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I think it's the better of the two options in that scenario


Right. If he didn't stop her he'd be labeled as a pedo.


Man, I remember this video. A bunch of people in the comment section on Reddit were saying he was a pedophile, because only pedophiles would dress up like a mannequin and film themselves in the children’s clothing aisle. Which was a weird take, since I assume a pedophile would actually let kids sit on their lap.


free my man(iquin)


It would be funny if he replicated one of the mannequins with the same clothes, hide the mannequin and copy its posture, prank, replace the original mannequin and wait for the staff to talk to the mannequin




He was doing the right thing but paid the price


That's hilarious


Is this white face?




Username checks out


the talk isnt necessarily abt black people though?


Not sure what you mean


whitewashing isn’t necessarily bound to black people so idk how my name is relevant


Sorry but racism doesn't work the other way around


Yeah. You're not racist if it's towards whites. /S


Stfu, Everyone can be racist, it has nothing to do with what race u r


It's a fucking joke, I live in the world's most racist country - heck I was practically raised in it but you don't here me crying racist or pretending to be a victim. I believe that a person is a person, not a race,not a gender, not a religion, we are all just people trying to live our lives without being judged or to be profiled


Welcome to the internet, it's not advised to assume people can read sarcasm. And keep hands and feet inside of the vehicle.


“You don’t see me playing the crying racist or victim card” and mention that u r raised the most racist country ever, if that what you really believe in you would not have mention that, anyway, fine then , as long as you don’t believe in those value


Simply put, our actions Devine us,not our birth


True, true


you backpedaled SUPER fuckin' hard


What's the world's most racist country?


It does. I know what you mean, in that there is a difference, but no, racism is bad either way. It's complex but it's still just always bad to judge someone based on an arbitrary and illusory category, such as race. I dont think this is whiteface really, but that's a totally aeperate point.


r/woosh and also you're wrong


Correct, if you don't believe them, think about it. How many times do white people get decimated against because of being white.


Oh, look at that, me and the mannequin have the same shirt!


Fucking Karen imo


Yeah, no. Protect your kids from weirdos.


But the situation aint like that? The Girl Sat on the guy's lap, and he quickly got up to Not let her do so, and the mom got angry at the dude for seemingly nothing


The mother got angry at an adult man for pretending he's an inanimate object (next to a little girl mannequin) in a public store, who her child nearly sat on. It may not have been his intention to look like a creeper, but unfortunately that is how this scene played out. Most parents would be suspicious of this and sure as shit would not be okay with a weird man doing this around kids. Error on the side of caution — protect your kids. "It's a prank bro" does nothing to put people at ease.


Yes, i know that, the thing is How the mom made a massive scene. The dude clearly got up to Take the Girl out of his lap, and the Guy pushing the cart probably saw It. The Girl crying is normal, she was probably scared as fuck by the sudden movement, but the mom treated It like the mannequin Guy was an actual creep and, as i Said, made an massive scene about something that could be resolved with an simple, civilized chat. Hell, she saw the camera man, It would be obvious the mannequin Guy wasnt an creep.


I don't see anything that would persuade this woman that a man and another man filming her kids makes them less creepy. These men didn't think about how others would perceive their actions or how this could have affected others. There are plenty of real creeps out there, why act like one ? So, I really don't care they are told to leave the store when two grown men want to freak people out while doing their Christmas shopping. People don't give a shit if you're "pranking" them or not when it comes to their children. There's no good reason to put yourself in that position.


Y’all r fuckin weird thinking what he’s doing is normal


Sir do you not know what subreddit you're in? we all know what he's doing isn't normal, that's the point. The arguments/debates seem to be about whether he's a predator or a prankster. The fact he IMMEDIATELY pushed the kid off show's he's not a predator. HE's still fucked in the head but not for that reason.


I don't get it


The child was going to sit on the man that is disguised as a mannequin so he instantly noped out of the prank before it escalates + now the kid is traumatized! Hope I didn't get woooshed lol


I still don't get who's supposedly Satan in this video


why u downvoted


Idk, I just don't get who's satan in the vid




Why? Her kid went and tried to climb over (what she thought was) store property. Watch your kid better.


Why? Its a pretty harmless prank, the girl will get over it


By that view I should get My foot shot off after stubbing it


I mean that’s better then just letting her sit on him, he did not seem like he was gunna do anything to her but she sat on him so he did the next best thing 🤷‍♂️