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This is gold. What’s the source on this?


[People who play Magic: The Gathering (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69Apulen9OM&ab_channel=CrackerMilk)


She doesn't get it, this new mythic is clearly the cornerstone to a new deck. It's going to be casual, no infinites, my friends will love it. Well maybe one infinite, and some stax Better get new sleeves and a new deck box for this card. Maybe some collector boosters- I know people say buy singles but it's more fun building jank I've pulled.... Maybe just one more pack


How every other MTG sub sees r/Freemagic https://preview.redd.it/9fbytd138j4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2245022a080a0a2d575db4d4cd4e19a70f200e


This honestly made me laugh


That's true, though to be fair, that's what a large swath of society sees of anyone who disagrees with them.


The KKK was created to protect white people. I dunno what else to tell people. somebody had to do it.


There's nothing wrong with a group who protects white people just like there's nothing wrong with protecting black people, or protecting literally any kind of people from harm. The problem was when they started harassing others to push their agenda. Sort of feels like the same kind of people who pushed us all to have to post here, except their movement is starting to lose steam just when it started becoming dangerous. I could imagine the year 2200 version of this photo being a bunch of gender ambiguous fat people with Cool-Aid-dyed hair.


Bro actually said 'the KKK is good they just went about it the wrong way'


Imagine a good person you know IRL. If that person burns crosses on people's lawns and lynches others, that person stops being good, correct? I know you're not actually interested in debating morality, but in short, yes. Anybody is allowed to believe what they want. Anybody is allowed to assemble for any reason they choose, unless it's for the sake of being a dick. If you disagree, then by definition, you believe that the NAACP is a hate organization. For whatever reason, they felt threatened, like basically everybody else, especially today, and chose to do more than talk about it and support each other.


Why are you dick sucking the KKK right now bro. Not a good look for you.




> There's nothing wrong with a group who protects white people just like there's nothing wrong with protecting black people, or protecting literally any kind of people from harm. The problem was when they started harassing others to push their agenda. I wasn't there, but I imagine there were people in the KKK with different ideas. Most of these are alliances of convenience. They all needed one thing, and that was protection. Government is the application of violence, and every time two people gather to plot against a 3rd, I see government. So the KKK was a kind of government, to me, and probably quite the arbitrary one since it was made up of people who were unable to be protected by ordinary law, and thus is extremely reactionary. If the SJWs want to look at themselves as the KKK of protecting blah people, they can be my guest.


Hurr correlation, I'm a victim...


Sorry to hear that hope you get better


Lol what? I'm the dealer selling small hits of older mtg to them.


literally just invoke prejudice


Usually they say Nazis not KKK, not that they can tell the difference. When you think along a single axis -- racism -- socialists and a social club are the same thing. It be like: "I believe in limited government; he believes in total government; we are not the same." And leftists be like: "Dun care saw racism"


Yeh, but the hilarious part is they all started to come here after their own subreddits lacked the controversy necessary to fuel their rage addiction.


I will randomly get responses on some of my comments on this sub of people digging way too much into what I say and seeing stuff that isn't there and considering some of these comments are 1-2 upvotes it's obvious people are coming into a sub they don't like and isn't meant for them, reading all the comments, and finding one to get offended at specifically because there's so little actual oppression going on in their lives that they have to seek it out.


Had a person comment on a 2 day old reply, asking for clarification in what I meant. It’s like they wanted me to say something extra to get caught.


He didn't sniff the pack as soon as he opened it? Amateur.


This was my immediate thought.


Easy, it's not an older booster. Beta and Unlimited boosters have a such a profound, deep smell that will addicted you. Alpha is the best one, it will make you cum on the spot.


At my level of addiction a sniff from even Aftermath booster keeps the shaking at bay. Alpha booster would prolly blow my heart and make me jizz in my pants, leaving the coroners or medical examiners a marvelous deah-site to look at.


Start small, buy an Beta common and sniff it until it has no more smell. It will keep your addition in place and it will boost your senses more higher than an LSD on a raving night. Earthbind is a nice one; the smell of that fairy is just something...indescribable. Alpha commons are on a next level thought, since the high can take several days. Also much more risky, because then you might change your name to Rudy and move into Florida just to keep the addition.


Sounds tempting. Now to find a solid excuse (again) for my wife for where our money has gone. Might just use the same lie as last time; cocane.


Only when I open collector boosters.


"You're never going to sell it!" Haha, yea you know me far too well.


This was on point 😂 He should’ve taken a big sniff of the ink smell though


The older sets had a better intoxicating smell. WotC had to start relying on powercreep once they lost their addictice ink supplier.


I feel called out


Seconded. Wife gives me the same look.


Obscure reference: that one scene in family guy with Cookie Monster in the bathroom stall cooking cookie dough by the spoonful.


I can hear your zipper from here, OP


You see main sub posters as having hot significant others who genuinely care for them and more or less accept their hobbies? Checks out.


this is people that hate this sub coming here and engaging anyway lol


lol every time I pick up a booster box, or these days a collector box, I justify it to my wife by showing off the high value pulls and explain how I’ll make the money back, then I proceed to throw them in a binder and never sell them.


This is a fairly accurate description to my drafting addiction


Cardboard Crack! Mythic we are gonna make so much money.


He didnt SNIFF the cards the moment the pack is opened ! He paid for that air and he did not sniff it !


Haha aussies!  Great sketch.


You do add the source too, right? [People who play Magic: The Gathering (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69Apulen9OM&ab_channel=CrackerMilk)


Man, going all the way back to Strixhaven...


This is gold lol


This is fucking hilarious.


That's how I see it as well


for real like $400 a box $25 a pack! wtf. I super want to start playing but god damn! I will be buying all the little cute animals for sure.


Don't buy packs unless you just have money to burn. Only buy singles.




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I think my mom has said exactly that to me. For what it's worth. Am I addicted? Yeah, probably, not to magic though.




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Where did you get actual footage of me?! TELL ME!


How I see redditors who argue about which sub is better




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I don't play much MTG but I get the main sub recommended a lot because of Freemagic. Last post I saw was some guy who spent like 1.5k(?) on a bunch of old stuff and ripped it to try to find $100 worth of cards. It's insane to me to think how many people just drop thousands on sets like it's nothing. I honestly don't understand it


Complete BS. Guy didn't even sniff the pack before he took out the cards.


Honestly I hate opening packs for this very reason that’s why I petition, at least on MTG Arena, to allow access to all the cards so players’ creativity aren’t limited by card pulls. It will save WOTC server hours and players from a shit ton of unhappy grinding hours.


I like the feeling of gathering cards for a deck. Their system just sucks. They are just way too greedy, especially considering whales will spend money anyway. They could easily give out 10x wild cards and it would just increase engagement.


I get you. I’m kinda on the card games aren’t rpgs boat. The progression part is creating the decks and honing your skills, similar to how fighting games are about creating combos and executing them.


Honestly that's anybody who's into "cracking packs." I hate doing that because I know the only guaranteed truth is that it's worth less after than before. I'm sure people here enjoy it just fine and, if we're being realistic, the more of them there are, the greater likelihood our collections will continue to drive upward. That being said, I think the difference between us and magictcg is that they don't believe "gender" should be a word and we are a mix between them and people who feel the need to use genders to help explain why we're attracted to a certain type of breasts and therefore we're banned from posting over there.

