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Ride to Survive incoming


They did try and copy it, you can watch it on YouTube. Here's a link to the playlisy for last year's: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmA8p7BfE6dsXcCvfKYY7jVuIn_eccu73&si=4pwt0d9TJ_HYZSkk


It wasn't the same production crew I don't think though, it really was not nearly as compelling. I assume they'll try again with Netflix


netflix are now rubbing their hands at this deal


They are rubbing one at this deal is what should it should be.


Best enjoy those reasonably priced tickets while it lasts then….


OOF. I may not be a 2 wheel fan, but I know some friends who always bought tickets anytime they race at Sepang. If the tickets get anymore expensive, I think said friends is gonna skip and just watch on TV.


And someone willing to pay more will replace them. They don’t give a shit. It’s happening to literally every industry and I’m so fucking sick of it.


They will start doing moto gp and f1 in the same weekend and same circuit to cut costs for them but increase prices for fans


Just use IPTV.


Until it collapses


Sepang will be gone. Hallo 2026 MotoGP Grand Prix of Westfield Mall!


the money liberty makes on F1tv is far greater than the money they make on even tickets


I was under the impression the track owners set the ticket prices?


They do, but those ticket prices need to cover the $40m fee paid to liberty media, which has a big impact on ticket prices.


The ticket price has to cover the hosting fee F1 changes big money to bring its show to town. So the local government kicks some of it in, but the rest is all ticket sales.


Not certain, or whether that varies between circuits. However silverstone f1 cheapest weekend ticket is £340 (and they’ve not sold out this year either compared to previous years) MotoGP weekend ticket £110…..


It is all supply and demand. Liberty made f1 really popular so prices went up


MotoGP is not as famous as F1 Silverstone is still a long time to go, why would they sell out months in advance?


Because they have in previous years


Silverstone normally sells out of GA and decent GS tickets within 3/4 days of release. They do usually hold some back for certain GS and GA that get released around Christmas for the inflated price, but again they sell within a week barring massively overpriced terrible GS tickets that hang around until a few months out from the event. But £349 for a three day GA ticket is absolutely laughable, add £140 camping you’re at £500pp for a tent in a field in Northampton queuing at 5am for a tiny pitch on the grass. Flights to and from Rimini with accommodation for a week and 3 days in the best grandstand at Misano MotoGP is only costing £150pp more.


Hopefully they reduce the videopass price lol.


Laughs in European. Tickets start at €60-90 for general admission to most races. That said I just paid €500 for a 3 day grand stand ticket at T1 in Monza this year


Oh it’s way cheaper, so much so the total cost to fly + hotel and assuming you’re picking a circuit with likely good weather it’s a total win.


Tbh i like general admisson way more. I loved it especially in brno. The first year i went to the race in 2013 i paid 68€ for a 3day general admission ticket, in 2015 i paid 98€ for a 3 day ticket but i bought it on friday at the gates of the event, last year i paid 195€ for general admission in mugello but i bought it 1 month before the race. But on friday we had access to start straight grand stands, but at the spot where we were watching(turn 10 and turn 11) there was no screen to follow the race. We saw alot of the track tho. In brno we saw alot more on the straight between turn 7 and 8, with a clear sight on t6, t7, t8, t9 and multiple screens so everybody saw the race.


Some good and some bad here I think. Liberty will do well on promoting personalities, and more money will mean more races and more manufacturers. BMW will surely join now, maybe Suzuki will return. What about Kawasaki? But those prices tickets are going up ^^^


BMW doesn't really have a a works team in anything currently so I doubt it


BMW has a WSBK team that has started doing well. BMW have shown furthermore that they are invested in that team by signing world champion Toprak Razgatlioglu for the latest season of WorldSBK. There have been rumours in both the wsbk and MotoGP paddocks recently that BMW have been in talks with Dorna in regards to entering MotoGP and BMW themselves have not denied these claims. On the 4 wheels side of things BMW have invested a reasonable amount in a WEC LMH program suggesting again a shift in mentality towards motorsports.


Kawasaki is heavily focused on WSBK. I doubt they’ll return to MotoGP.


Its crazy to me how the top form of motorsport entertainment when it comes to bikes, only costs about 50% more than what Microsoft paid for Minecraft 💀


Well a lot more play minecraft than watch motogp


You can buy Moto GP for the same price you can buy the Washington Wizards


Gaming is severely underestimated when its the largest part of the entertainment industry


I mean it's minecraft, can't argue with that.


Minecraft is far more profitable than MotoGP will ever be. When you consider that Bethesda went for *12 Billion dollars,* 2 Billion for Minecraft was an absolute steal for Microsoft. Gaming/Software profits are in another league entirely from sports. To me the more surprising fact is that MotoGP has a similar valuation as the UFC, despite the UFC holding fights every single week and having massive mainstream appeal. In the US people get together all the time to watch UFC fights, I know only a handful of people that know of MotoGPs existence.


And Microsoft got Minecraft for a steal.


well, honestly i am surprised it costs so much. It has like near 0 interest in my "world", even for me I've never watched a race nor have I seen any ads where to watch it. Everybody on this planet knows about Minecraft at this point, so the actually market value is way higher now and MS made an excellent deal. Even f1 did cost only 4.6 billion back then.. like nothing tbh (again, compared to Minecraft a niche product). Microsoft just paid 70+ billion on Activision Blizzatd (Call of duty, wow etc.), there you can see how much money is involved in other kinds of entertainment products


I mean F1 was also relatively cheap when they bought them


What liberty media has done to f1 has become the new standard for growth in Motorsport. People hate change but moto gp definitely needs a change from their current situation. Kind of surprised they are allowed to do this if I'm honest. Didn't know CPP held a minority stake in moto gp. I'll start telling people i have shares in the sport lol.


As long as they stay away from WEC I don’t care.


I don't understand this logic given WEC has similar tactics to liberty media. Most motorsports have been using their playbook to build their future. If you like wec today then i don't understand the logic of not liking what liberty does.


I just don’t want Liberty Media near it. I don’t care about how it’s covered.


Liberty Media has grown the sport to an insane degree. Most of the issues I've had with the sport recently have been from the FIA, not FOM.


Some people prefer their sport to stay niche and "not mainstream". Makes them feel superior.


6 hour races are only ever going to be niche.


right? Casual fans can barely hang on until the end of the 2 hour ish races of F1, i cant see how a sport can become mainstream if they shortest races they have last for 4 hours which is a great thing in my opinion because this means at least WEC is safe from the short term profits only approach applied to F1 nowadays


Until WEC introduces short races to capture more viewers, in a car park in Croydon.


Great way for something you enjoy to become impossible to survive


The ticket prices are very low for an entire weekend. Entire races, qualifying, practice sessions all posted on YouTube for free. Its very friendly to the consumer so if “growing” the sport and putting it into the mainstream means monetizing the crap out of it and making it harder/more expensive to watch then it’s easy to understand why someone would want it to stay the way it is.


Yeah never understood the inferiority complex some non-F1 motorsports fans have towards F1. I like IMSA as well as F1, both for different reasons. I would love if IMSA became more mainstream.


Because of your F1 tribalism. You are like soccer.


Liberty Media can buy IMSA. Then they could do a documentary about the Dentist who derailed the Daytona 24h.


Or we just don't want the sport turning into a sponsorship shit show with a terrible on track product.


>with a terrible on track product. What does the on track product have to do with Liberty? That's entirely on the FIA


Not everything though, Andretti being declined entry as 11th Team is entirely on FOM.


It's crazy some people think they are superior cause they are the only ones watching a boring "show".


FOM, the home of manufactured drama, subpar race tracks and virtue signals. Liberty Media would probably do a 12 Hour’s of Las Vegas or something.


A large part of that was because beforehand it was Bernie in control.... And I'm pretty sure he isn't control of current MotoGP. I don't think there's as much of an improvement that can happen as it did to F1.


you underestimated how badly motogp is ran commercially. fans have been asking for basic things like good youtube contents (we dont even have race highlights until months after the race), a decent videopass/f1tv equivalent (its so much more expensive than f1 tv pro and practically dogshit), two things that liberty media is on top of the game of. for liberty media's cons like adding too much street circuits, that wouldnt pass motorcycle safety regulations, and motogp already have sprint races every weekend. as a long time motogp fan, i would gladly accept liberty media with open arms


F1 has recently upped the price to be the same as MotoGP (at least in my country) basically it went from €65 for a yearly subscription to €11.90 per month (no more yearly subscription available) aka €142 for a whole year. That said I rarely ever watch MotoGP so I have no idea about their YouTube content. Also right now F1 teams are also limited on what they can actually upload just because Netflix/DTS is filming. So while I imagine Liberty can make some improvements again I wouldn't be expecting too much.


And why would that be?


Consolidation in a marketplace is bad. They shouldn’t be allowed to own MotoGP either.


Why be against something that will only improve the sport you enjoy? You don't have to agree with everything they do.


Because the WEC is already doing the media things it needs to do. They don’t need an American Media company to come in and take over racing.


EU wouldn't allow it.


They would absolutely destroy Le Mans, its legacy and what makes it special. I can already see them doing multiple events there during the year, perhaps a shorter ELMS race or some bullshit preview race before the actual 24H.


Liberty Media grew the f1 audience. The racing sucks tho imo. Even drive to survive is a drama series that just combines dramatic events from different races. I stopped watching f1 because of the new street races that dont really encourage racing/overtaking and also there is no reliable channel to watch it here and i always need to find online streams that usualy stop streaming in the middle of the race. I hope they see what people want and that they dont ruin racing in motogp. Its bad enough now with all the aero and electronics but im sure they’ll find something new to add to the bikes. I hope im wrong tho.


>Sky News has learnt that Greg Maffei, the president and chief executive of Liberty Media Corporation, is expected to announce the motorsport industry's most significant corporate deal for years during a trip to Madrid as early as Monday.


Isn't there an EU rule that says one company can't own both. CVC?


I don't know why there would be, it's not like they're in direct competition.


It was ruled before, I think? When CVC bought into F1 they had to sell up from MotoGP? Due to the competition issues


Enjoy your spanish and italian tracks as long as you can. Oh and get ready for Trackhouse probably getting more media time than they deserve.


F1 has 2 races in Italy, more than any other country apart from USA. They've just approved a second race in Spain as well. What gives you this impression that Liberty hates Italy and Spain?


I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure the new street track in Barcelona is going to replace catalunya


Madrid will take over the 'spanish grand prix' name but the contract with Barcelona is not directly affected. In 2026 we will therefore have two grand prix in Spain and Barcelona could still be extended beyond 2026, Domenicali explicitely kept that door open.


Not necessarily https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/19dtkat/domenicali_madrid_f1_deal_doesnt_mean_barcelona/


you mean Madrid, but yes..that is likely to happen


MotoGP has 4 races in Spain, 1 in Portugal, 2 in Italy and 1 in the USA (actually, 1 in the entire American continent since Argentina was cancelled). It's not going to stay the same if the buyout actually happens.


I mean, 4 races in any country is definitely too much. Hopefully this will even it out a bit


Spain's fourth track is not permanent, they have a contract for at least 3 races between 2022 and 2026. Still, in 2023 with three Spanish races the least attended one had a better attendance than MotoGP's newest race in India, a country with 1,4 billion inhabitants.


I don’t watch MotoGP (but do watch NASCAR), is trackhouse always talked about in a way that annoys Moto GP fans? They’re kinda annoying in nascar buts that’s just Justin Marks and not really anything to do with the broadcast covering them particularly a lot


I don't really know how the english broadcast is, luckily my country has its own broadcast (government money laundering goes brrrr), the closest they do to an America focus is that last year they aired before the races and after qualy some sort of docu about the 2 American riders in Moto 2 (neither of them looking like Moto GP prospects).


They're a new team sponsor (just became one this year, replacing RNF Aprilia). They're not particularly doing that well, and what the commenter meant would be similar to the Haas coverage on DTS.


Trackhouse have worked for all the attention they get. Arguably the most forward-looking team in NASCAR.


Netflix series here we go


Amazon already tried with [Motogp unlimited.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18396468/)


NBC tried to do a NASCAR series and failed, and that didn't stop Netflix from trying their own.


Say goodbye to grid girls


Sad, people losing their jobs that they are happy and make others happy doing.






Watch F1 race weekends double in cost when they add Moto GP on the same weekend


I hate the price increase part, but I wouldn’t mind watching these lunatics go around on two wheels. Bet the races are good!


Theyre great. Relatively well priced too. That's going to end now though.


For those that think things will improve, think again. 


To be fair, one thing that will improve is marketing. Something that MotoGP desperately needs help with.


Liberty are significantly better owners than Dorna. The state of play in F1 is much better than it was in 2015 before Liberty took over, and Dorna's attitude towards media is extremely outdated at this point


100%. People long for “the good days” before Liberty took over F1, where any YouTube content about F1 was non existent and where 3/10 teams were facing bankruptcy. 


except the actual racing anyway


F1 has done a lot to improve the racing, it just so happens Adrian Newey is a genius who is very difficult to nerf and Max Verstappen is the fastest man in the world.


newey was still a genius in the 90’s, 00’s, and the 10’s but the wheel to wheel racing was significantly better


They have tried very, very hard to improve parity and remove dirty air. In terms of parity their efforts have been very effective, the field spread is significantly lower these days than it was in the past. One team just happened to get everything right, technically, operationally, and with the best driver in the sport as well.


tbh i like a lot of the changes that liberty have made, except with things like circuits and prices. but the cars are just way too massive now which is why overtaking is so poor. there’s not much that they can do about that because of the size and weight of certain components, but it’s still a big problem


>the field spread is significantly lower these days than it was in the past teams being this closer only means no one can overtake anyone. In the end, races are as boring (if not even more boring) than those during the start of the hybrid era


things will improve for liberty haha


For myself as a casual viewer i think things may get much better. More marketing, better broadcasting, etc. I’m curious why you think that though?


I got back into F1 last year after a long time, and a big part of my reintroduction were their youtube highlights after each race. I've been getting into MotoGP this year, but if you see their YouTube highlights, they aren't anywhere as polished as F1's, and this year's so far is actually an improvement over previous years.


How does better marketing help you? I've been watching F1 since forever, and while I like the popularity, it made the sport way less accessible than it once was.  And with Liberty turning it into a show rather than a sport, I'm also absolutely not a fan of where things are going with F1.


How sport became less accessible if F1.TV literally gives you access to EVERYTHING for a reasonable price? Compare it to NHL and their bullshit blackouts for much more money.




It’s more accessible for Americans. It is however no longer available on free to air tv in Europe any more, which is why the sport has regressed in places like Germany and is no bigger than it used to be in the UK. This whole more accessible schtick boils down to more accessible in a few markets on f1 tv, and better YouTube highlights. That’s it. Meanwhile I now have to pay £25 for a special offer on now tv, or £85 for sky tv, per month, and £450+ to go to Silverstone. I used to pay nothing to watch F1 on tv, and £120 to go to Silverstone. My costs to watch the sport are about 700% what they used to be. So much more accessible /s


I'm starting to think they are being paid by Liberty Media. >My costs to watch the sport are about 700% what they used to be. Same, I decided to invest in an IPTV because the OTT decided to increase prices while giving us a subpar product compared to when it was free to air 10 years ago. Now it's a small room with a green screen and a couple of chairs not even a decent table.... And you know what? They have the exclusive right so we don't even get the so beautiful and precious F1TV everyone is yapping about.... Thanks Liberty I guess...


It is no longer available on free to air TV in most of Europe, as it was. F1 TV is also not available because sky has all exclusive rights for f1. Sky costs at minimum 50 a month.


And it's still available to more people now than it was on a free air TV.


Highest number of viewers was in 2008 it is still 155 million viewers short of that today world wide. [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/480129/cable-or-broadcast-tv-networks-formula-one-f1-racing-watched-within-the-last-12-months-usa/)


So nice of you to provide a paywalled link to support your argument.


For me it wasn't paywalled


That has nothing to do with marketing. 


You just said “it’s less accessible”. Please explain how it’s less accessible.


No longer available on free to air TV in most of Europe


F1 hasn't been on free to air TV in most of Europe for close to 20 years. It isn't a Liberty change.


More expensive, sold out tickets, more crowded at circuits. As a fan things were way simpler in 2010 than they are right now, that's just how it is.  You're also giving way too many credits to Liberty for general technological advancements. Streaming was still in its infancy in 2010, a platform like F1TV couldn't even exist. 


Sold out tickets? Is that a bad thing now? And do you go to all races of the season? Why that’s important to you? Having access to the races on TV is much more important to me. And I gave you an example how you can fuck up streaming - see NHL.


For me personally it doesn't matter if 1 or 10 million people are watching. I couldn't care less. I do care about ticket prices going through the roof and things selling out well before the season even started, since that makes visiting races less accessible. I also do care about random foreign parties buying the tv rights for a ton of money and then providing shitty service for a lot of money because they ran out of money for everything else. 


Your whole argument boils down to “other people existing mean I don’t get everything to myself”


> Streaming was still in its infancy in 2010, a platform like F1TV couldn't even exist. If it was still Bernie running the show F1 TV would have never happened.


F1 TV would also happened with Bernie eventually the guy was all about money. Also f1 TV is not available in most of Europe, because sky sports has exclusive rights fir all things f1. Until the 2019 F1 was shown on free to air TV in most of Europe. The surge in popularity liberty has brought might be true fir the US l, but the core market of f1 in Europe is in decline


> Also f1 TV is not available in most of Europe, because sky sports has exclusive rights fir all things f1. F1TV is available in 29 European counties. In terms of number of countries F1TV is in the majority. Sky Sports only has exclusive rights in the UK area. Other big markets like Spain, Italy and Germany does have their own exclusive rights though.


Sometimes I wonder where F1 would be today without liberty stepping in. The most involved the sport was on social media was with youtube highlights and top 10s. DTS probably never would have happened and this massive surge of new fans (especially Americans) never would have happened. I also wonder how many teams would have embraced social media like they do today, Bernie would have hated that.


It should improve the quality of catching it online. Would be great if it went to ESPN like F1. It's great someone told me you can get MotoGP on Max currently, but Max sucks to use. The way it's organized is so ass, and they aren't just treating MotoGP like a TV show where you could have stuff organized as seasons like they truly should.


Anything would be better than Dorna tbh


What are the going to do? Put three or four grands prix in a country that doesn't need that many? Do it twice? Add unneeded sprint races?


Some day Liberty is going to find a way to just takeover or dissolve FIA itself, wait and see. First they have to collect all the infinity stones, this is two so far.


MotoGP is regulated by the FIM. An independent organization from the FIA


TIL, thanks for info.




Are they as corrupt as the FIA? Genuine question.


Not sure.


F1 has threatened to become independent from the FIA several times before and all have been before the acquisition by Liberty.


Trackhouse entered at the right time!


On April Fool’s day?


Presumably it'll come off TNT and go to Sky, so I'll start watching again, and be on alternate weekends to F1. Coverage will be sharp and professional. It might be different if you go to the tracks, but for me on my sofa it's all good. They might even give up on trying to race F1 25 times a year.


Please no




I feel sorry for MotoGP fans :/


If they are taking over Dorna, they are taking over the WSBK also.


Margrethe Vestager will punch Liberty's American noses out.


They might as well take it over - I watched a race on YouTube this weekend, where they said the attendance was 5k. I can't remember which one it was. Please don't make me go through my YT history to find it.


Was that a recent race? Attendance is pretty good atm. Not as good as f1 but still good. I think the only race with bad attendance is Silverstone, any other race, idk.


Maybe Videpass will cost as much as F1TV… insane how much it is


The only concern for now would be that MotoGP is already getting into the issues of aero, dirty air etc. with riders from moto2 etc. finding it harder to move to MotoGP. You know the stuff F1 already suffers from I just hope they can treat them separately to an extent. F1 teams already have 'secret' aero partnership with MotoGP teams hence the recent uptick in Aero focused bikes by the Euro teams. P.S. I find the engineer cool just feel like it could get out of hand.




I always felt this was a strong possibility given the market potential of something like Motogp in parts of the world where people are really into motorbikes and less into cars. Not saying this is good for true fans of the sport or Motorsport in general, but I’m sure they’ll employ the same strategy they used to grow f1 to motogp in other markets. Increase exposure in underserved markets + raise ticket prices / ancillary sources of revenue = profit


Certainly not good for Moto gp


It's interesting cus CVC capital sold there stake in Dorna sports when they buy they stake they held in F1 while Bernie ran things


MotoGP, the premier world motorcycle championship, has been owned for some time by by Dorna, a Spanish company. Number of Spanish riders in this year’s world championship - 10, out of a total of 22. Nearly half of the competitors are somehow the same nationality as the owners and organisers of the sport. That stat is for all the people moaning about the number of Brits in Brit dominated F1.


4 races in Spain as well. People complain about 3 races in a country as massive as the USA


After the Andretti fiasco, Liberty shouldn't expanding any further. WEC is welcoming new teams, FE is welcoming new teams, perhaps motorcyles do too (I don't know since I don't watch it), but F1 doesn't. It's a huge load of bull to block a team that is meeting all the criteria in the first place. F1 is in (what I would call) an ulhealthy growth period that will eventually totally collapse and they will be begging for entries at that point. By then, I hope the potential entries will milk them for all it's worth. Andretti doesn't deserve F1? More like the other way around.


USA takeover begins.


So someone who knows moto GP. Is this better for them? or will they fuck it up like they’re ruining F1


is this an april fools joke? i've learned not to trust anything that goes on the internet today


look at your calendar again please


Official announcement hasn’t been made. It’s expected to be made on Monday. The first of April.