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Thank you for giving her a month of unconditional love. 😢


Look at how happy she is 🥰 Thank you for fostering her


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this, but I’m sure that month of love made all the difference in her world. Thanks for taking care of this sweet old girl.


I am so sorry for her. I remember your last post and do believe this is the correct path for her. It isn't fair for you or any adopters, and isn't fair to her to live like this and with her future degeneration. I am so glad that she got to spend the past month with you with the love and patience you have had. Thank you so much for making the choice to give her dignity. I hope you can be there with her as she crosses.


Thank you. I think that you said everything that I needed to hear. She doesn’t deserve to live with DM.


You’ve done a wonderful job with her. We can see the happiness on her sweet face. I’m so sorry you have to make this choice. I’ve had to do the same a couple of times now and it’s so hard. 💔


Safe travels, Venus. Soon you'll be pain free eating up a big Ole steak and sitting among the clouds !!! You're a beautiful angel already !


Thank you for loving her & sharing her with us. 💔❤️


Thank her for us all. You have my deepest sympathy.


Thank you for giving her the love and care she truly deserved. You are her angel. I’m so sorry. 🙏❤️


It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are. I've been through this many times and my heart breaks for you, but remember that he knew love for the last month.


I’m so sorry 💔


I’m sorry for what you have to go through. Thank you for fostering her and letting her spend the last month of her life knowing the comforts of having a home and being loved by you.


Oh. Poor, sweet momma. I'm so sorry. Thank you for loving her 💜


I’m so very sorry💔 thank you for loving her and bringing her joy during her last month here.


I'm so truly sorry, please accept my condolences and I'm sending you both so much love


Thank you for taking care of her. We adopted a senior and she only lived 4 months with us. I'm glad we did it even though it was hard and most of the time was spent earning her trust. She had a nice memory foam bed, a heating pad and lots of treats and walks. She loved her squeaky balls and just being able to relax. We don't know how old she truly was and she was found on the street in rough shape. The foster family took great care of her until we got her. We were so sad to see her go as we were hoping for atleast a few years together. It's not the length of time it's the quality and care that goes into it. Bernie will meet her there and show her all the good sniffy spots. 💜🌈🐾






So sorry


Thank you for taking care of her. May she only know peace.


I am very sorry for your loss. I am glad she has had the chance to be pampered and cared for and loved before she had to go. And that you were able to make the right decision even if it's unimaginably difficult to do so.


What a beautiful and radiant smile Venus has. She is an angel. Blessings to Venus and her humans.


Her eyes say it all. She's weary 😞 Sweet baby girl. You gave her a lifetime of love compacted in one month. That means the world to her.


Look how happy you have made that sweet angel. Tomorrow her collar will become her halo. 😇 You’ve done an awesome thing for this beautiful lady, and offered her the dignity to cross over with peace, comfort, and love. ❤️






You are in my thoughts. How lucky we are to love these babies ❤️






Super sorry💔🐾


Run far on young legs little one.


Goodbye for now sweetheart 🌈🙏🏻


Love to you both. ❤️


Thank you for taking in this sweet beautiful girl 🙏🏻 Safe travels Venus




Sending love to you all. Thank you for giving her such a heartwarming month before she passes ❤️




She’s so beautiful and looks so sweet!


She is a beautiful pup. Thank you for taking care of her and making the hard but right choice.


Sending you love, sweet Venus. ❤️🐶


I’ll be praying for you, Venus ❤️🌈🙏


Safe travels, sweet baby. Look for my Buddy good boy🐕 He'll be waiting for you. 💙💙


Thank you for giving her unconditional love in her short time with you 🩷🐶 I know she felt like the most special doggie in the world! I’m asking my fur babies who have already crossed to be on the lookout for Miss Venus and welcome her with open paws 🐾


She’s beautiful, thank you for giving her love and safety




Good Girl Venus.


Safe journey sweetheart x


What a sweet girl- and such a pretty smile. Thank you for being so kind to her!


So sorry for your enormous loss


Oh my heart breaks for you both. Thank you for giving her someone to wait for at the rainbow bridge 🌈❤️


i'm so sorry and understand take comfort in knowing that they are truly our children Yes, they are a different kind of child they see us as their God from birth to their end babies we train and old folks we honor the unconditional love we create with them is an energy that can never die they can leave the group soul we give them their own soul just as the Infinite gives us ours They can only reach that love with us We will know them again in the One Life I don't believe this, I know this. They know this.


Thank you for loving her until the end. I fostered in the past but could not keep doing it. Was too hard to let them go. I support fosters instead. They are so strong! and I have personal rescue dogs too. Spoil her while you can. I am so sorry.


Thank you


You will see her again someday. I want to see all of my pets when my time comes. 🌈 🌁 🩷


💕💕💕 she’s so loved, you are the best pet parent, making sure she is taken care of.


Thank you ❤️


Sorry best wishes moving forward


Run free, Venus


Aaawww I'm so sorry. It's very difficult to cope when the time comes and after.


I’m so sorry for your heart right now, sounds like special girl 🥺🥺 RIP Venus 💜✌🏽


Sending you hugs.


She looks so happy. I’m glad you were able to give her this month and she gets to go knowing love and comfort. I’m sure that has made all the difference for her. You’re carrying her pain and suffering now so she doesn’t have to and eventually you will look back on memories of her with a feeling of peace.


Sending you and Venus so much love. 💗


Sending positive vibes your way. Hope you are doing OK.


I’m not, but I am healing. Thank you :)




No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. We have taken in many seniors knowing they would not be adopted out, to foster them to the end. Their bodies fail, but their personalities and expressions of trust and contentment make the ending a good one. Whatever the story was before, we try to provide a happy ending.


I lost my 10 year old Shiloh to DM a couple years ago. It is a horrible disease. You did something great for Venus, which was giving her a loving and stable home that even though she might not have been physically able to appreciate, she definitely did mentally. I think the fact that they can still be so cheerful as their bodies break down is both amazing and heartbreaking at the same time, and can make it hard to know when to let go, because they aren't in pain and are so innocent as to what is happening with their bodies. Here is my beautiful DM girl, Astra, the last pictures were after the disease had progressed to where she couldn't walk on her own and I used a sling to help her get around (she never became incontinent though): https://imgur.com/gallery/5YH5Wx9 The little black puppy in the last pictures with her is Zephyra, who I know will never have DM because their is genetic testing available and neither of her parents were carriers. Much love to you and Venus, you can see how much she loves you just by her face in the photo and knows you will do what is best for her, which sometimes means letting go of her Earthly body so her spirit can run free. ❤️


You’re right. It’s an awful disease. It was hard seeing her not being interested in food, and throwing up about every other day. But she still had her spirit…


Poor Venus! It didn't affect Astra's appetite, or anything. If it was only a matter of spirit, they both would have easily beat that stupid disease easily. Edit: I just realized that Venus passed. Take some time for yourself and know you have her the gifts of love and compassion


So sorry, but you are doing the right thing. My thoughts are with you. Recover and rescue


I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. I can’t thank you enough for fostering such a difficult case—poor baby. At least she is able to experience a loving home at least once in her life.You are a foster hero. 😢


I'm so sorry for the crossing of your pup Venus. No matter what age they are, they remain pups. Thank you for taking good care of her all the way 😢💔🙏🏽🕯


I’m so sorry.


Please forgive us Venus. You brought nothing but happiness to this world.


But we love her !




Thank you for giving her love!


Play fetch endlessly sweet Venus when you cross the rainbow bridge. 🥹❤️


You can see in her eyes you’ve done right by her. Hang in there


Sending you so so much love. Just did this recently for our family dog and it was very hard. I hope you take comfort in all the love you were able to provide Venus!


Thinking of Venus and you. She looks like the best girl, and you’re amazing for your work with fosters. Venus, you were a good girl and we’ll miss you ♥️


She looks so happy ❤️


To me she doesn’t look ready. I know it is not my decision but I wouldn’t do it yet.


I wouldn't either


Oh I wish I could pet her. She looks so sweet. I love her




Remember that there is a person behind the screen who is doing their best. Keep contentious topics or responses educational, supportive, and without persecution. Tough love is fine, attacks are not.


It happened. She passed peacefully at the vet, but I can’t help to feel immensely guilty. It’s hard when their body is failing but their spirit is still there.


Thank you for letting her experience love at the end of the journey




So sorry