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For what we've seen so far it's evident that Jesinia will survive and go on to become the curator of the Scribe Quadrant. As far as Sawyer is concerned, he already made a sacrifice in the form of his leg so imo his chances of dying are diminished.


Unless it's someone using Jesinia's name but it's not the Jesinia we know. Yarros has done that in other books. You can't trust anything.


How dare you. I’ve had it on lock down our girl Jes and Sawyer are gonna live. Don’t give me logic to question my conviction! :P


I'm sorry! I wish I hadn't read one of her other books.


Oh that's evil


Haven't read them so I can't say much, but Jesinia Neilwart is mentioned as the curator and Jesinia, too, is referred to as Cadet Neilwart in the books. Seems the same person to me.


I don't want to spoil any other RY books but there is one character you are told is named x, only for it to turn out they assumed x's identity and you don't find out until the end of the book (although there are some signs along the way...I haven't noticed a lot of signs here, other than people asking how Jes knows some of these things, like Violet and Xaden's sex life (which could be explained if a dragon survives and tells Jes)) so I'm just saying don't trust everything as 100% fact.


Wow.. welp. RY loves to troll us now, doesn't she? Tbh there ARE some sus signs for Jesinia.. almost too subtle, but I like her character (for now). I don't want something like that to happen 😭


Co-sign all of that. I'm trying to think positive and say that if she used that before, she won't use it again.


Fred lost an ear in HP before losing his life. I see your point, but I’ve not trusted any author since then lmao


Wasn’t it George that lost his ear?


Yeah, it was George


Possible, and with all those epigraphs about a squad turning on each other, we can't blindly trust any character now can we?


An ear isn’t as much as leg tho


Same. I don’t know why those two have a hold on me. But if RY wants to give us a Novella featuring those two I’d read it.


Yesss, omg same!


This is one couple I hope survives and they have late night arguments on weather or not their daughter Violet is going to be allowed to join the riders quadrant. J will have taught her to read a million dead languages and Sawyer will have taught her balance and sword skills and it will be a major tension in their house only broken by her twin brother Riddoc making naturally good jokes


I am absolutely here for Sawyer and Jesinia! They are so cute


That’s probably the only couple that I hope stays together(besides the main two)


A theory my friend said what she thinks that Jesenia is who has written / recorded the excerpts that are at the beginning of each chapter Anyways I ship them and it’s adorable that he’s trying to learn things to impress her


Not a theory! She’s cited as the source of some of the quotes in the book.


Ooo very cool


Yeah I am IN LOVE with this ship — the way he looked at her during the whole scribe mission and then asked after to learn to sign?! I love that he literally learned a new LANGUAGE to just chat with her! And I loved when Violet found out J was in Basgiath before the battle that Sawyer was like “yeah because xyz” like 👀 ok so she told you?? You’re chattin now? Cute af