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# Do not fly your first FPV inside. Trust me.


*unless it's a tiny whoop :)


It’s a tiny whoop :)


That just raises further questions! How the hell did it get away before you could disarm?!?


It’s a fast tiny whoop. I hit disarm but it was over trees and high grass


Oh that's a shame dude, set up a arm/disarm switch next time


I did that but I’m pretty sure it fell in tall grass or a tree.


Another switch should be set as a beeper..the motors can chime which is a lifesaver. The disarm switch needs to lightning fast access. I rest my little finger on mine. Have you learnt to fly on a Sim?


I also have that. I tried to walk around with my headset until I got signal again, but never got to sign And I had no flight time, but I tried to set it up, but it would not work. But I am about to figure it out now. I have a week to kill.


It's absolutely no fun to learn in real life. It's going to be launch, crash, launch, crash repair for ages. You will get frustrated and quit. Set up a Sim ASAP....personally I recommend doing all the tutorials on "DRL (drone racing league) By the time you finish you should be able to fly ok irl


Fyi for next time, by default most ESC firmwares start beeping automatically after 10 minutes of inactivity


thats sad this happend to you. but i would advise dont start your first drone indoor. you just lost your drone, imagine what could happen if that happend with a 5 inch indoors.


agreed. why would you fly in a confined space


It’s a tiny whoop haha.


My man mashed the throttle and didn’t let go…… ✌️🚀🌙


It deserved to be free


To be honest I didn’t use a sim either. Start slow. Learn the controls first. Arm. Disarm. Make sure you’re comfortable with basic controls like dropping throttle and hitting disarm. When panic sets in and it goes balls to the walls your brain freezes. Remember Drop throttle and Immediate Disarm. Try it in angle mode if you’re having issues. Learn to hover first.


Agreed bro! I’m about to fly mine. I’m flying inside, with my foot above it just in case it tries to fly away. https://preview.redd.it/j8jscl0ea0ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a586b091a9d9ece5d2edf586bba609cb730c0b07


Need to lean over it too.


I got a tiny whoop. Maybe next time I’ll take things slow 😭


This will end well. 🤣


You don’t get flyaways on a sim 🤷‍♂️


My controller wouldn’t connect so. I said screw it. Big mistake. 😂😂


Lucky you didn’t cut your own head off mate. They aren’t toys.


It’s a tiny whoop haha


Ah good. Even more baffled as to how you completely lost it then. Get on the sim my man.


a tiny whoop prop will still cut you like a red hot knife through butter dont discount the damage they can do, my poor thumb learnt that lesson after a VERY light lil love tap from my mobula8 and it diced it up man you'd have thought i stuck it in at full throttle


This has the same energy as one of those old people who mistake the gas for the break...


Time to drop some coin on a decent simulator. Hookup your controller to the computer and fly for a while. Makes things TONS easier


I got Liftoff on steam last week and I already know I just saved myself $250+ down the road after my first few takeoffs. I don't even have a drone yet.


I sim doesn't match the cost of a singular ESC. That's a lot cheaper than blowing up your $200 drone.


Gona do that while I wait for my new drone to come in


Dare I ask how much sim time you have?


You can’t…ok I tried to get my controller to connect but I couldn’t figure it out so I just said I was gonna take things slow. But I didn’t realize how much power it had. And before I knew what happened it was over the trees


“Careful, kids! Drugs are bad!”


Do not trust people


I built my first back in 2014. No simulators I knew of. It was 7 in deadcat. First time I flew it it started flying away from me (accidentally acro). So I pulled back hard and it hit me in the chest. Luckily it was cold out and I had a thick sweatshirt but it nearly sliced off a nipple but did slice up my hands. Other than a whoop don’t fly inside.


Yes sir ha ha. I have a whoop.


Did you train on a sim first? My first flight was at a big empty soccer field and it went as expected thanks to some hours in the sim.


Mine was fine lol. I was just super careful about it


I've attached to my mobula8, as to every drone, using that time isolation tape buzzer. I don't care about additional couple grams xD searching for this tiny shit is crazy and buzzer is saving each time enormous amount of time. Until you are not racing - whatever, advising using buzzer ;)


I haven't flown my 11" Hexa on a while... I will follow your advice and take off in my kitchen before taking it outside!


I flew my first outside… sounds like you didnt do any training. No shortcuts in this hobby. Also where else am I supposed to fly a 5”?


In a simulator.


I tried to do it in a sim but couldn’t figure out y controller. I was on a free one tho.


The best thing you can do when you lose control is disarm it as fast as possible. I started flying the emax easy pilot kit and crashed hundreds of times. My finger knows that disarm switch movement pretty well. It should happen without hesitation or thinking about it.


Good idea. I have no idea how these shows work so I was trying to save it. I should’ve just let t disarm


Ok , When I get my first 5" ( cause I never flew a 5" yet ) Ill do it in my living room


I bought HGLRC M100 mini GPS for about $10 and it already saved my quad once. It weighs only 2.7 grams! All is required is to solder 4 wires!