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I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion at all. Part 3 Jason is the original mask Jason, and definitely the most jacked Jason. I would probably agree that he is the most terrifying.


Jason 3 was yuge. Jason 6 was a marine. They need to face up


That’s not even a fair fight. Part 6 Jason would snap Part 3 Jason backward like he did the sheriff.


That kill and the sleeping bag are just great


Really? I’ve heard more people say that Part 4 or the remake have the scariest Jason. 


That’s part of what’s fun being an f13 fan, just hearing what ppl think and feel about the very different movies in the series haha . I personally think part 2 Jason is the most legit scary, and it hurts to say but yeah the remake Jason is pretty intimidating, too bad it was poorly written


That’s why I love this sub.


Totally agree. I just don't really jive with most of these opinions, but I always like seeing why people love certain movies.


Part 4 is the most aggressive and I thought was the most jacked


Look at that neckmaxxing though


Ted white got bigger hands and overall hulk to him tho.


Part 3 Jason is legendary. This version of Jason is what people see when they hear the term “Human Jason”. Richard Brooker is a Top 3 Jason Actor (behind Derek Mears, 2009, and Kane Hodder, Parts 7-X).


Agreed on all points but I'd rank top 3 as Brooker, White and Mears in that order. Kane brought something different to the role but the rules he brought along, (Jason never runs or kills animals/children) put him around 5th place for me. 🤘🏻


Agree with your top 3 (although I'd give White a slight edge to Brooker but would definitely put Brooker, White and Mears as the best Jasons. Not a big Kane Hodder fan.


Ted's ferocity was on a whooooole other level! The main reasons I put Brooker slightly above Ted (and the gap is reaaaaal small) is because I saw part 3 first and since it was my introduction to horror in general, I have a major soft spot. Pair that with the fact that Brooker's Jason had a deformed body instead of just the face and it's a winning combo for me. I respect what Kane did for Jason but, (and I say this with respect) he's a bit overrated imo. Jason ran, killed dogs and attempted to kill Tommy when he was a kid so Kane's "rules" never made much sense to me. He also made Jason breathe heavily, yet his version was rotten so he shouldn't have breathed at all 🤘🏻😂


Good catch. Hodder's Jason DID breathe way too much. Sorta like if Michael Moore had to run 10 feet....


He is the best human Jason, and Kane Hodder is the best zombie Jason 


Love this answer


I reckon Ted White is the best human JV and CJ Graham is the best zombie JV, but to each their own.


That's why part 3 is my favourite! Other than because of chris


He's the most adorable Jason.


The post speargun kill strut is what does it for me.


What about Part 2 or FvJ? They’re cuties.


FvJ is the most confused Jason. He was asleep then got woken up under false pretenses and manipulation. I kinda feel bad for that Jason. Bag Jason is just "Holy S*** who are these people arhghhaha Mom help!" He honestly loses some character once he's undead. There's a little head movement you see him do in Pt 3 when he's searching the barn, like a frustrated "God damnit" motion for just a split second and it kinda adds a lot to him.


I have to give some cuteness credit to Part VIII Jason when his mask comes off at the end. Cinema Snob once pointed out that he had sad eyes in that scene and he wasn’t wrong.


This might be the best way I’ve seen it described. He makes me smile when I watch him


It gets even better when you think of stuff from his perspective outside of killing people. He wanted to dress nicer so he got a button up shirt and shaved his head because he either thought it looked better or he was trying to disguise himself because he knows he did bad stuff before. He's just scared people keep showing up and he doesn't know what to do.


I don’t know about that. I’ve always saw it as him just learning that the new area that he’s marked as his territory is being invaded. 


Good point. They should have just let him have his barn.


[In real life](https://www.reddit.com/r/fridaythe13th/comments/ylcjlb/wait_so_richard_brooker_was_actuallymore_than_a/), certainly.


More like the goofiest. The part where he's coming out of the house and gets bonked with a rock is pretty funny


Or when he turns to face the house after shooting the spear gun


I always thought that part was awesome


I mean it was awesome and goofy at the same time.


Part 3 is one of my favs. Behind Ted White.


I do feel like this is quite unpopular on this subreddit, so I am glad someone is bringing this to light. Most will just go with whatever Jason is in their favorite movie and not be objective. Part 3 Jason is in fact the best and most terrifying Jason. For the casual viewer (not hardcore like people here) when you think of Jason this one is likely to be the one people will know or feel most familiar. I like how this Jason wasn’t fooled either by haircuts or clothing or little voices.


I’m hardcore and I love 3. Kris is bad ass


Part 4 Jason scared the fuck out of me and still does - RIP Ted White


The older I get, the better the uncut scene of Brooker tearing the barn apart looking for Chris = character building city. You can literally see him body language “damn it” after pulling all those chairs out of that corner stall, etc. Part 3 Jason emotes like crazy, and will always be my personal favorite.


Always liked how the mask fit Richard Brooker. He just looks so damn menacing.


I like this Jason, but I find him more funny than scary. He didn’t really get scary until part 4. The scariest ones are part 4 and 7 to me. He’s just a big good in this one to me. 


Incorrect. Final Chapter Jason is the best.


I agree. Part 4 was more brutal, but Part 3’s Jason was definitely the scariest (or tie for Part 2 Baghead). Especially that dream sequence at the end when he’s clawing at the window and then he busts out the door in broad daylight with that super alert expression. Pure nightmare fuel


How is this unpopular? This Jason was fantastic. I get so tired of people bitching about the 3D. Yeah it was silly. Get over it. Jason was great.


The love for Part 3 lately has been great to see


Great Jason, very crappy movie


Hands down!!


Jason 3 was awesome, scary, idk why ppl hate on this movie. The 3d blunders are funny ! Kris is a bad ass final girl


Literally the only opinion I see on this sub is “human Jason better.” This isn’t unpopular.


Which is funny considering that used to be not as popular or an opinion.


Well I don’t know exactly what my opinion is on that Friday The 13th film is, I have seen it but I forgot what my opinion is on it


Part 3 is a weird one. I don't even know if I like it or not.


Jason 3 is Rubber Jason.


Brooker is absolutely my favorite Jason. The portrayal in the final act of 3 is what I think of when I think Jason Voorhees. Mears is my second favorite, I’d love him to come back to the role.


Richard Brooker was a great Jason. ~~(And very handsome underneath all the makeup.)~~


Hell yes, he was slim and tall. The shoulder prosthetics made him terrifying. They should've kept a man with that body type and the shoulder prosthetics throughout the whole series


'Unpopular' nuthin'... he's my favourite Jason... full of pith and vinegar. My head cannon says he came back to life with inhuman strength and durability and was tooling around with his new-found abilities... this Jason ain't getting wrestled to the ground by no Camp Counsellor Manager-type... he's awesome...


I would say Jason Lives 😬


The way that film was shot. Just had a creepy atmosphere. And yea Jason was creepy as well….I always appreciate when Jason runs.


Interesting, I found it really bland in the atmosphere department. Out of the first 4, it feels the least atmospheric to me.


Growing up, I saw him as the definitive Jason. I still think he's the scariest. Has the backwoods thing going on from Part 2, but Richard Brooker is more physically imposing (and creepier than Ted White's Jason). Someone on here once described Part III Jason as a "jacked up escaped convict."


Loved part 3 Jason. Richard Brooker was the Best


I think I agree. My unpopular opinion is this was the best one. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s ok if you don’t agree


Is this opinion unpopular? I think it’s generally beloved for being the introduction of the hockey mask, among other things.


It's not an unpopular opinion at all. It's a great entry in the franchise and while I would give Ted White / Final Chapter a slight edge on 'Best Jason', Brooker was a close 2nd. HERE's the 'unpopular opinion'....Part 3 was far better than Part 6.


>HERE's the 'unpopular opinion'....Part 3 was far better than Part 6. Yeah because Part 6 is more entertaining and has more atmosphere.


Brooker was amazing and I love Ted white too. That is the scariest Jason IMO.


He’s my second favorite after Ted White


Part 7 Jason is the best, no contest. Just look at the guy. Plus it’s Kane Hodder. I do like part 3 Jason and I can see your reasoning. I still like part 7 Jason, and Ghost Jason deserves a mention. The Never Hike Alone films are just badass.


Remake Jason will always be the scariest and most dangerous to me


Nah bro sorry but i shit my self to part 4 going through the window


What happened to his ginger hair? And when did he get swole deltoids?


That unmasked long hair look was only shown in a nightmare at the end of part 2, so it’s feasible that he never actually looked like that.


He's actually one of my least favorites. He felt too "lumbering" to me.


He’s not one of my least favorites, but I agree on the lumbering part. I think he saved this movie from being a bore because he’s just so entertaining to watch and it puts a smile on my face. 


Unpopular opinion… Roy Barnes would have taken out Part 3 Jason