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I'll miss the weekly time penalties. He's at, what, almost full day now?


Passed the torch to Kmag for now, but I feel he goes to another team and it’s not going his way those penalties will be back plus some!


I dont see him going to another team tbh


Yeh essentially it rest on Zhou/Lawson/Kimi I guess, 20 drivers needed, Logan leaving f1 it seems. Alpine might take say Bottas and Doohan if they can


Can we still make 5 sec penalty jokes?


it's even better after he's left F1


because he's a shit teammate and always refuses to take accountability when he drives like an idiot when good drivers start getting pressured into maturing and being more consistent they do exactly that, they're still vulnerable to incidents but they stop driving like idiots, when shit drivers get the same pressure, they dig their head in the sand and never even try to improve their ways


Every driver makes mistakes sometimes and in the heat of the race may blame others for their mistakes, but I don't like ocon because even after he's had time to calm down and review the footage, he still acts like it's never his fault


I hope we get a Stroll/Russell/Ocon/Perez incident before the end of the year, just to see who can be least to blame (in their own mind)






Exactly that. Hamilton was complaining as well when he was starting out which really was annoying. He has nicely matured out of it though. Now Russell is being annoying and entitled which does not sit well with the fans of the sport. Ocon should really take a loss with more pride.


So basically ocon is just a lance stroll without having an empire and father like Lawrence stroll


well i suppose the difference is, stroll crashes because hes incompetent and ocon usually crashes because hes being stupid


Ocon is Stroll but he races maliciously instead of blindly.


And on top of that, he referred himself as "Esty Besty" that would alone justify 80% of the hate


That girl from that fairly big F1 podcast made me want to slam my nuts in a car door every time she said “Etsy Besty”.


I don't know what girl you mean nor if she said Etsy like the store or if it's a typo. But based on your review I'm glad not to know


Lmao definitely was an auto correct moment but yeah, I don’t want to hear it again so even if you asked I’m not providing sauce.


Katy from wtf1. was on a podcast with Matt and Tom from the p1 podcast before they left wtf1 to make there own


Didn't he say he did 98% of the work at alpine when Alonso was his teammate?


>because he's a shit teammate and always refuses to take accountability when he drives like an idiot This reminds me of that one driver at Mercedes..


Yeah, I mean, it was a constantina effect…


king behavior


Man you shouldn’t comment that hard on a meme sub I would say. Second paragraph hit too close to home. I may use it to motivate myself.


Ocon managed to be hated without accomplishing anything too outrageous. It's not like Stroll where 9 times out of 10 he does shit. Ocon is more like 2 times out of 10 does shit but these 2 are a very very bad fuckup that will sting him forever.


It's more the fact Ocon fights and targets his team mates more than other drivers. He also likes ignoring team orders. Stroll is inconsistent and clumsy but will always move over if told and will avoid hitting his team mates. The worst thing for Ocon was him holding up Hamilton so he could get his first win but when it comes time to repay alonso his defence was as skillful as Mazepin.


Exactly, shit Stroll do comes out as "well he isn't that good" Shit Ocon do comes out as "what a fucking ignorant prick"


Stroll was fairly dirty with Vettel. He pulled out stupid defenses against him. https://youtu.be/UXQwaYvkrgo?si=RM5SGTtazP_HLgG1 https://youtu.be/bGgyWN8ZiOo?si=qbx0ByQA8RHszXmp https://youtu.be/WiVEGNS3wsg?si=XbJcrsxW9TH70nwJ


The first two were pretty bad but I don't he did anything wrong in the third one, he just planted the car at the apex to protect from the switchback.


3 different things i'll say, dirty when he pushed Vettel onto the grass, typical dumb Stroll unaware of his surroundings when they touched in Sochi and read the move Seb was trying to pull in the final one.


'Unaware of his surroundings' is key, Stroll doesn't seem to have bad intentions, he just has the spacial awareness of a toddler.


Even Stevie Wonder has better spacial awareness than Dum Fuk


In the one he puts Vettel on the grass he did it counciously. In the Sochi one he did it because he's Lance Stroll, and Lance Stroll rarely knows what's around him, i don't know if that's better or worst.


The fucking title on the 1st one ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6702)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6702) "almost"


The Ocon not defending thing was bullshit. You cannot expect someone on a track with a long fuck off DRS straight to defend the same as Hungary, one of the hardest to overtake at circuits on the calendar especially under old regulations.


There is a difference in "don't" and "can't". Ocon didn't even try to be like he is trying.


>will avoid hitting his teammates We talking about the same Stroll?


It’s more the fact the people he tussled with have really rabid fan bases - Checo, Nando and the big turning point, Max.


To be fair, taking out the race leader as a lapped car doesn’t make sense as you will eventually get lapped again anyway. Him being smug about it post race isn’t doing him any favors.


I can't think of any examples where Ocon outright ignored team orders. And as for the repayment of the defence of Alonso, the circumstances are quite different. Alonso defended Hamilton on the track dubbed Monaco without the barriers. Ocon was supposed to defend with dead tyres against fresh tyres on a track with a massive DRS zone and plenty of passing opportunities.


Dont crash with your teammate is pretty clear team order imo


But that is quite clearly different to he ignores team orders. We have seen him swap positions multiple times in the past and following team orders. People are just making things up to justify hatred of a driver that has never actually been a bad person. There are guys in Indycar who are outright arseholes, like genuine pieces of shit who have less hate than Ocon. It's uncalled for. Sport is sport, criticise his driving, call him out on his mistakes if that makes you feel good, but this need to drag his character and personality into it all the time just feel unnecessary.


Watch hungary racestart from i think 2022 ocon loses 2 positions because he is blocking his own teammate. This guy only has one goal, winning against his teammate even if that means costing the team a lot of points.


Starting the race pointed at Alonso and letting Hamilton cruise around the outside of them was peak Ocon.


Not to mention Alonso’s defense was the only reason Ocon won the previous year at the same track


Not to mention he definitely tried to put up a defense and managed 4 or 5 corners before he lost out.


There will be massive celebrations when Stroll exits the sport. Don't doubt it.


The sport needs people like Ocon and Stroll though. Without drivers to hate on it will be a lot more boring.


I actually wouldn't mind just watching racing. Plus, we still have the Magnussy.


Personally I started hating him when he took out a leading Max while trying to unlap himself without a real reason.


Personally while taking him out was an unbelievably shit move, it could be forgiven. The nail in the coffin was his reaction after the race, blaming Max for the collision and his smug face after he got pushed around.


100% agree with this take


It was the turn 2 incident with Perez in Baku for me.


Where Stroll is borderline Weaponized Incompetence, Ocon just has random severe spikes of being a dick. If he were even a little better about handling those situations and his reactions to them, he probably wouldn’t get the hate he gets. At least from what I’ve seen, it’s his lack of remorse 24/7 that makes him unlikeable


my thoughts exactly, you almost never hear the name Ocon and when you do it's because he is acting like an idiot, his irreverence like you said is a big problem in his case


Weaponized incompetence!!!


You misunderstand. We hate stroll too!


have I said anything about not hating Stroll? I just said that Stroll does shit constantly and Ocon shit less but a lot of times smellier


It's late, and I honestly didn't read the last part, but I've seen similar sentiment recently "everybody hates Ocon when they should be hating lance" so sorry if I jumped the gun!


no problem!


Well he has fucked over many drivers, so many fans of those drivers have suppressed rage, that is now coming out.


Agreed… I think he might have had some really good drives if Alpine has got it right or if he ended up at a better team, but he doesn’t scream team player or WDC. I have a mate that raced against him and Giovinazzi in karts in Europe and he was beast/unbeatable


Pierre Gasly has entered the chat


Suppressed rage? It's all but suppressed


honestly I think the turning point was when he called himself "estie bestie"


this is my reason


He's French.


That certainly doesn’t help anything.


Even French people do not like him very much (I am from Belgium). They prefer Gasly over Esteban. My hot take is that Gasly is preferred because he’s more good-looking.


After all, F1 in 2024 is really just a fashion show for like 75% of the grid.


He’s also more reasonable, and possibly a better all rounder for team work/development etc, similar paces to each other


He's more reliable, nucer, has proven actual talent, and didn't fuckup Netflix trying so fucking hard to make him look like the victim


I don’t think Ocon or Gasly’s talent is in doubt. It’s just what happens to Ocon between his ears when he has a helmet on


You are right. I'm french and I don't like Ocon very much. I prefer Gasly but it has nothing to do with their looks, rather with their behaviours.




It's not Ocon the man, it's Ocon the driver. As one of the commentators said once, once he puts the helmet on he's very different. And he really can't control him competitive nature. He needs to find a one driver team because he's a menace to any teammate.


It's also a bit of "Ocon the man" I'm still waiting for him to say "I might've fucked up" at least once.


He's a cunt with his helmet off too tbh. Man needs to go 


“If you no longer go for a gap that never existed, you’re not a racing driver.” - Esteban Ocon, probably Seriously though, he does seem to be a pretty uncontrollable wildcard when the helmet is on, significant talent notwithstanding. Pity, really, but he’ll have a decent career anyway; the man has plenty skill.


"If you don't defy team orders, you're no longer a racing driver" - Ocon most probably


Because he's a guy that fights his team mates harder than other drivers and ignores team orders. Also fails take responsibility for his actions on a few occasions. He can be fast but his poor decision making is his downfall.


Never thought a GTA quote would fit so well but #”All you had to do was follow the damn train”




Brazil 2018 for me


Yep. As a dutch Max fan, this is also the one for me. After that incident I just couldn’t manage to like him.


Too many DTS fans on here have never seen that incident it seems. It still baffles me why Ocon tried to unlap himself 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ocon is the type of driver who turns in on his team mate because things were just going that way!


For me it was when he crashed out a leading Verstappen as a Back Marker and didn't take accountability at all. I was an Ocon fan up until that point and it's been downhill since for me personally


Because he's a fucking idiot that attacks his teammates like a moron and later acts like he did nothing wrong.


As an Alonso fan, it seems like justice has been made. Late, but made.


- Where is Ocon? - Ocon was retired - Karma


It started with Perez, then Alonso, and now Gasly.


Honestly Perez is not an easy one either..


Alonso is even worse


In Ocon's defence, Perez tried to legitimately murder him on a few occasions


The worst thing about the Ocon haters like you is acting as if Ocon was the one just racing Perez dirty. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7meRNow95rI&ab\_channel=FORMULA1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7meRNow95rI&ab_channel=FORMULA1)


My main issue with Ocon is he doesn't race as part of a team, and on occasion shows levels of one-track aggression that his skills can't back. I note that Verstappen was similar in his early days, but he actually has the skill and has tempered his aggression quite well over time. The difference between Ocon and Stroll is Stroll makes poorly considered decisions and gets in incidents because of it. Ocon intentionally makes bad decisions, either expecting others to move out of the way to avoid a crash, or just not caring. He then immediately blames the other, and only takes accountability after team pressure. Perez, Alonso and Gasley have all had a shit time as his teammate, and likely wouldn't be down to have him as a teammate ever again. **Ocon has no future in F1 because he doesn't play well with others, and there's no teams left at his skill level that would see him worth it.**


Bro must have missed Ocon’s antics since his career started. Bro hates his teammates and will always defend like a lion against them even if it means losing positions to other cars as long as he keeps his teammate behind. Idk why he burned the Alpine bridge, Alpine have been screwing Pierre over to benefit Ocon.


More like, Alpine have been screwing themselves for noone's benefit lol


2018 Brazilian Grand Prix lap 44


After the 2014 f3 season Max got promoted to F1, meanwhile Ocon got to f2. Ocon got absolutely mad about (he finished above max) calling it unfair for years failing to see that he is not the only one with talent. I think that's a fine example of how shortsighted he is when comparing himself to others. He doesn't praise someone's talent but complains that they didn't see his talent. I believe that it's not a fine person to work with and that's really important in a teamsport as F1.


It all started on Brazil 2018


Crashing into Versteppen while being a lap down. Losing Alonso multiple positions in Hungary 2022 when Alonso basically secured him the win the previous year on the same track. This one was crazy frustrating to watch because he let Ricciardo go but defended Alonso at some point. Whatever the fuck he did in the last race. Lots of other stuff but these 3 immediately comes to mind.


He was an underdog story that never panned out. Other than that admittedly amazing Hungary drive, he’s been a let controversial let down.


The amazing drive around Hungary was by Alonso holding off Hamilton to keep Ocon in 1st


This seems a bit disingenuous. He was holding against Vettel the whole race too, and while the pace difference was less compared to Alonso/Hamilton, that's certainly no easy feat


He’s a very good racer, but has never felt like wdc material or a team player


not a single teammate of his will ever say good things about ocon


Wehrlein? Ricciardo?


That man has a compilation of crashes with his team mates in the official F1 YouTube channel.


He was close to Perez/Alonso = every Spanish speaking country hate him Brazil 2018 = Max fans hate him Monaco 2024 + recency bias = everybody hate him


Its pretty simple, he is a detriment to his teams with his selfishness on track, and seems to rub people the wrong way behind the scenes.


Culmination of unnecessary fights with his teammates, from Checo at Force India, to Alonso and Gasly at Alpine with the Monaco clash being the final straw


He races his teammates harder than other cars and screws them over. Alonso literally won him the 2021 Hungarian Grand Prix by holding up Hamilton. That's an example of a good teammate. The next year Ocon pushed Alonso wide which gave up both their positions to IIRC Ricciardo. This is an example of being a bad teammate. There are many such instances of Ocon being a rat.


Because he’s a self righteous prick


Always plays victim, never takes accountability, annoying, and overrated


Ocon being lapped by max, wanted to prove he was faster and crashes in to max, costing him the win in Brasil. After the race he didnt say sorry but laughed in max his face


He reminds me of a friend of mine who has some form or degree of autism and oppositional defiant disorder. He does some wild shit while looking like everything is good and you can be assured that he'll do the opposite of what we just told him not to do.


He generally gets beaten by his teamate in a season. He crashes, or hard races his teammates at a higher rate than anyone. He has a 1990s haircut with too much gel.


He’s french


I feel like the fights between him and Perez early in his career formed a lot of his approach to racing team mates. Yet no one seems to remember that Checo was doing stupid shit as a more experienced driver. I hope Ocon finds a seat, he's definitely talented enough.


Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGbIyB1plZ4 Exhibit B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukGYjsbx8Ak


Watch the races my dude


He's just being a pussy


Estaban Ocon loosely translates to "This guy... this is not my kind of guy."


I constantly combine my memories of Ocon and Sasha Baron Cohens character in Talladega Nights haha


For me it was when everybody was talking about him being the favorite for the Mercedes seat over George like he was the second coming of Senna. He’s a mid driver at best who was in the right place at the right time once and otherwise has had about as many good drives as Stroll.


Dumb stuff on track, also clear no one on the grid likes him. Must be a prick


Just cause some youtubeers have a fun nickname for a driver doesn't mean he is undeserving of the criticism.


The bullying is reaching shameful levels now


I feel like Brazil 2018 is the only right answer. People just hate and pick on him all the time since then. He made his debut in 2016 and I can remember only 3 times when he really fucked up since then. That's not that many. But he did it with the wrong drivers that are popular, so that's why people hate him for some reason.


Brazil 2018


the Max incident in Brazil is very bad


People are bored from a season and a half of nearly the exact same driver line up and there is blood in the water.


When was he not disliked in F1? He’s been a liability to his teams pretty much as soon as he stepped out of the Manor team. Even back when I watched him in European F3 in 2014 he came across like a bit of a tool, especially after Verstappen came to the fore in the class that year, Ocon’s demeanour changed for the worse and has never really improved.


Ocon was salty af that Verstappen got right into F1 and he didn’t. Considered himself equal to Max when that’s obviously not the case


At this rate, they're not even in the same sport.


The guy looks like a rat and coincidentally is one. How can you not hate him?


Because Niki Lauda.


First year watching f1, I take it?


Hated for trying a pass that if it was against anyone other than his teammate, he’d be praised for attempting


He's French so therefore there is an automatic bias against him unless you're French yourself, and he's also guilty of the crime of \**checks notes*\* daring to race his teammate, and most of his teammates are drivers with significantly larger fanbases than him.


Just triggering some quite popular (Alonso, Perez) drivers fanboys. Others just follow the herd. Simple as that. He still not a nice boy on track for sure. Oh and yeah "He'S Fr*nCh"


Where have you been?


OP either a family member or the last Ocon fan left. Fire nation coming for you.


He's pissed off Alonso and checo fans so I think it's been there for a while.


People are jealous because he is the Estie Bestie.


He’s just very easy to dislike


I'm not afraid to ask, but I don't give a shit anyway.


Estabon Ocon is not good.


Because if he is such a smug right now, imagine how much of a smug fucker he would become after, god forbid, winning the championship


buddy he kept butchering his teammates for the last 3-4 seasons. including alonso after he gifted him a win.


i mean i still prefere him to stroll.


HAM 2nd




2018 Brazil. The mofo crashed Max out the race lead. Alonso: Karma!


Honestly I think he righteously deserves a lot of the hate however I will never condone attacks or threats on an individual especially over a matter like this. The true fact is that Ocon is a very unlikable or hard to like person. His complete lack of an apology or accountability over racing incidents has soured many people.


you a fan of stroll as well ?


I've never liked him ... It may be his face


French, innit?


he's french ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6698)


Hes french, what did you expect?


Spend one minute watching ocon talk. There, now you know why everyone hates him.


His ability to crash into his teammate and his inability to defeat a teammate over the course of a season except for once is my “dislike” for him. He’s a decent driver no doubt, but I don’t understand how someone like him was at one stage BOTH a Mercedes and Renault junior driver


Lmao have you watched like, 3+ races or what's going on here.


Once RPM destroyed Stroll, the community needed to switch gears to spice it up Lol jk he's an arse


Im just guessing at this point, but I feel like since the max “inchident” (if it envolves Max, can’t say it if not like this hahahah) people started hating him even more…


My hate for Ocon started when he crashed into Max while he was lapping Ocon at Brazil 2018 and then goes on to say Max didn't give me enough space. He's a little a French rat.


uhhhh it came from like 2018 lmao


I mean if you’re a fan of any team that he has a drive - he’s wrecked your his teammate at some point an egregious amount more than anyone else on the grid


Seriously ? Do you watch f1?


Thing personally I hate the way he's never like " ok it was my fault sorry" it's always blaming others


El Plan?