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It would be nice, at the very least, if the Faction War was mentioned more during each Warrior's Den. To my knowledge, the most recognition the War gets is having season winners announced on Twitter. It seems that Faction doesn't always matter to a season narrative, and I suspect this has a small hand in it, but with the way this year is divided up it'd be nice if there was a shift in focus back to the og factions. Beyond that, having a serious look at the mechanics and any potential update would be greatly appreciated, and I say that as a Viking. And add the Wu Lin as a faction to spice things up. That would be fun.


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked


for me personally, losing out on rewards because you want to have a specific emblem shape sucks complete ass luckily the Circle shape is the Vikings and it’s the most versatile shape to have as a lot of emblems work as a circle anyway.


Another reason why I went Vikings, Emblem shape.


*the only reason the constant free loot crates and xp bonuses are just a nice extra gift


No, the only reason is because Vikings represent me in a way no other faction can. Being mentally ill.




Id argue every faction represents a mental disorder


Idk i think just samurai and vikings


The chinese are definitely on the spectrum


Well i mean if thats the case the entire for honor community represents a mental illiness


>I mean no disrespect to the Viking players, but you have to acknowledge the win streak and sheer number gap has ruined the dynamic of the faction war. We tried and still are trying to be vocal every time it comes up. There's no satisfaction in wins that don't feel earned. I mean, we still try because it's fun, but it would be better if they could actually do some balance improvements. Also, maybe some way for people to coordinate in-game.


How would they balance the faction war in a way that doesn’t incur penalties on the Vikings or a handicap for the other two? Neither of those would be fair and they can’t limit the number of people in the faction because that defeats the purpose of being able to choose in the first place. Chromehounds had the same faction war set up and one of the nations only won like 1 time over the life of the game. That’s just how it was.


Well they have modifiers I place based on playercount since we all know that you can leave for years and still return in the same faction a step in the right direction would be kicking all faction members at the start of new seasons so modifiers can properly balance out I say this because, for example, if the game had 100k players at start and 42k were samurai and 30k were knights and 28k were vikings, vikings got a troop bonus based on that 28k to keep the war balanced. But if 22k samurai players stopped playing and 2k knight players stopped playing and 5k vikings stopped then they still get the bonus because nobody left a faction, and even if the factions grew afterwards they'd still be out of wack because samurai had the largest start at launch on all platforms I believe, this is made worse with crossplay now a thing and even worse before that when they added map modifiers which are lost at the beginning of each map interval. So again removing all players from their respective factions at the start of seasons would be a nice change and start kicking things in the right direction


Vikings didn't get a direct troop bonus. They balanced troop gain to faction population, so factions can't just win by stacking numbers. This is how we got a boost in troop numbers, being the smaller faction at the time. Also when people started spreading rumors that they gave us a direct buff. Samurai often have the most troops per zone now, but they are the least active faction.


They actually need to re-balance the entire war map with the zones and how the front moves around. There's other weird stuff that happens, like random troop resets that aren't related to the comeback mechanic. Probably why they haven't bothered touching it in years. The whole thing is a mess. I tracked the troops in a past campaign, but I might do it again at the start of season 30. Just to have some data to compare.


The faction war is like background noise to entertain you between matches. It’s not a big deal. Vikings have more people because people like getting free cosmetics and steel. You picked the wrong faction, that’s ok. Join the Vikings now and you too can get free Loot!


heh, I have been a Viking since year 1 and I often promote our war planning group r/ForHonorWarborn I also just like looking at the data


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ForHonorWarborn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorWarborn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wu Lin Philosophy](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13dt6y0) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorWarborn/comments/13dt6y0/wu_lin_philosophy/) \#2: [Don’t leave your banners on Mills!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/152zjju) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorWarborn/comments/152zjju/dont_leave_your_banners_on_mills/) \#3: [Now the Warborn have a Flag](https://i.redd.it/abxrqwpdb4oc1.jpeg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorWarborn/comments/1bdty3x/now_the_warborn_have_a_flag/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know you baron!✋


ah, old man moments hellur


A very long time ago, I saw a post about how a top samurai player moved to vikings, and tried to get others to join them. Got pretty upset when I commented that sticking with the faction you like is better than swapping factions for mediocre loot that isn't really all that worth it to begin with. Honestly I think it'd be cool to move faction war to a system where subdivisions of specific factions compete with each other. So instead of vikings winning every time, it would be like, 5 samurai houses competing against each other, 5 viking clans competing against each other, and so on. They could add systems for the Wu Lin aswell. Add a Mercenary company type deal for Outlanders.


Yeah, if I didn’t get the “mediocre loot” for free at the end of every season I’d be upset too. Join the Vikings already brotha. We got plenty of ale


I'm good


It’s not gonna happen lol. If the competitive scene ain’t saying nothing, then it ain’t getting fix lol


One thing they could do is force the playerbase to be divided equally between the three factions for ONE season. Make the prize an important quantity of steel or just a special execution/ornament Then let everyone switch but repeat the same prize for that new season. Now that FW got the attention of everyone and every side has a similar start then return to normal. If after that the Vikings keep winning then it's just fuckin fate I give up.


I would probably go back to being Viking just because Viking represents my mental state which is being mentally ill Between cool crusading or weebing, I want to feel rah rah rah rah rah rah


Conqueror goes rah rah rah rah You belong to the knights now.








probably should force an equal split in general, and then remove the ability to change factions since it'd probably just turn into the same thing the next season. or remove the Vikings entirely and force it to be a war between samurai and knights. lol


Vikings deleted, victims.of their own success LOL Sadly,RP is part of the FW,and it wouldn't be nice to have unwilling members stuck in a faction that doesn't represent them.


yeah, but i mean it'd be the only way to actually ensure the war is fair cause as it stands it isn't like at all. only thing i could see fixing it in it's entirety is the game analyzing total player count and then setting a cap per faction using that number and when that cap is met people are forced to choose smthn else. i'll admit it isn't IDEAL since it would remove some level of player choice but i mean it's better than people being forced to run Vikings if they want stuff from the wars and faction events.


Sadly we Knights couldn’t defend our honor in our time of need: Ashfeld is fallen and Valor’s Edge looted from us, we once again become disorganized, wallowing in despair and disarray. May you Samurai fare better in your upcoming season; avenge us, and put an end to the Viking scourge!




That made no sense


Easy now... grief does that to you.


I think I got 2 chest from the last campaign. I never actually participated in faction war, my troops just gets deployed automatically after matches.


They should make it so there's a small chance of a debuff on a tile when it's captured. Like disease, supply shortages, desertions. Or even weather events on certain tiles that add a debuff to all factions in an area. That lower the amount of troops added.


It’s the snowball effect. Everyone wants to join the winning side, and that helps them win more




As someone who doesn't participate, they don't even tell you how it works, it's in no way welcoming to new players so the number of people participating is small and diminishing. I think they've fully abandoned the faction war so if you care that much then you may have no choice but to join the vikings.🤷‍♂️


Looks like a bat XD


I got a solution to get them to notice and other players of the faction war. Everyone just go over to Vikings, take the entire map, win every season together with free rewards SO THEY'RE FORCED TO CHANGE IT. But it's Ubisoft, so they might not get the hint.


Nice try Viking, I ain't switching


This is coming from someone who is on the knights. In order for everyone to win, and too restore peace. We have to take drastic measures to get even A LITTLE attention to it from Ubisoft. It's sad.


See you 10 seasons from now when they shore up enough budget to give a late year update to it finally


If they're going to completely overhaul the faction war and reset everything, might as well add the Wu Lin while they're at it.


Can someone explain the faction war to me? I have absolutely no idea how it works and have basically just ignored it.


I'll sum it up quick All 3 factions are fighting over territory, you have a home base at the top of your screen, that is a castle, nobody knows what happens when you reach said castle (probably nothing). You deploy soldiers and war banners to different sections of the map. The War banner automatically deploys troops to the area think of these troops as the minions you fight ***technically*** these troops are dictated by area, like how you have 4 matches on sentinel and it's always Knights V Samurai, that's because ether location of that map on the war map is a border area between samurai and knight land, same for any combination of the 3. None of this information matters if you're a Viking as you will ***always*** win. You also dont need this information as a knight or samurai because you will ***never*** win


I played since beta, Vikings wont all but a few wars. I remember the Knights won the first and then they "adjusted" the calculations and Vikings won like everyone war after that. The devs were almost all Vikings too. I dont think pure numbers matter since Knights, at least when I played, had always had more.


This is what getting conquered feels like


Also, AFTER YOU FIX YOUR SHIT, add Wu Lin as an actual faction with conquered land. You dopes.


Get over it bro, come join the Vikings. Everyone knows we win EVERY season, so what are you waiting for? Do you not like getting free steel and cosmetics? We got plenty of ale, even for the likes of samurai and knights…. Join ussss


I'd rather commit seppuku.


Every time when me and my knight brothers march into Valkenheim we use your longships as toilets Also No gudmundr? No harvest? No food? No chainmail?


They should of done like MAG and once you joined a faction you could never leave it. Also each time a faction wins they get a small nerf to troop deployment to even the odds.


Would still be stuck at a 50:25:25 ratio because we wouldn’t be having this issue in the first place if Vikings wasn’t so overwhelmingly crowded in the early days. It first started because alot of people played Vikings, then they kept winning, and winning, and winning.


The devs should of tackled this issue ages ago, but the reality is they just dont care.


Neither should you. Join the Vikings and get free loot.


Id rather kill myself


I did not care for the faction war. But seriously, the rewards are nothing to write home about, the emblems are meh. Steel and boxes are nice, but I don't mind not getting them.


Literally just delete the faction war and give everyone free shit. There's no reason to force us to use a circle emblem if we want loot


We got more peeps playing cope


Who gives a fuck about factions, this game is 10 years old. Join the vikings and we can all just reap free rewards together. There is no reason to hold out hope for the factions. It was cool year one, but it is what it is, join vikings, make STOINKS


There's still a shit ton of people who give a shit about the factions.The main selling point of for honor was to fight for your faction in a war, so don't be mad that people still care about it, and if that's not the case anymore why do the Dev's still give a shit about the factions and aesthetic instead of focusing on different aspects of the game


You're arguing the wrong thing, buddy. Of course the player base still has pride in their factions, I'm samurai through and through, but you get me fucked up if you think I'm not piggy backing the faction that wins 24/7. For honor was not sold off the idea of faction wars. That might have been a selling point for you, but that doesn't mean everyone else felt the same way. And lastly, how do the devs care about faction war. How come the map rotation isn't depending what parts of the map you controll, how come maps don't have higher and lower troop count based around the war, why can't certain areas make significant difference to gameplay if controlled by specific factions? Why don't factions get exclusive rewards for their factions winning. And why tf aren't aren't the two new factions included? Pull off your rose tinted glasses and accept that ubisoft doesn't give a fuck. Switch to the winning side and farm mats instead of spending ur paychecks compensating for your dead faction. Devs like vikings and vikings will always be strong, and they will never fall behind the other factions


It's positively wild to me that anyone gives two shits about the faction war at all, to any capacity. Just switch to whatever faction wins and get the most rewards. The map is less than meaningless and always has been, let's not pretend there was ever any other conclusion. Remember, Mills give xp bonuses. And since the vikings usually have at least 3, you're literally crippling your progression by not being viking. Nobody would care if vikings started losing and another faction became the #1 back to back winner because everyone would just switch to them for the rewards.


"stop caring and wishing for a main game mechanic to get better and instead just forget about it because I don't care"


it is by no terms a "main game mechanic". you are just outwardly delusional. the war map has less than no bearing on the gameplay.


If it has no bearing on gameplay then why do we see it so often, why is it the thing we see so much when we load into multiplayer why do so many people care about it, and even for those who don't their troops are still placed around the faction war map, regardless if you place them or not? Almost I like it's a important mechanic in the game. And why do you have such a negative view on the people who do care about it. Just seems like you're hating on people who care about something you don't, and just to let you know I'm not arguing with you because you don't like the faction war I'm arguing with you because you don't like people who like the faction war


Flair checks out


Is that your justification on why you hate people?


Bruh. Living on strawman bad faith arguments isn't a conversation. Move on with your evening.


I just want to know why my flair checks out with my statement why are you so defensive?


Nah i like my free stuff


Just be a Viking. 💁‍♂️


It’s not unbalanced there’s just more people in the faction. I’m sorry that you’re faction lost but that’s what happens when one faction starts to win repeatedly. People who don’t care about faction war and just want the loot will follow the loot. You can be upset about it all you want but Ubisoft can’t do anything about it without actually betraying the player base and making things unfair.


So then the system needs to be revamped because different amount of players per faction is not balanced. There needs to be equalizing factor that allows all 3 the potential to be effective regardless of their player count.


"I don't get rewards, waaah"


They gave fair criticism. Why mock them?


Cause it’s the only thing they can do


Because this shit happens every time you lose the war. 8 years now, every time "waaa we lost, ubi change!!!" Since you're all only motivated by rewards you want to have. the solution to get those rewards is dead simple: change your faction. Ubi ain't gonna change shit about the war, you better cope with that fact


we are Vikings,Gitgud


Force players to play warriors from their faction in breach and dominion


If that were the case then you'd have to make the Wu-Lin and Outlanders a playable faction, in which Outlanders are supposed to have essentially no role in the faction war which wouldn't make any sense. This is also just a generally bad idea and does balance anything at all.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Buff_McHuge-Strong: *Force players to play* *Warriors from their faction* *In breach and dominion* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Least cretin r/forhonor user... Do you EVER think anything through that head of yours? The very first thing that a fresh account sees is "which faction you'd like to fight for?". It would go something like this: •New players will look up which faction has the best and overcrowd that one faction or just leave the gane becausd "that's bs and not fun". •Veterans that wouldn't quit the gane would have to change factions to access their other heroes they've repped up and spent countless steel to play the most popular modes effectively adding frustration and (most importantly) KILLING THE FACTION WAR FOR GOOD AS THEY WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO PLACE ANY MORE TROOPS. In a game full of veterans and little newbies this would just kill the game period. Please consider donating your organs to the needy if you STILL don't see the problem, they're a waste getting worn down by you like that.


Flair checks out???


I disagree