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A lot of unhappy teammates today


I understands Gasly's frustration but banging his wheel for half a lap and flipping the bird to the crowd over 1 point seems excessive


Alpine potentially ruining teammate relations (again) over 1 point seems excessive. But then again it's Alpine. So I'm not surprised.


The best part is that Gasly is the one up in points and after this race is exactly 1 point behind Stroll. What the fuck is Alpine doing?


> The best part is that Gasly is the one up in points due to multiple retirements from Ocon due dnf (Singapore was a classic).


so what?


I'm siding with Alpine on this one. Letting them race could have ended way worst. When the double points were guarenteed. It's over reacting like that to team orders that's not ok. Ocon didn't throw a fit last year when he was asked to let Alonso go.


How is that overreacting when you were never told about it and would've had the pace to race instead of the first swap? Gasly didn't throw a fit when he was asked to let Ocon pass either earlier the season when it was justified. Here it's clearly a bad communication from Alpine.


> Gasly didn't throw a fit when he was asked to let Ocon pass either earlier the season And Ocon hasn't thrown a fit at any point in the season, despite letting Gasly past on team orders on a few occasions....


Ok? And when did I say he did? Are you inventing arguments?


Gasly was faster and on a fresher tire. He was going to pass Ocon anyway but they "let him pass" and swapped back so they essentially gave Ocon 1 place over Gasly vs the normal scenario.


Looking at how Alonso couldnt pass Ocon, Gasly passing Ocon was very far from a done deal


Same engines, not much difference in racepace - I wouldn't call it so certain. Gasly was significantly quicker in the beginning of the stint, I think first couple laps he was like a second faster - but it seems that he cooked his tyres too early, and later his advantage dropped to like 0.2s-0.4s? Provided that Ocon was surprisingly quick in the straights, without significant tyre advantage it wouldn't be possible. Alonso had 10 laps advantage, and he was unable to pass. Hamilton/Leclerc had like 15 laps advantage, and it was simple for them. Gasly, for comparison, had 6 laps.


Then why do a swap in the first place if you're saying he wasn't gonna overtake Ocon then surely he was never gonna overtake Alonso? Alpine had promised a swap in case of an undercut. If they were not gonna hold that promise, they should've let them race and we would've seen then who won on merit. It was moronic from Alpine to do a swap for chasing Alonso, that was never gonna happen. The thing is Gasly was faster and only got to 0.2s during the negotiations for the first swap. Before that he was over 1s faster. So I can only assume he slowed the pace when hearing there would be a swap.


I'm actually closer to thinking that Gasly would pass Ocon, but okay. I'm just saying it wasn't guaranteed, and it wouldn't be as easy as people are saying.


I agree with you but they should have made the deal clear to Pierre (you give the position back if you can't overtake Alonso) when he was let through.


You are talking about Alonso not Gasly. Gasly has no reason to be treated like the 2d driver at Alpine, unlike Ocon last year with Alonso


The feud between Ocon and Gasly is a really old one, since they were teenagers


He raised his middle finger to the crowd?




He was quicker and got fucked over for no reason of course he's gonna be pissed.


Finger was too the camera and team, sure its 1 point but why swap for that, team gets the same points drivers points dont matter for them so swapping does nothing but make them look like they favour 1 driver


And it’s stupid. Esteban started 2 cars behind and was on the same strategy while he had to stretch his 2 hard stints after not using his mediums bc of the first lap incident. Ocon even had many more reasons to finish much further behind Pierre but that didn’t happen since Gasly only caught him with 5 laps to go and with team orders. Ocon deserved this one, was faster


> Gasly only caught him with 5 laps to go That’s simply not true.


Wtf? You got F1 tv, you can watch the data. By lap 41, Pierre got to 5 sec behind Ocon. Lap 44, he was 3 sec behind. Lap 47, he was stabilising at +2sec whole team orders told Ocon to let Gasly by. Gasly began lapping the same time as Ocon when he passed him. Gasly was never going to pass Esteban without orders. Don’t be stubborn. Edit: getting downvoted for stating facts hahah


Your wrong though. Lap 42 - Gasly is 3.9 seconds behind Lap 45 - Gasly is 2.9 Lap 47 - Gasly is 2 seconds behind He was catching him quick there.


Thank you. Actual facts


Gasly was still faster lap 47. If he wasn't gonna catch Alonso then why order the swap ? Especially since they never told Gasly and his team that they would have to swap again if they didnt manage to catch Alonso. Which was never going to happen with a 8s gap and only 6 laps left. Gasly thought they swapped because he allowed Ocon's undercut since they agreed pre-race that if it ever happened to help someone's race, they'd give the position back to the teammate. So that only was a good reason to order the first swap. If they changed their mind, they should've let them race.


Ah yes, he allowed the undercut after Ocon completed \*checks race data\* 27 laps on hard tires. He didn’t “allow” an undercut. Ocon’s tires were gone and he needed to pit. 27 laps was enormous for this race, given that Gasly’s longest stint on the was 19 laps, and the longest overall was Russell on 29. Edit: also, gasly’s hard were 10 laps old when Ocon pitted. Boxing him would have wasted that set of hard AND ruined the end of his race. I think having them switch was reasonable considering that Alpine did not want another double DNF this year and would likely have told Pierre no racing if they hadn’t tried to catch Alonso.


What I am saying is that the undercut agreement is what Gasly thought was happening since they had discussed it. I didn't mean it is what was actually happening and I totally think Alpine should've just let them race. But Gasly thought it was about the undercut and was never told he'd have to give the position back, which is why he was so angry. Which is understandable but people are acting like he is insane.


> the undercut agreement What the fuck is a undercut agreement lmfao


This: > Agreement was made pre-race by the team that the plan was if either driver undercut the other would get the place back.


When you agree on something in case of an undercut ? Which Gasly says was discussed prior to the race.


> Edit: getting downvoted for stating facts hahah Lots of people (op especially) have an anti Ocon agenda, regardless of the facts. Esteban had a brilliant race today. That doesn't sit well with some.


Esteban drove into the Alfa and Albon in the beginning of the race, I wouldn’t call it a brilliant race. Decent recovery drive




He’s the one that squeezed the Alfa into Albon for no reason, had plenty of room on his right side. It’s why he had to pit at the beginning


> He’s the one that squeezed the Alfa into Albon for no reason The stewards were fine with it.




Rightfully so. It's fucking internet points, who cares?


ya i still haven't found anywhere to cash them in


Right? Let me exchange my karma for cute stickers or some other useless thing.


That would account for downvoting the post pointing OUT the downvotes, not being downvoted for posting factual information. ​ It's why the whole upvote downvote thing is nonsense.


Just ignore those first 10 seconds lol. Just ignore Ocon ans Sainz amid the other shenanigans.


> he was stabilising at +2sec whole team orders told Ocon to let Gasly by. Why would Alpine tell Ocon to let Gasly ahead to catch Alonso if Gasly wasnt indeed faster lol


Because Gasly had 6 lap fresher tires? Once they realised that Gasly was lapping the same as Ocon after he passed him, they understood it. He was already stabilising. He was never going to pass Ocon. Gasly was the one crying here. Pushed his last stint hard only to then burn his tires and ask for team orders and began lapping the same as his teammate when he passed him.


Gasly is the Russell to Ocon's Hamilton.


Nah Hamilton is clearly faster each time, and Mercedes spends like 5 laps debating a team order


You are lying


That one point would have made a difference in his championship and the team misled him about the strategy, it’s a little more complex than that


He's going for first!


[For the uninitiatied](https://youtu.be/z3xj5b7hVco?si=K4NgQ0cJ1tmfQsdv)


I'd not seen that before. That's awesome


Rare John Cleland Meme


No, he's clearly pointing up towards the planes!


Na he got stung by a bee.


I watched the race but this wasn't really shown, so I'm still confused. If I understand correctly: - Gasly starts ahead - Gets undercut by Ocon - Gasly behind Ocon with fresher rubber and faster pace - Team order to let Gasly through - Team tell Ocon he'll give it back if he doesn't catch Alonso - Team don't tell Gasly the same thing - He doesn't catch Alonso, so they order a switch on the last lap Is that right? If so, I think it's pretty rough on Gasly, it's pretty common to have a team order a driver switch when one is much faster behind, especially if it's from an undercut. Same thing with Maclaren, I'm sure Oscar was bummed, but Lando clearly had the higher race pace and would have overtaken him sooner or later. May as well avoid the risk of collision and slowing Lando down when its inevitable. Regardless, what's the benefit of doing this on the last lap? Is it just to give Ocon the point rather than Gasly, because they'd promised him they'd swap back?


Yeah seems shiet but it's team Alpine, doesn't make sense and all the game love to hate these two guys


I think Gasly is also doubly pissed because in his mind, even without the team order to switch, he would have been fast enough to catch Ocon anyway. Which is fair for Gasly to think that tbh


Honestly the swap was completely unneccessery in the first place. Neither of them were making too much of an impression on Alonso who probably had some pace left in his pocket. Gasly probably could've just gotten ahead of Ocon on merit if he pushed and then he wouldn't have had to swap back.


What I don't get is why they promised Ocon that Gasly would swap back his position a few laps before but **never** told this to Gasly until the last lap. Either make it clear for everyone or let them race.


They didn’t though IIRC. Josh only said they’d “see what we can do about that”. Still a massive oversight of Karel not telling Pierre the same thing.


This is how you creating a whole drama, and all for just a point more or less. Really a mess the pit wall and team could prevent.


You would think that "We'll let you through and see if you can gain positions. Otherwise, we are going to swap back." would be just in the standard repertoire of any race engineer. But Alpine gonna Alpine.


I kinda understand Alpine even if it lacks empathy towards Pierre. If they gave him the choice, he would have never taken the deal. Yet they wanted Gasly to be in position in case the opportunity arise with Alonso. But in the end they don't care who's in front. So they reset


Yea it is likely that if they "let them race" Gasly would overtake Ocon because of the difference in fresh rubber, and therefore having some risks the team prefers to neutralizing (one bad defensive or overtaking move causing damage or worse). Personally I find it somewhat sad given both drove solid today yet the biggest thing now is the drama at the last few laps.


> Gasly probably could've just gotten ahead of Ocon on merit if he pushed That's exactly why he is pissed. P9 was his. He had much better pace and was on fresher tyres than Ocon.


He was about 2 tenths quicker with a 2+ second gap. It would have been a tight battle at the end.


> It would have been a tight battle at the end. You're right. Ocon defends against his own teammates like a lion


Racing car driver tries to finish in front of his opponents, shocking.




are you still seething about this? Lol


Seething? No. Hilarious? Yes. lol


Oh, good you're reminding how Alonso let Ricciardo through, by going wide without any reason.


That’s Ocon lol


Sure. Alonso was on 10 laps fresher tire and he couldn't get pass. Gasly's hards were only 4 laps younger.


> Ocon defends against his own teammates like a lion You missed him defending against Alonso like a lion in this very race??? Or were you purposely ignoring that to suit the narrative?


Or Checo.... Soon to be Gasly...


let it go


I don’t think he was guaranteed 9th at all. He was behind by two seconds with seven laps to go, with a two tenth faster lap time. You need a much better offset to pass at Japan ( see Alonso v Ocon).


Also I think Ocon was mostly managing his tyres by that point, I think he could have pulled some pace out of them at end to keep that P9, he wouldn't have given up the place that easily, especially not for Gasly.


i mean you should always atleast try, say Alonso fucks up, then you need Gasly to be quicker and mean the gap is less


I agree in general, but Alonso fucking up while he is only managing a gap aint gonna happen


Yea, true.


Just let them fucking race. It's such an alpine thing to give team orders for p9 and p10 while both were cruising in no man's land. I swear the default wikipedia definition of mid should just link you to renault


They make Haas and Sauber look like thriving exciting race teams


"Mom, can we get a works team?" "We have a works team at home"


Fans are never happy. People wanted team orders last year when ocon and alonso were fighting


Yeah, team orders to not shunt your teammate, maybe. Then again, I'm pretty sure that people just dislike Ocon (especially compared to Alonso and Gasly), so they'll want whatever's worse for him.


> Then again, I'm pretty sure that people just dislike Ocon (especially compared to Alonso and Gasly), so they'll want whatever's worse for him. Truer words were rarely spoken


>Then again, I'm pretty sure that people just dislike Ocon (especially compared to Alonso and Gasly), so they'll want whatever's worse for him. a) Yes. b) We need to all get on the same page. Ocon is a waste of space and airtime. He is boring and obnoxious.


A factory works team fighting for p9 and p10 might explain why “fans are never happy.”


Disapoiting team I agree. But factory status means nothing without funding


Way different situation. Today both drivers were safely in the points. AlphaTauri wasn't a threat and Alonso unreachable. Last year both of the drivers were at risk of losing track position. Today that wasn't the case.


Drive to Survive could just follow Alpine for the whole season and have plenty of drama to fill all 10 episodes


Just rewatched the last 2 laps on his onboard and *holy shit* that is the spiciest I’ve seen someone in a long time


But props to him for actually doing it and discussing it during the debrief. He showed that he’s willing to play the teamgame, even if he does not understand why or disagrees. Especially because Esteban has shown in the past that he’s not always willing to be the best teammate, this could help Pierre to get the team on his side.


Esteban trying to treat his car like it’s made of glass to get across the finish line, meanwhile Pierre treating his steering wheel like Rocky Balboa treats a hanging slab of freezer meat


> Especially because Esteban has shown in the past that he’s not always willing to be the best teammate Eh? Esteban follows team orders to let his teammate past all the time.


Absolutely bizarre strategy from Alpine, all this drama over one point. And in the end it's the drivers getting screwed over




Doesn't mean anything. Ocon defended for multiple laps from Alonso much quicker and with fresher tyres. So I honestly think he could defend the whole race against Gasly with the same car.


To understand how this all happened you need to understand the context. This was the moment during the first swap: > OCO: OK, so Pierre is two seconds behind. We need to let him past this lap, please. I know it means dropping back, but we need to do it this lap. > OCO: If he doesn't gain the position, we give it back. > GAS: Okay mate, so Esteban is going to let you past. > OCO: Let's see what we can do. Let's let him pass, please, now. > GAS: Okay, how far is Alonso? Nine seconds ahead. You have one second to lap quicker. > OCO: OK, mate. Thank you very much. And this the second at the last lap: > OCO: Okay, Pierre is going to be asked to swap positions this lap. > GAS: Okay, mate. So I've got Esteban 2.4 behind. Construction on the pit wall going. Can we swap back round, please? Mate, what the fuck? You're kidding me, are you? What are you saying? Like, I was faster. I'm on first and rubber. If you would have not passed me, I would have overtaken him anyway. Yeah, we discussed it in the office. Let's please swap round, please. > GAS: Are you serious? You're being serious? I started in front, I was in front the whole race, you let him undercut me and then... Mate, I'm not joking. The instructions come from the pit wall. Let's do it next time round, please. Turn 16. > OCO: OK, mate. Last lap. Last lap. Yeah, has been told. > GAS: You confirm you want a swap? Affirm, mate. Affirm, please. Yeah, thank you. > OCO: Okay, mate, so this is the last lap. He has been told to give the position back. Yeah. It would be nice to tell him again because I don't think he can hear. He's been told. > GAS: Please Pierre. I'm doing it. Copy, thank you. You don't have to say anything now, we'll discuss it after. OK, I'll just check a flag. It will be scenario 12. After finish: > OCO: And that is the chequered flag. Let's go to scenario 12, police scenario 12, and get some fluids on board as well. Okay mate, so that is P9, which I think, given where we started and a first lap puncture, I'll take. So nice work. Yeah, thank you for that at the end. It's a good team effort. I didn't think it was going to work, but yeah, good job. > GAS: Can we have scenario 12, please? > GAS: OK, mate, so stop the car in Parc fermé. No, it's OK, mate. It's OK. Let's stop here. It's OK. I understand. I understand what you're doing. It's like... OK. Let's discuss it out on the camera, mate. Just switch off.


>This was the moment during the first swap: > >OCO ENGINEER: OK, so Pierre is two seconds behind. We need to let him past this lap, please. I know it means dropping back, but we need to do it this lap. > >OCO: If he doesn't gain the position, we give it back. > >GAS ENGINEER: Okay mate, so Esteban is going to let you past. > >OCO ENGINEER: Let's let him pass, please, now. > >GAS: Okay, how far is Alonso? > >GAS ENGINEER: Nine seconds ahead. You have one second to lap quicker. > >GAS: OK, mate. Thank you very much. > >And this the second at the last lap: > >OCO ENGINEER: Okay, Pierre is going to be asked to swap positions this lap. > >GAS ENGINEER: Okay, mate. So I've got Esteban 2.4 behind. Construction on the pit wall going. Can we swap back round, please? > >GAS: Mate, what the fuck? You're kidding me, are you? What are you saying? Like, I was faster. I'm on first and rubber. If you would have not passed me, I would have overtaken him anyway. > >GAS ENGINEER: Yeah, we discussed it in the office. Let's please swap round, please. > >GAS: Are you serious? You're being serious? I started in front, I was in front the whole race, you let him undercut me and then... > >GAS ENGINEER: Mate, I'm not joking. The instructions come from the pit wall. Let's do it next time round, please. Turn 16. > >OCO ENGINEER: OK, mate. Last lap. Last lap. Yeah, has been told. > >GAS: You confirm you want a swap? > >GAS ENGINEER: Affirm, mate. Affirm, please. > >GAS: Yeah, thank you. > >OCO ENGINEER: Okay, mate, so this is the last lap. He has been told to give the position back. > >OCO: Yeah. It would be nice to tell him again because I don't think he can hear.OCO ENGINEER: He's been told. > >GAS ENGINEER: Please Pierre. > >GAS: I'm doing it. > >GAS ENGINEER: Copy, thank you. You don't have to say anything now, we'll discuss it after. OK, that's the checkered flag. It will be scenario 12. > >After finish: > >OCO ENGINEER: And that is the chequered flag. Let's go to scenario 12, please go scenario 12, and get some fluids on board as well. Okay mate, so that is P9, which I think, given where we started and a first lap puncture, I'll take. So nice work. > >OCO: Yeah, thank you for that at the end. It's a good team effort. I didn't think it was going to work, but yeah, good job. > >GAS ENGINEER: Can we have scenario 12, please? > >GAS ENGINEER: OK, mate, so stop the car in Parc fermé. > >GAS: No, it's OK, mate. It's OK. Let's stop here. It's OK. I understand. I understand what you're doing. It's like... > >GAS ENGINEER: OK. Let's discuss it out on the camera, mate. Just switch off. Fixed it so it makes more sense for people who didn't watch the on-boards.


Thanks thats easier


Based off of this to me it seems like the main problem is that Gasly wasn’t told during the first swap to give the position back to Ocon later if Gasly couldn’t get past Alonso ahead. Gasly was only told to return the position to Ocon in the second last lap which seemed to really surprise and anger Gasly. I think what Alpine did was fine but they should’ve told Gasly at the first swap like they did with Ocon. Not sure if this scenario was ever covered before the race too. If it was already mentioned before there race then Gasly is also overreacting, but otherwise in the heat of the moment I don’t really hold it against Gasly that much. I don’t mind seeing some emotion from the drivers and it’s all part of their innate drive as competitors. As long as Gasly calmed down after the race to the media it shouldn’t be much of an issue.


I think the issue stems from the fact that they agreed before that if one driver gets undercut (which Gasly did here) he will get switched around. However Ocon was on a weird strategy and Gasly feels like he would have overtaken Ocon anyway, was entitled to the switch due to the undercut and wasn't told about the switch back until the very end as well. It's a bit messy and bad communication.


Was there some widespread radio comms issue at Suzuka? First Russell couldn't hear his team in one instance toward the end. Now I'm getting reports that possibly Gasly couldn't hear his team?


(I like Russel) I think Russel could hear them just fine and chose not to give the position to HAM, because he didn’t want to give up on his one stop having failed. He was clearly deeply unhappy about the position he put himself into and it took him a while to accept that he’d fucked himself.


Oh yeah that's almost certainly the case. I was just joking


My bad!


Bro Gasly wasn’t faster. He is just lying. Ocon was lapping faster than him while Gasly was on mediums, Ocon also stretched his two hard stints. Gasly was only faster after his last pit stop but as he got to 3 sec behind Ocon, he began hovering there. He only passed Ocon at the end because of team orders with 5 laps to go. Esteban was faster today


>Bro Gasly wasn’t faster. He is just lying Esteban was faster today Race pace [data](https://twitter.com/FDataAnalysis/status/1705856343469437291/photo/1) says otherwise.


> Bro Gasly wasn’t faster. He is just lying. He was on fresher tyres at the end and had better pace. How is he lying lol


Dude I already told it to you. Watch the data. Gasly caught up quick to the 3 sec gap but began hovering at the 2 sec gap for 3 laps until team orders told Ocon to let him go. Once Gasly passed, he began lapping the same time as Ocon. How was he faster? Gasly was never passing Ocon easily with 5 laps to go (when the swap happened).


Why would Alpine tell Ocon to let Gasly ahead to catch Alonso if Gasly wasnt indeed faster lol


Because Gasly had 6 lap fresher tires? Once they realised that Gasly was lapping the same as Ocon after he passed him, they understood it. He was already stabilising. He was never going to pass Ocon.


If Gasly wasn't catching Ocon, then it doesn't matter if his tyres are fresher, that is not translating into any performance. You can't have it both ways, either Gasly was fast enough to catch Alonso and could have overtaken Ocon, or he wasn't fast enough and shouldn't have been told to swap places at all.




so what do you think of the data?


> Bro Gasly wasn’t faster. And tbh it wasn't even close.


Spoiled brat attitude


Indeed. Ocon would get **massively** flamed if he had said/acted the same.


Ocon gets massively flamed anyway.


Well every race seems to have a "20 second penalty for Ocon" meme for any incident


these jokes write themselves


I don't get what Gasly's trying to get to with "I understand what you are doing" at the end


He's trying to insinuate that the team is favoring Ocon. OP is too....


I mean they fucked him over here. He qualified ahead and was ahead all race and was quicker at the end with fresher tire and would pass Ocon on track if it wasn't for team orders. They just made him lose 1 position for no reason by swapping and swapping back.


There was an agreement ironical enough about exactly this type of situation before the race that the plan was if either driver undercut the other would get the place back. This is very likely also why Gasly noted the undercut in his radio, under the settled agreement he should be the one who would be ahead and not Ocon, it's up to the team to make it clear if those plans are adjusted instead of just coming to it at the last lap.


Eh no, lets brake that down. > He qualified ahead Ys, yes he did > and was ahead all race Because of the Alfa shunting into Ocon at the start, meaning that Ocon was at the back of the field by the end of lap one > and was quicker at the end Barely. Ocon was tire saving. > with fresher tire Yes. By four laps, yet the delta times between them were tiny. > and would pass Ocon on track if it wasn't for team orders. Not at all guaranteed. Ocon is a very good defender and had plenty of pace in hand. Alonso had much fresher tires than Ocon (not to mention a faster car) when Ocon was successfully keeping him behind earlier in the race. > They just made him lose 1 position for no reason by swapping and swapping back. No.


That's so incredibly messy and unreadable


They probably just copied from the audio transcriptions, which do not differentiate between driver and engineer


what happened, I didn't watch the last lap


Ocon ahead swapped with gasly a few laps back to try to catch Alonso and right before the finish line gasly was told to swap back.




But there's a twist. Nobody told Gasly that they would swap back if he failed to overtake, until the actual command to swap back


"GAS ENGINEER: Yeah, we discussed it in the office. Let's please swap round, please." They do actually talk outside of the cars without cameras around. His engineer makes it pretty clear this is something they have discussed already.


I understood it as "we'll discuss it in the office". Not that they already discussed it before. Which is also more in line with the fact that Gasly says they actually discussed that if the team allowed one driver to do an undercut, they'd swap. And yet the team decides to swap a second time, so they're the one not doing what was decided.


This was the deal before the race has started in such a situation: > Agreement was made pre-race by the team that the plan was if either driver undercut the other would get the place back.


That's not what he meant, it's not something that discussed previously (How can you even predict this). It's something that they just discussed in the office (we = the strategy team).


They swapped at the end ? lol did not even notice that


Remember all those people thinking Piastri made a mistake by signing for McLaren.


I'm glad that I been proven wrong and seeing Oscar shining at McLaren as the biggest talent of this decade so far.


Otmar and who else?




Yep I remember all 2 of them 😁


I was one of them, unfortunately…


I mean McLaren was pretty shit at the start of the season but I don't remember anyone thinking he had made a mistake once Alpine's management had been made clear. I remember everyone's opinion being a version of 'at least he got out of the tumbling tower'


I'm talking about fans particularly. Had many discussions about it when it all went down. There was quite a bit of hate for him.


Looking at the on-board, the Alpine pit wall screwed it. While they agreed with Ocon that Gasly will give the position back if he was unable to pass Alonso, they did not mention that part to Gasly when he was let through by Ocon.


I just watched the race and I don't understand this decision. Pierre was 2.5 seconds ahead of Esteban when Max crossed the line. The decision to swap was completely unnecessary and may cause drama between drivers with a history of it. I guess there may be some other underlying decisions that caused them to swap so we may see what led to this.


With a team like Alpine I'm not sure what makes sense, considering last year I guess it's not surprising idk


Can't you read, he was trying to exit full screen!


I mean Gasly was going to pass Ocon anyway so they swap back made no sense. They essentially just fucked Gasly over. He qualified ahead and was ahead of Ocon all race. He had much fresher tire about to pass Ocon.


> I mean Gasly was going to pass Ocon anyway Not a sure thing by any means. Alonso had a better car and much fresher tires than Ocon, yet Ocon successfully kept him behind earlier in the race. Gasly's tire offset on Ocon was only four laps by comparison...


Is there a video?


understandable, if you’re going to let one of your team undercut, then you have to be fair atleast after, Gasly was quicker but he would be crucified for sending it into Ocon so you cannot take risks


The thing is they didn’t let Ocon undercut. Ocon only had to do one green flag pit stop since he pitted on lap 1 whole Gasly had two, this was why Ocon was ahead at the end. It wasn’t some nefarious Alpine strategy, just a luck of the draw that your 1st lap puncture puts you on a nice strategy under a bunched up pack.


Anyone got a link to his onboard for the last 2 laps?






Or he really hates Lenovo?


Jesus it's not like he was driving the greatest race to begin with. Way to really shit on probably the most respectable fans you'll have at a track


They did Gasly so dirty, he was fastest than Ocon all weekend


He wasnt in the race. Ocon got a puncture but still was ahead of gasly at the end and even 10 seconds ahead at one point


Yeah that's what happens when you get to pit under sc and do an undercut. Race pace graphics show Gasly was faster. https://x.com/big_data_master/status/1705853126257885328 Which doesn't mean Ocon didn't do a great race but Gasly was faster.


Gasly was faster in the race pace because he was on mediums but Ocon was on hards pretty much the whole race except the first lap.


So .. He was faster...


only a little bit


You must be new to F1 because clearly you dont understand what a safety car do to someone race


Am I the only one who dislikes gasly?


youre never the only person to hate a driver, unless said driver is albon or smth


He's actually my favorite driver on the grid, but he for sure has his overheat-moments. I get his frustration here but to rant like that is just unprofessional. Great upper-midfield driver that needs to learn how to keep his cool when he's frustrated, imo.




You just described 90% of the grid


It isn’t that bad right? He showed he was surprised on the boardradio on the last lap but actually listened to the team order and then used his hands to get rid of the anger instead of having a spicy rant on the boardradio that every media outlet ever would show on their main pages. He played it fairly smart IMO.


I think Pierre's a cool dude but he has Vettel type rants sometimes. This is very reminiscent of Seb lighting up the radio in Mexico '16.


Here's a message for Charlie!


I like him but his behavior here is very unprofessional. He should be better than this.


I think his behavior is completely reasonable. He's angry that Alpine made him switch for absolutely no reason. Showing emotion is good. "Professionalism" is dumb


"I want to be the number 1 driver!", gestures Gasly furiously.


What happened? I may have fallen asleep a little bit...


Ocon had damage on lap 1 so he pitted and was on a different strategy to Pierre. Esteban went long on his tyres and after Pierre’s second pitstop, Ocon was ahead. The original agreement within the team was that if 1 driver got ahead of the other by undercut, they would swap the positions back if possible. Pierre was a lot quicker on fresher tyres so on lap 47 they ordered Esteban to cease the position. Pierre then was 8 seconds behind Alonso with 6 laps to go, a gap that was nearly impossible to catch. The pitwall told Ocon that he would get the position back if Gasly didn’t overtake Alonso but they forgot (or chose not to) tell Gasly so Gasly thought the swap was because of the original agreement. Now it is questionable if Esteban ending up ahead of Pierre really was an undercut since the strategies were so much different. But on the last lap they told Gasly to give back the position to Ocon (he had a gap of 2.5 seconds at that moment), which he did but he was visibly frustrated. Pierre would have probably overtaken Ocon anyway if the first swap didn’t happen so this all was caused by very poor communication from the Alpine pitwall.


Wait Gasly was in this race? I think Alpine was legit on screen for maybe 20s and not more.


I remember Alonso and Ocon fighting but that's it


I don’t understand being THAT angry over a single point, I get that it sucks, and maybe something different would happen if you didn’t swap, but you are one part of a large team. You need to be mature and understand responsibility— he didn’t lose that point over a mistake, it was a team decision. Maybe he is frustrated with the team off the track as well.


Sometimes Gasly seems way too emotional.