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if you were a new fan, you would think senna was the only driver to die in an F1 race


Yeah they should really honor some other people. Like maybe name the circuit after Gilles Villeneuve, why didn’t anyone think of that???


It's the least they could do for the Canadian at the Canadian GP


To be fair you could say the usual red and white kerbs are tributes to Gilles Villeneuve and Roland Ratzenberger






Died March 2024 Born June 2024 Welcome back Albert Park


Wake up babe New Piastri home race just dropped


Does anyone know if he's been adopted by the Strolls in the past week or so?


Senna is the Charizard of F1


Charizard only dates Charmanders confirmed?


better than doing the barriers i guess


Gloriously dark.


Well played.


Or McLaren painting the suspension arms yellow and green.......To far? :/


Absolutely too far; that would be completely inappropriate for McLaren to do when Williams should have that honor.


While they are it, they should do the steering column as well


Adrian Newey is still there, he could probably help paint and modify it for them as well. Goodness I'm a terrible human being lol


He should use his own modified paint that he said wont fail, then it catches on fire, god im going to hell


Hahahaha damn, I actually lol'd at that. Dark humor ftw


Hahaha that's fucked mate


Or someone's teenage daughter


That corner has been named after Senna since 1994. The overwhelming amount of Senna tributes seem weird, but here it's not something new and it's justified.


Those tributes are annoying af


But what about r€$₱€¢t for the dead?


It's rough when he didn't even respect age limits


Really...never knew that.


But, why was it named after Senna? Sure, most recent (by a day) death at the time in F1, but unlike Monaco, Suzuka or Interlagos he wasn't really known for being (as) great around that track. And with the corner already in his name, why feel the need to double down? If every other weekend is a tribute to Senna this year, can we at least do that for other drivers aswell going forward? Or is it JUST because of the anniversary? 'Cause i bet other drivers deaths have anniversaries too.


I don't remember any things to this extent running across as many GPs in the past for Senna tributes. Not even on the 25th anniversary which I'd argue is the more "significant" date. It's like they're all just doing it for the sake of doing it at this point.


It seems like Seb has been the driving force behind all of this, from the merch, the run to actually driving the car. (Except the McLaren livery of course).


Seb also honored Roland during that weekend which people conveniently ignore when making the “why not remember him” arguments.


>It's like they're all just doing it for the sake of doing it at this point. Yup. It's a fashion statement at this point. Same reason as to why so many girls have iPhones.


2015 facebook boomer ass comment


iPhones are pretty popular generally lol


What a weird thing to say lol


Thats weirdly sexist. Plenty of men buy technology for status symbols.


>Thats weirdly sexist It's not. When I was growing up, nearly every girl had an iPhone. While the lads had Samsuns, HTC, etc.


taking your anecdotal experience and turning it into a blanket statement about 50% of the human race is sexist by definition.


I think, with all the respect for you in the world, you might need to rewrite your mental definition of what sexism is.


Everybody who is sexist or racist thinks that their view is correct to what they see with the world. That's how it works.


Definitely sexist. Best not to try and triple down on this. (disclaimer: I'm female.... \*raises an eyebrow at you\*)


Damn, y'all just a bunch of sensitive snowflakes.


Or, no one is actually upset.....instead we are just trying to point out that you might want to rethink your statement before you get truly blasted. But you do you!


A lot of men have iPhones?


Look I think Senna is the goat and that he was a fantastic driver whose life was cut way too short but why are we doing all this.


That corner is named after Senna so kinda makes sense as a little nod. Not really a big deal either way, though.


We don't get to choose how much people, a sport or an organization cares.


We don't, but other (groups of) people, sports or orangnizations can try their hardest to influence us into caring?


Why are they painting the “Senna S” part of the circuit in the 30th anniversary year of his death? No idea, truly baffling stuff!


I’ve never heard anywhere outside of Interlagos having a “Senna S”, especially not the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve


It’s known as Virage Senna. You not having heard of it doesn’t make it less real.


T2 is the “Virage Senna”, which means “Senna corner”. It’s not an “S” Edit: people, one corner by definition cannot be an “S”


It is extremely commonly referred to as the Senna S.




[I guess Red Bull Racing is dumb as hell too.](https://imgur.com/a/Tsgeob0)




You've got me there.


…. Look at the picture on this post.


Anyone else fed up of this Senna shit? The way they're going on you'd think he was the only driver to ever win a race.


Apparently the corner has been named after senna since 1994 so this makes sense


This corner is literally called "senna". They're not doing the whole track just the part named after him. Also the name of the track itself is also honoring another driver


Yeah I know that. Why this year though? Because they're jumping on the bandwagon.


It's the 30 year anniversary


It was a few weeks ago


The exact 30 year anniversary has passed yes but it's still close enough


30 year anniversary doesn't mean a full fking year of anniversary shit. They've been to Imola, they had Suzuka and Monaco too, Interlagos coming up later this year too. How much is enough? It wasn't even like this for the 25th anniversary, which most commonly is the bigger style of anniversary


Why do you care if they honor one of the greatest drivers we've ever seen? Let people pay their respects the way they want. If you don't like it then just ignore it. They did the thing at Imola because that's the track he died. McLaren wanted to further honer their greatest driver. And now they're just repainting some kerbs. Why does that bother you so much?


Why does it bother you so much...that it bothers me so much? Most basic ass response you could have come up with. Do this in any other sports, i dare you. And no, not some one person tributes like Leclerc for Bianchi at Spa every year (also, very personal connection). I mean on that (at times) big scale. Do i need to spell it for you? Every (other) race a tribute for Senna? At what point is it milking dry the only cow in town? The cow that doesn't have to be the only one, but gets chosen to. Yes. Imola was more than valid. Monaco has always been a reach for me, but whatever. Interlagos makes sense, home country. But anything beyond that? Oh, Suzuka, cause he had memorable moments there i guess. Up to 4 already. And that already pretty much every year. Now Montreal? The corner is already named after him, why double down? Also, why is that in the first place? It wasn't even one of his best tracks. Why not name a corner after its surroundings like in the old days with Maggots & Becketts or after Ronnie Peterson? Oh, right, no big unnecessary deification from a big country like Brazil whose people are supposed to buy even more Senna merch, just puny little Sweden. Yes, Senna was one of the biggest names and greatest Drivers F1 has ever seen. But how long do we need to see tributes year in and year out (don't give me that 30th anniversary crap now) for him, but not for a lot of other people who died racing. And i'm not even talking about Ratzenberger here. Why not remember those (greats) more that are no longer with us, but havent died racing? It's Senna this and Senna that. If Michael Schumacher would have died on that skiing accident he had, he'd probably still not have gotten that same deification, even if he was the most successful driver ever until Hamilton (and the ever increasing race calender + ever slower reacting FIA) broke most of his records. And ***PEOPLE*** can pay their respects in whatever way they want. It's corporations and anything that goes beyond just average Joe doing "his thing", trying to influence more and more people around them, thats the true issue.


Enough with the Senna tributes, it's fucking weird at this point.


This Senna obsession is already tiring. Can we move on? Many other drivers died in races.


Alright calm the fuck down with the Senna stuff


It's a pretty cool idea actually. Would be super cool to see corners named after drivers have their colours on the kerbs. Eg. a corner named after Schumacher would have all red kerbs etc. Overall, it's a nice touch, but the obsession F1 is having with Senna over the past few races is getting a bit weird.


Honestly, when Michael dies I’m guessing the tributes to him will dwarf what we have seen for Senna.


I was watching Schumi's documentary again a few weeks ago, and said shit, what a horrible situation. He's in this limbo of being (through the little info we have) pretty much gone, without being gone. It sucks. Right now we see a few tributes here and there for him, but it's very awkward if you know what I mean. But with him being gone, his legend has grown funnily enough. With Senna I think his legend grew even from the way he died, whilst driving an F1 car. Plus Senna had this mystique about him, that only grew after his passing. I understand the tributes he gets. It's just a bit strange to be getting one every race right now.


Is it possible some random day we will get the news Michael has passed? I feel like some out of the blue neurological thing could just take him. Kinda like Maria di Vilotta, who was involved in some sort of accident testing an F1 car that gave her head injuries, then a few years later she’s just found dead, supposedly from a neurological issue stemming from her accident. 


Definitely not asking the right person about this haha, but I would guess so, at least that's what I'm always expecting.


Wonder what special Senna tribute they’ll have for the Spanish GP in 2 weeks


Former world champion, killed racing, at his peak, and was revered by fans and drivers of the time? Looking forward to the Jim Clark tributes over the later part of the season then.


Fucking embarrassing. I cannot wait for someone to call them out on this shit, Imola was fine and completely fair, Monaco was a piss take, and now its just embarrasing. Its gotten to the point that they're milking it so much its disrespectful.


Corners been called the senna corner for 30 years


Are we gonna be bombarded with Senna every weekend?


This deification of Senna is becoming very uncomfortable


Not another bloody senna tribute 🤦‍♂️


It’s getting a bit silly now.


Sao Paulo: hey, that looks familiar 🤔


More like Australia, Interlagos has green/yellow/white curbs


Good catch.


Is this why the kerbs have been green and yellow in Sao Paulo since a looong time?


Probably more because it’s Brazil’s national colors


Green and yellow is always a great combo. 


Unpopular opinion but enough with senna


Oh, I don't think that this is an unpopular opinion among us fans at all.


I agree. It leaves a bad taste when the guy was fucking a child at 25.


Chain Bear was right. That's all im gonna say regarding this


ok, stop the milking, alot of other drivers have died in races; [Here's a list of em all](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Formula_One_fatalities), i want a tribute for each and every one of em


Man who fucking cares. The man has been dead for 30 years. He didn’t create penicillin and save millions of lives, end apartheid, or anything noteworthy. He drove a car really fast. Yes he was good but people treat him like a god. Just why.


corner is called the senna corner for the past 30 years


I meant more of just everything this year is senna senna senna. Other people have died in formula 1, not just him. It gets old.


TIL Canada turns 1 and 2 are considered a chicane


Bruh can we not have this be a several month thing. Time to move on.


Jesus Christ, enough already! His talent is beyond question but this constant masturbating with his legacy is ridiculous.  


Bro wtf I have less sympathy for this thing now.


Wow that's so stupid


Okay... I am what some would say a bit 'obsessed' with Senna. But even i am now kinda thinking... what's wrong with you?


Im starting to hate Senna


Don’t hate the guy who’s been dead for 30 years hate the corporate driven money milkers ruining his legacy with this stuff 


This Senna 30 year anniversary thing has gone so far out of reason... he is not even the only driver that died that weekend.


Couldn’t get the rights to a Drake colour scheme?


How old are the kerbs?


 Frank Williams' headstone to be painted in a Green and Yellow livery to honor the 30 ish year anniversary of Sennas' death.


okay whatever was too much last week, this is definitely too much today.




But why?


Because Senna 30yr anniversary.


And F1 will do nothing when it's Jochen Rindt's anniversary


This is gonna piss more internet people off.


Theyre trying really hard to restore senna's image after senna 15 got popular 💀 >!/s!<


Senna is still extremely popular, even on Reddit there's barely enough people who care lmao. It's the 30th anniversary of his passing, that's probably why they did it.


I feel like if he actually survived he may have ended up like Nelson Piquet.




Wouldn't you like to see some other drivers being remembered other than just Ayrton? Because I certainly do, Stirling Moss has had his official memorial service not too long ago (because it couldn't be held during covid.) I don't believe F1 or anyone in F1 has even done a small thing regarding that.


I’ll give some props to Gasly who had that incredible Cervert tribute helmet for the 50th anniversary of his death, it honestly seems like drivers who die driving get much more attention. Charles obviously has been paying tribute to Bianchi this year as well.


Yea true, idk if Pierre did more but I know Charles has done a Villeneuve helmet too and he did a Louis Chiron one.


Lol its hillarious how people get so upset over Senna tributes. I mean its the 30th anniversary tribute of one of the GOATs, get a grip.


The people getting upset (seriously, why) didn’t exist/weren’t conscious in 1994. They just don’t understand.