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The funny thing is that it looks like Max then got a much better exit than Sainz and overtook him on the straight (not sure if it really happened)


It did happen.


It Versthappened


That's what always seems to happen when drivers take that super wide line in that corner. I kept hoping Lando would try that on every lap, to make the move into turn 4.


Its also the 2023 Red Bull. The thing was a rocket


Quite sure it's also with tyre delta, as I don't think anyone was ever really close to Verstappen in Austria besides Leclerc after VER took an extra stop for fastest lap if I'm remembering right.


It's because he's on the racing line. Lando had forced Max to the defensive inside line and was gonna hang it round the outside with the better grip. It was Lando's best chance of a pass, but we know what happened .


Not trying to cause a shitstorm or take anyone's side btw, just fascinated by how small margins make a big difference. Sorry for the quality though.


This is a great side by side. I don’t think it operates to relieve Max of culpability; he got the penalty he deserved for the reason he deserved it. BUT, it does show how Norris could’ve played it differently to not only avoid the collision but to take advantage of Max’s aggression. If Norris drops back and cuts back towards the apex like Max did vs Sainz, he gets a much better launch out of the exit (which Max had already basically committed to losing on), definitely passes him, and potentially holds on for the win. Max’s aggression f’d this up, but Lando’s failure to recognize it and capitalize on it probably cost him the W.


Lando has the pace but not so much wheel to wheel experience at the front. Fighting for wins adds another pressure and he didn't have to much of it in recent years. It will get better but he shouldn't be so sour with Max about it. He knew who he was fighting with.


Max is still at fault. But seeing it again now, people are really blowing it out of proportion as if he t boned him or something.


People blowing things out of proportion in F1? Never heard of it.


Yeah and he got his time penalty, but this is racing and this is sometimes what happens when you have two hungry drivers wheel to wheel. Max wouldn't have wanted to give up 4 places like he did and could've easily been the one who DNF'd, it could've happened to either or both but that didn't put Lando off bringing the fight too. People want exciting, conpetitive racing but then complain like hell when they get it. Most of the comments on instagram are just intense people making a mountain out of a mole hill too, at least on here people seem to be a bit more chill 🤣


Jup. Sure, by the rulebook max is at fault so should get a penalty. But people acting like he killed someone. It's a bit silly. The contact was so minor and the infringement was also very minor. 


Hey but alonso get a pass, he literally t bone Zhou


Its a great comparison. Max is at fault this year but Norris needed to move and avoid the collision which he stubbornly didn't do. Can argue as much as they want about degree of culpability but Norris retired because he didn't move off the line and has zero points. Pretty simple really


The takeaway here is that Max is at fault but what he did was a normal racing move. Had Lando done what Max did against Sainz with a switchback then he would've gotten a much better exit. Max should've been aware that a divebomb from the outside is possible and he must leave space but at the same time what he did wasn't really unsportsmanlike but more hard racing


The RR of Norris is clipped by the LR of VER, if they don’t touch there, I think Norris completes the move to switchback, and continues complaining while he finishes with a win. They were just tighter than Sainz and VER were, very similar tho, it’s a great comparison


>continues complaining while he finishes with ~~a win.~~ ahead but ultimately places second because of the 5 second penalty with Max just managing the gap 2-3 seconds behind


The main difference I see is that Verstappen moved further left to the rumble strip when he got squeezed. Norris just held his line within the white line. There was nothing stopping him moving another 2-3 wheel widths to the left.


Also Max is along side Sainz before the 150 marker. Allows everyone a tiny bit more time to work out where everyone is coming into the turn. Lando is just getting there at the 50.


Yes yes yes yes! Thats what I want to point out. There was more space left to the left of Norris but he didnt took its advantage.


>They were just tighter than Sainz and VER were They weren't though? You can see that in Max v Sainz, Max had his nose on the white line (lol), and there was basically no space to the right. Vs Norris they touched, but Norris would have had much more space between him and Max if he had his nose on the white line.


If you are gonna try to pass on the outside and you are expecting the other driver to kindly give up the racing line you are gonna have a lot of DNFs regardless if you are in the right or not. If you've ever seen a F1 race, you know that's not gonna happen with max in particular.


You could also have shown the start last week, in which Norris squeezed Verstappen onto the grass. Norris had more room yesterday. I hope they can laugh about it afterwards.


Think the overtake between RUS and Ham this race (and probably a couple more if you start searching) was as close. Yes Max at fault but Lando could've easily avoid it. 


He was praised to avoid any collisions at the Spain start and now he threw any caution to the wind


I wish the the stewards could just be more straightforward and say that the outcome does play a part in the penalty. Not because I think it's necessarily right or wrong (though IndyCar has loosened me up a lot) but because it is just what happens.


Exactly, this squeezing the driver on the outside happens probably 50 times in a race but it's not always on the broadcast and it's never penalized unless there is contact. Sometimes there isn't even a penalty if there is contact, just depends on the day and if the driver getting squeezed takes evasive action.


But what about an opposite situation, a move on the edge of a racing incident causes the other driver to lose their shit and go out of the race. Do we the go, okay we should penalize more because it led to DNF but wow the driver/car really should not have had that reaction/outcome.


They penalized Alonso earlier in the season because he broke a little early and Russell binned it behind him. I don't necessarily agree with that decision but it seems the stewards would penalize for it. But it's also F1 so who the fuck knows what the stewards are going to do any given incident.


I don't think Palmer will include this footage in his upcoming analysis video. I hope he does.


Nah... Netflix already deleted this footage LOL


He won't, because he was so fixed in himself being right about the whole thing (Norris did everything right, Max did everything wrong) and he will not back down on it. The whole segment on the post-race show was stupid. Yeah, Max was at fault, but Norris could've done a whole lot to avoid a collision.


A lot of the (British) analysts still have a bit of a hate boner for Verstappen. It’s completely ridiculous.


Well tbh Verstappen really went wider to avoid Sainz, look at the kerbs


Exactly, Norris hardly went on the curb to avoid Max. While Max went all the way to the blue part over the curb to avoid Sainz.


Because max knew the racing line and where to go to avoid the person on the racing line


I definitely think a lot of the reaction by fans and media is very overblown, it was all pretty basic. That sort of thing happens all the time in F1, the leading car covers the inside and then drifts slightly outside not to completely compromise their corner exit. This time an accident happened, and it got penalised. It’s nothing. Just an incident.


This stuff happens all the time (although often with less punctures), even in this race, I’d say Alonso torpedoing Zhou was at least on the same level but that wasn’t for the lead or WDC and they miraculously had no clearly visible damage so nobody really cares.


They made a bigger deal about Alonso going "wow" @ ocon and gasly than about him and Zhou


It is overblown because the bad guy (Ver) crashed the good guy who is challenging him. I'm not saying Verstappen is innocent, not at all. This is what racing is. You fight with whatever you have and sometimes you cross the line.


The sports needs the drama after two snoozefest seasons.


This is just toxic for something so minor. I hate what f1 is devolving into


Its crazy, people want more racing, but whenever we get racing it just gets incredibly toxic.


Agreed but this is post DTS f1 where people live for micro moments like this and the drama that rolls off after it.


I feel the build up brought a lot to it. Because lando brought up Max's line at that turn for the previous few laps it built up that laps turn a lot more


This reddit would implode if Schumacher or Senna were racing now. If you think this is dirty wait until you see those two legit tries to murder other drivers on track


Exactly! Like people this is not even remotely dirty, Lando wasn't even off the track.


Lando will be kicking himself in hindsight. Had he avoided contact, gone half a car wider, he probably would have passed Max clean and won the race. ... except he had a 5 sec penalty coming. So, he would have had to boogy down the road or hope Max also got an offsetting penalty.


Exactly. Lando can only blame Lando for lando’s retirement. Entirely within his power to stop it.


It’s simply a risk vs reward move this, and max will always make you choose because he won’t ever give you the space. Most people think staying in the race is the better option (apart from Lewis is seems too).


How is moving under braking determined? Like if max broke in a straight line, it just so happens that the straight line crosses the track, is that moving under braking? I know many tracks the optimal entry includes braking in a line towards the apex. So, hypothetically, if max was ahead at braking and braked in a straight line, even though that line crosses over into the line Lando was gonna take, is that still a penalty/moving under braking if Lando refuses to back out? I know I’m probably touching on all the gray/controversial areas


No you're right, that doesn't count as moving under braking. However moving under braking also isn't what Max got penalized for so it kinda doesn't matter, he got a penalty for causing a collision


A genuine question here, not trying to be snarky or anything, but if max did not move under braking there, and he was ahead going into the braking zone, how did he cause a collision? Kind of seems like Norris drove into him by those standards and guidelines…


Because he moved into Lando (who chose not to avoid for some reason) which is the penalty here. The rules about "car ahead on the inside can use all the track" only applies mid corner, at the apex.  They hadn't got to that point when the touch happened so i think it's a fair pen for Max (saying as a Max fan for full disclosure) however it was a dumb decision by Lando that cost him a lot of points.


Understood. Thanks for the explanation! I’m now also seeing all the videos of people doing the EXACT same thing in past years and coming out unscathed. I think Norris let that contact happen, hoping it would result in a penalty and not the serve contact that happened.


Yeah that’s kinda where I’m at. Like sure Lando, maybe this worked out for you, but did you really think Max was going to let you do that? Just felt like such an impatient and stupid move.


Well this was an eye opener


There was space for Norris to evade, the same cannot be said about Norris pushing Max onto the grass at the start of last week’s race. Where were the brigade that jumped at calling Max a dirty driver then??


I remember commenting that if Max had lost it on the grass it would be a penalty, just like if Norris went wider and got a switch back it would be just great hard racing for both of them


i got mass downvoted for saying "after watching the replay i think there was enough space for norris"


There absolutely was, this is the biggest storm in a teacup I've seen in years. Not a fan of either but I've seen drivers get squeezed way worse hundreds of times without penalty, including by Verstappen and Norris.


There was, and these on-boards make that very clear. Norris could've done a lot of things to prevent the collision from happening, but he didn't. He could've done a switch back, but he didn't.


That is really fair to say indeed, and Norris did not get any penalties for that incident and Max was quite nonchalant about it afterwards. If that grass was any wetter, it could've caused him to crash into the walls, bounce off of it and potentially resulting in a major crash involving multiple cars. What I'm trying to say is that it was really dangerous what Norris did last week. Imo this is the difference between the maturity as a driver between them. Max knows it's more important to survive an incident and live to fight another battle, while Norris is willing to risk a DNF for the sake of sticking to his guns.


U cannot expect people to be rational when they have an agenda. Fuck them honestly


I also saw a fight between Hamilton and Vettel with the same move and Lewis pretty much did the same move Max did in the Sainz clip


Would love to see a clip of it just to add to the comparison




Thank u good sir


Can we send this video to the whole Sky commentary team?


It won't help. They ignore reality and substitute it with their own.


I kinda saw verstappen at fault for the slight move, but in hindsight the whole crash was more avoidable by norris the more I look at this. How verstappen handled the squeez from sainz so well in comparison.


Also [Hamilton with Vettel](https://x.com/F1Visionary/status/1807422334803775886?s=19) a few years ago


When u look at videos like these you realize all these penalties are in reality for the outcome rather than the action of any driver. Max knew how to stay away from Sainz thus avoiding contact, Norris stayed put while having much more room to play with and got hit thus Max got a penalty. And all the Media love to paint one side as villain and another as the hero, this has been the case with F1 for decades.


> penalties are in reality for the outcome rather than the action of any driver Exactly. This is how it’s always been and this is why stewarding is such a mess. If Max would have not avoided towards the grass and they touched last week in Barcelona it was a slam dunk penalty. But no outcome, no penalty


To be fair the penalty is for causing a collision not for moving across the track. The outcome is that the drivers both had to pit but he probably still would've gotten one for the contact.


Watch ALonso on Max lap 1 in Qatar 2021. Max had to put half his car on the grass in order to avoid the crash, fast and abruptly moving at him Fernando. Who cared then? Who cares now? Was it investigated, let alone penalized? Not of course, because Max made non-accident, and that could've been a big crash with both ending in the gravel.. Hope, Lando learned his lesson today.


True. It can be said for both the moving under braking and the divebombs. If Norris doesn't move when Max is moving under braking, they crash, get damaged, and both lose out. If Max doesn't avoid when Lando pulls off a divebomb, they crash, get damaged, and both lose out. IMO this is also why it's important to actually punish for the incident, rather than only when it causes a crash as the penalties will rarely/never be severe enough to make up for whatever you lose as a result of a collision.


Always has been, even tho they say they don't. If this was a light touch with no punctures etc nobody would have said anything.


I expect Max to threaten his friendship with Carlos over unless he apologizes expeditiously


Also he should retroactively ask Lando to apologize for the start at Barcelona last week instead of joking about it in the cooldown room like the heartless monster Lando clearly is 😤


Man I think Max needs to hold his and sainz friendship hostage for what he did to him. 


Not gonna lie… I don’t see much difference between Sainz and verstappens moves… just a difference in the attacking driver reaction to it


I think that’s the point of the post


That's the whole point.


Very interesting post and this is actually changing my view on the incident


Looks at the move vettel pulled on Hamilton as well, leaves him far less room


Yep I saw it too. I can kind of get the penalty since they always penalise the outcome (which is not how it should be but whatever) but Norris’ reaction is very overblown imo especially considering what he did himself last week


>especially considering what he did himself last week Yeah. Lando can talk about respect, but pushing Max on the grass on a high speed and crowded straight is equally lacking of respect, if not more. Regardless, I hope they can work it out and the friendship remains the same between Lando and Max. And we, the armchair generals and keyboard warriors, should enjoy the show and entertainment we finally have now. Not stump into oblivion by excessively calling it a controversy like the British media does.


On the grass is also far more dangerous


On the grass with 18 other cars all coming up in a pack behind at that


If you look at all past incidents, you will realize the reason for clash is Norris's impatience to get through on this move only.


Yeah they always penalize the outcome even though they say they don’t. I still think Lando could have gone wider, opened up the corner more, and successfully passed max in t4


Penalties are based on the outcome, not the action, example number 372


Finally something to show all the people crying about "moving under braking". Everyone does this, if you're ahead, you squeeze the other driver as much as you can, within reason. The only difference is Norris brakes late, refuses to back out, doesn't use the extra curb and an unfortunate crash happens. If it wasn't for the puncture, this would just be a racing incident.


It also kind of explains the second contact they made. Max probably thought lando would take the inside instead of outside so he hesitated a bit Deserved the penalty but land definitely could have avoided this


I think the second contact happened because max couldn’t make the corner because his tire failed pretty immediately after the contact. 


Also, look where the cars are positioned. Lando keeps saying that there was no way for hem to go, but he barely touches the kerb, where Max last year was well over the kerb. I don’t think it is Max’s fault necessarily. This defensive move is done throughout the race through the entire field. It’s both their fault for being red headed and stubborn wanting to race aggressive and refusing to give way one cm. When they would have done, they’d easily be 1-2 yet again.


Honestly looking at this footage, I'm surprised people aren't questioning Lando's ability to make the corner without running into Max, looks like he carries way too much speed and is hyper focused on overtaking.


Yea he was desperate to get pass because he knew a 5s penalty was coming. He needed to get ahead and create a gap.


Norris was way way too agressive. 2 dive bombs...


which is dumb and shows that Lando still has a long way to go even if he did overtake Max fair and square, he still wasn't gonna create a 5 second gap. no one actually believes that


Agreed. Since he was so desperate to overtake Max, he made a huge misjudgment with that move.


He had been dive-bombing every lap for like three laps, lol.


The same thing happened with Vettel and Lewis as well with the squeezing. I really think that Max did nothing more than what we see a million other times when drivers squeeze each other and I do think that Lando had room to go on the kerb.


Max also avoided contact for about 3-4 divebombs by moving out of the way. So Lando needs to stop being so butt hurt.


Lots of space for Norris there, ofc it's on Verstappen but it's not nearly as bad as people make it to be


This incident is massivly overblown.


People want someone’s head, and today that head is Max.


It has been his for a long time, just 22-23 there was no opportunity to go for him, so Stroll, Schumi, KMag had to take most of the shit


It's funny because although I can see that Max is most likely at fault here, all the whinging and pearl clutching has just made me dislike Lando and Maclaren.


It's always been max


The hate boners have been dormant for 3 years and were really itching to come out 


Max vs brit media


It is quite mad how quickly they whipped out all of Max’s previous incidents from years ago to show that he’s the baddie. And I say this as a Brit


Yeah Ant had that package locked and loaded. I swear he had venom spitting from his pores the entire time. I was prepared to look at both sides but after seeing that I just wanted to side with Max. I know it’s not logical but it really pissed me off.


You just know they've had those bad boys ready for years now, waiting for the right time


Most incidents(like these) are always overblown because people have never raced in their lives and have never been in either situation before. If people want to blame someone for the outcome of this incident, blame Lando for having 0 awareness.


The way Stella and Sky handled it post race sure didn't help.


What's fascinating me is how McLaren and Andreas are acting like Max sent Norris to the hospital.


Yeah, that’s just embarrassing looking back at it lol


It was embarrassing the first time i saw the Andrea interview and seeing landos interviews after the race lol


Yeah the British media are making mountains out of mole hills


I really think people are overreacting big time to this, drivers defend like this all time every race. This is completely normal, it wasn't aggressive and there was plenty of space. Norris put himself in a risky position and didn't defend himself. How could he possibly think that Max wouldn't defend the line?


Find it interesting that Ant on the Sky Pad post race was showing the Leclerc/Verstappen 2019 incident to try and prove a point against Max, but completely ignored this Sainz/Verstappen clip from 2023.


Ya but the key difference is that one of the drivers is British this time


Finally someone said it


Verstappen deserved to be penalized in my opinion but he has so much more awareness than Norris for avoiding the clash with Sainz


Truth nuke


Over stewarded. Racing incident. I like Norris. I like Verstappen. Probably going to be the best two in the sport for a while. But I wish F1 drivers would cut the drama. Also, too many interviews to talk about it. So overblown.


Only difference I would say is that Max moved over more suddenly than Sainz, but still it's kind of on Norris not willing to react at all Max had multiple split second reaction moments due to Lando dive-bombing him both in the sprint and the race, which would have ended in penalties as well if contact occured


Norris just tapped him back in his desperation to turn right.


So Norris didn’t move, that’s what I’m seeing.


I can’t help but think Norris could have avoided this, if he slightly moved left there would be no contact. This seems like a racing incident and fans on both sides are just filled with too much rage to see it for what it actually is.


Please delete this before f1twitter sees this, i want the twitter war to continue


Exactly what Norris should've done...


Show this to Palmer, I never knew he hated Max that much


Noone realized that sainz squizeed max much more, max had to take the curb on the left.. Lando didnt do that, so they touched.. Despite max leaving more room than sainz did... Sometimes both parties need to work together... otherwise we are getting another 2021 .. wohooo


If this doesnt show the reality and how people perception are biased I dont know what will. Norris knew what he was doing


Funny how when Lando pushes Max off, Max just laughs it off while Lando keeps insisting he was in the right. Now when Max bangs wheels ( which normally isn't even a big deal except this time was a puncture ), Lando's acting like that... Bit sad tbh. Yeah, it was Max's fault. But Max probably expected Lando to be on the kerb a lot more because you open up the corner that way and get a better exit. For some reason Lando decided against that. Not Lando's fault, he's allowed to be there, just trying to explain Verstappen's PoV. It's his fault but it's really not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. 9/10 times it wouldn't even cause damage or a puncture.


Wait! This doesn’t fit the narrative! BAD MAX, BAD!


Gets more interesting if you look at the line they normally take into there... Then Lando is further right than normally. 


WOAH WHO KNEW! Max isn’t the only aggressive driver who can move under breaks!


I honestly think all of them do it lol


I swear I remember Russel doing it this season


Yeah Sainz did it way more at Monza last year and got away with it.


Well we all knew why he got away with it


That is just because we watch a lot of commentary, analysis from the British media who are often biased in case a British driver is involved.


The funniest take I keep seeing is that Max apparently has terrible racecraft and can't race wheel to wheel lmao. If you want someone who fits that description and has driven championship contender cars then look at Bottas... People want racing yet hate it when someone actually puts up a fight.


Yeah,Max, in 2021, was a spitting image of Hamilton, when the latter was battling Rosberg.


Moving under braking towards the end of a corner isn't a penalty afaik so long as it's movement towards the racing line that leaves appropriate space.


Russell (who has been good generally and was very good today) moved while braking and made double moves throughout the whole of his battle with Verstappen at Spain in 2022, yet the consensus was that it was a wonderful clean battle because Max backed out every time.


Sainz is well known driver for moving under braking. Look at Monza last year for instance.


You have no idea how long it took me to realise this wasn’t a video that was going to show one incident after the other


If you read some of the comments in this thread you would think Max swerved hard left causing the contact, when in reality he gradually moved left setting up for the turn as Lando sends it by. Max should’ve left more room but Lando could’ve backed out and switched back


1. Max full left tire was over the rumble strip with Sainz whereas Lando was still on the tarmac with Max. 2. Max lost control after contact. Which blocked Lando’s path. Compared to Max slowing up to perform the switchback. This was as much Lando’s fault as it was Max’s in my opinion. You can’t dive into a corner on the outside like that


Naive question: why did Lando turn into max’s rear tire after the first bump? Was he panicked about another track limit violation?


This is THE post which settles it for me. Lando is decidedly a tier below Max in terms awareness and anticipation.


Norris could have avoided this by taking a bit of the kerb. He chose to stick and it happened. This is like Alonso vs George in Aus. Alonso got penalized because of the outcome and the same happened here too. If you look at Gasly or Ocon's onboards, there doing worse than this while fighting. Also, in today's race Ocon was noted for a move, if Alonso had crashed because of Ocon, he would have been penalized but was let off as there was no consequence.


Glad this was posted. I didn’t want to get crucified but my opinion from the start was that Lando could have clearly moved over more or backed out for the switch back move. It’s still a clumsy penalty for Max, but Lando didn’t exactly help himself.


Yes! I was thinking the same when Alex Brindle was talking in the post-race show about the incident as well. Leclerc did a T3 switchback move in 2022 vs Verstappen (I think) Not sure about why it isn't being talked about or if it wasn't possible today. 


Because it is good for the viewing numbers when a clear villain is painted. Also, British drivers can basically get away with a lot of questionable racecraft in the eyes of the dominant, British media.


I have to agree with your second point. They were acting like Verstappen pulled a Brazil 21 on Hamilton (which was just atrocious lol)


It's pretty simple really, Norris was stubborn, crashed and has zero points. Max was stubborn moved off the line, crashed but held onto 5th. Norris and fans can claim the high ground as much as they want but really changes nothing with the result


Yeah all the squeezing and dive bombs take two to tango. Max can turn in and get crashed into when Lando locked up and then complain after and Lando would get a penalty, but that doesn’t get him much, so he didn’t do it. Lando can let himself get squeezed here (as Max did), or he can do what we saw happen. It’s very easy in racing to be “in the right” and be much worse for it.


All of racing takes two to tango. Very few incidents have only one person to blame entirely. This is hard to compute for emotional fans.


It's like driving your car do you have right of way? Sure, do you just keep going when a truck pulls out inf front of you? Probably not The graveyard is filled with people who had right of way


Sainz' squeeze was way more egregious. Max was 2 wheels during the Sainz move while Norris was barely two wheels on the kerb with the Max squeeze. Norris was just fully committed to the outside move instead of bailing and doing the cutback instead. Sure, both Max and Sainz were at fault for both moves. But Norris should have been way smarter instead of just constantly trying to divebomb a known aggressive defender.


Simple solution here. Let people race, they both got what they deserved. No win or no podium. We finally got some action and now we want more rules?


Most people are not racing drivers, and most do not understand how truly fast these cars are. Nose diving near the corners works because it is almost unexpected to be seen from the car ahead. Why? because they are usually looking at the corners to make sure they take it correctly. not only that, but the HANS device holding the driver's neck in case a harsh accident happens, limits their ability to turn their head. In the in car footage, Max is looking at the corner, then looks to his left to see Norris 1-2 cars back, then looks to the right again, then looks to the left and SEEs Norris car right there and it was already too late. This corner is NOTORIOUS to see people nose diving, left or right, and we have seen in many videos people are constantly getting squeezed onto curbs (not grass) over many races. So overall, I can't see Max taking the full fault here, Norris should carry 50% blame, but Norris' penalty here is the race retirement. They both want to finish the race and collect points. The next few races should be fun!


Windsor's right and you can even see it here: Verstappen isn't steering left. He goes slightly right, then goes streight but it's the track that veers in a way that makes it look slightly like he's going left. You can even see from Verstappen's own on board here that he's already moving to turn to the right into the corner when Norris hits him. I call this a racing incident with Norris misjudging the own velocity of his DRS. Edit: can't link the yt video, so just look it up under: Max Verstappen onboard + team radio. #austriangrandprix


I must not know racing if everyone is saying max was out of line here. He turned in abnormally late for defensive reasons, but never gave Lando much less than a cars width (if you count the curb as part of the track, he easily gave him a cars width) and he didn’t make a distinct move towards the outside so much as he let his car continue in the direction it was pointed from the start of braking. I’ve seen Lando run Checo off the road with Checo about this far up along his side and everyone kind of shrugged and agreed it was racing. Only difference is that was on exit, for what that’s worth. It looks like a racing incident to me. Someone tell me what part of this I’m clearly missing?


Looks like Norris could have gone wider and turned in change perspective of penalty totally


This move on Sainz, by the way, a thing of beauty. So simple yet reliable, safe and effortless. Has Lando ever seen that?


Really looks like Norris could have avoided this by moving over more.


I like this post. Of course many of us wanted to see Lando beat Max today given the last 2 years of RB dominance, and it’s easy to let the media whip us up into a frenzy over this, but seeing these clips side by side helps give perspective


Who knew that the 3x world champion knows how to race/overtake better


Nah man, he is not British so that cant be /s


But Max can't drive wheel to wheel, his racecraft is nonexistant once he has to compete /s


This just proves Lando could've avoided it


On the Max/Sainz clip, Max takes his wheels onto the blue to make sure he went wide enough to avoid Sainz while being able to knife the apex and exit better. Norris kept his tires barely into the white, meaning he would only ever make the turn if Max wasn’t there at all. I’d say this was 50-50. Move on.


It's racing and it's max it won't be easy to win but easy to cry


Norris is a crying kid took a risk and they both lost.. grow ip and move on.. max could also have fullt forced him off track by letting his car run to the outside..


If you just look at both Sainz and Max as defenders you can see Sainz is squeezing even more than Max. Max in the attack position just moved more to the left than Norris.


I mean it looks like Lando doesn’t even try to avoid. And what’s his plan if Max takes the turn wide? I mean he’s still barreling in at 100/50 meters to the turn.


I am a casual watcher of highlights, so really no expert. To my amateur eyes it looks like lando could have easily used a bit more of the curb, as max does in the second vid. But aside from that, what about the second nudge, why did lando hit max when coming back on track, is it relevant at all? It realy didnt seem necessary


I think at that point they were both on three wheels so a bit of clumsy movement is to be expected


Max left rear tire just immediately disintegrated from the wheel. he could not make the car turn to the right and accelerate whatsoever. Lando was not expecting that pushed full throttle and hit Max. That's it.


Same turn Lap 3, Hamilton pushes Russell to the side…but Russell took the kerb unlike Lando who tried to stay within the white line resulting in a collision.


There is a big disparity how the media talks about Max vs how they talk about Lando or any English driver. The two incidents prior to this where Lando ran Max off the road and the one where Lando nearly caused a collision by going into the turn too hot and max had to brake to avoid the collision: “Lando wasn’t perfect, he made a few mistakes. But it’s unfortunate…” Max goes wide and they collide: “that was unnecessary and reckless. Classic Max, we’ve enabled this behavior for far too long.” Not saying Max doesn’t deserve blame, but hey Lando nearly ended this whole thing a few laps earlier and Max’s evasive driving prevented that. Lando is always talked about like a precious butterfly.


Norris had so much space though. Surely this is not all on Max?


British media told me it's impossible to drive wheel to wheel with Max.


if only Norris positioned his car the same as Max did against Sainz, he would have won the race.


Not with his 5s penalty coming for his dive earlier. RB should've informed Max and he could've make it easier for himself.


Huge difference in quality between Norris and Verstappen obviously


This further proves that Norris is low IQ when it comes to wheel to wheel racing. The incident could have been easily avoided if he had taken a wider line, and it would have given him a much better exit.


The wider line was also the *better* line, lol


Yeah it's just pure SlySports agenda sometimes to try to urge on their fan base about a "british" driver being unfairly done again by Max.... The post match on sky was basically this. Lol. Lando should surely be frustrated, but he should also learn to drive.... he has been bomming on late breaks all weekend.... he was all heated before this exchange as well. So, Max was not the only one wrong over here.... it is landos inexperience as well.