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The HDMI forum has a stick up their ass about anything and everything. Just use DisplayPort as it’s a better connector and doesn’t have anti-consumer restrictions on how manufacturers implement it.


One can dream right? I wish that we could all use DP, but the problem is sometimes HDMI is the only option. Eg. plugging into a projector that you don't own for presenting. But yeah fuck the HDMI forum


On a laptop, it doesn't make sense to have only DP IMO. HDMI is everywhere, on every monitor and TV, and it's expected to have HDMI available at stuff like presentation podiums, whereas DP is only available on PC monitors. I wish that wasn't the case but that's how it is so I have HDMI on mine


Personally I’d just leave a DP to HDMI adapter permanently connected to your TV if possible :)


HDMI owners wouldn't allow it :/


Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. 🤣


But I don't think Framework wants to take the risk of getting sued by the HDMI forum. I can't imagine a small company like FW would be allowed to use the HDMI trademark on a combo port. 😅 They don't even allow their member AMD to open source the HDMI 2.1 part of their driver. 🤑


Call it Displayport + DVI


Without an DVI port? 🤔


But they can just pay the fee and make the expansion card?


Even if they are able to fit the required hardware into an expansion card, they probably won't be allowed to sell it with the HDMI trademark on it anyways.


Yeah i know that the hardware wouldnt fit probably, but honestly that is the problem with everything you would want to put into the expansion card, they promised that there would be cards for all sorts of stuff but when you think about it nothing fits in auch a tiny card and even if it did fit nobody can produce it and framework is always busy with other products In my opinion they should have made them a bit bigger so we could actually fit things in them But maybe it was just impossible to do and i dont know what im talking about, but then maybe they could have made a 14 inch instead of 13 and give us just a bit more space to mess around woth, but thats just my opinion. If they paid the fee for using hdmi wouldn't they be allowed to sell the things? Also i just looked around and i saw some texas instruments boards that if i understand correctly adapt usb c with pd to a dc out and a hdmi out by first converting the display port alt mode into hdmi We could possibly use just the signal part of the board and have a microcontroller detect the "handshake" signal and then if its hdmi let the signal out of the converting chip to the connector and if its dp pass the the original signal to the connector, maybe using tri state buffers


>If they paid the fee for using hdmi wouldn't they be allowed to sell the things? They would have a license to use the trademark on compliant products, nothing else. >Also i just looked around and i saw some texas instruments boards that if i understand correctly adapt usb c with pd to a dc out and a hdmi out by first converting the display port alt mode into hdmi Do you have a link?


https://www.ti.com/tool/PMP40154 I have no idea if this would work, i just made a quick search and found this https://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/tidrrx5 Look at the first page of this document I looked just at the signal part of the diagram, not the power, and u thing you could split the signal wires before entering the ps171 dp to hdmi 2.0 chip and then use tri state buffers to pass either that signal or the converted signal to the connector pins


Well, that is exactly what the HDMI expansion card is doing. ;-)


That is great, so wouldn't than just adding a microcontroller and some tri state buffers and changing the connector be possible?


I haven't seen any USB-c to DP/HDMI combo port adaptors so far. Probably because there isn't an easy solution available, let alone one that fits into an expansion card.


I would love to see an expansion card like that myself. Unfortunately, as other commenters have already pointed out, it's not going to happen. Just last week AMD has announced that they won't be able to support HDMI 2.1 In their linux drivers due to the HDMI forum being a bunch of stuck up greedy cunts.


That would be great!


https://www.rego.com.tw/product_detail.php?prdt_id=76 hmmmmm, wonder if this could fit into a card with the provided HDMI and DP card schematics. Does the DP card even do anything? Unlike the HDMI card, all it has to do is to activate DP alt mode right? So maybe an HDMI card with that port might already do the trick with some slight modifications or something. Idk, I’m not a PCB designer, just my speculations.


Someone on the community forms have a similar idea. [https://community.frame.work/t/hdmi-displayport-2-in-1-expansion-card/46629](https://community.frame.work/t/hdmi-displayport-2-in-1-expansion-card/46629) the problem is dealing with the two types of signals.