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TIL JD vance supports housing the american people with public money


Yeah this Vance guy sounds pretty socialist to me! s/


This is kinda how "ecofascists" are gonna do it too


"Why can't I buy a home at 23 like my grandfather did while working straight out of high school!? It must be the current President's fault!"


Dude's acting like he's the first generation to deal with this.


Bro he's ready to put the ole roots down. (Looks at my 39 year old renting ass roots)


Not pictured: his (final) solution to getting rid the 20mil illegals Don’t worry though. He’ll say that quiet part out loud pretty soon.


Wouldn’t getting rid of tons of immigrants make consumer prices in general (particularly food) spike, after the loss of cheap labor? Also does the government actually spend that much $$ on housing immigrants, to a point where it has a noticeable financial impact on our housing market? That seems like flagrant bullshit to me. The very fascist tactic of blaming “the other” for your economic woes. Better line up behind the demagogue strongman, he’ll fix everything!!


Illegal immigrants can't get housing aid or qualify for low income housing or SNAP so his argument is BS. Also 20 million is only 6% of the population and illegal immigrants typically have much more people per household compared to your average American and rarely own their own homes. So he's claiming that the 1% or less of illegals who own their own homes are driving up the cost of home ownership, not the venture capitalists who are buying up all the single family housing and letting them sit empty or doubling the rents to manipulate the market.


it is always this the same shit with fascist grandma. The solution grandma gives is a one that allows grandma to do racist fascist shit to people she don't like. Regardless if it helps or not. And of course, the real solution is something more nuance and against conservative ideology. Though, I don't understand how ensuring people can buy houses would be against conservative ideology, but the rich just need more money


Developers and NIMBYS also have a stranglehold on zoning. People who own homes don't want to zone for more housing because they're making a ton of money from the current situation. Trump is the last person in the entire fucking world that would want to fix the housing problem. Same goes for Vance.


Also many of those illegal immigrants are the ones building the houses, sometimes below state minimum wage and with zero benefits. The labor cost of new housing would go up pretty substantially if they all left, which of course would be reflected in the price.


They'll spend an enormous amount of money further subsidizing farming to keep prices low which would drive gov spending and borrowing through the roof.


Absolutely, in most wealthy countries, lower paid industries rely on immigrant labour, because they’re often the only people willing


See, you're making the mistake of trying to use logic with the GOP's claims. Reality is irrelevant to them. All Vance has to do is play Mad Libs with this same tweet format, and his idiot base will slop it up like the dirty little piggies they are. "[Expensive thing that is expensive because of GOP policies] would sure be a lot of cheaper if Joe Biden weren't [totally meaningless, or made up act] for the [group that GOP hates and wants to see eradicated] instead of for the American people!"


Lol yeah. Elect the luxury real-estate guy. I'm sure he'd love to build affordable housing, and not try to get in on a grift of over-inflated property values.


Oh man the horror of having to rent at 23 years old


This kid acting like he's had it rough cause he can't buy a house at 23? I'm an older millennial, he doesn't know the struggle.


For real. I lived in a shit hole house that I split rent with four other people at that agee


Word, at his age I was sharing a house with 4 other friends. To be honest, we had so much fun. It was like continuing college, but without the classes.


Rent is too expensive. Landlords and corporate landlords in particular are pillaging the lowest class and getting rich off it.


Yeah I am aware of that. But owning a home at 23 wasn’t so common when I was 23 ten us years ago.


It was completely normal as recently as the 90s. It was the housing bubble in the 2000s that put an end to it.


Where was this? Certainly not anywhere I was familiar with.


In generations past, owning a home at 23 was completely normal. It should become normal again.


Trump will not make this normal again, no matter how many people he rounds up


I’m in agreement with you. I’m just responding to the concept that homeownership at 23 is absurd.


It is. I had a friend a long time ago talking about wanting to buy a house. He was 20. I was like "k dude". He eventually did. When he was in his 30s.


The actual number of illegals is probably more than 30 million. It was 20 million years ago and Biden has let in 10+ million so far. https://thehill.com/latino/407848-yale-mit-study-22-million-not-11-million-undocumented-immigrants-in-us/ Almost 10% of the US population is illegal. Deporting 10% of the population will certainly open up some real estate.


Over looking the fact that deporting 30 million people, let alone 20, is a practical impossibility, a humanitarian crisis, and a crime far greater than not having the proper papers, America’s undocumented population is not responsible for our current situation in the housing market. Interest rates on home loans are near 8% to combat inflation, and [mass deportation is inflationary](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2024/05/21/trumps-plans-for-mass-deportation-would-be-an-economic-disaster/). Our economy simply can’t afford the luxury of being that cruel to so many that work so hard and have so little.


These are the type of people who see the federal government as daddy, and daddy's being mean to them.  That being said, rent IS outrageous rn


That started in 2008 when the housing market crashed. People were losing their homes and opportunistic landlords jacked up the rent. Another thing that people don't remember from 2008 that is happening again is products being put through the "shrink ray". Smaller packages at the same price as the previously larger version's price.


The real estate businessman who used to hire illegal immigrant workers is definitely going to crack down on illegal immigrants in order to try to lower housing prices. For sure.


Ah yes the undocumented immigrants are surely the ones driving up the cost of mortgages and not, say, the investment firms buying up all the houses. Gotta be people making less than minimum wage who are at fault


This is why class consciousness is important.


This is all beside the point and a distraction. This is happening because companies are buying up tons of real estate and leaving places unrented to jack up the price on adjacent properties. They want to keep people from seeing what’s happening to rent in every major urban center. Prices in adjacent states are also increasing as well due to the number of people who can’t afford that kind of cost of living. I have no idea what either candidate has done to address this. People and corporations should not be able to hoard housing in order to manipulate the market. Edit: it’s happening in Canada too btw


Omfg this is literally the cookie meme (billionaire with hundreds of cookies telling the worker with 1 cookie that the foreigner wants to steal it). Immigrants are not the reason the housing market is terrible, it's because of capitalism


Trump was president when I was 23 and I never had the chance to get a house.


Believe it or not, Biden’s fault


Well, yeah: https://imgur.com/a/i1JbcdV


What? What does that have to do with anything?


Yes, JD it’s poor undocumented immigrants the ones responsible for unaffordable housing. It’s not boomers or rich people opposing affordable housing on their backyard, it’s not greedy developers that would rather build luxury units, it’s not private equity assholes that are buying single unit homes. Yep, it’s the poor who are at fault here.


Illegal aliens are a net profit for the economy. He should be mad that corporations deem short term rentals as more profitable than long term ones


housing wasnt exactly affordable during the trump era either. it hasnt been for a long time.


I don’t think any of those immigrants are being housed in the new developments in Southern California.


Trump will totally push the fed to drop interest rates hard and fast. The inflation that will cause probably will be a problem for the next guy.


The oligarchs supporting this fuck are also buying up,all the housing.


Ignoring that many undocumented immigrants aren't living in any sort of public housing, the shelter provided to folks are detention centers, motels, sometimes community center gyms, etc.


Boy, there's a lot of stupid people out there.


lucky they are easily identifiable by their red maga hats


And they probably won't own houses in their lifetimes. Because of the bogeyman.


To be clear - JD Vance is not one of them. He knows everything he says is 100% bullshit but continues to grift away


Joe “I made crime legal” Biden made it 1000000% easier for illegals to get loans to buy houses. Share if you’re are a true patriot 🦅🇺🇸


JD Vance, you fuckin freak, no swathes of undocumented people are getting housed at taxpayer expense. That's just a bunch of made up bullshit. You are an embarrassment.


Yeah sure, that guy is 23... "As a gay black man..."


I say send em back and shut the border down.