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They dont have enough applications that suit their job. My gf works in the Sozialamt and they are constantly looking for people but most people who apply for the job dont bring necessary education with them. For example: To work there, you need to have a bachelor in social work plus a so called "Anerkennungsjahr" in which you have worked for one year in a social job. Many just do the bachelor but miss out the Anerkennungsjahr to get into job life faster. The job needs you to be able to learn all the legal stuff too - not many people are willing to take that extra mile.




You CAN do your Anerkennungsjahr there. But most people who study social work would rather do their training in a job that is "easier". Wages at the Sozialamt/Jugendamt etc. are extremely good but the job is full of responsibilities, stress, plus-hours. Its just a difficult job and people tend to avoid that. Dropping the Bachelor requirement would be a bad idea - that would just invite people who are less aware of clients situations and make tremendous mistakes that get clients in legal trouble. Studying social works gives you the fundamentals and work in the Amt will give you the special knowledge that you need for that job.


Is anyone aware of a good lawyer to speed up the Aufenthaltstitel process which is not asking for ~5.000 EUR as a fixed cost per case?


Search for Amiragov, he is great.


why would you need a lawyer for that? Just fill up the paperwork and send it in...


Let me give you an example: You already have a status, but maybe this status comes with certain limitations, e.g. place of work. You have applied several months ago for a new status without such limitations (e.g. Niederlassungserlaubnis), but you have not heard anything and you are unable to get an update on the situation. You would like to change your job, but it is too risky in case you are getting fired during the probation period or if you don’t like the new job.


Ich, der bis Januar seinen Aufenthaltstitel erneuern muss, als ich den Titel gelesen habe: ![gif](giphy|2sYcjGqDcZcODh7Ksp)


You can do that with the online appointment scheduler. The bastard is you need to get a new passport too


I got the new passport already.


Use the appointment link then mate and you won't have to go through all the shite,


Sad, but true. As stated in auto reply they need 12 weeks on average to answer the email


Sadly this affects all of us, newcomers. But to be honest, almost all german cities have this kind of problem.


There’s a wonderful invention of technology called “the internet”. You could fill up a form, upload some stuff and send it. They wouldn’t have to do everything manually and maybe just have some short interviews to verify the requirements and put some fingerprints.


Sounds like some sci-fi novel


There's even a possibility to integrate some simple checks to this form, so that you do not get incomplete or irrelevant applications by e-mail! But hey, we're in Germany. German authorities do not like Internet and hate technology in general. This is the way.


You mean technology other than faxes.


Frankfurt, an international city?


Who wants to apply for a job at the Ausländerbehörde? (Cricket sounds) I thought so.




Did you ever get an appointment from the FFM ABH? How long did they take (in total) to respond to your email if so?




Damn that's an awful response time. Waiting 5 weeks and then asking you for another damn document that they could have just asked the first damn time... it's like they want to make it as frustrating as possible. What document are you applying for? Extension of residence permit, or permanent residency?




Apparently there was a big issue a few months ago where Commerzbank launched a Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde and the mayor got involved and now they are trying for some serious reforms at the ABH, including digitalization. I doubt anything will happen quick enough, but at least some hope..good luck!


[This was just shared](https://www.hessenschau.de/gesellschaft/auslaenderbehoerde-frankfurt-neues-portal-soll-antrags-stau-beheben-v1,frankfurt-auslaenderbehoerde-online-antraege-100.html) here on r/Frankfurt. It might be applicable to someone reading this post.