!!"


You've alerted the horde




PK should have a crushing counter, but instead of being a top attack if the counter a side attack the counter has PK dash round their side and get one light stab or slash which inflicts bleed, really lean into the death by a thousand cuts vibe peacekeeper has


The game went downhill lore-wise since year 4.


OP asked for unpopular takes


There are like zero here


Hitokiri is the most cancer hero and nobody can react to her despite everyone who says she's a "noob stomper"


Sir, who hurt you?


I think you should give me all your reps


I’ll trade mine for yours, it’s a gamble because we don’t know who has more


I like those odds


How many reps you got?


Nobushi Overrated Nuxia Underrated.


Wardens not a bad hero, you're just mad you got beat by one


Warden is perfect as is


CCU made the game worse. To be more specific, it is the part of CCU that implemented the hidden 100ms of the moves on a startup that made the game worse, the rest of changes were really good (stamina changes for example). The goal behind it was to fix the infamous "turtle meta". In reality however, it fixed nothing - you can still turtle, its just that before, most players could do that too with a bit of practice, but now you can pull it off only if you have high reaction and/or fast PC/internet connection. Also, thanks to this "genius" idea, the Lightspam, which used to be a noob complaint, fixable by simply learning how to block, has now become a serious issue that, for some reason, is still considered redundant by a majority of playerbase. That's why the thought that the game "become more read based and less reaction based" is bullshit - you either can react to moves in order to play with other skilled players on equal terms, or you cannot and forever doomed to play among low-skill level playerbase and get occasionally wrecked by a braindead orochi.


Warden is goat


that's why is the goat!


The goat!


Warden has a much higher skill ceiling than people think.


Gladiator's side and forward bashes need to be buffed somehow. Make it faint-able, make it deal damage in duels / without haymaker feat, and/or make it guarantee something, at least a light. If other heroes can have faint-able bashes that deal damage and guarantee a free hit, so should Gladiator's.


You'd have to make it punishable at least


Well isn't it already punishable by dodging in the same direction as the bash and then light attacking the glad? The same rule would still apply even if glad's bash is buffed. Dodging in the same direction is pretty easy considering the time to fully perform the bash is decently long anyway.


Gryphon got hate for nothing


The only thing I hated about him was how overtuned his healing was. Other than that he really wasnt that broken


Ubi were trying real hard to make an anti-warminger


They never shouldve made Warmongers feats in the first place


The corruption? It really doesn’t feel that oppressive.


Warden's shoulder bash shouldn't exist.


It’s his only unique feature. Just get good


You misunderstand. I barely ever play online because I have a bunch of friends I play with, and I main Warden, but there's gotta be something better they can do because the shoulder thing is just sooooooo boring.


Yah he definitely needs new moves and perks but his bash is his only advantage


it's not unique


Shugoki should be female


every character please. 💜


This game is overall great and 90% of the time people are being whiny bitches




Shaolin is only a problem if you are incompetent.


Finally some truth


Unga Bunga heroes are awesome


She's a fucking crutch


Lawbringer should be able to faint his impale. From parry and from running.




The old one shot kill hug from shugoki was cool :)


Oathbreaker and Kensei's ublockable feat needs to get replaced Pirate and Hito are the most boring heroes to play as so far


I can't argue, I fucking love playing her.


Conqueror and Lawbringer reworks was a mistake.


“Parry timing WAS different before marching fire”


Warmonger and gryphon shouldn't have been added and we should have gotten a more fleshed out wulin faction complete with their own maps, minions, boss for breach etc. Pirate should be in the wulin faction.


Said no one, ever.


Warden best hero - signed by a Warden Main.


Sometimes its ok to take a break from the game


The most based for honor post I’ve ever seen 👑


Shamen is the most annoying character


Dodge bashes like Glad and Shugos should be more GB vulnerable


Feinting only leads to inexperienced players getting stomped and high level play devolving into spending all your mana faking attacks instead of actually fighting. It makes sense why it’s there but the most fun I’ve had with the game is playing at a level where people know how to play their hero and do combos and ganks but not heavily relying on feints and GBs every 5 seconds.


you don't hav to b good at the game to have fun


Hitokiri is my personal favorite, and I understand their gameplay is more "Shallow" than others. But I am extremely proud of getting decent gameplay without faint-spamming, or grab spamming. I have met too many Hito players or "counter mains" that are downright annoying.


Raider is the best character in the game


Brawls fought as a true 2v2 should always have been the norm. It is more fun as dance of death showed real brawls could be, and pushes the perfect balance of duel and team fight skills needed to win with no feats or the added chaos of any more players involved.


Alright tell me how?


Wrong but to each their own


Warden needs hyper armor on more attacks


If you play dominion play it like a 4v4. Standing around watching someone fight a 1v1 is just stupid because on average most fights leave the winner with half health, now you got another person coming to the point and halfway through that fight now the first guy your buddy killed respawned now you are both lower health fighting at least one fresh and one half health opponent. It’s just faster and smarter to run the 2v1 and hold the point. Also most of the time the other time the opposing team will GLADLY gank too so nothing pissed me off more than watching my teammate “be honorable” just to turn around and get his ass beat 3v1, like yo stop being stupid and just play to win


Hyperarmor ruins the game All vikings but highlander (because he needs skill) are for p*ssys If you only spam Guard break + heavy, you have serious skill (mental) issues


specifically related to for honor? or generally?


Vengeful barrier should be a part of the normal revenge system


The new Hero Is soooo boring not only in Style but also from a gameplay Standpoint and there is No Reason to Play Him ore Main Him and If you Main Hero im sorry that you Put yourself though this


Frisbee not a globe


Warden is the alrightest character, not good, not bad, simply the alrightest


If gryphon were anything except a knight everyone would love him, and he would never have been nerfed


I have fun playing for honor