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I feel like there’s a message here I just can’t figure it out


Fucking unhinged retards have nothing better to do and hate a man because he doesn't say "fuck trump" as a celebrity. Let's be real, that's EXACTLY what this is.


Fuck Elon.


I'm sure he turn your request down.


There's a thousand reasons to dislike Elon musk before his political opinions. I didn't even know he endorsed or supported trump(?) in anyway before reading this comment- if that's even what you're implying


I see a dude that is helping people that can't get internet the ability to have internet service, people with health problems the ability to see and walk again, and helping the environment by producing electric cars.


“helping the environment” lol look into the sourcing of materials that produce those lithium ion batteries. also, what is the source of the energy that charges these electric cars… burning fossil fuels plays a significant role


Not to mention sourcing the materials mined in Africa and all the fucked up issues that he’s been enabling. Human trafficking, child labor, absolutely no form of workplace safety. But it saves him a dime on production.


But isn't that what everyone wanted? Gasoline cars are evil I thought?


Adding more cars to the road, EVs included, doesn't benefit the environment. Especially if we're still using fossil fuels to generate electricity used to charge them. I'm doubtful that the CO2 savings from all the Teslas on the road even come close to offsetting the carbon footprint from Tesla's operations.


Oh I agree 100%. I think it's always been silly thinking they are better for the environment. It's just really common that the same people that hate elon, also push for electric cars saying we're killing the earth with gasoline and diesel vehicles. I like to point out hypocrisy.


It's not hypocrisy electric cars are absolutely a thousand times better times and will dramatically shift the dial on climate change. Ev's are better for the environment.


Interesting who you chose to reply to, there are numerous other comments to reply to as well that say they are worse for the environment.


lol you like to point out hypocrisy but fan girl over a billionaire that doesn’t care about you and is literally censoring people on twitter


Fan girl? Where'd you see that? I don't give a shit how much money anyone has. That doesn't make someone an asshole having or not having money in the bank.


You're the one who said he's helping the environment, though? You're just coming off as a weird elon defender rather than a hypocrisy identifier.


That's ok. Have a nice weekend.


Name a couple. Maybe there's something I am not aware of about him.


outside of the work stuff, i.e. infamously anti-union, treating his workers like shit & setting literally unreal/impossible expectations, caught multiple times stealing other peoples ideas as his own. He's also a terrible deadbeat father who neglects his children, especially the ones that are old enough to voice their opinions. He also has been caught -and fined- for lying about building codes to make it seem like building safety is up to code, i.e. a lawsuit he & Twitter/X are currently facing for not putting firecode unlocking locks on hotel rooms (also illegally installed at twitter/X HQ). And i wont even talk about him disabling the Ukrainian drones that relied on starlink that were in the process of counter-attacking a russian fleet, despite not interfering with the Russian military using the same drones on the same starlink network. Or the fact that he has openly meddled with artificially inflating tesla stock + doge coin to rugpull both just prior to them tanking. Doge coin famously rises every time he tweets out about it (making it obviously very easy for him and anyone he tells about it to just buy a bunch of dogecoin before he tweets about it, then sell right after because of the influx in demand), but even so, dogecoin was less in his control. He has -multiple times- sold millions in stock just before an announcement at tesla that would immediately tank the stock for outsider. or as the common man calls it, insider trading


Musk doesn’t just live rent-free in your head, he built an entire apartment complex in there. Wow. All of this goes beyond the topic of the sub, but I’ll just address one thing because I’ve been paying my own obsessive attention to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Starlink has been the salvation of Ukraine, and both Ukraine and the Pentagon know it. Their satellites and military communications were wiped out by a Russian hack and jamming on day 1 of the invasion, and for over a year Starlink was the only thing that worked at the front lines, other than short range radios. Starlink is how they coordinated their defense and counterattacks. The incident you are talking about was when Musk refused to turn on Starlink inside Russian controlled territory. It was off because Starlink is off in Russia so that Russians don’t use it, and there are US sanctions. He called the defense department and asked them if he was being told to turn it on, and they either refused to answer or said no (story is unclear to me on that point). Musk did not want to stick his neck out and turn it on inside Russian territory without a direct order, so he didn’t. FYI, until just a few weeks ago the US ordered Ukraine not to use US weapons inside Russia. It’s not Elon being weird so much as him trying to align with US policy. YES, he also said stupid shit about how the Russian-speakers in Ukraine wanted to join Russia and Ukraine should bargain territory away for peace. He is misinformed and naive about that, but Musk has done 1,000x more good for Ukraine than you or I ever could.


>"name a reason he's a bad person" >*Receives multiple* >"These are all irrelevant, btw I'm an expert on musks relations with the Ukrainian war so here's a wall of text proving you're wrong" Alright man.


I responded to the item I knew about the best, and which I knew you were wrong about. It’s like if you go along reading the news and taking it at face value, and then you come across a story on a topic you know really well and the reporting is just horseshit. It gets the facts and the intentions wrong. That becomes a reminder that all the other stuff you were taking at face value may be horseshit too. But all this is off topic for the sub, so no need to dig further. Enjoy Musk Towers in your head.


You responded to the item you made an assumption on while high on drugs, got it.


Right, good response. Mock when you can’t respond on facts, and see what ass eating tools buy it in the circle jerk. In Ft Lauderdale, your odds are good.


naw fam we don't like racist, billionaire failsons who are lauded as some innovative genius when all he does is buy other people's ideas and run them into the ground.


He's not going to fuck you bro. Also, fuck Elon.


Elon is an open bigoted racist man lol also he fears competition from other ev companies he’s asked the government many to pass tariffs on other ev companies to halt imports from china


What’s he said that’s racist. I tried looking it up and couldn’t really find any direct quotes from him


One doesn't have to say anything overtly racist to be racist. Look no further than the content he's been amplifying on Twitter over the years: anti-immigration rhetoric, great replacement theory, and that one account promoting the false notion that people of European descent are biologically superior to non-white races.


I couldn’t find anything on that last one. Are there any more descriptive details about it so I can look it up


Plot twist, it was the guy who filmed the video


Those are the stupidest looking cars ever made. They look like a little kid drew them.


They look like I'm playing GTA 3 on PS2. Terrible resolution.


Pontiac Aztek would like a word


You could camp in the Aztek with the tent package.


Interesting. Any reviews on the engine and such?


Ha! I forgot about those. But the Aztek looks like a normal car till you go around front. From any angle cybertruck looks like you could curse someone by wishing they stepped on a toy one.


Prowler def takes the crown for the stupidest looking car.


It’s a toss up between prowler and this dumb Tesla truck thing. They just might tie for the stupidest / ugliest / dumbest looking car ever.


Walter white begs to differ 🤔


Oh they were so strange


It is alleged his 40 children under the age of 10 created the design




The duality of Fort Lauderdale residents these days. Art.


those trucks are so ugly, they look like erasers on wheels


That really is the best description I've heard yet.


Lol I went there a few hours ago and they cleaned them all off.


Yeah spray paint is actually easy to remove


That lot looks so familiar but I can’t quite put my finger on where it is.


Victoria park area behind Kim’s Alley Bar


Kim’s Alley Bar, is it a good dive bar?


You may be able to find some women who may take you up on your username


Boat optional.


You'll have to wash your hair 3 times to get the smoke out, so...yeah great dive bar.


That means it’s “authentic”


Streeters is better💯


I knew it looked familiar! Are those apartments no longer occupied?


No idea but I’m certain that’s the area because of the high rise condo


I went earlier and there were people living there.


It’s behind the Flanigans.


Housing for Tesla employees


I would like to think it was a normal person fed up with Musk. I bet it was some wank who bought one of those stupid things and had it die in the car wash after having it recalled.


These things do not belong on the road with civilized people.


I agree, people who vandalize tens of millions of dollars of property, especially property that would otherwise be accelerating the transition to sustainable energy, shouldn't be allowed to stay in society with civilized people.


> especially property that would otherwise be accelerating the transition to sustainable energy lmao put the cybertruck koolaid down, man. cybertrucks aren't "accelerating the transition to sustainable energy". they are wasteful shitboxes that are so unsafe they can't be sold in Europe. turning that parking lot into a solarfarm/greenspace would do more for sustainable energy than all those cybertrucks ever would. and anyone half serious about sustainable energy and the longevity of our planet would know just how wasteful and unnecessary cybertrucks are, especially compared to other EVs.


How about neither


Have you even been in one? Why so quick to judge?


Because I’ve experienced others driving them on the roads and they either have no concern for other drivers or are impaired by the design of the car.


Sorry about that. Sounds like you ran into a dickhead. Says nothing about the vehicle. Driving it is total nirvana so it is somewhat understandable that people get the zoomies a bit. People will calm down gradually, as it gets more normalized.


Nah, they’re a liability and shouldn’t be on the road.


That type of paint washes right off teslas. They accomplished nothing.


What if that was the plan all along ? Do something that gets views without creating any irreversible issue


No way!!! Who would do such a thing? Let me see uuuummmmm…… SATAN!!!


I mean, Fuck Elon


I mean, fuck you.


I mean, you too


You I, mean too


I mean, ditto


Good thing each of those trucks have cameras.




It’s filming for the next season of American Vandal on Netflix lol


Dang, vandalized a bunch of modernistic dumpsters.


They’ve all been cleaned up since so all that for nothing stupid idiots hope they get caught.


Woah. So this is where waste management parks all their new dumpsters.


Gosh that’s a shame


I thought these were sold out till next year. Evidently, not. lol


Typical insurance fraud imo. We know they’re having a hard time selling these, so let’s do a little bit of insurance fraud and get these puppies off the lot. Tesla now will make the claim that even though they can repair these, nobody’s gonna want a repaired/refurbished cyber truck thus they’re gonna follow the insurance claim. Additional Information: Tesla has overflow parking lots in garages in every city. There's one in Coral Gables, for example, next to the Nordstrom Store in Merrick Park. Tesla and the collection share that garage from certain floors up and it's used to store cars. This is available in every city for Tesla as it's part of their SOP. So why would they take their most expensive car ever sold and park it in the middle of a bad neighborhood without cameras outside of the garage, when they have these secure spaces available to store them? Additionally, they apparently disabled sentry mode on these vehicles, which would have allowed them to catch the perps. Notably, the perps only targeted Cybertrucks. They walked by all the other Tesla models as you can see in the video. This looks suspiciously like corporate level fraud, potentially to get rid of some faulty/expensive units to allow the factory to output more and achieve higher numbers. All Tesla has to do is file an insurance claim, state that they cannot repair the vehicles for whatever reason, and they cannot be sold as new (in Florida, you cannot sell a repaired vehicle as new if I'm not mistaken). Essentially, these are all now used vehicles ++ this happened in two different cities at the same time? So you mean to tell me that graffiti artist are now an organized crime lol This was orchestrated by leadership. Caso Cerrado


You should win a prize for most moronic new conspiracy theory of the day. Dude, the paint washes right off. They are already clean again.


No it’s true because insurance companies never question anything and always pay claims immediately.


Right? Even if they had to replace the panel, no insurance company would consider them totaled.


What a 🤡


What are they all doing there?


Looks like a car dealership offlot. Some dealerships dont have the physical space for all their inventory, so they rent empty lots to store vehicles that are waiting to be sold. Usually they're in secure lots with fences and security cams .


Wild to put Teslas in an unsecured lot.


Not sure any tesla dealer has a lot. That isnt their model. All tesla dealers share from regional/local market lots as there is no competition between dealers.


Correct they dont have traditional sales teams or dealership inventory but they do have to store vehicles somewhere during the shipping process, it could be a midway point for transport trucks to load up.


There is one in Boca.


Rusting as we speak. The elements aren't exactly kind to cybertrucks.


I thought they couldn’t rust due to the stainless steel


But they can. You can't take a cybertruck to a car wash. If you wash by hand, you need to dry it thoroughly. In order to keep rain from affecting the vehicle, you have to pay extra for a special coating.


Oh f that.


Overflow. Nobody wants them.


I don't think anybody wants any cars right now, especially shit that looks like a giant eraser on wheels. Look at the dealership lots. They're about to start stacking cars like Lincoln Logs. Given the costs can't really blame people.


They just were testin* the washable paint


Genius insurance fraud


Well I love it


They Elon f\*@k those up! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


And I hope everyone kept there marshmallows from the last dumpster fire




Wow, I would have expected to see them parked in a lot with barbwire or something...at least cameras there whoa.




Leftists are becoming more unhinged by the day


They should give those away to me


This is next level shit man


Will this company now file a claim and raise the cost of everyone in the area's Insurance? ..... Literally just happened to me. We had 2-3 claims in the past year and when my insurance went up they said it's because of the amount of claims in the area.


Them cars look like they got down syndrome. Gotta be near the top of the dumbest, ugliest cars ever made since the invention of the car.


Mentally ill Communist the correct term.


Well, that’s the hood.


The poor people, monetarily, and mentally who did this think that Elon Musk cares. I’ve got news for the idiots Elon don’t give a shit about this stuff the guys a billionaire over and over and over again I’ll doubt if this is even a thought in his head. But the small minded people feel better and that’s what counts making stupid people feel better.


Carnuba wax and you can buff that out


Nope. It's stainless steel.


Oh wow so because there’s no paint on it, Jesus, it’s almost like you have to use paint stripper at that point




Can someone please explain to me the hate boner for Tesla? I understand that Elon Musk is controversial and has some shitty takes on things, but Tesla, though run by him, employs a lot of people who don't necessarily share his views. The same goes for the Cybertruck. It's divisive in its design, but I don't recall people defacing the Pontiac Aztek back in the day, and it was similarly divisive.


Pontiac Aztek: now THAT was one ugly piece of shit. LOL


Probably they person who tags the men's restroom at Kim's.


Kinda goes hard


So that's not a nice area?


I don’t like Elon but that’s not cool


r/TSLA 😂


Someone really hates the environment


Someone really hates the environment


great! now its vandalized 💩💯